Don't Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 182 - The Overbearing General’s Pretty Warlord (I)

Chapter 182 - The Overbearing General’s Pretty Warlord (I)

When I first woke up, it was very peaceful all around.

He was born in a quaint water pavilion and was dressed in lavish damask, a sign of his family’s extraordinary status and a conscience that made Chi Xiaochi wonder if he was being mean to Lord GOD.

He had expected a wave of retaliation for Brother Lou’s use of Lord GOD in the last world.

Chi Xiaochi calls out in her mind, “Teacher Six?”

No response.

Chi Xiaochi sensed something: “Brother Lou, are you there.”

Still no answer.

…… Okay, bye, bitch.

Lou Ying is unable to speak, a situation that is not unheard of, and Chi Xiaochi is in no hurry to get up, resting on her arm and squinting as she looks around.

It is observed that this is as ancient as the last world.

The original owner should have taken a nap in this pavilion for some time before waking up. A balsam wood go-playing game is in front of him, and a black piece is placed on the side of his right hand.

At the end of the game, the black piece is like a rabid dragon, fighting with the cautious white dragon, opening and closing wide, dancing wildly, and one can tell by the momentum of the game what the master’s temperament is.

There is still the coolness of the pieces remaining at the tips of your fingers.

Chi Xiaochi straightens up, rubs his fingertips, picks up the pieces and puts them into the chess cup one by one, while looking at his body, doing basic elimination and drawing up a simple biography of the original owner.

The bones are broad and there are fine wounds between the fingers, presumably from martial arts practice.

From his experience in the previous world, he could tell that the original owner’s clothes were made of the finest material and that a brocade bag was hanging around his waist, with a unique texture and the word “Shi” written on it, perhaps the original owner’s surname.

Chi Xiaochi has placed a few pieces in his hand, and his first move is the customary move to Tianyuan, showing the youth’s unrestrained spirit.

The original owner knew chess and had a fairly well-developed game in his head, and seemed to have had a decent education.

It must have been some time since the original owner had fallen asleep and no one had come to call him, so the original owner was probably not a guest in someone else’s home, otherwise there would be no reason to leave a guest alone in a drafty place.

As Chi Xiaochi was thinking, a boy came hurriedly from the other side of the corridor, saluted, and said urgently, “I’ve found you! The thirteenth prince has arrived and is in the front hall, saying he wants to see you.”

Chi Xiaochi regurgitated.

Heard it right, it’s a royal son.

He put down his chess pieces and looked around at the elegant décor, filled with the script of the official prostitute whose wealthy son had fallen into the dust and endured the shame of being a customer and a laugh.

The boy urged him, “Aiya, Grand Duke, hurry up.”

When he heard the honorific “Grand Duke”, Chi Xiaochi was reassured and pretended to be unconscious as he was guided by the boy to the house to freshen up.

He said to Lou Ying in his mind, ” Brother Lou, give me the world line for a moment.”

After all, one is not original, and if one does not find out what this 13th prince is, I am afraid it will not end well.

However, his mind went blank, as it had earlier.

Chi Xiaochi has a sneaking suspicion that something is wrong and wants to go to Lou’s boss’s office and smash his brains out.

The situation at this point was similar to that of the fifth spirit world he had visited.

At that time, Lou Ying was silenced by the local system and could not make a sound, but he was still physically present in his body, so at least he had access to Song Chunyang’s world line and knew what the main quest was.

This time, however, Lou Ying was unable to speak and the world line was delayed in being issued.

No world line information means no knowledge of the subject of the raid, no knowledge of the original owner’s personality, identity, or even name.

This world is just an ordinary ancient world, and the original owner is just an ordinary person who cannot communicate with him and inform him of important information like Ji Zuoshan or Duan Shujue.

This also means that he will be playing blind chess.

As soon as the game had begun, he was arranged to meet a prince with whom he was acquainted, and there was no way of knowing whether this prince was an enemy or a friend, what his character was, or what he was doing here.

Chi Xiaochi thought, really tomato exciting.

After being introduced into the house, the boy fetched another set of clothes and quickly dressed him.

He noted that it was regular clothing for going out.

The …… boy is aware of where they are going.

Having come to this conclusion, he deliberately slowed down the pace of dressing.

