Chapter 2: 2

“A maintenance guy was acting strange earlier in the staff cafeteria where we used to eat at. I thought they were just having a simple altercation as they were shouting at each other. But as James, our pilot was trying to talk to the guy and got closer, he suddenly pounced on him but he managed to hold him down on his shirt.” She said.

“Then…” her hand tightened a bit on the bag she was holding. “The guy broke free and decided to suddenly bite James in his right arm, he stood up and ran outside the door where the guards chased after him. His arm bled a lot but me and the nurse there managed to give first-aid and we called the hospital after.”

“F.U.C.K! Please don’t let it be what I think it is.” I shouted in my head, the painful churn in my gut is still occurring. I swallowed a bit of my saliva and I feel sweat coming out of my forehead.

She continued, “As the nurse was checking his arm, I could see where the guy bit him. It just bled a lot and not like that in the news where it’s starting to discolor. Some time has passed but it shouldn’t be looking like that.”

As she finished speaking, the feeling in my gut is still there. I looked at her and I see her worried face. I checked at the gate and Oscar still hasn’t come up.

I looked at the door on the left where the security is at and there are still there, but the guy with the rifle seems to be speaking with someone on his radio. The dog being held by the other guy is pacing around, he seems to sense something, giving him discomfort as he lets out a few whines. I grabbed my phone and sent Oscar a text.

“What is taking you so long old man? I feel something bad is about to happen, you might be right.”

He replies, “I think Code Zulu Alpha is happening, and it’s much more different compared than what we’ve seen before on the files. I’m at a checkpoint at the gate below, a medic is checking our temperatures. I’m close but someone is being held up at the front. Can you pick me up?” as he texted that, I turned to Kaley and asked if there is a faster way we could go down to pick Oscar up.

“I could go through that door, but I think they wouldn’t allow you and I don’t know what Oscar looks like.” she said. I started to look around and saw something, I mouthed at her to follow my lead.

I walked near the guards toward another passage where the restrooms are and then I went straight to a yellow sign at the ground. I readied myself as I slid my foot towards the floor where the ‘caution wet floor’ sign was at. I slid it forwards and I kicked my foot up to make it look more like it’s real.



I tried to make it convincing as I flail my other hand holding the bags to hide my head as I fall to the floor. A thud was produced loud enough for the guards to hear and notice. Then Kaley sprinted to me as she ‘gets’ my plan.

“Are you okay sir? Can you…” she said a few sentences as she began opening the case and examine my head, though a small smirk is hidden in her face. One of the guards walked towards us and checked up on me. “You need to be careful sir; I think you haven’t noticed the sign here.” said the guard.

“I’m very sorry, I was walking towards the restroom but I got a text, I forgot to see where I was going…” I said while clutching a part of my head. I even let drool fall from my mouth.

“I need to take a closer look at you sir, I suggest we take you to the doctor’s office inside, just in case of a concussion.” she said convincingly.

“Nice job.” I said to myself.

I tried to hold back my laughter as best as I can when I was being escorted inside now. The guard even gave me a pass to show employees in case someone questions my presence there. I was laid down in one of the few beds and the guard motions himself to go back to his station.

The nurse started to check up on me and noticed that nothing seems to be wrong. “Sir, you really need to be careful next time.” she said as she eyes her phone. “I am being called down by the doctor, miss Kaley, kindly escort him back after a few minutes. I need to go down at the checkpoint. Excuse me.” She made a small bow as she walked toward the other exit.

After she left, I grabbed a doctor’s bag, filled it with different sorts of medical supplies available: antibiotics, ointments, bandages, pills, painkillers and a few bottles of alcohol. I picked up a white coat and a stethoscope and I wore both of these items and I noticed she’s looking at me with confusion, “What are you doing? I thought we we’re just going to pick your friend up? Is something wrong?”

I held her shoulders and I looked her in the eye, “There is something very wrong about to happen right now, I can’t get into the details yet, all I can say is I’ve only heard whispers and seen a few reports of this but I really hope I’m wrong. On the case I’m right, we need to prepare, hurry.” I motioned for us to move forward where the nurse walked at.

“Do you have family here now?” I asked as we walked towards a staircase where below, a group of people are being examined.

“W-wait a minute, I need to process this, you’re sounding scary right now!” she shouted as she keeps following behind me.

“Contact them immediately, Tell them to prep-” I said as she interrupted, “I have my younger sister at home but my parents are away right now! Please tell me what’s going on!” We’re at the front of the door and we stopped walking. She’s looking worried as I saw her brows furrowed.

*vibrate* *vibrate*

As soon as she said that, her phone rings. As she picked it up a sound of a female voice comes, “Kaley! OMG! Where are you?! Some homeless dude at the street attacked Mrs. Tan outside! Her neck was bitten and there was blood everywhere! The guy kept on chewing on her so I called the cops but when they came Mrs. Tan is already dead! OMG! Please come home quick!”

“W-w-wait, WHAT?! Breathe for a moment and tell me what happened!” she exclaimed.

