Chapter 961: Chapter 146- Trinity – One Step Closer Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




After I left Gustav in the apartment with the others, I needed to take a break. I needed to think. There had been so much that had happened tonight. There had been a lot that we learned about these people, but there were still a lot of questions that were as of yet unanswered.

Why did these people think that we were monsters? Why did they want us dead? What have we ever done to them? And what the hell was the matter with all of them?

In truth, there was so much about these people that didn’t make sense. We needed to wait until after these interrogations were over and then talk to Clovio, Warrick, Gustav and Armina again. We needed to pick their brains for anything and everything that this family might think about us. What was it that was really going on here? What could we do to end this as peacefully as possible? How could we protect the world while not becoming the barbaric monsters that the Jaegans thought that we were. Damn this was fucking hard as hell.

Right now, I just need some coffee. I need to get something strong and caffeinated to wake me up. And I knew that Reece and the others needed some of it too.


“Trinity?” Vincent called out as he saw me walking through the hall near the apartment. I had guessed that he was on his way back to the dungeon, but I saw that I had been wrong, “Why are you over here?” He looked confused when he saw me.

“Oh, I brought another member of the Jaegan up here. He was verified by Gabriel, so I have allowed him to seek asylum here.” I explained it to him as I started to walk toward the dungeon again. “Where did you get off to? I thought you went back downstairs.” I decided to enquire about where he had been.

“I went to get a maid to take care of the Jaegans. You wanted them cared for, so I made sure of that.”

“Oh.” He was always so thorough when he did his job. “I need some coffee. And I am sure that the others do too. Would you like to help me get some?” I yawned as I asked him that.

“Yeah, I think we all need some. Maybe something with about a hundred shots of espresso each. Ha ha ha.” He laughed at his own joke.

“Ha ha ha. Sounds about right.” I laughed and yawned again. “I would settle for just four or five shots of espresso though. I need something that will be quick with waking me up.” I stifled the yawn this time, but I still couldn’t hide the fact that I was exhausted.

“Come on, let’s get some coffee for you and the others. We still have a lot of work to do.”

Together Vincent and I went to the kitchen to get some coffee. I was glad that there was some very sophisticated coffee technology in my home. Not only that, but there had been a lot of advancement in coffee makers since I became an adult. I often don’t think about the changes that I have seen in technology in my life, but seeing that I can make a full on coffee house drink at home in a matter of seconds, I think that this just proves science is magic and technology will leave us all in the dust very soon.

Vincent and I made very large coffees for the seven of us. We all needed to have something to give us a pick me up while we worked out what was happening all around us. I actually made two coffees for myself. This was for two reasons really. One was so that there were an even number of drinks to be carried back to the dungeons. And the next was because I was so tired that I needed to have two.

I opened a door to the dungeon with magic and made it a lot easier to get back down there. Not only that, but it made it so that the coffees were still hot. Which was a good thing because the others were waiting for us in the hall.

The moment that we stepped through the door, Reece and the others swarmed us for their caffeine.

“AHH! I needed this.” Reece exclaimed after taking a huge gulp of the coffee. “This is so good and just hits the spot.”

“We were wondering where you ran off to.” Trevor joked as he gulped his coffee. “Haahhh, that is hot but oh so good.”

“Thank you, Trinity.” Shawn sighed the words after a large drink of his coffee.

“You’re welcome. I needed some coffee too, so I deiced to get it before coming back here.” I could tell that they were all tired and ready for this night to be over. It wasn’t over though, not by a long shot. And aside from a nap, none of us were going to get any sleep any time soon.

“Where did you go?” Reece asked as he drained the last of his coffee. He downed it in four very large drinks.

“I took Gustav to the apartment with Armina and the others. He is another one that we can use to fight against these people.”

“That is good.” Gabriel nodded as he sipped his drink. “I am glad that I was able to help with him.”

“Did any of you learn anything?” I nursed the first coffee while Reece stole my second one. He and I were both in need of that wakey wakey worky juice, so I didn’t mind letting him borrow it. I was going to have some of it too, so he better not drink it as quickly as he did the other one.

“I know that the administration is in the mountains, but not where.” Reece’s words came immediately.

“I know that there is a small army with them, but not who or what the army is.” Dietrich added.

“I know that the nannies from Alaric’s journal are still with the family, so they are clearly not human.” Shawn’s eyes were narrowed as he tried to think about the possibilities.

“If they aren’t human, then that makes them supernatural beings like us, right?” Trevor looked confused. “Why would people like us send this family to try and kill all of us?”

“Could it be a ploy to kill Trinity?” Reece’s words made no sense to me.

“Huh?” I tilted my head as I just glared at him. “How do you get that at all? They have not tried to kill me once. Yes, I know that they mentioned that they were going to kill me, but no one has ever tried. Well, this family hasn’t. I have had a lot of people try to kill me over the years, but this just doesn’t seem like that.”

“Hear me out.” Reece set the cup down and started to talk with his hands. “These people want to rule the world. That is what the mission statements have said, right? And they have openly talked about killing you, the queen. What if they are someone that wants to take over? What if they are someone that wants your throne? They could be using this already fragile family to create an opening for them to slip in and become the new queen.” He was either too tired or just didn’t know how impossible that scenario was.

“Reece, these people have been with the Jaegan family for hundreds of years, long before I was born. If that was their goal, then what were they doing before that?” I was shaking my head as I thought about it. “No. I am guessing that this person isn’t a supernatural being. They are not one of us.” There was just no way in hell that these people would be one of us. How could they be? How could they possibly do what they were doing if they were a werewolf, a vampire, a feline, a bear shifter, a merfolk, a warlock, a fae? How could they try to perform genocide if they were in fact one of the people that they claimed to hate so much?

Then again, I seem to recall the history of a man that was completely racist and tried to eliminate what he said was an inferior race from the world. His ideal person fit a certain description that he himself did not. And not only that, but most of the people in his political party didn’t fit that standard either. So, I guess that there is plenty of evidence in history about how someone would want to kill an entire group of people, their own people, based on nothing more than a skewed view of the world and possibly one or more things that were not right with them in the mind.

Still, whether this was the case or not wasn’t the point. I didn’t care if this person was a part of my kingdom or not. I didn’t care if they were an alien that crash landed on this planet long ago and has been stuck here for centuries and are now so bored that they are trying to play ruler of the world. Whoever they are, they are going to find that it was the beginning of the end when they decided to attack my people. And by that I mean that it was the beginning of their end. Now they were going to have to answer to me and the others. Now they were going to find out what happened when you mess with the Goddess Queen Trinity Gray.



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