Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1228: Determination

Chapter 1228: Determination

Demon Realm’s Dark Moon Estate.

Zola slowly opened her eyes, gradully regaining her vision.

“Yini?” The fairy dragon blinked her beautiful eyes vigorously, took the glasses from Isabella, and sat up from the bed, “How long have I been asleep?”

“More than 10 days.” Isabella poured a glass of water and handed it to Zola.

“Is he okay?” Zola still remembered desperately fighting Quilliana before losing consciousness.

“The bones in his right hand are all broken, and his left foot is also fractured…” Isabella looked at Zola’s tense look and smiled slightly, “But you know, that guy is an unbeatable cockroach. Now, most of his injuries have recovered. Besides, he will come to see you every day.”

“Oh.” Zola replied casually, feeling a sweet buzz in her heart. In fact, she was relieved to hear that Chen Rui was fine.

“That guy has been in the limelight recently, and a documentary was broadcast on the television…” Isabella was talking to Zola about what happened recently, then the door of the room opened. A small head poked out; it was Duoduo.

“Aunt Zola is awake!” The little girl jumped over joyfully and got into the arms of the fairy dragon.

Zola hugged Duoduo, looked at the child’s father who walked in behind, and smiled.

“Aunt Zola, why have you slept for so long?” Duoduo swayed around Zola’s neck, “Duoduo is so worried about you.”

“My Darling Duoduo is so caring.” Zola kissed the little girl affectionately.

“Aunt Zola last time you promised to do that experiment with me…”

Isabella said, “Duoduo, Aunt Zola’s body hasn’t fully recovered yet. Let’s leave the experiment next time. Aunt Yini will take you to weave a wreath first. Didn’t you say you want to make a hat for Little Doudou?”


Isabella led Duoduo out. When passing someone, she didn’t forget to twist his waist. Chen Rui knew that Yini gave him a chance to be alone with Zola, so he could only show the expression ‘I like being abused by Madam Aunt very much’ as a token of thanks.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

2 voices and 2 sentences sounded at the same time. They were exactly the same. They looked at each other and smiled with a tacit understanding.

“Your hand hasn’t fully healed yet?”

Chen Rui stroked the fairy dragon’s purple hair and said with a smile, “It’s almost healed, but I can’t really fight at the moment. Do you remember… when we fought Quilliana?”

“I don’t remember exactly.” Zola shook her head, “Quilliana is too powerful. How did you defeat her?”

“I didn’t defeat her. She ran away because of some problems of her own.” Chen Rui recounted the situation at that time, “However, we can’t rely on this accidental appearance. Quilliana will definitely recover and suppress that kind of injury as soon as possible. The next time we meet, I’m afraid there will be no such luck. You know, what we have encountered is only a Hatred Lord, and the Fear Lord and Despair Lord have not yet appeared. Even if their strength is inferior to Quilliana, they must be far stronger than us, so we must enhance our own strength as soon as possible.”

Zola sighed, “My current strength has hit a bottleneck. Even with the training ground of time law, it is quite difficult to improve. If Python is still here, maybe she will have a way…”

It was not the first time Chen Rui heard someone mention Python. He was silent for a moment, and he changed the subject, “Actually, what I want to ask is, when I activated ‘[All Star Gods View]’ at the end, how did you integrate into my power? At that time, you seemed to disappear, but I felt that my strength had nearly doubled.”

“Double?” Zola’s eyes lit up, then she showed a thoughtful expression, “I only had one thought at that moment. That was to sneak attack Quilliana to distract her, but when you were desperately integrating with ‘[All Star Gods View]’, I suddenly had a special feeling, like a summoning or a resonance caused by some kind of soul traction. Therefore, instead of using stronger element kingdom power, I activated the kingdom power of ‘Rainbow Constellation’. As a result, the resonance felt stronger, so I just… Actually, I don’t know what the consequences of doing that will be. I just want to do that involuntarily, like some kind of… instinct?”

“Instinct?” Chen Rui fell into deep thought. Because of the link and the Star Conferring Platform, when the linkers fight together, they could strengthen each other’s strength. However, in Zola’s case, she directly integrated into the ultimate move of [All Star Gods View]. Plus, it was the first time.

Zola had already expressed the guess in Chen Rui’s mind, “If Yini, Athena, Kia and the others… that is, all the people who are ‘conferred God’ in that ‘world’ are integrated, then the power of your move will…”

Chen Rui nodded, “There should be this possibility, but the danger is also certain. Let alone you have been in a coma for more than 10 days, if I lose the battle, everyone will be buried with me.”

“This may be the only hope. No matter what, we have to try. Later, I’ll tell Athena and the others that we can try to practice together during normal training.”

Chen Rui frowned and said, “Don’t worry. Let me think about it again.”

“I know what you’re worried about. Didn’t we have a vow to live and die together?” Zola took a deep look at Chen Rui, “Yini, Athena, Kia, Catherine, and everyone is the same. Even those guys like Paglio and Roman regard you as a partner to whom they entrusted their lives. No one will be back off due to fear, and no one will let you fight alone. If one day, you are really gone. I will also not exist in this world …”

Chen Rui didn’t wait for Zola to finish speaking, and he held her hand tightly.

“Let’s fight together.” The fairy dragon’s gaze was extremely firm, “This time, everyone too.”

Sensing Zola’s determination, Chen Rui took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

Blue Glory Empire’s Capital Fansidian.

