Chapter 235 - Battle Royale: Jedi (XXV)

Jiao Qingguang is truly repentant and afraid.

When he first saw the news, he thought, “If only the officials would take the wanted man back and keep him under close guard.

Despite this self-congratulation, he still made mistakes at his supervisor’s important project meetings, missing chapters and pages of the materials he was supposed to bring, and even leaving his computer with the drug information in the lab.

Fortunately, thanks to the professionalism of the mentor and his contacts, the project did not fall through.

When the tutor saw that he was distraught, he thought something had happened to him at home and did not blame him.

Jiao Qingguang returned to his dormitory at 4pm and tried to fall asleep, but couldn’t resist swiping his phone to see if the escapees had been caught.

Who would have thought that the internet would have exploded with noise about Battle Royale.

Jiao Qingguang forced himself to calm down, read various reviews, and downloaded the Battle Royale video on the internet.

After seeing Bai Anyi kill Wei Shiliu for the twelfth time with a cold face, Jiao Qingguang threw the phone away, rushed into the shower, turned on the cold water and poured it on himself.

It’s over. …… is finished.

Bai Anyi is crazy.

He was the one who sent him in, and if he escaped, he must have been the first to suffer!

If he had known that, he should never have gone to see Bai Anyi after he reported him!

Jiao Qingguang was in a state of shock. After taking a cold shower, he collapsed into bed, still sweating profusely, and in a few moments he had stomach cramps and rolled around in bed, throwing up all the sleeping pills and globulin A suppressants he had just drunk with water.

Four white pills, half melted by stomach acid, lay in the vomited water, and as he glanced at them, he felt even more confused.

He called the nearby police station and the line was occupied.

…… is not the only one who is worried about his personal safety.

Despite knowing that her anxiety was pathological, Jiao Qingguang could not help herself.

He went to the phone again and again until the operator picked up the phone.

Jiao Qingguang was afraid that he would not be able to make the other party aware of the seriousness of the situation if he did not express himself clearly, and had made a draft while he was waiting.

Following the script, he succinctly explained his relationship with Bai Anyi and focused on his fear of reprisals and his desire to ask the authorities for protection.

The operator really took it seriously and within five minutes of hanging up the phone, three black cars pulled up in front of the hostel building.

Jiao Qingguang was so anxious that she cried when she met the official-looking visitor in a suit: “I want perfect protection, and he …… Bai Anyi could come and kill me at any time!”

The visitor paced around his quarters and nodded, “Hmm.”

Jiao Qingguang’s buttocks shifted uneasily on the bed, “I …… Then shall we go?”

The visitor waved his hand, “There’s no hurry. He knows your quarters are here, right?”

Jiao Qingguang was flustered and short of breath at the mention of it, “Yes …… yes yes, he knows, he’s come …… to cook for me before.”

The visitor said, “That’s fine. You stay here and I will send someone here to protect you.”

Jiao Qingguang became anxious at hearing this, and leaned forward, trying desperately to suppress the panic in his heart: “You …… are not, please consider my feelings, okay? I reported him in the first place because he clearly expressed his unwillingness to wear a collar. For the sake of social security, I did not care about my personal feelings and reported him. At any rate, I did the public a favour, right? Now I am afraid of retaliation from him, can you understand such feelings?”

”Understood, of course we understand.” The visitor nodded fervently, “Now it is also in the interest of public safety that you cooperate with us and stay here while we set up a net of heaven and earth to apprehend him.”

Jiao Qingguang rose abruptly and scratched his hair in annoyance, “So, you’re using me as bait?”

”After our investigation, he has no other family apart from Chi Jiangyu. If you hadn’t called the police, we would have found you quickly. If we had protected you and taken you to a closed location, there would have been no other place for him to go. If this causes other social harm, is that something you would like to see?”

After brushing off Jiao Qingguang’s rebuke, the visitor stood up, straightened his tie and said, without skipping a beat, “Mr. Jiao, please trust the authorities. We will do our best to protect your safety.”

The visitors left four collar-wearing aliens in his quarters.

On learning of this arrangement, Jiao Qingguang showed great resistance.

A half-hearted, half-false smile appeared on the visitor’s chubby white face: “Mr. Jiao, I’m afraid that if it were an ordinary person, there would be no way to pose a threat to Bai Anyi. This is for your personal safety, so I apologise for any inconvenience.”

That’s pretty clear.

