Don't Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 211 - Battle Royale: Survival of the Jedi (I)

Chapter 211 - Battle Royale: Survival of the Jedi (I)

[World randomly selected for generation]

[Drop, randomization complete, transmitting to worldline 7301]

Chi Xiaochi’s eyes opened with the familiar sound of machinery.

Into view were the original owner’s hands tied tightly to her chest by the snow-white bondage suit of a severe mental patient.

Such a scenario comes as no surprise to Chi Xiaochi.

He asked, “Brother, what is the level of this world?”

Lou Ying wanted to laugh a little at his nasal “brother”, but when he read the world line, he couldn’t laugh any more.

Chi Xiaochi had a bit of a hunch, “S?”

Lou Ying : “…… is.”

Chi Xiaochi said calmly, “Your boss’s father blew up.”

He rolled his eyes and looked around, while adding, “No offense to him, just that his dad blew up.”

The original owner was in a small capsule like a cold capsule, his body was covered with various instruments and he wore a ring-shaped helmet fixed to the wall of the capsule, which stuck to his entire head from the back and prevented him from moving his head, and if he shifted slightly, a painful sensation like pins and needles came from his temple.

Body data, blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, blood temperature, blood consistency and a certain A-globulin count are suspended on the walls of the inner chamber, making Chi Xiaochi feel very sick.

The capsules are transparent, so Chi Xiaochi can see that there are nine other capsules in the same confined space as him.

Judging by the occasional lurching of the vehicle, they would have been in the back compartment of a running vehicle.

What did concern him, however, was the fact that the air as far as he could see was extremely muddy, like a haze, with tiny micro-particles streaking through it, so dirty that one could not help but frown.

He raised his eyes to look across the room.

Across the street is a young man who is eating a candy bar.

He had a hard candy-like object in his mouth and juggled it with his tongue to make it dribble around.

Chi Xiaochi saw that his pod had the words ” Wei Shiliu” written on it, which must have been his name.

After meeting Chi Xiaochi’s eye, Wei Shiliu raised an eyebrow and greeted her vaguely, “Hey.”

Chi Xiaochi nods in response.

Wei Shiliu took one look at his name tag and said with interest, “What are you, brother?”

Chi Xiaochi : …… Just a minute, I’ll check what I am.

This time there was no hindrance and it didn’t take a second for the world line to start importing.


At first, the world was the way it should be.

Until one day, in one of the TOEFL examination centres, two identical papers appeared.

The same volume appears in the front and back seats.

The five members of the Disciplinary Committee jointly accessed the surveillance of the examination room on that day and found that the girl in the front seat was not unusual, she was just answering questions with her head down.

And oddly enough, the person in the back seat did not cross the line in any way either, with his hands always on the desk, no opportunity to use his mobile phone, and no probing or mingling.

The committee replayed the video several times and confirmed that he was using the most common Wen tools and that there was no sign of high-tech cheating tools.

…… If anything must be said about it, he was just staring at the backs of the front row for a long time.

The committee suspected that the similarities might just be coincidental, but as a precaution they invited the man in the back seat and politely tried to have a talk with him.

The man in that back seat was a high school student, and as soon as he entered the room, faced with a group of adults wearing committee badges and suits on their chests, and sat down in the lone chair that sat in the middle of the room, his legs and stomach began to shake, his face white and stammering.

The head of the committee, a man of experience, saw that the situation was not right and immediately cooled his face and assumed a pressing stance.

Within a few rounds, the high school student was so frightened that he confessed directly, stammering that he had cheated and promising that he would never do it again, just this once.

The head of the committee asked him, “How did you do it?”

The high school student said, “I can see her roll.”

The head of the committee tapped his pen solemnly, “I know you can see. How do you see it?”

He said, “I saw it through her body.”

Several members of the committee looked at each other for a while and laughed.

One of the female members said, “Then please demonstrate for us how you ‘saw’ it.”

The high school student took off his glasses a little nervously and looked to the member on the far left, “There’s a price tag on the back of the chair you’re sitting in that hasn’t been torn off. It says ‘$310′.”

The member was surprised and turned back to look at the back of the chair.

The second man sitting next to him shook his head, not convinced.

A few people were sitting in swivel chairs, so it was impossible to say that he had just peeked in.

The second person wrote an English word in pencil on the white paper in front of him, pinned it in a blue Wen folder, closed it again and held the Wen folder up to him, “What does it say?”

The high school student frowned for a moment.

The second man had just given a sarcastic “I see,” smile when he heard the high school student say, “IDIOT.”

The second man’s smile froze on his face.

When the high school students saw him like this, they felt some pleasure in their hearts and were no longer so afraid of the adults in front of them.

He gave a grin, “You were showing it to me upside down so it took me a while to read it, sorry oh. …… By the way, that O is hanging right over your liver.”

Saying that, he offered to look at a third person, “You smoke, don’t you? Right …… No, in your case it’s left, there’s a big black spot on the left lobe, like one of those rotten lungs from our biology textbooks.”

