Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 197: Hide, Executive Manager (2)

Finding the host was an easy task; they usually get swept up in the crowd.

"Oh, Executive Manager."


The Invincible Duke acknowledged us first, prompting a bow and a polite greeting in response. Although he called me 'Executive Manager’ instead of my name because many people were watching, it wasn't really a problem.

Anyone influential enough to be here would know about my close relationship with the Invincible Duke. However, knowing something privately and acknowledging it publicly were two different matters.

We should avoid painting an image of the Executive Manager fraternizing with specific nobles, or of the military’s de facto leader favoring someone.

"Ah, the Executive Manager has arrived."

You should try to avoid that as well, you jerk. Seeing the Crown Prince tease his subordinates wasn't a good look, either.

Following the Invincible Duke’s gaze, the Crown Prince turned to me and approached with a slight, almost taunting smile.

What is he going to do?

I instinctively felt nervous. Were his usual restraints off? However, the Crown Princess was right by his side.

What was it? Even he wouldn’t dare to cause a scene in front of the Crown Princess, right?

"I greet Your Highness the Crown Prince."

It was impossible to ignore a superior who spoke first. As Marghetta and I bowed, the Crown Prince clapped me on the shoulder, continuing the conversation.

"Look up. It’s embarrassing to be the only one getting attention at a party for the Crown Princess."

"The star of the show is always the last to be noticed. Please don't worry.”

The Crown Princess smiled slightly at this.

That actually worked.

I wondered every time it did. Why did such words work here?

Was it the unique sensibility of this world’s people, or was life at the palace so boring that even small jokes brought them joy?

Of course, either reason was something I would never fully understand.

I do it because they like it.

When the higher-ups enjoyed something, those below would do their best to put on a show. That was just how social circles worked.

"The Executive Manager has a point. It's only natural for the supporting characters to attract people’s attention before the main act appears."

The Crown Prince laughed heartily while looking pleased, and the surrounding nobility joined in.

That’s power.

No matter how old or powerful you were, you had to laugh when the Crown Prince laughed. That was the destiny of a hierarchical society.

Naturally, I laughed along. After all, I was part of that hierarchy, too.

"The start of the evening is already delightful. I hope the Executive Manager enjoys the banquet as well."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

The Crown Prince turned away with a meaningful smile, and the Crown Princess also nodded in farewell.

Damn it.

I knew from experience that I shouldn’t take his laughter lightly.

That smile was the same one he often gave right before I ended up in a mess. He couldn't openly tease me, so now he was mocking me with his expressions.

He’s quick to catch on.

He probably knew about the Iron-blooded Duke’s plans for me.

Enjoying the party in this situation, are you?

I could already see the future. The Crown Prince would probably be watching from a distance as I got knocked down by the Iron-blooded Duke.

"The Crown Prince seems to have a fond spot for the Executive Manager."

The Invincible Duke approached with a hearty smile after the imperial couple.

"It is more than I deserve."

I wanted to argue how exactly he was 'fond' of me, but I held back. It wasn’t entirely incorrect if I thought of it as not cherishing a person but a favorite toy.

"As His Highness mentioned, you really did come at the right time. I hope you enjoy the banquet."

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

The Invincible Duke patted my shoulder as I bowed.

It was definitely the same touch as before, but why did it feel so different?

"Have a good time, Lady. It's fine to enjoy with your partner, but don’t forget the Iron-blooded Duke."

"Yes, sir. I appreciate the advice."

The Invincible Duke smiled meaningfully before moving on to greet other guests, and Marghetta responded with a slight smile.


Attending the banquet was a tedious affair. The reason was simple.

"It's been a while, Executive Manager."

"Ah, Chairman. How have you been?"

Just showing up meant that I would be stuck in a forced greeting relay with all sorts of people.

Just one or two people would be manageable, but a whole crowd tended to follow once I started greeting them. It was almost as if they had coordinated it.

Naturally, ignoring someone who greeted you first wasn't polite, and it was even more so if you knew them but couldn't remember their name. Trying to recall who someone was while also greeting them was a challenging task...

"It's my first time seeing the Executive Manager with a partner."

The stoic Imperial Council Chairman, Count Vardon, noted, causing Marghetta to bow her head slightly.

"I am Marghetta from the ducal house of Valenti."

"A pleasure to meet you. I’m finally meeting the treasure of Valenti."

Her face turned red at his remark.


I nearly laughed out loud, but I managed to suppress it. That embarrassing nickname was born from the Iron-blooded Duke's proud declarations.