Either refuse to wait for death or accept surveillance.

Unable to do so, Jiao Qingguang had to grit his teeth and accept it.

Staying in the dormitory with the four psychics, the dormitory, which had been quite spacious, immediately seemed cramped.

The four psychics did not see eye to eye, using the toilet, pouring water and drinking it, making Jiao Qingguang feel sick.

Jiao Qingguang huddles in bed with no appetite, shielding her mouth from the air with the blanket, too sickened by the sour, astringent gas in her mouth to even take a big breath.

…… what if it is infectious.

He just felt like he was in the same room with a rabid dog who was the only one who could keep him safe.

Jiao Qingguang’s body is covered in chicken skin, his chest is churning with emotion and he can’t help but regret it.

Why did you meet Bai Anyi in the first place?

If you didn’t know him and didn’t talk to him, wouldn’t all of this have never happened now?

At 8pm, his young boyfriend came home with a midnight snack. When he opened the door and saw four unfamiliar faces, he was so frightened that he almost dropped the porridge he had bought.

Jiao Qingguang had been tortured all day and had completely forgotten about the need to inform his young boyfriend.

The young boyfriend briefly understood what was going on and ran away in fear on the spot.

It wasn’t long before he sent a text message, hastily mentioning the breakup to Jiao Qingguang.

…… jokes, the boyfriend hurt his ex-boyfriend, now the ex-boyfriend came back to retaliate, he, the current boyfriend and Jiao Qingguang stay together again, is not a ready-made target?

The young boyfriend not only broke up, but in order to clear the relationship, he edited the whole incident into Wen, posted it on the campus BBS, sent it to his circle of friends, and even changed his signature to “Fuck Jiao Qingguang”, widely announced it, stepping on Jiao Qingguang straight into the mud, and Jiao Qingguang resolutely clear the boundary.

Jiao Qingguang dropped his phone for the second time this day because of the tidal wave of enquiries that came his way.

Even his mentor asked him what was going on, that he was out of form today, because of this?

Although it is the norm in E to hate and be wary of shifter, it is always dishonourable to betray such things, let alone betray a loved one.

It’s okay to do it on the sly, but once it’s on the table, it’s a real buzzkill.

Jiao Qingguang’s mobile phone was broken.

He nestled in bed and had a sleepless night.

From that day onwards, he began a protracted period of waiting and ambivalence.

He both wished Bai Anyi had come sooner and hoped he would never come.

He couldn’t stand to be in the same room as a shifter, yet he had to stay with them, even to go to the toilet and take a shower.

As a result of these emotions, Jiao Qingguang’s frequency of taking medication skyrocketed and the frequency of eating was reduced to one meal a day.

His roommates quickly moved out, leaving Jiao Qingguang with no one to talk to and unwilling to talk to the psychic guarding him, so he spent his days staring at the walls.

He dared not go to the canteen for fear of being poked and prodded, and the meals were bought back by the alien.

Before each meal, he had to force the alien to take a bite, otherwise he wouldn’t even dare to move his chopsticks.

In less than two days, he had lost a whole lot of weight.

As the week passed, his spirits completely collapsed, he had a high fever and was too afraid to go to hospital, only to hunker down in his bedroom, pale and on an IV.

Waiting is a torturous thing, and waiting for the death that will come some day is even more of a torture.

As time went on, the official in charge of the matter became impatient.

Hearing that he was ill, Fat White came to his quarters once again to reassure him that Bai Anyi was hiding from the officials and there was a good chance that he would not be coming over, with the implication that he intended to remove the guards and return them to their normal posts.

Jiao Qingguang has only this little straw left to save his life, so naturally he will not let go.

He was fierce, even to the point of death, and finally managed to keep the man.

However, Fat White still took away a shifter on the grounds of lack of manpower.

Jiao Qingguang is a mechanical reader of the news from his home country, not wanting to, or daring to, read the reviews on foreign websites.

But even in E’s own country, where the shifter ecology is poor, comments on the matter have been frequently flip-flopped.

The nation can accept strict control of the shifter, and even the necessary electroshock treatment for those who refuse it, but the genocide of Battle Royale is something that no one but curiosity seekers would applaud.

Therefore, Jiao Qingguang only dares to follow the official news about the escapees, hoping that one day there will be news of Bai Anyi’s arrest, or simply that he has been killed for resisting arrest, and he will be able to live his life in peace, instead of living with plastic lunch boxes and pills every day, not even daring to open a crack in the window.

