Chapter 162 - System vs. System (XII)

At that time, a group of tomb robbers in Tokyu Mountain accidentally touched the seal, resulting in the emergence of a thousand-year-old mountain ghost.

Black Jiao wanted to capture the mountain demon and plunder its elixir, while White Shark wanted to save his fellow disciples. So one of them, dressed as a scholar, and the other as a swordsman, pretended to be passing Tokyu Mountain and were caught, but they were thrown into the same pit and spent three days and nights together.

Here, Yan Jinhua recalls his own unpleasant experience of chasing Wen.

When the two are in prison, the black jiao, who goes by the name of Ming Night, often plays tricks on the decent and gentle Duan Shujue, and the author spends a lot of time describing the scholar named “Ming Night” as a good-looking, gorgeous man, and the readers at the bottom of the page are all in high spirits, cursing the old cliché of a woman dressed as a man, while chasing after Wen with fascination and waiting for the author to strip off the “Ming Night” girl. The author is waiting with great anticipation for the author to take off the vest of the “bright night” girl and make him the first person in the male harem.

A few chapters later, the author managed to dismount “Bright Night” and personally proved that it was a real man with two dingbats, at least one more than the readers here.

When the update came out, the comments section went half crazy.

The author was forced to change the Wen in response to the threat of abandonment by readers.

The readers could not erase the memory of the man as a male from their minds even if they purified him, so the author had to cut the Tokyu Mountain plotline because people said they did not want to continue the plot and see the protagonist turn into a faggot.

The author weakly states in the comments section that Mountain Ghost is actually a good story, don’t people want to read it.

Except for a few people who thought it didn’t matter, most people said, “I don’t want to see it, get out. I paid to watch Duan Shujue, but don’t give me water Wen.

So, the Tokyu Mountain line is cut in the middle, and is sketched out. The first fight between the black jiao and the white shark, who did not take the young and “pedantic” Taoist clan seriously, resulted in the defeat of the black jiao and the rescue of the immortal clan by the white shark, who has since become a world-renowned figure.

But readers still find it off-putting.

Yan Jinhua asked in the comments section: Author, what about the mountain ghost’s thousand year old elixir, don’t want it? If not, you can take the mountain ghost into your harem, too.

The author replies: This is not what Duan Shujue should want.

Yan Jinhua was almost fainted by the white lotus flower scent that was wafting over the top, and he was so angry that he wrote several bad reviews, saying that the protagonist was such a loser that he should just go away and become a monk, or chop up his two useless ornaments and become a eunuch in the palace.

Since then, the author has not responded in the comments section.

However, the cutting of the Tokyu Mountain line led directly to the disruption of the rest of Sailor Sennin’s line, but that’s an afterthought, so I’ll leave it there for now.

The other side.

During a break in Chi Xiaochi’s fencing practice, 061 took Chi Xiaochi through the story.

It seems that Yan Jinhua had a lot of resentment towards this episode, so in his last life, he not only wielded the sword in the stone and bravely broke through Tokyu Mountain to save all his imprisoned fellow disciples, but also followed his righteousness by killing the mountain ghosts and bringing back the corpse, which he refined for forty-nine days to create a red heart stone.

At that time, Duan Shujue was absorbed by the sword in the stone, but he did not notice it. He was concentrating on practising his sword in the fishing pond, oblivious to the outside world, and did not even know that he had such a destiny.

Chi Xiaochi commented on Yan Jinhua, “What a great man who has achieved great things without being too fussy.”

061 shook his head, “In a way, kind of a strong man.” After all, it’s not just anyone who can pull off stealing someone’s life without a burden.

061 Again, he said, “If he had focused on the righteous path, with his position as second senior brother, even if he didn’t rub off on Duan Shujue, he would have gained his qi, right?”

”Come on. You don’t want to put a high hat on him.” Chi Xiaochi says, “A guy like that, you expect him to learn? A rectum leads to the brain and learns as much as he can.”

061 for Chi Xiaochi This mouth loses its smile and hides its volume as it asks, “What are you going to do now?”

Chi Xiaochi said, “Sword practice.”

Doing what he wants to do for Duan Shujue is one of the main guidelines for his service project.

Duan Shujue’s interests are not much more than practising swordplay and making friends.

…… may now have an additional snake feeder.

For a protagonist, it’s perhaps too tedious to be true.

But this is a life that Duan Shujue has loved, so it is his responsibility to help him build a good foundation.

Chi Xiaochi picks up the sword in the stone.

Under the clear blue sky, the young man dances with his sword in the water, surrounded by mist, a little bit and a little bit, light and free, just like an ink painting made by a master artist.

