Chapter 591. In Battle (1)

“You're starting something amusing, then,” said Vator while studying Lee Hyeon-Su before his eyes in great interest. '...Indeed, this man was also present back then, wasn't he?'

Vator recalled Lee Hyeon-Su's presence during his fight to the death with Kang Jin-Ho.

'Isn't that odd?'

Obviously, Vator didn't know much about Kang Jin-Ho. No, he should be more objective than that. Vator practically knew nothing about Kang Jin-Ho.

However, Vator was still sure about this one thing. And that was the tendency of people like Kang Jin-Ho. A man like him wouldn't usually allow someone of Lee Hyeon-Su's character to hang around near him. Even if such a thing was allowed, an underling like that would not be treated well or used like a disposable tool.

According to how things unfolded so far, though... It seemed Kang Jin-Ho trusted Lee Hyeon-Su. By a lot, too. Even though martial artists obsessing over their cultivation realms would usually deride the scheming types as cowards only good for petty tricks!

'Is it because my master's generosity knows no bounds? Or this man's capabilities are superior enough to overcome my master's contempt?'

Most likely, it must be both. In that case, Lee Hyeon-Su should be shockingly competent. Vator only had to look at the current situation to know that.

Not any random idiot could deliver a message of such importance. So, for Kang Jin-Ho to send this man to Vator, it could only mean that this schemer was trustworthy.

“I agree with you, Sir Vator,” Wiggins muttered, the corners of his lips curling up. “And... I have to say, I'm a little surprised. I believed the Martial Assembly was under Mister Jin-Ho's complete control. To think there was still some internal opposition left!”

Lee Hyeon-Su sheepishly replied, “Gentlemen, there is no such thing as a completely under-control organization in this world. It only looks that way on the surface. That's all.”

Wiggins smirked. “Mhm, that's a good answer. Good enough to make me feel rather stupid.”

He shouldn't have forgotten that even the Round Table boasting thousands of years of history still produced a rebel like him. So, expecting to completely unify the Martial Assembly, boasting only a scant few decades of history, was unrealistic. Impossible, even.

Without a doubt, these dissenting voices must've been suppressed by Kang Jin-Ho's fierce charisma until now.

Wiggins rubbed his chin. “Hmm... Something about this still feels strange, doesn't it?”

“I agree,” said Vator with a deliberately slow nod. “With such pathetic strength, these South Korean martial artists cannot hope to resist my master. Cutting open their gut to commit suicide would be a lot less painful way to die. Unless some unknown external forces are involved, this... mutiny does not make sense.”

After saying that, Vator locked his glare on Lee Hyeon-Su. His eyes were filled with clear hostility.

“Now, answer me.”

“...I'm sorry?”

“Did you already know about this situation?”

Lee Hyeon-Su couldn't say anything. His mouth automatically clamped shut on its own.

Vator growled menacingly. “You better answer me straight for your own sake. Whether you keep your head or not will depend on your reply.”

Cold sweat flooded down Lee Hyeon-Su's forehead.

'Bloody hell...!'

Talking to Vator was not an easy thing to do. It wasn't as if Vator was trying hard to be intimidating. Even then, the one on the receiving end felt like crapping their pants!

The best description Lee Hyeon-Su could think of for Vator was a massive Siberian tiger kitted out in a smart business suit.

This type of intimidation was markedly different from the thick, choking killing intent oozing out of Kang Jin-Ho. From the get-go, Vator had no desire to rein in his primal savagery!

'Isn't this kinda ironic?'

In the competition of who was more antiquated, Kang Jin-Ho would definitely come out on top. However, he still tried hard to assimilate into the modern era. Meanwhile, Vator the Supposedly-Modern Man chose to further develop his wild, untamed side. And the result of his choice was crushing down on Lee Hyeon-Su.

“Now, answer me,” said Vator.

Lee Hyeon-Su gulped back nervously, then cautiously spoke up. “Yes, I was aware of it.”

“You were? I see, I see. So you knew. Yet you still allowed this potential threat to my master to fester like this. Why? If you deliberately let this go on, your actions have harmed my master. If you had no idea, then you're incompetent. So, decide where you stand. I shall decide on your fate afterward.”