When Marghetta was born, the Iron-blooded Duke, who was so thrilled to have a daughter late in his lifetime, went around boasting about her to his acquaintances: she's already talking, she recognizes her father, turns over by herself... and so on.

The sharp-eyed nobility wouldn’t miss the Iron-blooded Duke's adored and cherished daughter. At just one year old, Marghetta received various praises and titles within the social circles, and "Valenti's Treasure" was the one that stuck.

"Th-thank you..."

What would it feel like to carry a nickname from birth for eighteen years? Judging by Marghetta’s expression, it certainly wasn’t pleasant.

Her lips trembled slightly, and her speech stumbled. Although she always tried to maintain her dignity, it seemed that dark histories were something she struggled with.

"Forgive this old man's familiarity."

Seeing her response, the Chairman turned back to me.

His tone was stern, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, like someone who had seen something interesting.

"It was good to see you after so long. Let's meet again when there's a chance."

"Yes. I'll make sure to greet you first next time."

The Chairman nodded lightly and then disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared—almost like a ghost.

Still, referring to himself as an old man and disappearing like that with a slight smile seemed to be his way of showing consideration.

My gaze inadvertently shifted to Marghetta. Even the usually distant Chairman stepped aside after seeing us together.

Is this an elder thing?

Had my marriage prospects become a topic of gossip within the social circles? Were there bets being made on when I would get married?

I casually looked around and saw a noble who was about to approach me getting snagged by the Chairman instead.

...Well, I wasn’t sure about the social circles, but it seemed that I had become quite the topic among the imperial nobility.

"Mar, shall we take a break?"

I took her hand, trying to ignore the bizarre situation that was happening around us.

We hadn't been walking around long enough to need a rest, but suddenly having to face an embarrassing old nickname surely must’ve given her quite the mental shock.

"So soon? Hasn’t it been just an hour?"

"Wouldn’t it be sad if the treasure gets scratched?"

Marghetta looked at me as if I had gone too far.

I’m sorry. The word ‘treasure’ was just too striking to pass up...


The facade of calm I was maintaining crumbled as soon as we stepped out onto the terrace.

It was so embarrassing. I barely managed to suppress a scream.

I had just been confronted with a nickname I neither wanted to remember nor hear, especially not from someone much older than me. And worse, it happened in front of the person I cherished the most.

That’s too much.

Carl gave me an awkward smile and held my hand when I glanced at him bitterly.

Do you think this will make it better?

Of course, it did. That was why I wasn’t blowing up at him right now.

Objectively, it was just a nickname. But to me, that nickname was a cruel word that was older than my own memories.

If it were a more recent nickname, then I might only feel slightly embarrassed. But since it was one I had been hearing since childhood, it also brought back memories of my childish, immature days.


Since my resentment had nowhere else to go, it turned towards my father. I might not know who exactly coined the nickname, but it was clear that he was the reason it existed.

What a sad banquet this was. I was hit with a major emotional blow right from the start.

It’s okay.

Still, the event also had its rewards.

I managed to flaunt my relationship with Carl in front of none other than the Chairman of the Imperial Council.

Now, the news would spread starting from the Chairman to the other council members, and then from them to the other nobles.

Yes, that should do it. This fleeting embarrassment was a small price to pay for such results. Right…


As I reassured myself, I noticed a commotion near the main entrance.

Though I couldn't hear anything, I could see the guards at the entrance moving around busily, all while someone was standing there.

Who is it?

The party had already started. It was a banquet in honor of the Crown Princess, held at the mansion of the Invincible Duke—there weren’t many who would be late to such an occasion.


Carl murmured as he followed my gaze towards the main gate.

"A distinguished guest has arrived."

It seemed that Carl saw them even from this distance. Then, he put his hand on my shoulder.

Seeing that, I became even more curious. If Carl was reacting like this, then it must be someone of high status.

Is someone else coming?

No. The imperial family went without saying, and both the Gold Duke and the Wise Duchess stayed in their domains; they only showed their faces at the New Year’s Ball.

Even the Mage Duchess, who was also in the capital, was known for attending only one day of the New Year’s Ball. Maybe it was a Marquis, then?

"Let's go in. They’ll be here soon, so we should at least greet them."

"Ah, yes."

That was correct. As Carl said, we were going to see them anyway. There was no need to worry too much about it—



A voice called out from behind us as we turned to re-enter the banquet hall.

"To see my baby as soon as I arrive? How lucky of me."

The languid voice continued.

"Were you waiting for me?"

However, there was an unmistakable authority in her tone.

"Fufu, I'd be pleased if you were."

As I cautiously turned around, I saw a woman with white hair.

It was the woman I thought I'd have no reason to see here.


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