Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 111: Demonic Cultivator Skinlings Great Escape!

Chapter 111: Demonic Cultivator Skinling's Great Escape!

" Let's go now! It looks like he is about to return to the sect again!" The elder standing beside Elder Skinling said with an anxious look on his face. Nobody knew how long they would have to wait for another chance to capture him, they might even get found out by the Flying Sword Sect before that happens!

"Fine, I will take care of the person protecting him from the shadows when he appears, and you will take that traitor and get as far away as possible! After this is over, we will meet up at the agreed location and return to the sect." Nodding his head in agreement, Elder Skinling knew that they would most likely not get a chance like this again any time soon and the Sect Master would not wait forever…

Without waiting any longer Elder Skinling signalled for the other elder to act the moment Chu Yang made his way back towards the main street leading to the Flying Sword Sect.

"…" Just as Xuan Hao had his divine sense cover the Flying Sword City, he sensed a rather familiar aura from two individuals.

The individuals in question had the same aura as the black robed man from the now demonic Black Rose Sect, although weaker.

Focusing on both of them, Xuan Hao saw that they were currently in the process of stalking his disciple, Chu Yang, as he was browsing through a weapon shop looking for something to buy.

To make sure nothing would happen to his disciple, Xuan Hao immediately moved over to the location and decided to watch from the side and see what the members of the Demonic Sect were planning to do, although he felt like he had an idea…

Most likely something to do with the Devil-Immortal Jade that his disciple had stolen from them before running away in the past…

"Oh… Looks like they are going to take action…" watching the show unfolding below, Xuan Hao smile slightly when he saw one of the demonic cultivators grab his disciple and run away, while the other intercepted an inner elder tasked with keeping his disciple safe when he left the sect.

Honestly, Xuan Hao was a bit surprised when he saw the strength of the inner elder, he was at the peak of the Core Formation Realm. Only one step away from reaching the Nascent Soul Realm!

Someone like that would normally not guard the disciples of a Core Elder like Xuan Hao but would instead dedicate all their time to cultivating and trying to reach the Nascent Soul Realm. Maybe he had grown bored and wanted to go out for a bit?

Not thinking too much about it, Xuan Hao instead focused on the strength of the demonic cultivator who was currently fighting with the inner elder.

He did not look like much and was so skinny that he almost looked malnourished, but his strength spoke for itself as the skinny demonic cultivator exploded with strength and easily supressed the inner elder from the Flying Sword Sect without much difficulty.


Knocking the inner elder tasked with protecting Chu Yang away, the skinny demonic cultivator was about to escape when someone appeared in front of him to block his escape path.

"Stop! Do you think you can come and go as you please inside of the Flying Sword Sects territory!?" The person blocking him was another inner elder at the peak of the Core Formation Realm that had arrived shortly after the first exchange between the inner elder protecting Chu Yang and the demonic cultivator.

"Hm… He should be done for…" Feeling the divine sense of both the Sect Master and the Vice Sect Master rush over and seeing over a dozen inner elders come out from a nearby teashop, Xuan Hao decided to leave the skinny demonic cultivator to them as he quickly followed the demonic cultivator who had taken off with his disciple.

No matter what, the Flying Sword City was extremely close to the Flying Sword Sect and there would almost always be a few dozen inner elders staying there relaxing in a nearby teashop or inn.

The demonic cultivators had really chosen the worst possible time to act, as only a few meters away from the newly opened weapon shop, there was a rather popular teashop, and the inner elders of the Flying Swords Sects elderly generation were currently hosting a casual meeting to reminisce about the old days.

"Where did all of these people suddenly pop up from!? Why are there so many Peak Core Formation experts so close by!?" Elder Skinling felt a sudden fear building up inside of him when he saw the Peak Core Formation Experts from the Flying Sword Sect surrounding him from all side, preventing him from running away.

Even worse, he clearly knew that the Nascent Soul Realm experts of the Flying Sword Sect would be making their way over and could appear at any moment.

"Looks like I don't have a choice…"


A loud explosion erupted from the skinny demonic as a bright red mist enveloped his entire body, instantly causing his aura to skyrocket from the peak of the Core Formation Realm into the Nascent Soul Realm.

With his newfound strength, Elder Skinling easily made his way through the encirclement of Flying Sword Sect elders and soon made it outside the Flying Sword Sect.


But just as he was about to relax, a terrifying sword light came from the distance and soon appeared directly behind Elder Skinling within a few seconds.

"BLOOD SACRIFICE!" Screaming on the top of his lungs, Elder Skinling's arms both exploded into a bloody mist that flew forward and blocked the sword light.


An almost mesmerising sound of a sword hitting a metal surface sounded as the sword light was stopped for a moment before finally cutting through the bloody mist and slashing down at the place that Elder Skinling had been just a moment ago.

Elder Skinling felt himself shiver a bit when he saw how easily the sword light had cut through his trump card. He had lost both his arms! Yet the bloody mist had barely lasted a second against the sword light!


Not thinking any longer about it, Elder Skinling used all his energy at trying to run away, his speed easily surpassed a stage one Nascent Soul expert in the moment of life and death, his speed had broken through to a new realm!

But even that was not enough, as the person chasing him was someone in the seventh stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

At this time, a new aura suddenly appeared in the opposite direction that the Elder Skinling had run to and was heading straight for the Flying Sword Sect.

This did not last for long as another aura erupted from the Flying Sword Sect, causing the approaching aura to stop for a moment before resuming its path towards the Flying Sword Sect, this was followed by another three different auras appearing and making their way towards the Flying Sword Sect.

"Hmph!" Feng Chen frowned slightly when he saw the situation and glanced at the escaping demonic cultivator before finally turning back and abandoning the chase. Instead, he quickly made his way back to the Sect, causing the four auras to quickly retreat and disappear once again.

"I hope Elder Xuan knows what he is doing…" Staring in the direction that the demonic cultivator disappeared in, Feng Chen muttered to himself.

If it were not for Xuan Hao stopping him earlier and telling him to let the demonic cultivator escape in a believable manner, he would not have missed his attack on the demonic cultivator and would have already killed him.

Now all he could do was wait for Xuan Hao to return and explain why he would allow a demonic cultivator to kidnap his disciple… At the very least, Xuan Hao should have planned something…

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