Half a month later.

Fang Xi sat cross-legged with his eyes unfocused and holding a jade slip in his hands. Before him was a simple arrangement of three stones representing the Three Powers Formation. The three rocks were stacked together, but within this configuration lay countless potential combinations.

Nearby, there was also a pile of calculation rods, along with the equations he had written out himself, various notes, and other important points…

“I got it!”

Suddenly, Fang Xi’s eyes gleamed as he began to calculate. After a moment, he slumped back down dejectedly. “This isn’t right… None of these are right…”

Ever since obtaining that legacy of the Dao of arrays, he had begun studying its contents relentlessly, forsaking sleep and food alike. When thirsty, he drank from the mountain springs; when hungry, he took a pill to stave off hunger. He madly tackled the first section of the introductory material.

The first section contained only the most basic ‘Three Powers Formation Marking,’ which required the reader to decipher the marking and form a small restriction around it—a relatively minor task.

At the same time, it served as a method for assessing a cultivator’s aptitude and comprehension of the Dao of arrays.

Later on, it was stated that true array geniuses could solve such puzzles at a glance. Solving them within a single day counted as exceptional aptitude, while solving them within three days was considered average. Finally, solving them within seven days would still count as acceptable, though somewhat lacking, provided one could manage to gain entry to the field.

But now… Fang Xi had been contemplating this formation for fifteen days already.

His complexion was pallid, like that of an old scholar who had spent his life studying classics, and his eyes were beginning to grow bloodshot.

“How is the character ‘array’ explained? Why won’t any of my attempts at writing it be correct?”

“Fucking… Fucking hell!”


He abruptly stood up and kicked aside Three Talents Broken Stone with one foot. “I’m truly fucking stupid… A person who can’t solve a simple math question from the public service exam wants to analyze the formations of another world… I really am stupid, honestly!”

“What shitty array? Fuck it—I’m not studying anymore, I’m gonna train!”

Three-Talents Broken Stone’s design may have appeared simple, but solving it required addressing problems from multiple dimensions, far beyond Fang Xi’s current mathematical abilities.

After this period of diligent research, he finally came to a realization: He most certainly did not possess genius-level aptitude when it came to the Dao of arrays!

And so, Fang Xi gave up, choosing instead to become a salted fish—oh wait, no, he started training!

He opened a small jade bottle and poured out a single Jade Bone Pill.

This pill was pure white all over, carrying a hint of sweet milkiness, yet tasted bitter upon consumption. The most important part was that after refining its medicinal strength, Fang Xi felt every bone in his body begin tingling and prickling.

It was as if countless ants were crawling along, gnawing on his bones…

Before long, these sensations transformed into burning heat…

Only after this continuous cycle repeated nine times did everything gradually come to a stop.

At that moment, some pale yellow filth also oozed from his pores.

“Bone refinement?” Fang Xi pondered aloud.

To advance from the second step to the third, one must refine their bones until they’re as strong as steel and iron—a painstaking process requiring daily stimulation with True Force. Even the slightest mistake could result in disability or paralysis, so haste was absolutely forbidden!

However, with the aid of spirit pills from the cultivation world, Fang Xi’s bone refinement proceeded at lightning speed!

After fully refining the medicinal power of the Jade Bone Pill, Fang Xi retrieved the Tiger Leopard Muscle Transformation Ointment and applied it generously to the large muscles of his thighs and arms.

As soon as he rubbed in the ointment, a wave of coolness flooded through him.

Seizing the opportunity, Fang Xi rose to his feet and began punching out a set of martial art forms.

Pow, pow!

Although each strike appeared casual, the air around him emitted terrifying ripping sounds. With every punch, Fang Xi felt his tendons and bones tearing apart before swiftly regenerating, becoming stronger…

An hour later, Fang Xi stopped moving and exhaled deeply. This long breath shot forth like an arrow, piercing several feet into the air before slowly dissipating.