As I heard everything they were saying, I stopped her for a moment and told her, “Tell her to lock the doors and don’t open it for anyone besides us. Have her pack clothes, food, water and medicine, tell her to wait for us and grab something for protection. The situation might be worse there. Do you still live at the same place we made that model rocket?”

“Y-yeah, the same place at the Bulacan area.” she said.

She nodded and as I finished talking, I notice that she is just staring at me with a pensive look. “Is this connected with the incident with James earlier? Is this what I think it is?” Her look of confusion and worry is now replaced with a serious look. Her eyes are a bit watery but I see a sharp stare.

“She picked it up fast.” I said to myself.

After a brief sigh, I nodded, “Yeah, I know it sounds crazy and you need to be with your sister immediately but we need to pick up Oscar first then we’ll head to your place, I promise.”

She just looks at me and said, “That’s fine thank you, I don’t have a car to go there immediately. I just picked up a cab going here.” After that short talk, she proceeds to tell her sister what I said and as we’re walking on the ground, I noticed Oscar among one of the groups and I texted him.

“I see you now, what’s holding you up? Look near the stairs at I-15, I’m wearing a white coat with a flight attendant.”

I saw his head start to scan around then it locks to my direction. Then I saw him tapping his phone. I felt a buzz in my phone followed with a text.

“Kid, is that a pack of cranberries? Let’s do Project Sweets.” the text reads.

I made a small salute and we headed to his group, I shouted “I’m looking for Col. Oscar Goodman, we need you to come with us.” As he stands up walking towards me, a few guards walked toward me and places a hand in front of me.

As I was about to talk, Kaley took a step forward and said, “He’s Dr. Ishiyama from St. Luke’s and I was told to accompany him by the head of security to pick up a man named Mr. Goodman.”

“Colonel, young lass. I’m flabbergasted that this no-ranks wouldn’t let me through, I think I’ll call their superior officer and have them removed from this post immediately!” Oscar interrupted.

I almost rolled my eyes from his over the top acting but Kaley said, “I’m sorry, Col. Goodman. You said that you need to have your shots now, is that right?”

Oscar gave the both of us a look of approval then he said, “That’s correct, I broke my bottle of Insulin and I need to get to a clinic or a hospital to get one because I’m starting to get dizzy.” he said as he raised one of his small bags and a medicinal smell wafted. After that, a clinking noise followed as he lightly shakes the bag.

The guards gave our group a look of hesitation and I opened one of the bags in my hand and said, “Grab a handful Col. Goodman, this could help for a bit with your sugar levels. If you hold us for long, I’m gonna call your supervising officer.” I looked at the two guards and after a moment, they were convinced to let us go.

We walked back the way we came from and when the door closed behind us, we all gave a sigh of relief. “That went better than expected, good thing those guards didn’t do anything.” I said.

“Hah! That’s what I like about this country compared to mine, people tasked with security here are very lax and some of them feels like they don’t even want to get in trouble. When I waved my rank around them, they stood there like wet puppies!” Oscar said while still munching the berries from his hand.

“And who’s this looker here? You’re girlfriend?” Oscar said as she leans to me with this suggestive look in his face and his eyebrows going up and down.

“Umm, ah- she’s ah-” I stammer as I can’t believe Oscar would bring it up with me in this situation. He clearly knows I’ve never been in a relationship with anyone and he keeps on setting me up with people.

I looked at her but I can’t see her face from this angle and I’m hoping she doesn’t feel uncomfortable with that. However, all I heard was a chuckle from him, “Well, I’d be surprised if Sky would have one, all these years I’ve known him, never saw him on a proper date. I’ve been setting him up with anybody with potential but he keeps turning them down, I was worried he’d go to a temple to be a Buddhist Monk!” he cackles after a while.

“I see, haven’t changed huh?” Kaley said, her back facing us, she keeps on walking forward.

“Well aren’t you the same, hmm?” I rebutted. She throws a slight jab on my arm as I said it. We all remained silent as we walked towards the exit.

“Did you bring Betty?” Oscar said.

“Betty? The SUV? Of course.” I said.

“Sweet! Alright, Alright, Alright…” Oscar said as he attempts to do an impression of a certain actor.

“That was so bad.” I said to myself.

I placed my hand on my forehead as I relayed to him my plan to go to Kaley’s house first. He agreed under the condition that I tell him the story about her. As I have no choice now, and it’s not the moment to negotiate, I just agreed and we moved on.

As we’re getting near the doctor’s office, on the corner of my eye I noticed a figure coming out of the maintenance room. The person rushes outside, holding his neck, his blue uniform starting to darken from the top, a few streaks of blood trickling down the floor. It was followed by a loud bang coming from the other door he came from. He rushes to the other exit from where the two guards were stationed.

“AHHHH!!!” a shout was heard from where the guy rushed past.


“F.U.C.K!” I shouted in my head.

A scream followed by a couple gunshots rang out. We tensed after that quick encounter but it was soon followed by another loud bang as the door from the maintenance room swings open. A figure, face bloody beyond recognition steps out, snarling, hands crooked, suddenly lunges at our group with speed. As he closes in, we heard a shout from behind:


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