Strictly speaking, Vator had no right to decide on Lee Hyeon-Su's punishment. He wasn't Lee Hyeon-Su's direct superior in this organization, after all! However, no one present during this meeting tried to raise that point.

To martial artists, power was the superior position. Power afforded one with all the authority. Who would argue right and wrong with Vator even if he chose to punish Lee Hyeon-Su now?

“...Yes, I've left it alone, but for a purpose, Sir Vator,” said Lee Hyeon-Su.

“Keep talking.”

“The Martial Assembly is internally festering, yes. However, trying to remove all the rot without a firm plan will only cause the disease to spread to the rest of the body. I chose to wait until the festering wound had grown large enough, so we could completely gouge it out in one go.”

“What a nice sophistry. However, isn't it because you wanted to avoid additional inconvenience?”

“N-no, sir. I didn't...”

Vator narrowed his eyes and glared at Lee Hyeon-Su. “Listen well, you rat-like bastard.”


“Since you're here to explain the plan to us, it could only mean our master has accepted your recommendation. In that case, I will not fault you for this particular event. However, if something similar happens again in the future... I will rip your head off.”

Lee Hyeon-Su shuddered in dread.

Someone like Vator didn't need to threaten anyone. Besides, why should he? What's the point of threatening someone when he could just crush that person with his bare hands?

So, this was not a threat. It was a declaration. A warning.

Vator glared at Lee Hyeon-Su before finishing what he wanted to say. “My master dislikes clarifying himself down to small details. However, you'd do well not to interpret that as my master approving all of your actions. And... If you try to abuse my master's generosity, I shall make you pay dearly.”

Lee Hyeon-Su hurriedly nodded while sweating profusely.

That was when Wiggins decided to act as a mediator. “Sir Vator. Please don't be too harsh on the young man.”

“Tsk…” Vator tutted and shook his head in displeasure. However, he still stopped grilling Lee Hyeon-Su as a sign of accepting Wiggins' mediation.

Acknowledging the strong; that was Vator's way of doing things, his belief.

Wiggins continued to defend Lee Hyeon-Su. “This young man is doing his best in his own way, Sir Vator.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that. It's just that I'm not happy with his methods. My master is benevolent. Rather dismayingly so, too. Humans usually respond in one of two ways when dealing with a benevolent person. Either they want to repay the kindness or keep pushing their luck while thinking of exploiting the person's generosity.” Vator muttered in an icy-sounding voice. “How wonderful it would be if we had an abundance of the former. However, humans mostly fall in the latter category. And this punk knows my master will not fault him even if he goes ahead with his schemes without discussing it first. And he exploited that knowledge this time.”

Wiggins chuckled. “However, that decreased Mister Jin-Ho's workload, now didn't it?”

“Indeed. And that is why I'm letting this brat live,” Vator growled and bared his fangs at Lee Hyeon-Su. “Engrave this to your heart. There will not be a next time.”

Lee Hyeon-Su subtly bit his lip and bowed deeply. “I will remember, sir.”


Lee Hyeon-Su learned one important thing during this discussion. Vator's hulking physique was hiding a shockingly sharp-witted brain.

Many different types of people could be found on this planet, but... No one would see Vator for the first time and think 'smart man'. However, as it turned out, Vator was smarter than Lee Hyeon-Su had bargained for.

'Even though it should've been obvious when I think about it...'

It didn't matter what the discipline was, an athlete competing in it still needed a brain to reach the top. Sure, they could still potentially reach a certain realm through sheer physical excellence alone, but becoming the very best was not going to happen that way.

To reach Vator's level, one would definitely need a high degree of understanding in martial arts.

Wiggins leaned back against his couch. “Sir Vator, I deeply respect your insight. Even so, I still believe being too forceful and intimidating to your subordinates is unproductive. Nervous people usually can't exhibit all of their abilities, you see?”

“Mm... Yes, you have a good point. I will make a mental note of it.” Vator nodded to show that he earnestly accepted Wiggins' advice. Which indicated that he acknowledged Wiggins' superiority in managing an organization.

