1759 Chapter 1565: Curse Lifted 4

Alex, on the other hand, stood tall, his form bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. The Nemesis' Domain, a power he had honed in his countless battles, had turned the tide. The dragon, once a terrifying adversary, was now reduced to a wounded beast, its reign of terror coming to an abrupt end.

With a feral grin, Alex declared, "Let's have fun then!"

The words barely left his lips before his body transformed into a blur of motion. His right fist, a compressed ball of crackling energy, shot forward with the speed of lightning. It connected with the dragon's jaw with a thunderous impact, sending the monstrous creature reeling.

The dragon, staggered but not defeated, retaliated with a furious swipe of its tail. But Alex, with a speed that defied the laws of physics, vanished from his spot, reappearing beneath the dragon's massive form. His left leg, imbued with the same explosive power, connected with the dragon's underbelly with a force that shook the very foundations of the Abyss.

The dragon was sent flying, its colossal body crashing into the ground with an earth-shattering impact. A crater formed around the fallen beast, a testament to the raw power unleashed in their clash. But Alex knew this was just the beginning. The dragon, despite its injuries, was far from defeated.

With a predatory glint in his eyes, Alex readied himself for the next onslaught. He had tasted the dragon's power, and it had only fueled his thirst for fun, he would release all his pent up frustration on the monster.

The dragon roared, its voice a guttural growl that echoed through the Abyss. Its vision blurred, its senses overwhelmed by the dizzying assault on its senses. It had relied on its magic for millennia, its physical prowess overshadowed by its supernatural abilities. Now, stripped of its arcane arsenal, it was reduced to a brute, a monstrous beast fighting for survival.

Alex, sensing the dragon's vulnerability, pressed his advantage. He moved with a predatory grace, his body a blur of motion. His fists, imbued with the power of chaos, rained down on the dragon, each strike a testament to his mastery of combat. The dragon tried to retaliate, but its attacks were slow, predictable. Alex dodged with ease, his movements a stark contrast to the dragon's lumbering attempts.

The battle turned into a one-sided affair, Alex toying with his opponent like a cat with a mouse. He kicked, punched, and slammed with a brutal efficiency, his every move a calculated assault on the dragon's weakened form. The dragon, its pride shattered, could only roar in defiance, its attacks growing weaker with each passing moment.

Alex, feeling a surge of satisfaction, decided to end it quickly. He focused his chaotic energy into his fists, a blinding light erupting from his palms. With a final, earth-shattering blow, he connected with the dragon's heart.

The dragon let out one last, agonized roar before collapsing to the ground, its once imposing form now a lifeless husk. The Abyss, deprived of its guardian, seemed to shudder in response. A heavy silence descended, broken only by the echoing echoes of the final battle.

With the finality of the dragon's demise sinking in, Alex took a deep breath. This was far from the end. The Abyss, a monstrous entity in its own right, was still there, a yawning maw of darkness waiting to be filled.

"Ah! Let's get to work, Eterna!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing in the silent void.

A surge of power coursed through him, activating the ancient tattoo on his right arm. The familiar glow enveloped him, and from the swirling energy, a child emerged. Eterna, his second Gift materialized before him.

"Finally out for some fun!" Eterna stretched, his small body disproportionate to the vastness of the Abyss. But in his eyes was a spark of mischief, a reflection of his master's own spirit.

"Let's begin," Alex replied, his voice filled with a grim determination.

Without further ado, Eterna opened his mouth, a seemingly impossible feat for such a small child. But as the seconds passed, his mouth stretched and widened, transforming into a gaping maw that swallowed the darkness.

At the same time, Alex underwent a transformation of his own. His body elongated, scales rippling across his skin as he morphed into a colossal dragon. A being of shadow and light, a fusion of human and beast, he was a force to be reckoned with.

With a mighty roar, Alex opened his jaws, a counterpoint to Eterna's insatiable appetite. The Abyss, under this dual assault, began to shrink. The darkness, the source of countless horrors, was being consumed, its power feeding into the two beings who dared to challenge it.

It was a battle of cosmic proportions, a struggle between creation and annihilation. Order and Chaos.

Alex and Eterna, an unlikely duo, were the last stand against the void. The fate of the world, and perhaps the entire universe, hung in the balance.

As Alex and Eterna delved deeper into the Abyss, consuming the heart of the curse, the world above began to transform. The sky, once a canvas of serene blue, was now a tumultuous expanse of gray. Lightning crackled and roared, a furious battle raging unseen. It was as if the world itself was purging itself of a malignant force.

A low, humming sound filled the air, a collective sigh of relief from the weary planet. People, accustomed to the oppressive weight of the curse, felt a shift in the atmosphere. Their hearts, long burdened by despair, began to stir with hope. The once scarce mana, the lifeblood of their world, flowed more freely, a tangible sign of the curse's weakening grip.

In the bustling cities, people gathered in the streets, their eyes fixed on the tumultuous sky. Whispers of change, of liberation, spread like wildfire. The once downtrodden spirits were ignited with a renewed sense of purpose. They had endured, suffered, but now, a glimmer of hope shone through the darkness.

The world was healing, one lightning strike at a time. The battle in the Abyss, unseen and unheard by most, was a symphony of destruction and creation. And as the darkness receded, a new dawn was beginning to break.

Maybe, just maybe they could win. Alex's women and the others naturally noticed the change and clenched their fists.

''Good, Good, very good my son-in-law did as he promised. Time for us to secretly increased our level.'' Julius, Artemia's father said before contacting the other leaders to start the preparations to tackle the False Gold Realm together.

Meanwhile, in the depth of man-made abyss, a black haired man with two curved horns on his forehead opened his eyes, there were bottomless like the abyss. This man shared a striking ressemblance with Alex's former nemesis and classmate Leonardo.

''Well, not bad boy you didn't disappointed me. Shall we start devouring?" Bahamut murmured, his voice carried so much power it made the world tremble, unknowingly devouring the abyss the curse was the last restraint needed to be lifted for Bahamut to be perfected.

Bahamut in the house.


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