”…… is wrong.”

But soon there was a pointing sound from a short distance beside him.

Wen Yujing is reclining with incense burning, holding a book in one hand, and his hair band scattered on a wooden chair along with his green hair, in the style of a worldly immortal.

He stared at the page and said, “There should be a change of air between the eighth and ninth stances of the square.”

Chi Xiaochi withdrew his sword, held it behind his back and bowed slightly in salute: “Master. The sword manual handed down by my ancestor is very detailed, but it does not mention that there should be a change of qi here.”

Wen Yujing flipped through a page and said, “Then the sword manual is wrong. If you don’t believe me, just compare it a few times.”

061 Having been to the world of immortal cultivation before, he found that the so-called immortal cultivation was nothing but cultivating the body and nurturing the “qi”, the qi nurturing the god, and the god nurturing the body, the three being one and in balance.

To put it bluntly, the Golden Elixir, the Firstborn, the Transformation of God, and the Ascension are all forms of Qi refinement that have reached a certain level of expression.

For ordinary people, the so-called “qi” is infinite and requires decades or even centuries of cultivation before it can be acquired.

For a system that is good at calculation, once it has mastered the operation and arrangement of Qi, it is a collection of zeros and ones.

To put it bluntly, science can move the cause of immortality cultivation forward significantly.

Just now, he only used a scientific algorithm to calculate the most suitable method for Chi Xiaochi’s training.

Chi Xiaochi looked at him for a moment without making a sound.

He thinks of a summer vacation long ago when he asked Lou Ying downstairs with a big maths problem.

Lou Ying was halfway through a Physics paper when Chi Xiaochi came to her door.

He gave some brief instructions on how to do the calculation and Chi Xiaochi worked it out and came up with an answer.

However, the standard answer given after the summer homework was the opposite of the one he had worked out.

He said, “Huh, wrong.”

Lou Ying didn’t look at the answer, pulled his draft paper and looked at it for a few seconds, then pushed it back: “Your answer is fine. The book is wrong.”

Chi Xiaochi : “…… huh?”

Lou Ying has always been humble and polite to everyone, except when it comes to his area of expertise, where he has a unique and gentle sense of force: “It’s either a misprint or a miscalculation. Anyway, it’s not your fault.”

Chi Xiaochi flipped through and sure enough, this whole page of answers was misprinted.

He looked at Lou Ying with a light in his eyes: ” Brother Lou, you’re amazing.”

Lou Ying smiled, gladly accepting the compliment, proofreading the calculations on the draft paper under his pen, filling in the answers on the paper, turning off the timer with 40 seconds or so left, and turning to Chi Xiaochi: “Playing a game?”

Chi Xiaochi turned his back, and all he could see was Wen Yujing’s face as he read.

He did his best to erase that image from his mind of the man, took off his shoes and leapt to the surface of the water.

The shark is good at harnessing water, walking on water without wetting their socks. The Shark Sword Technique can only be practised next to the beautiful water of a spiritual spring to get twice the result with half the effort.

He pulled his sword in a beautiful flourish and placed it flat in his palm, precisely in the starting stance of the eighth stance.

And Wen Yujing on the shore, scroll in hand, rises and takes a few slow steps to set up Chi Xiaochi’s shoes, which he has taken off at the edge of the lake, as his back is turned.

Since joining Wen Yujing, Chi Xiaochi’s daily routine has consisted of sword training and raising cats.

Over time, he has come to understand Wen Yujing’s habits.

Much like the modern Ragdoll cat, he is graceful, easy-going and gentle, never letting Chi Xiaochi out of his sight, fond of watching from the shadows, lazy and sleepy, loving his bamboo lounger so much that he can’t bear to carry it with his sword.

When he returns to his cat body, he is extra clingy and loves to be held, especially when his back is rubbed and his belly is exposed when he is comfortable.

Chi Xiaochi suspected for a moment that he had gone to the Sword Club just to find a nice tickle to scratch.

He ended up with Duan Shujue, who not only found himself a sweet pooper scooper, but also got to suck the fish in the process, killing two birds with one stone.

Chi Xiaochi said before he first started jerking off his cat, “Master, this is too much of a trespass.”

Wen Yujing leans over him, his tail sweeping comfortably around, not at all afraid of being offended.

Chi Xiaochi has been instructed by his teacher to jerk off his cat.

It’s a soft little blob that feels great in your hand, and with an after-sales guarantee, you don’t have to worry about being bitten at all.

But as a fish, Chi Xiaochi can’t fully enjoy jerking off to cats, and always feels like he’ll get sucked back if he’s not careful.