A third person frowned, “I never smoked.”

The high school student said, “Then you can go get a physical.”

The fourth person is the commissioner.

The high school student looked him up and down with light in his eyes.

The shocked and wary eyes of the adults made him more and more excited.

Ever since waking up one morning and suddenly being able to see the steel structure inside the wall, the high school student has kept this under wraps, not wanting anyone to know about it and conveniently using it for cheating.

He had thought it was a serious matter, but he hadn’t expected such an interesting reaction from the others when it was revealed.

However, after examining it, he found that the commissioner had nothing interesting to say, so he smacked his lips and said casually, “You have a slab of medicine in your pocket for stomach problems, twelve pills, and six more.”

Finally, it was the turn of the female member who had first suggested that he should “demonstrate”.

The high school student looked at her a few times and smiled, “…… You’re wearing pink underwear and black and white striped panties today.”

The price for the end of the incident was that he was banned from taking any future TOEFL exams.

He doesn’t mind this anymore, seeking out the media and claiming to be a man with psychic powers.

…… is able to see through any object without his glasses blocking it, including bank vault level walls that cannot block his vision. But there is a limit; he can only use his penetration for a cumulative total of two hours a day. If he uses it for too long, his eyes will become dehydrated, in severe pain, to the point of temporary blindness.

When he had demonstrated his skills, a special TV programme was made for him.

He made over $100,000 and made his name known to the world.

Luo Shouyi.

Luo Shouyi, the first sinner of the Inhumans, betrayed the secret of the Inhumans’ existence because of more than 100,000 yuan.

With the lure of money, a second alien emerges.

He has the ability to levitate out of thin air, albeit for only five minutes at a time.

With the second, there is a third.

Gradually, the countries’ science and technology departments smell something unusual.

All related programmes promoting the Alter Ego have been called off, and all Alter Ego’s who have disclosed their identities so far have been invited to the relevant institutions, to have their blood drawn and tested, and have been asked by the authorities to stay in their local areas and not to leave their areas at will.

Once the authorities began their investigation, it became clear that things were unusually difficult.

The number of the alien population, is slowly climbing.

All psychics are randomly awakened, no pattern has been found so far, it has nothing to do with genetics, and the initial tests are not contagious or hereditary, and the appearance and physical form of psychics do not change too significantly. The only difference is that when a psychic uses his or her powers, the amount of a certain type of globulin in his or her blood will far exceed that of a normal person by a frightening amount.

It also means that this “mutation syndrome” cannot be prevented or predicted and that anyone can become a mutant.

The following year, the countries’ Abnormal Human Regulation Acts came out.

Just the name caused the first wave of protest from the alien.

And with the clarity of what is contained within the Regulatory Act, it has created an uproar among the Alter Ego.

Article 1 of the Abnormal Human Regulation Act, all awakened psychics, cannot violate all laws in force, including the constitution, criminal law, aviation law, etc.

Secondly, the alien must go to the relevant institutions to submit detailed information on the alien powers they possess, as well as full personal information, including information on the upper and lower three generations. Each alien will have a complete database, and must come to update the information regularly every year from the date of submission.

The authorities have built up a comprehensive Skynet facility, creating a large number of indestructible titanium collars and anklets that are capable of monitoring every move of the alien in real time.

The inside of the collar has miniature syringes with a concentration of injection capable of numbing a buffalo, making it convenient to be able to anesthetize a treacherous shifter at any time.

The third rule is that the alien cannot break the collar.

Article 4, the alien may not use special means to block the collar in any way.

Article 5: When an alien leaves the local area and travels abroad, he/she needs to apply for a permit for passage from the local department.

This is just the first five articles.

While this bill was still under discussion, a Member of Parliament A from a certain country proposed that the name, age and home address of the alien should be indicated on the collar to give normal humans maximum peace of mind.

A Councillor B, who had awakened his powers, immediately objected, “What you said about ‘normal humans’ is a great insult to us. We are human beings too.”

Councillor A snapped back, “Yeah, that’s why I call you ‘abnormal humans’. Positive and abnormal, it’s just a neutral word.”

Councillor B argued: “Such a game of Wen is meaningless. After ‘正’ and ‘異’, there is the word ‘常’. Such nomenclature is blatant discrimination. We have normal human emotions and feelings apart from our abnormal abilities. Legislation cannot deprive us of our rights to live a normal life and we cannot be treated as prisoners.”

”Discrimination? If we give up our restraint on you, you will be entitled to your mental rights, and who will be able to guarantee our personal rights?” Councillor A said calmly, “You can guarantee that you don’t commit crimes yourself, but can you go and guarantee others? The alien is like a gunman, or a gun of invisibility. We can only protect ourselves if we are equally well armed.”

Councillor B stood up and swept the glass of water in front of Councillor A. After some hesitation, he frowned and said, ” Mr Edward, I hope you had better not become an ‘abnormal human’ in the future.”

Councillor A was unimpressed and sneered, “If that day ever comes, I will kill myself immediately.”

