Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 212: 6 O'Clock Routine (4)

It was time to pray for the Crown Prince's long life again. This would be the 24th time this season.

Please let him live long, but not too healthy.

Clasping my hands together, I prayed sincerely. Please let him get sick often enough in his long life with minor illnesses. He wouldn’t be able to work properly if he was bedridden, so please do it moderately.

Something like back pain when he sat down or a stuffy nose every autumn would be enough. That was all I was asking for.

"...Your Highness, when should I head to the capital?"

— The sooner, the better. I'll send someone today, so come immediately.

Recalling our last conversation, I clasped my hands tighter.

You bastard.

My resolve not to set foot in the capital had crumbled miserably. I was about to be dragged there without even a moment to catch my breath.

— Of course, I have no intention of hindering the Executive Manager's work. I'll send for you after your tasks are complete, so don't worry.

His expression that looked as if he was granting a great favor almost made me go crazy. It reminded me of the shock that triggered the Proletarian Punch after Rutis’s incident.

I think I could survive two years without needing to resign if I could punch him just once. Maybe I should pretend to be drunk and try it.

"Damn it."

I bowed my head with a sigh of resignation. Now was the time for earnest prayer, not futile fantasies.

Please, let him live long but please give him small illnesses or annoyances. If back pains or colds were too much to ask for, then at least let him stub his toe on a desk corner.

It was unfair. I had donated a decent amount to Enen. Shouldn’t he at least answer one prayer?


It seemed that the gods didn't need the faith and donations of outsiders. They must be indifferent since they had already achieved victory.

Maybe I should find a god who cared about foreigners.


Anxiety gripped my chest when the time for club meeting arrived. After all, this meeting signaled my impending trip to the capital.

"Oppa, here."

"Thank you..."

The awkwardness of being in the same space with someone who had confessed also added to the tension.

Louise handed me a cookie with a bright smile. It felt awkward to accept it, but rejecting it would be even worse, so I took it with trembling hands. Even a small rejection could be seen as something else by Louise.

"I added a special ingredient this time!"

I glanced at Louise as I took a bite, and our eyes met. Her expression was as cheerful as ever, just like before the confession.


“Are you curious?”

I wasn't particularly curious, but the excitement in her eyes made me hesitate. She seemed really eager to reveal the ingredient.

When I nodded slightly at her obvious question, Louise leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"My love."

Dear God.

I instinctively almost looked away. The fact that I managed to keep a straight face was remarkable.

Calm down.

My hands trembled for a different reason now. She might start crying if I did anything wrong.

Louise stepped back a few steps, her face reddening although she remained smiling. She seemed embarrassed, too. If I reacted badly, it would shatter her.

It was a shame that it was her bold confession that put me in this position.

I guess that’s first love for you.

I felt a bit sorry for her. Louise had received a lot of love but never knew how to express it due to her childhood trauma.

So, her old-fashioned way of expressing love wasn't that surprising.

Or maybe not?

On second thought, this continent had a medieval European vibe. So, what seemed old-fashioned to me might be modern here.

Maybe Louise had studied the latest methods of courtship. She tried hard, but the results were odd...

"What a precious ingredient. Thank you for the food."

After some thought, I spoke quietly. As an adult, it was my duty to protect the innocent dreams of a cheerful student.

"I can make them anytime for you, oppa."

"Thank you."

My neutral reaction seemed to reassure Louise, making her smile even brighter. Her face remained flushed, but she acted as if nothing had happened.

This is even scarier.

I took another bite of the cookie.

Despite her confession and despite the fact that I hadn't responded, Louise remained cheerful. She didn't push me or hint at anything.

She just expressed her affection, almost as if releasing pent-up feelings. In a way, this was more lethal. It felt like taking consistent, low-level damage.

Should I just leave it like this for now?

To break this strange phenomenon, I needed to give Louise a clear answer, whether to accept or reject her.

But a hasty answer would be disrespectful to Louise. Her confession was sincere, so I needed to respond with sincerity as well.

I couldn't reject her simply because I was confused, nor could I accept just to avoid the awkwardness. I needed to find and express what I truly wanted.

...The problem was that I had been struggling to collect my thoughts and find that answer ever since the incident with the Mage Duchess.

"I'm not asking for an answer right now. It took me a long time to confess, so I'm not expecting a quick response from you, oppa."

Fortunately, Louise said that she would wait. However, just because she said that didn’t mean I could relax.

Wasn’t it enough that Marghetta alone was enough to drive someone crazy?

"Oh, oppa?"

I reached out and gently placed my hand on Louise's head, gently patting her head.

"Thank you."

"Y-You're welcome..."