This master of his was also clearly pleased with his new pupil and had to drag him to bed with him every day before he could sleep.

Chi Xiaochi decided that this was not a normal and healthy relationship between master and disciple, so one day, after putting his master to sleep, he went back to the lake, transformed into a fish tail and lay on the rocks, trying to be a quiet mermaid.

As a result, he woke up in the middle of the night to find his master lying soundly asleep on his fish tail, with a broad piece of fish scale cradled in his four paws, which he claimed as bedding.

Chi Xiaochi is instantly drowsy.

Chi Xiaochi, who can’t sleep, chats with 061 about whether Wen Yujing sees him as a protégé, a cuddler, or a reserve.

061 Say, “He just really likes you.”

Chi Xiaochi said, “I know. I also love hairy crabs, especially the fatty yellow kind with lots of meat.”

061 Tolerant: “I think it’s either one.”

Chi Xiaochi : “What do you mean by ‘either one’?”

061 Say, “It means taking you for all you’re worth.”

Chi Xiaochi : “……”

He braced his hands on the rocks and looked at the kitten that slept peacefully hidden under his scales and thought of the dog meat he always joked about braising.

061 said, “It’s still a bit before dawn, get some more sleep.”

Chi Xiaochi : “Can’t sleep.”

061 Say, “So, watch a movie?”

Chi Xiaochi : “Look.”

So, 061 chose a huge jade screen on the other side of the lake to project the film and put it in the open air under the moonlight. The film was a foreign documentary about the sea, and there were no subtitles, so 061 translated every word that was read on the screen.

061 Turn off the film and say a soft good night.

The kitten in his arms opened his eyes and looked tenderly at his beloved for a few moments before going back to sleep.

A gentle breeze blows across the lake, brushing the green-tinted sycamore leaves.

Apart from the occasional annoyance, the master and disciple get along quite well.

It was only in March that Chi Yunzi came to the door to tell us more about the Tokyu Mountain story.

He had to guard Jing Xufeng, so he needed a good disciple to go and check out the situation.

Chi Xiaochi for Duan Shujue obliged and went through the Sailor Fairy King again in private.

The story of the mountain ghosts is not told in detail in Sailor Fairy King for very earthly reasons, so neither Yan Jinhua nor Chi Xiaochi can open up the God’s perspective.

The only information they knew was that the mountain ghost was female and had lived for at least a thousand years, other than that, the character and biography of the ghost was

During the serial, many readers have speculated whether Duan Shujue wanted to collect stamps and adopt her as a harem when he left her alive in the first place.

Later on, the author makes a cameo appearance in the update for the Mountain Ghost to give Duan Shujue her newly brewed wine, deliberately writing that she is plain looking, barely clean except for a pair of lake-like eyes that raise the overall score a bit.

Now, readers think the author is deliberately slapping them in the face and are up in arms again in the comments section.

Shortly afterwards, the author eclipsed his wife and left Wen behind, with no more Wen to come.

Chi Xiaochi is curious to know what this mountain ghost, which exists in the author’s imagination, really looks like.

But Yan Jinhua is more expected than Chi Xiaochi.

Of course, he couldn’t have fallen into Tokyu Mountain on a mission with his brothers, as the book suggests. The second group of Jing Xufeng were also in Tokyu Mountain.

Plans had changed and it was time to change his strategy.

The mountain ghost is indeed a piece of fat meat, and he, Duan Shujue, is a gentleman, a saint, who cannot bear to kill it, but he can always go up and rub it in.

Even if he was not strong enough to kill the mountain ghost, as a thousand-year-old demon creature, she always had some treasures around her, right?

Chi Yunzi was surprised to hear such a request from his ever-lazy second apprentice: “What is the use of your going?”

Yan Jinhua was a good man, and did not say anything about saving his fellow disciples or the greatness of the world, and said, “Master, after all, I have spent some time with Master Duan.

Chi Yunzi took a moment to think it over and agreed, only to be told not to be aggressive and to listen to Wen Yujing in all matters.

Hearing the name, Yan Jinhua almost vomited blood: “…… Wen …… Little Uncle is going too?”

Chi Yunzi said, “He favours his new apprentice and is afraid that something will happen to him, so he said he would go along.”

The fact that Wen Yujing took Duan Shujue and his pearls led to Yan Jinhua’s dislike of the man.

In private, the system told Yan Jinhua, “Host, Duan Shujue is now his apprentice and the nail in the coffin, but the treasure pearl must be returned.”

Yan Jinhua didn’t need to be reminded of this.

Even if Wen Yujing hid the pearl, he would still try to get it back, so he could lie about having witnessed it and not be afraid to deny it.

