Chapter 984: Chapter 169- Trinity – The Battle Part 4 (VOLUME 4)




“ATTACK!” Olorud had yelled in a loud and passionate voice among the cheering of the Ancient Ones and the Jaegan that were gathered around them. They were ready to charge forward and try their luck against my army that was gathered here.

I didn’t care how many men and women that I had fighting for me at the moment. None of them were up here with me right now. And it was right then, when Olorud pointed at me, that at least a dozen people, monsters and humans alike, started to rush toward me.

I wasn’t worried for myself. No, I could handle what would happen to me, no matter what it was. What I was worried about was my daughter. Talia was here with me. And so was the man that I loved so dearly. I didn’t want anything to happen to them. I couldn’t live with myself if Reece or Talia got hurt in this fight.

I was bracing myself for a fight, poised to stop these things before they could even get past me. At least, that was what I had planned on, but that isn’t what actually happened.


I was left with six people to fend off, but the other six or more, all of them those monstrous Ancient beings that were the masterminds, or puppet master, whatever you wanted to call them, those things had leapt off of the invisible bridge the moment that I swung at the first one with my long and lethal claws. The humans remained to fight me, but the monsters moved past me toward my family.

“NO!” I screamed as I turned to look at them.

That had been a bad idea. The moment that I was looking away from the humans that were members of this attack party, one of them lashed out at me with a long and deathly sharp sword that was made of pure white bone.

“Ahh!” I grabbed my left arm in pain as I spun back around. My blood was flying all over the place as I glared at the man.

“It’s time for you to die, bitch.”

The person that was facing me was a tall man with pitch black eyes. He was pale and looked like he didn’t get out much. Though he was tall, almost as tall as Reece, he looked like he did nothing but workout in a gym all of the time. He was literally a bodybuilder. Did they think that a man this big was all that it took to intimidate me? Did they think that I wouldn’t be able to handle myself against this man? Yeah, well, they had another thing coming if that was what they truly thought. I wasn’t scared of this man just because he was bigger than me. I was the fucking Goddess Queen of all the shifters and magic users. I didn’t take on that title without being powerful enough for it.

As I glared at the man, he swiped out toward me with his sword again. He was trying to cut me as much as he possibly could.

“I will cut you into ribbons, you animal cunt!”

“You truly are a vile person.” I shook my head at him. And it was all because of the words that he was spouting. “Do you ever stop to think about the words that are about to come out of your mouth? I mean, seriously? What the hell is the matter with you?”

As I spoke to the man, I was shifting parts of my body. Just small, controlled shifts that changed my hands into lethal tiger paws, and my legs into that of the large predator. I was going to use the legs to make my jumps a little more powerful, and the claws were for, well, you know. I didn’t have a weapon on me at the moment because I was a weapon, hence the lethal claws that I had grown.

“I don’t need to think about my words. I am reciting the gospel truth that my family had spread for years.”

“Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but you were lied to. And now it’s time for me to show you what the true power of a shifter really is.”

“NOT SO FAST!” A woman skidded to a halt next to the man. I hadn’t noticed that she had gotten here before the other humans, but I guess she was larger and faster than them. “Take this!”

The woman held up a device and clicked it in front of me. It was the thing that Talia had told us about, the one that was meant to hypnotize us and make us do whatever they wanted. When it didn’t work, just like it hadn’t worked in the park last night, the woman clicked it again. And again. And again. It still wasn’t affecting me at all. And she was furious.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?” She screamed in frustration as she clicked it nonstop. It was flashing its light, but it wasn’t doing anything at all.

“Well, I am guarded against that, so you can’t take over my mind. You need to see what a real shifter can do. Though, I am a special case. I can turn into just about anything.” I was grinning when I lashed out this time. I swiped my claws first across that woman’s belly and then across the man’s face.

The woman was going to be dead in a matter of minutes. Her wounds were deep and fatal. The man was bleeding, but he could live. He just wouldn’t have much of a face anymore. I wasn’t done though. I was going to make sure that I killed these people as well as the others that were here.

I swiped at the man again. This time, instead of catching him across his face, I raked the lethally long claws down his chest until I reached his groin. I had leapt into the air as I did say, using my bodyweight to drive my claws in and gravity to pull me down. There was absolutely nothing that he could do. He was dead before he dropped to the bridge. Only the bridge was slick with blood now, and the way that he landed meant that he wasn’t going to stay on that bridge for long. It only took him a moment to slide to the side and fall to the ground. He was raining the battlefield beneath me in blood before he thumped to the ground below.

The fighting wasn’t done yet. Not even with just me and the Jaegan that were on the bridge with me. There were still four of them that were running toward me. They watched as I kicked the dead woman’s body off of the bridge, but it didn’t faze them at all. They just glared at me and continued to run at me with their various weapons. They were like brainless zombies that weren’t deterred by anything at all.

I thought for a moment then. Were they actually like zombies? Were they mindless now that the creatures with whom they now shared blood were here. Were the Ancient ones able to control them? Were they able to make it so that the Jaegan, at least the soldiers of the group, had no freewill at all? If that was the case then I hated those monsters even more. I knew that the family had threatened them with death as they tried to take away their freewill, but here comes a group of beings that they shouldn’t even be involved with, and they might possibly have taken away their actual ability to have free will.

The more that I thought about them, the more that I thought that the Ancient Ones were truly the devils and demons of the world. All of the old legends and stories, I am sure that they had more to do with them than the people that actually live in and run the underworld.

I didn’t have too much time to get lost in my thoughts though. I had these people that were attacking me, and they weren’t behaving reasonably at all. They didn’t care if they, or their family died. And that meant that they would do anything for the sake of victory. People like that were even more dangerous than normal people.

I was about to parry a blow from another of the men that were running toward me. I saw that he had a long and gleaming knife in his hand, but I wasn’t scared at all. And I was even less scared when someone leapt in front of me and knocked the knife out of his hand.

Just as a flaming sword cut through the man’s body, Reece turned to look at me with gleaming eyes.

“Did you think that you could have all the fun without me, Little Bunny?” He was grinning. I knew that it was just because he was happy that I was OK. His entire body was thrumming with power and battle lust. He was a warrior, more so than any of the others on this battlefield. And that meant that fighting in this battle and protecting what he loved was what brought him to life the most.

“I was waiting for you to join me.” I grinned back at him, though I was still watching carefully for more of the threat that was looming over us. “It took you long enough, didn’t it?” I joked with him playfully as we both prepared to defend ourselves against the remaining attackers. The battle had officially begun.



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