The next second, the glass of water in front of Councillor A suddenly exploded, splashing hot water and shards everywhere, causing Councillor A to cry out in shock.

Amidst the confusion, Councillor B straightened his tie and left the meeting with his head bowed.

Councillor A’s angry scolding came from behind him, “Look at that! Look at it, you guys! This is what shifter people do! This is what they will do when left unchecked!”

Without looking back, Councillor B turned to leave.

One of the backroom staff, who was working in the field, followed him out and followed in his footsteps.

Councillor B stopped, looked back at him and got straight to the point: “You can manipulate water”

The logistician was a bit rattled: “Yes …… Mr. Bailey, how are you? ……”

Councillor B nodded to the underside of his right eyelid: “I can see how people use their powers. I saw that Edward’s glass of water turned red.”

The logistician mumbled, ” Edward was so hateful, I just wanted to teach him a lesson ……”

Councillor B sighed and turned to leave.

He stepped out of the council chamber, and the tiled blue and clear sky was marked by the white traces left by the plane skidding past.

Everything you look at is a sight of unparalleled and peaceful beauty.

He looked greedily at the sight before him, raised one hand, stroked his eyes, and said to himself, “…… Is this the price to be paid for freedom.”

A waiting journalist spotted him and came rushing forward with his camera raised.

The sight of him gouging out his own eyes in silence is recorded in full in the running camera.

After the protest of a certain country’s MP who offered both eyes, the country finally failed to pass MP A’s proposal.

However, all information about the alien is registered inside the collar and authorised units can purchase scanners to scan the collar around the alien’s neck to see if he or she has any criminal information.

The shops have signs saying “No Alien Allowed”, as the Alien may remove the magnetic strip from the goods, be invisible, levitate and steal at will.

The “Alien” is a large-headed alien with a bright red cross, which stands out under the “No Pets Allowed” dog-shaped icon.

The ancient curfew system was deliberated and activated again.

At 9pm, the streets are empty.

There were pamphlets from the protest march of the alien people swept up and down by the wind, like paper money.

The differently abled have become a mainstream social phenomenon, and indeed a social anxiety.

There are those who want to dominate the world, who believe that they are the direction of human evolution; there are those who want to live in peace, who want to fight for more rights to survive, or who are barely surviving in the cracks; and there are also those who want to help maintain order in the human race, who want to prevent the group of psychics from being discriminated against as a whole because of individual undesirables.

As for the people, attitudes are even more varied.

Some people are crazy about psychics and find them so cool that they dump pills issued by the authorities to suppress the production of class A globulin into the gutter; some are so anxious that they think they could be transformed into psychics at any time, so they take pills and appeal for the rights of psychics; some are psychophobic and resolutely resist the existence of psychics, believing that power is a source of evil, so much so that they suffer from pill-taking anxiety.

The example most often put forward by the xenophobic faction is that of that first discovered xenophobe, high school student Luo Shouyi, who five years later became an accomplice to a bank robbery.

Facing the camera, he lost his youthfulness and said, “You can’t shut me up, I can see everything you do.

After the rate of public crimes committed by psychics climbed, some even called for the execution of psychics who conceal their abilities and refuse to report them, on the grounds that psychics are constantly awakening and if they conceal their identities and hide among the crowd, they are an untimely bomb.

The truth is that there are many concealers.

In the words of the protesters, “We are not dogs!”

It is true that society is calling for the protection of the rights of the differently abled nice.

But who wants to take the risk of hiring a shifter?

Who would want to enter into a marriage with an alien, not only to go through the tedious process of entering information once a year, but also to have their offspring included in the observation program?

Who wants to be discriminated against, to wear a collar, to be exposed to the gaze of others in every movement, to be watched by others even when bending down to tie a shoe?

There are countless criminals in the world, and the crime rate of normal people is far greater than that of the abnormal, so why should the abnormal be assumed to be criminals?

What’s more, there are psychics who have awakened powers that do not harm bystanders at all, so why should they be subjected to blanket treatment?

The attitude towards concealing one’s psychic abilities varies from country to country.

Some countries are more tolerant and actively call for the protection of the privacy of the psychics. Some countries will even take the initiative to welcome psychics to settle in their homeland, report their respective psychic abilities, work for the country in a professional capacity, and settle marriage issues.

But these are ultimately a minority.

There are countries that do their utmost to oppose the existence of Alter Ego’s, treating those who are willing to wear the collar fairly well, and those who, for various reasons, do not want to wear it, with an extremely ironclad policy of expulsion, imprisonment, and even treating them as objects of play and entertainment, and claiming that there are no human rights for those who conceal them.

Most countries, on the other hand, say that they “do not support or oppose”, but in fact they secretly support the opposing country.

The original owner lived in a country that fought tooth and nail against the existence of shifter people.

Why is he trapped here?

It was only because one day he awakened a very insignificant skill that he concealed his status as a shifter to avoid wearing the collar.

– He felt the air around him take on a weight and was covered in a haze that weighed him down, and he didn’t even make the passing line for the 1,000 metres in his sports test.

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