Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 190: My Prison Chronicles (5)

Chapter 190: My Prison Chronicles (5)

The blurred line between weekdays and weekends was the destiny borne by imperial civil servants. Yet, it was true that weekends did offer a bit more time compared to weekdays.

And so, I thought and hoped that I could avoid my foes who gruesomely murdered my sanity by enduring the weekend. If they hadn't come by the second day, then I just needed to somehow hold out through today, the third day.

"Hehe, we're here."

"You came."

But I failed.

'I should have known.'

When the 1st Manager arrived, the other managers were behind her.

Indeed, having expectations only led to disappointment. Since I had none, I wasn't mentally shocked.

The things we desperately wished for often ended in spectacular failures. Trying to think that it will all be over today? That would be exactly when things were bound to go wrong.

"Why did you all come when you're so busy?"

Instead of asking 'How did you come,' I found myself asking, 'Why did you come?' Really though, why? Resting on weekdays was hard enough; they should at least enjoy the weekends.

It would be cruel to mock a superior in prison, but still.

"How can we have fun when our boss might be crying alone?"

"Go back to that boss right now."

Who was that? I don’t know any boss like that.

The 1st Manager blabbered her typical nonsense, but I couldn't just dismiss it; thinking of the Mage Duchess and Marghetta made me feel a twinge of guilt.

In other peoples' minds, I was a prisoner locked in a cold jail... which was strange. Except for the occasional heartaches, I was living quite comfortably.

'Maybe I should have pretended to struggle a bit.'

However, Marghetta might have actually fainted if I did that. It’d be better to stick with the 'I’m doing well' facade.

"Executive Manager, is there anything troubling you?"

The Senior Manager asked quietly from behind the snickering 1st Manager.

I had been imprisoned for just three days, with my release coming in two more. Besides, the frequent visits provided me with ample food.

"I'm doing fine."

I glossed over the details, feeling a bit embarrassed. Seeing that, the Senior Manager didn't press further.

An awkward silence lingered, broken by the impressive lineup of visitors.

"Who's next after the Minister and the Executive Manager?"

My gaze inadvertently landed on the 1st Manager as the 2nd Manager looked around.

"Executive Manager?"

"No, it's nothing."

I averted my gaze quietly at her eyes that asked, 'Why are you looking at me now?'

I somewhat felt apologetic for instinctively thinking that it was her turn to be imprisoned after the Minister and me.

"Still, isn't it nice not to worry anymore?"

The 3rd Manager’s comment almost made me nod in agreement.

That was indeed true. I no longer had to fret over how many reports I had written.

"Want to come in?"

"No, thank you."

Despite my friendly invitation, the 3rd Manage flatly refused.

If I remember correctly, he had quite the fair stack of reports. Since he was the most active in the Prosecutors' Office, it was only inevitable that he had written a lot.

Of course, it was still less than mine. I didn't really want to outdo him in such matters, though. ƒгeewё

Just as I was exchanging a silent greeting with the reserved 5th Manager, who was silent unlike the noisy trio, the 1st Manager barged in again.

"Executive Manager, Executive Manager. Which visitor number are we?"



The 1st Manager blinked in surprise at the unexpected answer, as if questioning how there had already been four other visits.

Sadly, the Minister came twice in one day. Meanwhile, the Mage Duchess visited once, as well as those from the academy. Adding their visit now made that five in total.

Shocking, wasn't it? Even I was surprised. How could a person who was imprisoned for just five days already have five visits?


The thought was infuriating. Who would visit twice a day? I never even did that.

Even if I visited him daily during his imprisonment, I didn’t go multiple times a day. Wasn’t that some sort of unwritten rule?

Visiting twice a day was as atrocious as doing a daily quest twice. I truly think that.

“Uh... the Minister, the academy... and even the Mage Duchess... but isn’t there one left?"

The 1st Manager counted on her fingers, a puzzled look on her face as if she couldn't think of anyone else who would visit.

Was it because she was just the 1st Manager? She seemed to underestimate me a little too much. After all, my connections were far beyond her imagination.

"The Minister came twice."


"Then the Mage Duchess came, and then the academy."


I felt a twinge of sympathy at the 1st Manager's sigh.

'If she's this shocked...'

Even the 1st Manager, who was far from normal, was surprised by the lineup.

Just how many high-profile visits had I endured?


There was still plenty of time left for visitation, but I sent everyone away.

"Don’t bother the guards; go rest since it’s a weekend."

"Are the guards more important to you than your cute subordinate?"



