Chapter 32: Morning~

Having left Qing Yi with Zhi Ruo, Xuan Hao retreated back into his room.

Xuan Hao wanted to teach Qing Yi the Burning Heaven Cultivation Mantra immediately, but she was currently sleeping. There was not much to do before Qing Yi woke up again, Xuan Hao decided to just spend the rest of the day cultivating in his room. At least the system did not prevent him from cultivating and he could still progress even without it's help, though quite slow compared to the instant progress the system brought about.

Siting quietly inside his room cultivating, time passed and before long the sun slowly rose in the distance.

Looking at the side of his room, Xuan Hao went to a bookshelf where he had placed the Heaven Burning cultivation mantra before he went to get the Infernal Heart Grass for Qing Yi.

Today, Xuan Hao had decided to finally help Qing Yi in cultivation. Now that she had awakened her divine physique, this was even more needed than her training her father's sword technique.

Walking out of his room, Xuan Hao immediately went to Qing Yi's room and knocked gently at her door before waiting for an answer.

"Ah, is it Zhi Ruo…? Ah! Master! Wait a moment!" Opening the door with a sleepy expression, Qing Yi woke up the moment she saw the person standing in front of her door and quickly disappeared back into her room. Most likely to make herself more presentable.

"W-what are you here for master!?" Appearing once again, still confused at the sudden appearance of Xuan Hao in front of her door so early in the morning, Qing Yi asked nervously.

"You have managed to awaken your divine physique, so it's time for you to get a fitting cultivation mantra as well! I have already chosen one that will fit well with your divine body for you, if you are ready, come to the training court and meet me there."

"Y-yes master, I will be there right away!"

"No need to hurry, you can just go to the dining hall and get something to eat first. After that, come to the training court."

"Yes, master!" Listing to what Xuan Hao said, Qing Yi did feel a slight pang of hunger hit her as she reluctantly agreed.

The thought of being able to cultivate again excited her. Earlier, when she woke up. The first thing she tried to do was cultivate and the speed at which she felt her strength increased brought along an intoxicating feeling.

Other than that, she also felt that her cultivation had increased after awakening her divine physique. Right now, it was even higher than Qing Chenyi!

Suddenly going from an ordinary talent to having a heaven defying talent was an amazing feeling and Qing Yi felt extremely happy at the moment and she felt like she had ascended in one step.

"Ah, but I heard that master reached the Nascent Soul Realm at only 21 years of age… Now that I think about it. Not many people outside the Flying Sword Sect seems to know about master… Why is that…? Even I only learned about master after entering the Flying Sword Sect…" As she walked towards the dining hall, Qing Yi suddenly thought about her master and how nobody seemed to know about him outside of the Flying Sword Sect.

The only thing that was talked about outside of the Flying Sword Sect was that he was a core elder and a Nascent Soul Realm expert, but nothing more and nothing less.

Thinking further about it, Qing Yi felt it was suspicious. Even if the Flying Sword Sect tried to hide it, there would still be spies from other powers and with how widespread her masters age was in the Flying Sword Sect, finding out would not be that hard…

Maybe the other powers simply chose not to believe in it…? A 21-year-old Nascent Soul Realm cultivator was indeed unbelievable to most and if she had not entered the Flying Sword Sect, she would just have thought that her master was some 100+ year old man.

Regaining one's youth was easy at the Nascent Soul Realm and even if one looked like he was 20, he could easily be several hundreds of years old.

Indeed, having someone reach the Nascent Soul Realm at 21 years of age was indeed a great advertisement of how strong the sect was and how great their training was… It could also serve as something the younger generation could work towards…

"Qing Yi?"

"AH!" Putting her hands up in front of herself in a form of defensive pose, Qing Yi looked directly into the eyes of Zeng Shihan standing in front of her.

"Ah what? I have been calling out to you for the last five minutes with no response… By the way, where is Zhi Ruo?" Rolling her eyes, Zeng Shihan asked.

"Zhi Ruo? She was still sleeping when I left… And I was just thinking about something…"

"Sure~ let's get something to eat now, I'm starving!"

Chatting together a little longer, Zeng Shihan and Qing Yi went to eat breakfast before leaving to do their own thing.

Before leaving, Zeng Shihan told Qing Yi about a newcomer tournament coming up for the new disciple who just entered the sect. Apparently, the winner would be able to get an Earth Rank Artifact and a lot of spirit stones.

Even the second and third place got some decent artifacts, while the top ten would get spirit stones and some weaker artifacts.

Before awakening her divine physique, Qing Yi would not dare to participate in the newcomer tournament.

But now that she was at the seventh stage of the Qi Condensation Realm, she definitely stood a chance at the top ten! Qing Yi decided she would ask her master about participating in the newcomer tournament.

For now, she headed back towards the training court where her master was waiting for her, she would finally be able to learn a cultivation mantra from her master!

Compared to what the Qing family had, the one given to her by her master was bound to be better suited for her!

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