As a matter of fact, the worried boy hung his belt ornament for him while chattering, “You have an appointment with the thirteenth prince, you should have told me earlier. Even if you forgot, Ah Shu could have remembered for you.”

The boy was able to complain casually in front of him, so it seemed that the relationship between master and servant was not bad.

He smiled, “Yes, Lord Ashu, I’ll know next time and never dare to do it again.”

Ah Shu was also happy and knelt down to straighten his lapel: “Your Highness can amuse us in private. The general has previously instructed you that it is unseemly for you to be seen as brothers with the other princes. Especially the thirteenth prince ……”

Ah Shu lowered his voice: “Although you have been his companion for ten years, but there is a difference between a ruler and a minister ……”

Chi Xiaochi got it and got a lot of information.

The original owner would have been the son of a general and was not a bad person, being the companion of the Emperor.

To be able to accompany the Grand Duke, this boy, called “Ah Shu”, had obviously read a lot of books. He may not be well educated, but since he is worthy of the phrase “there is a difference between rulers and subjects” and has been drawn out by his father to emphasise it, it seems that the thirteenth prince has won the holy will, even if he is not the crown prince.

Chi Xiaochi smiled, “Lord Ah Shu, I understand.”

Ah Shu grinned: “The Flower Festival is already crowded, so it would be inconvenient to leave later. Luckily I met A Ling on my way to look for you, so I asked him to get the polo sticks ready first, otherwise I would have been too late.”

After a pause, he added, “It is also the Thirteenth Prince, who is patient and always willing to wait for you.”

Chi Xiaochi thought, “Oh no, bullying.

He turned to the mirror.

The man in the mirror is a young man of sixteen or seventeen, the most open and unrestrained age, with his green shirt flowing, stars in his eyes, and a sterling silver brow pendant with a high ponytail.

His heart is still steady in the face of the chaos that is soon to come.

He couldn’t touch this, so pretending to be sick and excusing himself was the best way.

He had many different kinds of cards in his warehouse, so it was no problem for him to pretend to be sick, and there was no need to inform the boy in advance.

Chi Xiaochi is keen to see the thirteenth prince.

If Brother Lou were to appear in this world too, who would he be?

He had just finished packing and stepped outside when another servant rushed to urge him, “Grand Duke, Grand Duke, the Sixth Prince is also here, as well as the Third Prince Yan of the Shang Shu Mansion, who are all having tea in the Flower Hall. The Sixth Prince is asking you to go quickly.”

Chi Xiaochi : “……”

Who the fuck is all this.

Do the turnips meet.

But he went anyway.

It’s good to recognise the carrot pit.

When he reached the side window of the flower room, he could just hear a few people in the room, so he stopped, shushed them, and stood sideways against the window, as if he intended to eavesdrop.

Shu sighs wordlessly.

…… The master’s stubborn nature is at work again.

But Chi Xiaochi was thinking purely.

Without a world line to guide him, he’s a two-way street, and if he goes in and catches the 13th Prince calling the Sixth Master, he’s basically hopeless.

It’s like going into an exam room and not knowing all the questions, it’s better to wait and see if you can get it right than to miss all the C’s or put your answer key on the floor.

The people in the hall are of similar age and are all dressed in regular clothes, but their identities are clearly distinguishable by their seating arrangements.

The son of the Yan family was at the side of the sixth prince, his brows lowered and his eyes obedient, he looked like a gentle character, but compared to the calmness that emanated from the bones of his brother Lou, he was still much too young.

The sixth prince’s purple robe and golden crown, his lazy Danfeng eyes are tilted upwards, his smiling look is slightly frivolous, and his eyes can easily drift into contempt if he is not careful to restrain them. The thirteenth prince, on the other hand, is much more dignified, sitting upright and sipping tea, dressed in white and gold, with a vertical pattern of flowers similar to a woman’s between his eyebrows, very much in the style of a gentleman in the Jin Dynasty.

The thirteenth prince is somewhat similar to Lou.

”Thirteenth brother.” The Sixth Prince tapped his fan against his hand, “How rare it is.”

The thirteenth prince owed a slight bow, regardless of his true feelings, but he did have the courtesy to do so: “Yes, Yuan Heng, I am not well mannered and I have a lot of things to do, so I really have no time to distract myself.