Louise would have normally smiled casually, but she now blushed and melted in embarrassment.

Who am I kidding?

I needed to sort out my feelings as soon as possible. For my sake, and for Louise's.

But when should I take my hand away? It felt awkward to leave it there for too long now that it was already there.

"Did someone cast an ice spell in the club room?"

Just as the atmosphere started to become awkward, a grumbling voice came from beside me.

I turned and saw Erich aggressively biting into a pie.

"I'm freezing here. Don't go casting spells where others are around."

"It wasn't me."

Lather shook his head in response to Erich's comment.

Thanks to the playful banter of the members, Louise quickly stepped back and cleared her throat.

"It's getting a bit cold now that autumn is ending, right?"

Louise said, smiling awkwardly.

At least her face looked less embarrassed than before.

Nice save.

Erich's timely interruption helped break the awkward tension.

It was rather sad how a guy who was so perceptive about others couldn't seem to figure out his own love life.

But it’s not really my place to talk.

A wave of guilt washed over me. From an outsider's perspective, I was the jerk who stole his younger brother’s first love. It wasn't intentional, but that was how it turned out.

I shouldn't be the one thinking about punching the Crown Prince. If Erich decided to punch me for what I had done, then I should take it without any complaints.

Despite everything, Erich supported Louise and showed no resentment towards me. All I could do at this point was to say sorry.

I should have a talk with him.

I needed to have an honest conversation with Erich, either to apologize or to hear his hidden resentment.

That was the least I could do for a good, younger brother who supported his first love’s love.

"Winter is coming soon; it's going to get even colder, huh?"

"Y-Yeah, that's true."

...Or perhaps he was just teasing her instead of helping.


The words Senior said kept swirling in my mind.

— I liked the Executive Manager first~ I met him before anyone else~

I couldn’t get those words out of my head. It was as if they’d been engraved into my brain with great care.

At first, I tried to ignore it. No matter what Senior teased me with, it didn’t change the fact that I was the first to meet the Executive Manager. I met him before the lady and before the Mage Duchess. No one could beat me except Hecate.

However, that confidence crumbled in an instant.

I shouldn't have slept.

Cold sweat trickled down my jawline. My eyes felt hot, and I was afraid tears might spill if I wasn't careful.

You never knew when something might happen in the Prosecutors’ Office. So, taking naps whenever possible was routine.

The problem was that I slept right after hearing those horrible words from Senior.

"1st Manager. I'm the boss, and you're the subordinate."

"Marriage? With you? Me?"

"Don't kid yourself. I interact with you because you're my subordinate, not because I see you as a woman."

It was just for a moment. Maybe ten minutes at most?

But in that brief nap, the Executive Manager appeared in my dream. If it had just been a dream about the Executive Manager, then it would have been a pleasant nap, but I ended up hearing heart-wrenching words.

"No, that's not true!"

I woke up in a panic. Thankfully, no one else was around.

After that painful awakening, I tried to calm myself down. It was just a dream. Just a nonsense dream. The Executive Manager never said anything like that.

I struggled to steady my trembling hands. I hadn't shown my feelings to the Executive Manager yet, nor had I been rejected. Dreams were supposed to be the opposite of reality, right? This could actually be a good sign.

It'll be fine...

This was all Senior's fault for making things complicated with her weird remarks.

With that, I sighed and glanced to the side. The communication crystal was glowing.

Of all times...

I was in no state for a conversation, but I reached out anyway. Ignoring a work call would be a problem. Besides, it might be the Executive Manager.

— Eli.

Senior's face appeared when I activated it. It wasn't about work or the Executive Manager.

Should I hang up?

I frowned. I was really mad at Senior right now.

Yes, I should hang up. Senior went too far this time.

— Were you crying?

"I wasn't crying!"

I responded to her provocation just before hanging up.

— Good. That's all I needed to know.

Her nonchalant response made me grit my teeth.

I should really hang up. A senior who treated their junior like this deserved to be ignored.

— You're about to see the Executive Manager soon, so you can't be crying.

However, my hand stopped at Senior's words.

— His Highness the Crown Prince is having dinner with the Executive Manager tonight.


— Tonight.

I swallowed involuntarily. The Executive Manager was coming to the capital tonight?

— And before the Crown Prince invited the Executive Manager, I happened to invite a certain Marquis's daughter I'm close with. So, it wouldn't be strange for the four of us to have dinner together, right?

"Uh, huh...?"

My head went blank at the sudden change in plans.

— What are you doing? Get over here.

And with that, the call abruptly ended.


“S-senior Manager!"

I ran to the Senior Manager's office as soon as I snapped back to reality.

I needed to leave early, right now!


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