And so, half a month passed.

During this period, Fat White took the excuse to transfer another alien.

Jiao Qingguang did not think much of it, although he vaguely detected a hint of something unusual in his attitude.

However, the situation has taken another subtle turn.

This change appeared first in the news.

Wanted information, which was suddenly cancelled one day.

The TV channel that used to follow the progress of the prison escapees has actually started presenting a new paleontological documentary, still about the explosion of biological evolution in the middle Jurassic period.

Jiao Qingguang has successfully developed Bai Anyi PTSD and almost smashed the TV when he saw the words Jurassic.

The alien in charge of guarding him had known that he was a nervous man and had hastily changed the station to avoid trouble.

The new channel shows an entertainment programme.

Jiao Qingguang grabbed the remote control and changed the channels one by one.

Several major channels, none of which were following the hunt for the alien.

There are three of these channels, all showing old documentaries on the evolution of living things.

Jiao Qingguang The hand holding the remote control is shaking badly.

No longer wanted, was it caught?

…… is not correct.

No no no.

If Bai Anyi is caught, shouldn’t it be made public so as to give everyone peace of mind?

He changed the channel to the international channel and found that the country that first enacted the Alien Control Act had surprisingly started the vote to amend it yesterday.

Amendments are normal, and every year there are changes made to the bill. And as the country was the first to enact a bill relating to the alien, legislation in other countries, to a greater or lesser extent, draws on the original bill.

This amendment, however, changed a seemingly ordinary provision.

–An amended bill that advocates changing the object that distinguishes a psychic from an ordinary person from the highly iconic collar to a bracelet.

A feeling of inexplicable apprehension surrounded Jiao Qingguang.

He lay back on the bed and stared straight up at the ceiling.

He felt that something was wrong with the situation.

Even if Bai Anyi’s escape from prison had given the shifter’s an excuse to cause trouble, why did they pick this time to amend the bill and also loosen the jurisdiction of the shifter?

The real day of judgement came exactly one month after Bai Anyi’s escape from prison.

There was only one other person left to accompany him, and the only one left had a much lighter attitude, playing with his phone and not paying any attention to Jiao Qingguang’s movements.

On this day, Jiao Qingguang spat a mouthful of blood-covered toothpaste into the sink as usual, and sat down at the table in a very bad mood to take his daily suppressant on an empty stomach.

He glanced at the television and just as he turned his eyes away, his whole body swung violently.

Jiao Qingguang thought he had misread it.

But when he looked at the TV and realised that it was indeed Bai Anyi’s face, it looked like a chopstick had been flicked at his little tongue and he almost vomited straight away.

…… He is holding a launch event on the TV news channel with the highest viewership in the E.

The face is the same, the thin crimson turtleneck jumper accentuates Bai Anyi’s long neck, and the gold-rimmed glasses have been replaced with a new pair, which is both spirited and beautiful, a stark contrast to the current Jiao Qingguang look.

But Bai Anyi’s temperament is a far cry from what it used to be.

It was like a new person in a shell, his chin slightly raised, cool, arrogant, smirking, looking downright unpredictable.

It is no wonder that Jiao Qingguang did not recognise him at first sight.

”…… That’s what I found.”

Bai Anyi on TV lifted his fingertips and let a red floating dust appear in the air, which would have been impossible to see if the camera hadn’t given a close-up.

Bai Anyi let that floating dust transfer from his left hand to his right: “All the spores I’ve collected so far amount to 200,000, enough for 200,000 people ……”

The presenter next to him twitched his shoulders uneasily, “…… mutation?”

Bai Anyi smiles softly: “No, it’s evolution.”

”I don’t know how it reproduces.” Bai Anyi said, “but I do know that it will only grow. As you can tell from the graph of the growth of the Altered, the number of evolutions has surged in the last year, and I believe that in another three years, the number of Altered will explode. And with current technology, there’s no way to eradicate them.”

”Including you?”

”Including me. With my psychic powers, I can only capture, not destroy.”

Bai Anyi nodded once, clasped his hands together and looked straight into the camera: “It is because of the discovery of this secret that I want to escape from the institution and bring the truth to light. The reason I am willing to go before the public is that I want to be the first discoverer of this secret, to reconcile with the authorities, to resolve misunderstandings and to usher in a better future for human evolution together.”

Jiao Qingguang is in front of the TV screen, jaws dropping.

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