Royal palace.

“The Thorn Fortress has been breached?” Blue Glory Empress Landbis took a deep breath after listening to the report of the highest commander Altos, “The speed of these Abyss monsters is much faster than imagined.”

The ‘Abyss’, a frightening term, was newly announced in the magic game, including the names and information of monsters such as berserk demon, gap demon, and blazing flame witch.

“It’s more about power than speed.” Altos sighed, “All the soldiers of the Thorn Fortress survived, including 42 Holy Sanctuary powerhouses and 3 kingdomized super powerhouses. In the beginning, the war was still in a stalemate. The Holy Sanctuary and the kingdomized powerhouses were able to withstand the attack of the Abyss. However, 2 of the Abyss lords appeared in the Abyss army and killed the 3 Kingdom level powerhouses. Then, the Abyss was unstoppable. The entire Thorn Fortress was all razed to the ground. This time the battle… lasted only 2 hours.”

“2 hours?” Landbis smiled bitterly. “Originally, the fall of the previous cities was still attributed to the internal strife of the Black Death Followers. There is no excuse for the fiasco of the Thorn Fortress this time. I thought our preparations are sufficient, but I don’t know that it is still vulnerable…”

“According to intel, after destroying the Thorn Fortress, the Abyss monsters just took a short rest and started moving in the direction of the capital. They will reach the eastern suburb in 6 hours at the latest.”

“6 hours at the latest? How soon will our reinforcements arrive?”

Altos sighed, “General Sandro has led the coalition army’s former army day and night. However, due to the limited number of teleportation portals, it is impossible to go through this kind of exhaustion. According to normal inferences, it may take 2 days to arrive. The Holy Light Mountain also sent a Divinity Temple Knight Legion, but since the church didn’t set up a teleportation portal in Fansidian, they could only be sent in batches from Jaqda. They can’t assemble until the transmission is complete. I’m afraid they won’t be in time…”

“It seems that it is not a good idea to prohibit the church of the capital from setting up the White Cliff teleportation portal.” Landbis smiled awkwardly. In fact, for many years, the capital of the 2 Holy Empires had not allowed the church to set up a teleportation portal. This was the 2 empires’ gesture and strategy to weaken the control of the Holy Church. They didn’t expect it to be self-defeating now.

Altos nodded, “The current situation is very urgent. Although all the defense forces have been activated and all the troops are in place, all I can do is try to delay the evacuation of Your Majesty as much as possible.”

“Evacuate?” Landbis shook her head slowly, “I can’t go.”

Altos said in a deep voice, “These days, countless noble families and people have evacuated the capital, fled to Jaqda or westward from Jaqda by ship. Even Speaker Magnum and House of Representatives have withdrawn. Your Majesty, I know you have the courage and faith to protect this empire, but staying here is a sacrifice in vain. Please leave the capital as soon as possible. I will stay and lead all the soldiers to live and die with the capital!”

“I won’t leave.” Landbis stood up from the throne, and her gaze was extremely determined, “If the entire empire is destroyed, what is the meaning of my existence as a ruler? From the moment I put on the crown, I already have the awareness of living and dying with the empire.”

“You’re wrong, Your Majesty.” Altos looked directly at Landbis, “You’re the hope of the Blue Glory Empire and the spiritual pillar of all subjects! I believe that as long as Your Majesty is still alive, the Blue Glory Empire will never be destroyed!”

Landbis glanced at Altos lightly, “‘Believe’? This word doesn’t apply to you and me, right? As a loyal old courtier of the former ruler, didn’t you always suspect that I sent someone to assassinate Klongter the Great, and you are still investigating secretly?”

Klongter was the former Blue Glory ruler, the father of Landbis. Because of being assassinated, he fell into a coma and finally died, so Landbis successfully took over the throne.

“The investigation has long been suspended…” Altos sighed, “I’m indeed ‘old’, and because I’m old, I have a different understanding of many things than when I was young. Since Your Majesty took the throne, although there are many exclusion means of centralizing power, but you are even more diligent and careful in governing the empire. Under the command of Your Majesty, the Blue Glory Empire has shown a heyday that was unprecedented in 300 years. I believe that as long as Your Majesty is given enough time, the Blue Glory Empire will definitely surpass the Dragon Bright Empire and become the human’s top empire. As for other things, it is not important before this. Your Majesty has always been clear-headed and should understand the current critical situation. Although most of the Blue Glory Empire has already been destroyed, Your Majesty is still alive, and the elites of the empires led by Sandro are still there. The friendship between Your Majesty and the elf tribe Princess Royal Philly is also still there, and the people’s trust and support for Your Majesty is still there. Hence, the Blue Glory Empire did not perish, and will not perish.”

“Thank you, Altos.” Landbis stared deeply at Altos as if meeting this gray old man for the first time. Her eyes tried to control the tears welling up, “It is my honor to have you standing by my side .”

Altos bowed deeply, “It’s my honor too, Your Majesty.”

At this moment, a guard hurried to the entrance of the main hall, “Your Majesty! Urgent report!”

Landbis was startled, “The Abyss army has appeared? So soon?”

“No, it’s our reinforcements! General Sandro arrived the western suburbs of the capital with 300,000 troops of the coalition army!”

Landbis was overjoyed by this unexpected good news. She exchanged glances with Altos and ordered, “Open the west gate immediately. Let the reinforcements enter the city as soon as possible!”

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