Don't Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 249 - A Perfect New World (XIII)

 With all this commotion, the second period was basically impossible.

The radio was kept under control, but there was no limit to the volume of the children, especially as they were having fun and screaming like bombs had been dropped on a chicken factory.

The English teacher’s spirits had obviously been sufficiently battered during the first lesson, as she taught in her usual pitch to the sound of cocks, with a look of self-loathing.

Compared to the frenetic Second High School, the atmosphere at First High School is much better than that of Second High School, which is also due to close in two days.

Lou Ying, played by 089, is sitting in the middle of the third row of the class, the best seat in the class.

His head was bowed and he was lightly carving something with a fine needle, his movements and expression were idle and less focused than usual, thus attracting the attention of the maths teacher.

Lou Ying has been the star of hope for almost all the teachers at YCIS, and every teacher is secretly hoping to add to his or her professional resume with this rare student. The day before yesterday, he had already caused a small storm in the teaching team when he suddenly took leave due to his mental state, and today he came back to class with such a distracted look.

He knocked on the board, ” Lou Ying , you come up.”

089 looked up a little puzzled, “Hmm?”

Seeing his uncharacteristic lethargy, the maths teacher had a bit of a headache and had to repeat his request, “Come up and do a demonstration and solve this problem for everyone.”

089 slowly gets to the lectern, goes over the questions the teacher has just read over, and begins to write the steps of the answer in an organised manner.

The chalk rubs against the blackboard, sifting down fine dust along the way.

Having solved the beginning, he took the blackboard eraser again and erased all that he had just written down.

His previous answers were exactly right in terms of ideas and steps, and the teacher, seeing that Lou Ying was still the same Lou Ying, had put his mind at rest and was surprised to see him erase his written answers again, “Hey ……”

089 inclined his head, “I thought of a simpler way.”

It is possible to write at least five fewer steps in the derivation process than you have just done.

After completing the question and answer process, he returned to his seat under the envious eyes of his classmates and continued with his private work.

When he first entered the system, 089 was deployed by Lord GOD, who put him in charge of the lottery and forbade him to participate in field work.

One of the most important reasons is that 089 is so concerned with his own personal life and ideals that he never minds what others think of him or look at him, hence the first impression he gives is that he is goofy, as if he can be easily held and controlled, and is suitable for an important position where it is easy for Lord GOD to move around.

Not to mention Lord GOD’s lapse in judgement, even 089’s parents had once dismissed him as an unintelligent child.

…… until the first time I got his report card.

When I was writing Wen as a child, I talked about my future aspirations and other children wrote that they wanted to be a policeman or a scientist, while 089 wrote that my lifelong dream was to be someone’s father.

This Wen chapter was read as a joke to the whole class by the language teacher.

When we were young, we always joked with each other about being a father, but when we grew up, we knew the weight of the word “father” and understood how to get along with each other, so we naturally forgot the absurdity of our youth.

But 089 never forgets.

Ten years later, 089 Ji Feihong, became the only person in the class to realise his dream.

No one thought a person with a high school entrance exam score of 700 and near perfect marks in maths and physics should apply for the kindergarten teacher course, but Ji Feihong did.

He took his kindergarten teacher’s certificate and returned to his family’s orphanage.

He is the father of all the children here and he can make them have a warm and comfortable home again.

At the age of 24, Ji Feihong was killed in a car accident.

Since then, he has had a new home in another place.

In fact, this time it was Chi Xiaochi who had the wrong idea.

This is a world that Lord GOD did not send 089 to, but he volunteered himself to come and take his place after hearing that 061 had come to a parallel world.

He had an important job to do.

When the bell rang for the second period, many students flung themselves onto their desks to catch up on their sleep, while 089 got up and entered the men’s toilet cubicle.

After making sure the door was locked, 089 closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he had shifted himself into a room that he had once known all too well.

The room is quite empty and clean because of the minimal clutter, except for the walled bookcases that surround it on three sides, and the thousands of books in the private collection that are displayed on them, which make the place slightly different.

089 stood in the room and glanced at his watch.

Because the teacher had delayed the class by two minutes, at full count he now had only seven minutes of recess time and, for quality reasons, he could not always occupy the bathroom and interfere with others addressing their normal physical needs.

So, he only had three minutes to do what he wanted to do.

…… However, for him, three minutes was enough.

Sure enough, within a few moments, there were familiar footsteps from outside.

089 is not misremembered.

At this point in his life, he would have just finished his second lesson and let the bears out to play while he went to his room for his usual snack and refreshment.

The next second, the door to the room was pushed open from outside.