“Before I finish consuming this medicinal pill, I will definitely break through to the third step!”

“And then, onto the fourth step, ‘Spirit and Strength Unites’?”

“Ah-ha! This is how it’s supposed to be done! Punching through flesh and bone, soaring on swords like immortals, living forever and ever—these are the romantic ideals of our kind… Who needs those stinking formation masters?”

Fang Xi was relatively satisfied with his innate talent (read: wealth) when it came to martial arts.

He closed his eyes, inspecting himself internally. After consuming the medicinal pills, one needed time to adapt, as well as purge the toxic waste they contained. Therefore, Fang Xi didn’t wish to consume another Jade Bone Pill immediately.

Even so, he was confident that within a month, he would cultivate steel bones and become a third-step martial arts master!

However, the final stage, “spirit and strength united,” required enlightenment, a spiritual awakening.

At present, Fang Xi remained thoroughly confused.

The Heavenly Wind Secret Manual also spoke vaguely about this stage, saying some martial artists gained enlightenment through endless battles against death, while others achieved it naturally by observing the rise and fall of flowers. Many more never understood spirit and strength unity even unto death!

“The Huang Family’s manuals truly are rather rough…” Fang Xi gazed toward Yuanhe Mountain and fell into deep thought. “Perhaps… I should borrow another manual for a look? It just so happens that I have many questions regarding Zongshi’s harmony with the heavens as well…”

Yuanhe Mountain.

This mountain was located to the north of Three Origins City, separated by only a few dozen kilometers’ distance.

Three Origins City lay at the confluence of great rivers, and its northern border was marked by steep mountains.

Once within these ranges, one would find five peaks that rose toward the sky like human hands.

The narrow path leading up to them was a mere thread of light.

This was Yuanhe Mountain’s entrance—the Blood Gate!

To enter Yuanhe Mountain, one must pass through the Blood Gate!

This gate took advantage of the terrain’s natural advantages, offering formidable defense against any who dared approach—guarding Yuanhe Mountain from countless enemies throughout history.

Even the rocks nearby had been dyed bloodred, supposedly stained by the enemies’ spilled blood.

Presently, Yuanhe Mountain held sway over Ding Province, having subdued all opposition. Yet the former caution remained, and Yuanhe Mountain disciples guarded the entrance to the Blood Gate around-the-clock; numerous hidden patrols were stationed along the narrow ledge.

In some special locations, even archery holes had been carved out!

With such defenses, even if Great Liang raised tens of thousands of troops to attack, they could hold their position for many days—indeed, this place was as impregnable as a fortress!

Late at night!

The cold wind blew fiercely, but the Yuanhe Mountain disciples guarding the Blood Gate remained steadfast and alert, their every movement imbued with discipline.

But none of this concerned Fang Xi…

A dark cloud slowly drifted across the sky.

“Are you dumb? I can fly!”

Fang Xi piloted his refined flying device—the Black Cloud Purse—to cross the perilous Blood Gate and enter the heart of Yuanhe Mountain.

“With my current strength, any martial artists who come here will be stepping onto their own deathbeds!”

“Only those with three steps of steel bones—those whose skeletal structure has been strengthened—will pose some difficulty… But they’re still as fragile as paper before the Golden Flood Dragon Sword…”

After all, he wasn’t a body cultivator from the southern wilderness. Those body cultivators had learned their lesson long ago: whenever they stepped into battle, they would don full sets of magical artifact-grade armor, transforming themselves into true man-shaped beasts!

Cultivators were a group that relied heavily on external aid.

Luckily, these martial artists didn’t have access to such magical artifacts.

“Beyond them, there’s only the legendary Zongshi.”

Fang Xi’s eyes were deep and profound.

“But it doesn’t matter… I can fly! Even if I’m not strong enough to beat him head-on, with my high-grade magical artifact, I can still outwit him by flying around!”

Yuanhe Mountain had five peaks, each with its own unique scenery and status within the sect.