Lee Hyeon-Su curiously studied both men. The intimidating Vator and the laidback former knight Wiggins being in the same room working for the same boss was already an odd thing to behold. But seeing them acknowledging and respecting each other was even more bizarre.

Two people, who should be like oil and water, were working so well together. Indeed, quite bizarre.

'Is it because of Mister Jin-Ho?'

Lee Hyeon-Su had a hunch that this friendly spectacle would never have occurred if these two titans of the martial world had encountered each other under different circumstances. It seemed Kang Jin-Ho's existence had sufficiently mellowed them out to the point of being more cooperative than before.

“So, what is it that we need to do?” Vator glanced at Lee Hyeon-Su and asked.

“Before I explain, allow me to say something else first.”

“Very well.”

Lee Hyeon-Su sat up straight before bowing deeply. “You two gentlemen didn't join our Martial Assembly to carry out such actions. But the circumstances force me to ask you for this favor. Please accept my sincerest apologies.”

“You stinking rat-like bastard!” Vator roared while shooting up to his feet.

His demeanor was so threatening that even Wiggins flinched before standing up to stop the big man.

Unsurprisingly, Lee Hyeon-Su's complexion was drained of all colors.

'W-what is the bloody problem this time?!'

Vator's expression crumpled hideously. “You insolent fool! Who do you think you are, brazenly offering your apology like this!”

“I'm sorry?”

“The one giving us the order is not you but my master! Do you honestly think I'd entertain your request without my master's prior command? Yet you don't know your place and dare to apologize?!”

Lee Hyeon-Su's head faltered deeply. How could this be? He must be the only unlucky bastard in the entire universe who got chewed out for apologizing!

'Gimme a freaking break! Seriously!'

That was when Lee Hyeon-Su suddenly gained an understanding on how considerate Kang Jin-Ho had been toward him. And how lucky it was to have such an understanding boss, too!

'What the hell...? I guess Kim Seok-Il wasn't the weird one, then?'

Indeed, the weird boss was Kang Jin-Ho! If Lee Hyeon-Su had gone under Vator's wings instead, he would've become a bloodied lump of meat a loooong time ago!

Vator roared again. “Remember this!”

“Y-yes, sir.”

“All the authority you enjoy right now has come from my master! You must never forget that you're just an ass in a lion's skin! As such, you must ensure that your speeches and actions do not erode my master's dignity in public!”

“...Yes, sir. I'll engrave it to my heart,” Lee Hyeon-Su quietly replied as more cold sweat flooded down his spine.

“And do not forget your place! You are nothing more than a mere messenger delivering my master's command! Which messenger would dare to apologize on behalf of the one dispatching them?! You do not have the qualifications to decide on such matters!”

What a way to crush and humiliate someone with words! Unfortunately, Lee Hyeon-Su couldn't protest against someone like Vator.

After all, Vator resembled a terrifying Heavenly King guarding the entrance to an ancient Buddhist temple. There must be less than a handful of people in the entire world who could say what was on their mind to Vator in this state!

In other words, Lee Hyeon-Su had no choice but to accept this humiliation. After the storm passed over, he cautiously raised his head and addressed the duo. “I'd like to inform you of what should be done, sirs. What you need to do is...”

Vator and Wiggins listened closely, then nodded in unison.

“So... That's your plan?”

Lee Hyeon-Su nodded at Vator's question. “Yes, Sir Vator.”

“Since my master permitted this plan, I must consider it as his command. In that case, inform my master that we shall perfectly carry out our duties.”

“Yes, sir,” Lee Hyeon-Su cautiously replied, then confirmed Wiggins nodding back at him with a gentle smile on his face. Lee Hyeon-Su got up, then bowed deeply. “Then, please excuse me.”

“Hmph,” Vator grunted.

After Lee Hyeon-Su left the office, Wiggins turned to look at Vator. “Weren't you being too harsh on him?”

“No... I am not.” Vator furrowed his brow ever so slightly. “That brat takes my master's kindness for granted. His behavior is of sheer insolence.”

As he spoke, Vator's expression was still distorted slightly in anger.

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