Ji Feihong, the Ji Feihong of this world, stands in the doorway, staring at 089 with Lou Ying’s skin on top.

Ji Feihong took a step back to confirm that this was indeed his bedroom before speaking to the young student in front of him and asking, “…… you are?”

089 Singular: “Do you want to go abroad?”

Ji Feihong : “Huh?”

089: “If you go abroad and find a man, you may save his life, will you go?”

Ji Feihong scratches her hair: “Is this some kind of trick game?”

089 repeated his question, “Will you go?”

Ji Feihong straightened his face slightly: “Seriously?”

089: “Yes, seriously.”

Ji Feihong nodded without hesitation, “Of course I’ll go then.”

089 handed over the post-it notes he had prepared: “Everything relevant, I’ve written on them. He lived in Eastern Europe, in the Ukrainian state of Kiev. There is a boulevard near the most famous St. Andrew’s Church there, and his family lives at number 66 in the Podil block at the end of the east boulevard. His mother is of Chinese descent and his Chinese Wen is very good, so there is no need to worry about communication barriers. His full name is Zhuang Changting and his English Wen name is Ryan, Zhuang Rui’an, aged 27. When you get there, all you have to do is ask about him and you’ll know where he is.”

”…… He’s a good looking guy.” At the mention of the man’s name, 089’s voice unconsciously softened and lightened, “white hair, white eyelashes, just bad eyes and a congenital heart condition. You have to remind him that on September 8 next year, he must be hospitalised, well observed, for three days, and not leave during that time. It was in the early hours of September 11 that he died. Remember that?”

Ji Feihong surveyed the note in his hand, “Remember. So how do I convince him that I’m telling the truth?”

089: “That’s your business.”

Ji Feihong was quick to say, “OK.”

089: “Thank you.”

”Is it convenient to tell me who you are?” Ji Feihong clutched the note in his palm, “A time traveler? Or someone from the future?”

089 stopped explaining and grabbed the last bit of time to inform him of another most important matter: “And you, remember not to drive out around the end of August next year. Even if you must drive, be careful of tired drivers.”

The three minutes he had booked for himself were quickly coming to a head.

089 pushed open the bathroom door and had just returned to sit in the classroom when the handover signal came from 061 three times in half a minute in Lord GOD space.

089 smiled.

The last time I saw 61 so impatient was when he first figured out how he felt about Chi Xiaochi before he formatted it.

He pressed the handover button.

In the next moment, 089 changed back into his white and black work outfit and stood at the Lord GOD space’s handover point.

Taking advantage of this point in the handover, the pair quickly exchanged the messages they already had.

”Have you received your award?”

”Hmm. You’ve met Ji Feihong of that world too?”

”Just got it done, everything that needs to be accounted for. Took three minutes.”

”Three minutes?” Lou Ying was a bit taken aback, “You teleported in and out in front of him?”


”…… Aren’t you afraid you’ll scare him if you suddenly disappear?”

”It won’t. Nothing would scare me.”

”Are you sure he’s going to be there?”

”If it were me, I’d be there.”

”So confident?”


089’s tone is as confident as ever.

There are times when this over-confidence always makes you want to punch him, but other times, it gives him an unspeakable charm throughout.

089 said, “…… myself, I know it well.”

Lou Ying gives him a pat on the shoulder.

”I’m about to leave.” 089 said, “Brainflower has probably been trying to squeeze me hard lately, and has given me a lot of substitute assignments. I still have over 200 missions to go, and I don’t know when I’ll be teleporting. I didn’t think I’d be able to do something good for me and 23 on the other side of the world before I left, no less.”

Lou Ying raised his eyes and realised that it was almost time, the forced teleportation was about to open, and was just about to say some goodbyes when 089 took his wrist in his hand.

He said softly, “I have also brought my daughter-in-law some gifts to meet her. My father is poor and has nothing to give, so I have left the things in the storage room for you two. You mustn’t steal it.”

Meanwhile, the teacher on Chi Xiaochi’s side has given up resistance to the laughter of the children next door and has opted to let them study on their own.

Chi Xiaochi also found a redundant item in his warehouse.

He had counted all the items in the warehouse, and the sudden appearance of an extra item was naturally striking.

Chi Xiaochi peeled back and found it to be a bag of Mimi’s shrimp strips with a note more prominent than itself: “For my dear daughter-in-law”.

Chi Xiaochi tore the note off and took the shrimp strips out, giving the bag a gentle shake.

A clattering mishmash of snacks emanates from inside.

My tablemate was unmotivated to study when his eyes glanced at the rattle and lit up, “You actually have this good stuff? Here, confiscate it.”