I had to send them back early for the sake of the guards’ mental health. The guards were already worn out from high-profile visitors like the Minister, Duchess, and the ladies, but the Prosecutors' Office was on a whole different level.

Facing high-ranking officials was awkward and uncomfortable, but they could manage by following the protocol.

However, the people from the Prosecutors' Office were capable of punishing them on the spot. To have its managers loitering around their workplace was... If I were a guard, I’d probably have a heart attack.

'I should be considerate, too.'

Even if they were under the Crown Prince's orders, the guard assigned to me took great care of me. It was only right for me to reciprocate.

None of this would have happened if I hadn’t been imprisoned, but let’s not dwell on that. It wasn’t as if I chose to be here.

'At least it’s over now.'

With visits from the Minister, the Prosecutors' Office, and the academy, everyone who should have come had already come. Although the Mage Duchess's visit was unexpected, it wasn’t below the required count, but rather an extra achievement.

The only one left might be the Masked Unit.

"Ah, Penellia sends her regards. Apparently, the Masked Unit couldn't come because they were dispatched immediately."

So it seemed. No wonder I didn’t hear from her. Even if I requested a no-visitors ban on the first day, it wasn't like her to miss the second day.

'They must be very busy.'

To think they’d be dispatched again right after the Red Wave’s suppression. If I had known they would be this busy, I would have fed them more despite the 1st Manager's words of caution.

I should make sure to provide plenty next time. Their well-being was their wealth; they needed to eat well and live well.


I've developed a habit of praying to Enen twice a day starting four days ago: once when arriving at work and once when leaving. In the morning, I prayed for an incident-free day; in the evening, I gave thanks for the day passing without issues.

'It's finally over.'

With trembling hands, I marked an X on the calendar. At last, the fifth day had arrived. By noon today, the Executive Manager of the Prosecutors' Office would be released.

'At last.'

It was a painful time. These five days felt like five months.

On the first day, the Minister of Finance visited. I could handle that much. After all, it would be odd to be surprised by a visit from someone I had managed while they were in prison.

Although I never imagined that he would visit twice on the same day, I was still able to endure it.

'The Minister was the easiest to deal with.'

A bitter laugh escaped me at the absurd reality. I never would have guessed that the Minister of Finance would be the most straightforward visitor.

The next morning, one of the dukes visited. The Mage Duchess, who rarely stepped out of the Magic Tower, came. My heart sank when I saw that she brought food into the prison.

I was providing the best food I could for the Executive Manager of the Prosecutors' Office, but that was by my standards. If he complained to the Mage Duchess about the food or the guards, it would have been the end for me.

...Luckily, that didn't happen.

'Two nobles.'

After the Mage Duchess came the daughter of the Iron-blooded Duke. Because of that, I almost slapped the guard for making a bad joke when they showed me the list.

Honestly, nobles were more frightening than civil servants. A civil servant could retire, but nobles remained nobles until their death. There was a reason why one shouldn't even make eye contact with a noble lightly.

Fortunately, the noble who came was a young student and wasn’t someone who was entangled in the political or social circles. However, it was bitter to see the young student cry in front of the Executive Manager of the Prosecutors' Office.

'The last one...'

My thoughts froze. I had anticipated them since the Executive Manager was imprisoned, but the last people I wished would stay away had come.

Those managers... the Prosecutors' Office... were capable of severing my head in various ways...

Let's stop thinking about it.

'Anyway, it's over now.'

My mood, which had plummeted, soared again. This ordeal was finally ending. My days of diligently serving a prisoner of high status and worrying about displeasing them were soon going to be over.

This damned dirty life as a guard. I should quit right now.


I heard a guard's voice from behind just as I was about to pull out the resignation letter I had painstakingly prepared the night before.

A sigh escaped me at his urgent tone. What was it this time?

"What's the matter?"

Every time the guard came running, it led to unusual events. The Minister came, then the Duchess, the ladies, and then the Prosecutors' Office.

But today was his day of release. It was probably not related to the Executive Manager of the Prosecutors' Office. Yes, that much was enough.

I was now stronger than ever after these five days and was standing on the verge of submitting my resignation letter. I felt pretty confident that no news could ever surprise me.

"A messenger from the Invincible Duke has arrived!"


I was immediately startled.

'The Invincible Duke...?'

But... why? Why would the Invincible Duke...?

He didn't come in person this time, but what was this?

'Damn it.'

I felt like crying. I should have submitted my resignation /genesisforsaken

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