The Sixth Prince smiled and raised his fan, “I was just making a casual remark, don’t take it to heart. Besides, my brother is usually busy and seldom spends time in the palace. When I have the time to relax, I only invite the clouds to have a drink or two and play a game or two of cuju to relax. Today, I have found a good pot of Hua Diao, so I would like to invite Stop Cloud to the Drunken Moon Residence for a drink. Would Hengdi be interested in going with me?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the Sixth Prince made a dawning gesture, “Ah, I forgot that the Thirteenth Brother is not good at drinking wine.”

The thirteenth prince’s face was calm: “I made an appointment with him on New Year’s Day to play polo with him today, and to attend a tea party at the Shang Shu House this evening.”

The Sixth Prince faintly turned his fan in his hand: “Thirteenth Brother is very elegant, why don’t you take my brother with you?”

The thirteenth prince said politely and detachedly, “Since it is good.”

The brothers are so plastic that it hurts Chi Xiaochi’s brain to listen to them.

The Sixth Prince took a sip of tea and frowned, seemingly not interested in tea, and turned his head to ask the boy, “Where is your Prince Shi? We are both waiting here, and he still doesn’t think he has enough of a show?”

The waiter, who was the best among men, obviously knew that the Sixth Prince’s words were mostly flirtatious and did not intend to blame him. He skillfully replaced his wine jug, filled it with wine and respectfully said, “Sixth Prince, please wait for a while, I will send someone to remind you.”

The thirteenth prince also said indifferently, “Don’t blame the sixth prince, I didn’t make an appointment with him to meet at this hour. At this hour, he is either playing chess with someone or taking a nap. If he were to meet a guest without his clothes on, it would be a breach of etiquette.”

The Sixth Prince snapped open his fan and fanned himself, “Thirteenth Brother’s patience is truly first class. But my brother is impatient and can’t wait for others.”

He turned to the boy and said, “I will give him one more stick of incense to look at the mirror. When the incense is up, I will have to arrest him even if he is naked. I’ll have him arrested even if he’s naked.”

The boy bowed his head, appropriately hiding a light smile, “Yes.”

The sixth prince drank wine, the thirteenth prince drank tea, the son of the Yan family stood behind the sixth prince in a dignified and calm manner, the boy poured tea and wine for all of you, Chi Xiaochi held the window and had a headache.

Which one is Lou? And who is the subject of this assignment?

Are they in there? Or is it ……

As I thought of this, a sudden drop of cold fell, just in time to hit the wooden window pane with a tiny splash.

Chi Xiaochi was stunned and raised a hand to stroke the bottom of her eyes.

A damp patch.

It was not his will.

So it was the original owner who was crying?

What is he crying about?

At first, a sharp pain exploded in Chi Xiaochi’s head, as if he had been split open by Pan Gu’s axe.

Ah Shu, who was eavesdropping with him, noticed something strange and turned his face to see his son’s face as white as snow and panicked: “My lord!”

The people in the hall also heard the movement outside the window.

The sixth prince, who had raised his cup to drink, stalled in his movements, “What’s wrong?”

As soon as the young man dressed as a boy heard the muffled grunt, he ran out the door and knelt down together with Chi Xiaochi, urgently touching his forehead: “Stop …… What is wrong with the Grand Duke? Do you have a headache?”

Chi Xiaochi opened his eyes to see the young man’s face, but as soon as he raised his eyelids, a sharp pain shot through his forehead, causing him to bend over and gasp for air.

There were murmurs in his ears and he faintly heard someone drop a teacup.

Immediately afterwards, one reached out and took his arm, ” Su Chang , how is it?”

It was the Sixth Prince’s voice, and it sounded genuinely anxious, the same tone Chi Xiaochi remembered when he had been hospitalised with a high fever and Lucas had flown himself to the hospital.

When Chi Xiaochi looked up, he saw a bloody face.

The Sixth Prince’s well-born eyes had been gouged out, leaving only two pitch-black holes, and it was not clear whether he had died in vain, his body covered in bruises, his fancy clothes torn and uncovered, having been beaten to death alive.

It was as if a part of the world line had entered his mind, and as if it was the darkest and most painful memory of the original owner himself.