The thumb-like ‘Xuepo Peak’ was where the Yuanhe Mountain Sect Leader and main assembly hall resided.

The index finger-like ‘Wan Gu Peak’ was home to the martial artists, honor guards, and elders of the sect.

As for the pinky- and ring-finger-like two peaks, they were reserved for ordinary disciples and servants.

Finally, there was the middle finger-like ‘Lei Jiefeng’!

This peak was the tallest on Yuanhe Mountain, but it was also a restricted area that no disciple could enter—this was where past generations of sect leaders and elders were buried.

However, there were rumors that the only zongshi, or grandmaster, of Yuanhe Mountain—the Martial Saint himself—lived secluded within Lei Jiefeng!

Fang Xi took advantage of the night to strut proudly onto the summit of Lei Jiefeng.

Because this place was off-limits, there were usually no disciples patrolling here. No one from top to bottom of Yuanhe Mountain would ever have thought an enemy could invade from above!

“The view isn’t bad!” Fang Xi stood with his hands clasped behind his back, then began strolling through this restricted area of Yuanhe Mountain at will.

Atop Lei Jiefeng lay a small lake.

Near the lake lay a stretch of pure-white tombs, each grave and gravestone adorned with snow-white soil… It was quite a peculiar sight.

“Perhaps these tomb owners brought their martial secret manuals, or their favorite treasures from life, such as gold coins and jade artifacts, to be buried with them…” Fang Xi muttered to himself, his mind drifting toward becoming a treasure hunter.

“Heh heh… Our sect’s founders were all poverty-stricken ghosts; there probably aren’t any valuables here.”

Suddenly, a voice emerged from the darkness.

Fang Xi’s expression remained unchanged, but he secretly held a golden bell protective talisman within his hand, ready to summon a black-iron shield from his bag of holding at any moment.

The golden bell protective talisman was a mid-grade defensive paper talisman he had found among his loot, boasting formidable defensive capabilities. At least, it would have no trouble blocking a strike from someone in Late Stage Qi Refinement.

With this trump card up his sleeve, Fang Xi’s demeanor became relaxed and carefree. “Old Grandmaster Yuanhe Mountain? May I inquire after you?”

“Haha, ‘inquire’ is too much… My name is Linghu Shan!”

A green-clothed old man appeared slowly under the moonlight, hands clasped behind his back.

The man’s head was large, his skin deathly pale, and his white hair hung limp on both sides, making him appear quite aged. Yet Fang Xi could sense that this person possessed an incredibly potent life force—like he wasn’t facing a common mortal, but rather some savage beast concealed beneath human skin.

By now, Linghu had reached Fang Xi. His muddied eyes swept over the young man before shaking his head. “This sect’s disciples are truly disappointing; their ancestors’ treasures have long been dug up by successive generations of sect leaders… Even I haven’t managed to acquire many, how very regrettable…”

Fang Xi was somewhat shocked—Great Liang still placed great importance on their ancestors and masters—but the individual before him was clearly someone who dared to dig up his own ancestral grave.

Linghu turned toward Fang Xi. “You’re…the one who caused such havoc in Three Origins City, Ghostweary, right? Perhaps you’ve set your sights on our zongshi’s techniques?”

Fang Xi’s expression remained unchanged. “How do you know that?”

“Heh heh… Although everyone says Ghostweary is volatile, upon careful examination of the intelligence…I discovered that you were actually after the Huang Family’s secret manual, and the patriarch of the Huang Clan was merely a fourth-step martial artist…”

Linghu dug his ear. “Therefore, I suspect that you will inevitably come to Yuanhe Mountain, as you seek all martial artists’ techniques, naturally including those of zongshi.”

“Exactly so,” Fang Xi laughed heartily. “So, will you give them to me or not?”

“Yes!” Linghu answered sincerely.

“If you won’t, then…hm?” This unexpected reply left Fang Xi momentarily stunned.

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