But even Yan Jinhua, whose cheek is invulnerable to swords and spears, could not have imagined that Wen Yujing would have set the pearl of the fixed sea in the hilt of Duan Shujue’s sword in stone after it had been plated with silver.

Yan Jinhua : …… Holy shit.

The feeling of returning something to its rightful owner can be quite bad and disgusting for Yan Jinhua, as if all his efforts to jump up and down were useless and everything he had taken from Duan Shujue in silence would be returned to Duan Shujue in another form.

He calmed himself down and smiled as he gave away his long-stored precious pills.

The medicinal pills were all made in his own space, satiated with spiritual energy, and he kept some of them for himself, while the rest was intended as an excuse to see Duan Shujue again, not to actually give them away.

True to his gentlemanly persona, Duan Shujue took the initiative to decline, “How can I trouble Brother Yan?”

Yan Jinhua smiled, but his eyes flicked to the sword in stone at his waist, “Why are you so polite to Brother Yan? It’s not a rare thing, since it’s for you, just take it.”

Before Duan Shujue could refuse a second time, Wen Yujing took the pills and examined them carefully, saying in a gentle and calm tone, “He is right, it is not a treasure, but at least it is a token of appreciation, so please accept it.

Yan Jinhua : “……”

With his master’s approval, Duan Shujue thanked him and put the pills in a pouch on his belt.

Yan Jinhua could see clearly that when he unlocked the mouth of the pouch, it was full of golden pills, with aura flowing from them, one more powerful than his six.

He even heard his system draw a cold breath backwards.

…… Yan Jinhua experienced the horror of when Wang Kai was struck in the face by Shi Chong hanging from a coral tree more than three feet high.

061 means that it is just normal operation.

He did not know how to make pills, but he had seen the best pills at Chi Yunzi’s, and after analysis, he could prove that it was not difficult to make pills, which were generally a combination of some metallic elements and inorganic medicines such as oxides, sulphides and chlorides. A simple equiprobable summation formula is used to calculate the sigma as the volume of qi, which is refined and concentrated, and then injected into the elixir.

The essence of the so-called scientific cultivation of immortality lies in this: learn all the mathematics, science and chemistry, and you will not be afraid to walk around the world.

The three men in disguise, ready to hit the road.

Duan Shujue is a young swordsman and Wen Yujing is Duan Shujue’s sword bearer. They are both very distinguished and they look like a young gentleman who has sneaked out of a royal family and dreams of doing justice.

In contrast, Yan Jinhua seems extraordinarily redundant.

Yan Jinhua didn’t care about this, his eyes were fixed on the precious pearl, and he was chatting hard all the way until he reached the Tokyu Mountain area and dropped down in the mountains, when Yan Jinhua was surprised and pretended to notice the accessories on the sword in the stone: “Shujue, the accessories on your sword, they look familiar.”

The pearl has been kept in Yan Jinhua’s care and has not been seen by Duan Shujue.

Duan Shujue looked down and caressed the pearl, slightly puzzled: “This object was given to me by my master.”

Yan Jinhua laughs, “Coincidentally, this is very much like the bead I lost in the Jingxu Sword Meeting.”

With this intensity of frantic suggestion, Wen Yujing did respond.

He said, “I found this in a sea a dozen years ago, I wonder where you got the pearl?”

Yan Jinhua : “……”

How did he know that he had gotten it in the sea?

Is it hard to believe that there are two precious pearls? Or is …… he hinting at something too? Does he know something?

Yan Jinhua, who had wanted to sow the beads, broke out in a cold sweat.

Wen Yujing smiled and added, “It is common sense that things are similar as each has its own chance.”

Yan Jinhua tasted the words carefully, and the phrase Gan Lin Niang came out.

Isn’t this just a fucking ploy to deny a debt? He’s not even talking about picking up the pearls early, he’s just saying that he doesn’t want to return them!

Bullshit, you pick it up and it’s yours? How shameless!

In his righteous indignation, Yan Jinhua cursed himself as well.

But there was nothing he could do about Wen Yujing, no one had ever seen him use the beads, not even Duan Shujue knew of their existence, so how could he prove that they had ever belonged to him?

Yan Jinhua is disgusted and helpless when he is attacked by his own familiar moves.

The three of them searched along the mountain, but they could not find any sign of the mountain ghost.

Behind the trio, a small black snake, its scales colourful in the daylight, walks silently along the tree, its golden eyes firmly fixed on Wen Yujing’s back, spitting its bright red letters.

Is that what they call the new master of the little fish?

It doesn’t look good either.

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