Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 109: Now, what direction was it...?

Chapter 109: Now, what direction was it...?

" Finally! I managed to get away from senior sister Qing Yi!" Looking back at the pavilion with a slightly scared look in his eyes, Chu Yang quickly made his way down the mountain.

Earlier, he had once again been forced to train in botany, how to take care of certain herbs and how to grow them, but as his luck would have it, Qing Yi was called over by someone to the Alchemy Hall, thus leaving Chu Yang alone in the greenhouse to train by himself.

Normally he would just end up stuck in the greenhouse due to his sense of direction… not being the best… But this time around, Chu Yang had devised a plan and left some small rocks along as he walked over there as a path.

Following the rocks after Qing Yi had left, Chu Yang managed to make his way out of the pavilion and down the mountain peak towards the sect.

He honestly did not really had anything against the herb growing thing , but Qing Yi was a little too brutal in her training as his senior sister and even if he had earned quite a bit of spirit stones from the herbs that he gave to her after he had finished nurturing them, he did not really enjoy the fact that he used so much of his time on it.

The reason why he had run away this time was mostly because he had heard about a new weapon shop opening up in the Flying Sword City today and he wanted to spend some of the spirit stones that he had earned from botany on a new spear.

As long as he manged to make it back before Qing Yi returned, he should not get found out by her…

"Is she my parent or something…" Shaking his head a bit at the thought, Chu Yang felt like he had to stand up more to Qing Yi instead of just becoming so meek and docile, doing whatever she told him.

The reason for his meek and docile behaviour towards Qing Yi was mostly due to the fact that he still feared getting thrown out of the Flying Sword Sect and get found by his former sect.

"No! From now on I will not let her do whatever she wants, she is not Master anyway, so she has no power over me other than her status as my senior sister! I'm even stronger than her when it comes to cultivation!" Feeling encouraged by his own speech, Chu Yang felt reinvigorated as he finally made it to the bottom of the mountain peak.

"Now… Where is the entrance to the sect located…?"

"Are you sure we will be able to get in without being found?" A few days had already passed since their conversation together, by now, both Elder Skinling and the other elder had arrived at the entrance to the Flying Sword City.

Currently they were about to enter the city dressed just like any normal merchant or traveller.

"No need to worry so much, their security measures are not really that impressive in the Flying Sword City. Only when it comes to the sect itself is there any substantial defensive measures in place, I already contacted some of our people inside the city to make it easier for us to enter!" Elder Skinling answered the other elder, who had turned extremely worried upon seeing the gate leading into the city with people dressed in standard guard uniforms with a logo of the Flying Sword Sect on their chest stationed on both sides.

Listing to Elder Skinling, the other elder calmed down and both of them soon managed to make their way inside of the Flying Sword City without anything out of the ordinary happening.

The person who came forward to escort both of them the moment they entered also gave them some new information, stating that their target had just been seen leaving the Flying Sword Sect a few minutes ago.

"Is my luck finally turning for the better!?" Upon hearing the news, Elder Skinling felt himself being overcome with happiness. Originally, he had thought that he would have to wait for at least a few months before getting a chance.

After all, as a disciple of the Flying Sword Sect, Chu Yang would spend most of his time inside of the sect training and leaving the sect would only happen if he had taken up a mission by the sect or went into the Flying Sword City for some personal reasons.

"Where is he currently and how many people are together with him? How strong are they?" Grabbing the person who was leading both of them towards a hideout, elder Skinling's eyes shone brightly as he shook the person back and forth.

No matter what the reason was, Elder Skinling would not let such a great opportunity go!

"H-he is alone and is currently walking around in a circle around the central square of the city with no set destination." Answering the question with a scared look on his face, the person who was in charge of leading both of them was soon let go by Elder Skinling after he heard his answer.

"Hm… Walking in a circle around the central square with no direction…"

"Elder Skinling, I think that this might be a trap! No matter how you look at it, Chu Yang would not suddenly leave the sect the moment we come and then proceed to randomly walk in circles around the central square of the city! There is clearly something wrong with the situation!" As Elder Skinling started thinking, the other elder chimed in from the side and gave his analysis of the situation.

"Indeed, this might be a trap, but this might also be the only chance we will ever have at getting the Devil-Immortal Jade back! For now, let's observe him closely and look for an opportunity." Elder Skinling stood still thinking about what to do for a short moment before finally coming to a decision.

With that, both elders of the demonic sect parted ways with the person send to lead them to a hideout and instead sneaked towards the central square of the Flying Sword City.

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