He passed out before being split open by the pain.

And before passing out, Chi Xiaochi’s last thought was, “Save the card.

Once Chi Xiaochi fell, both the Flower Dynasty and the Flower Carving were null and void.

In his unconsciousness, he always felt someone gently stroking his brow.

Strangely enough, Chi Xiaochi didn’t feel so uncomfortable or resistant. The man’s movements were so light and soft that he couldn’t help but want to rub himself against him again.

When he woke up with a start, he was guarded only by a boy, the same young man who had skilfully climbed into conversation with the Sixth Prince in the flower hall.

He stroked Chi Xiaochi’s forehead, as gently as the man in his dream: “Does your head still hurt?”

Chi Xiaochi twitches imperceptibly.

He was sensitive to gestures that implied “intimacy”, but he didn’t dodge them, he just said “yes”.

The good news was that the head did indeed stop hurting, the bad news was that he still didn’t have all the information related to the world line in his head.

Chi Xiaochi asked, “The Sixth Prince has gone with the Thirteenth Prince?”

”Yes. You have passed out for a day and a night. The general is at Zhen Nan Guan, the thirteenth prince went to the palace to ask for a decree and invited Doctor Li to come and look at you, saying that your son had a sudden head wind, perhaps because he had not rested well or had suffered from the cold, and prescribed medicine, saying that he should recuperate for some days, and that if there was any recurrence, he could come again to look at you.”

Chi Xiaochi feels that the likelihood of his condition recurring is high in his current situation.

…… doesn’t want to talk, is sad and very difficult.

The handsome and elegant looking boy sat at the head of the bed and said softly, “It’s A Ling who didn’t look after the Duke properly. I should have brought you back if I had known not to let you take a nap in the pavilion ……”

However, before he could finish blaming himself, Shu knocked on the door and entered.

He heard the gongzi’s voice from afar and, knowing that he had woken up, knocked on the door and said, “My lord, are you feeling better? The gongzi master says he has something to see you and asks you to come to Luhua Court.”

Chi Xiaochi : “……”

This one is so familiar with the original owner that it’s hard for him to even ask who the Gongzi master is.

He had only one thing on his mind now.

Develop meekly and don’t make waves.

So he was going to find an excuse to put it off.

As he was about to speak, Ah Shu said, “Master Gongzi also came to visit you during your illness, probably because the General had a confidential letter to send and had to explain to you.”

…… came through in sickness.

…… gentry division.

Chi Xiaochi straightened up, “I’ll go.”

A Ling : “My Lord, you are recovering from a serious illness ……”

Chi Xiaochi : “There you go.”

A Ling smiled bitterly and knelt down on one knee, saying tamely, “I will go with you, my lord.”

The gongzi master lives in the deep backyard of Qu Qu, far away from human habitation, in a quiet and serene place, a really important place.

A Ling, who had obviously been here many times before, led him to the door and knocked three times, to which came a low coughing sound, followed by a muffled reply, “Come in.”

Chi Xiaochi pushes open the door and is greeted by a military sandbox.

The yellow clay is made into hills and mountains, the mercury into rivers and lakes, and the quicksand is like rice, on top of which are placed various coloured military banners and pagodas, marking out the battle units within a hundred-mile radius of Zhen Nan Guan.

There is a wooden wheelchair in front of the sand table with a man sitting in it.

Chi Xiaochi’s mind is moved by the mere sight of his back.

…… is him.

He had thought too much about it earlier.

In fact, there is no need to compare tone of voice, demeanour or walking, sitting or lying posture at all.

That person, once he had recognised it once, could never be mistaken for the rest of his life.

Seemingly sensing the tremor in his heart, the gongzi master turned his wheelchair around and turned to face him.

It was a standard sick beauty, and the pulling of the wheelchair shook his chakras, causing him to cough.

His face is pale with the pallor of a long illness, echoed by a small inky tattoo at the corner of his eyes, which appears to be the mark of exile.

Chi Xiaochi knelt down on one knee in front of him and asked, “Are you Brother Lou?”

The man in front of him shook his head with a smile, “No.”

Chi Xiaochi smiled knowingly and bowed down, “Then, Shi Tingyun, the student, pays his respects to you, sir.”

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