Chi Xiaochi said, “82.”

Tablemate: “The ones from the year of the founding had to be confiscated too.”

Chi Xiaochi : “Open your hand and I’ll give you a share.”

Tablemate: “Look at your pettiness.”

Chi Xiaochi : “I’ll give you a chance to reorganise your language.”

Tablemate: “Dad.”

Chi Xiaochi was joking around with his tablemates when he poked his hand into the bag of shrimp sticks and unexpectedly touched something hard and unusual in the far corner.

He grabbed a small handful of shrimp sticks and gave them to his tablemates, then the rest to the front and back of the table, leaving himself with an empty bag with only a few sticks left, a small disk, and a dozen grains of rice.

It’s rice, or crystal clear raw rice.

The rice has delicate lettering carved into it, and it is not clear when 089 secretly worked out such a craft.

Chi Xiaochi places the rice carving on his textbook and studies it with his head down.

”Before, 61 was given to me before it was formatted.”

”Back in the day, 61 put this in a snack for me.”

”I’ve been saving it for so long, it’s time to return it to its rightful owner.”

”32-bit password, not your or his initials.”

”All-spelling allophones, Morse code, every existing way of solving cryptograms I’ve tried.”

”Don’t waste your time.”

”It’s not either of you two’s birthday.”

”It’s not the morphing encryption of your birthday. I’ve tried any existing encryption of the number series as well.”

”It’s not your parents’ birthday.”

”Not the file codes, school numbers and lucky numbers that appear in any of your lives.”

”Not your film title abbreviation.”

”Not the point in time when you used to kiss someone in a movie.”

”Not with any of the numbers I associate with 23.”

”I’ll do my best to crack it for you.”

”Watch and eat it, I’ve disinfected it.”

Chi Xiaochi finished reading it and thought, 089 this is really trying.

Also, he probably thought he was really close to leaving Lord GOD space to risk entrusting him with something like this.

089 was even so afraid of being observed by Lord GOD that he was afraid to pass it into himself as a datum.

It is not until you hold something like this in the palm of your hand that Chi Xiaochi takes on a sinking sense of reality.

He had always thought he was sober enough before, but never before had he been poured with cold water like this, with nothing but biting coldness all over his body.

…… He actually did immerse himself in the world.

All around there is the clickety-clack of little hamsters.

Chi Xiaochi doesn’t have any familiar friends, doesn’t have any middle school or high school reunions, and has only had one Lucas around all these years.

He is surrounded by those that belong to Chi Xiaochi but not Chi Xiaochi.

It was a bit of a bad feeling, reminding him of the distant past, the con man who had told him to wait until three in the morning.


Chi Xiaochi did not have a very good time.

He’s got a sick private life.

At first it was just a matter of receiving hundreds of roses and having letters stuffed with love and covered with lip marks sent to the office.

Later, a $100,000-plus car pulled up in front of Chi Xiaochi’s house, with Chi Xiaochi movies playing on the car TV inside and used condoms thrown all over the front and back seats.

Chi Xiaochi called the police, but the police were slow to catch the man.

The other man was a very experienced man who knew how to conceal his features and whereabouts, and the car he had parked in front of Chi Xiaochi’s house was stolen.

The seriousness of the incident gradually escalated.

One day, Chi Xiaochi found a small, square piece of toilet paper wrapped in his takeaway.

Once turned over, a thin blade stained with an unknown bloodstain lay inside.

Written in blood inside the toilet paper were four large, dark red letters, “Look at me.”

Lucas was so frightened that he cursed and dragged Chi Xiaochi for a medical check-up and sent the blade for laboratory tests, fearing that the other party had some kind of contagious disease.

The test results came back with human blood, and it was good to see that after the tests, the possibility of the other party having an infectious disease was tentatively ruled out, but the corresponding blood type could not be found in the current DNA database.

The day the test results came back, the private student sent a private message to Chi Xiaochi’s Weibo account using a small number.

”Is my blood good to eat.”

”If you like it, I’ll make blood tofu and give it to you next time.”

As a result, the day after sending these two messages, the police informed us that the private student had been caught and was in ICU after being beaten up so badly.

…… was so close to passing away on the spot.

Lucas has been sleeping with Chi Xiaochi every day since the appearance of the bastard, and has been with him for so many days, and when he received the news, he was so proud of himself that he said he would use his old man’s connections to sue the bastard and put him in jail for half his life to collect soap.

As a result, Lucas had just left Chi Xiaochi’s house when a private tweet came through: “You don’t have to worry, he won’t come back.”

The private message paused for about half an hour, as if hesitating about something.

Chi Xiaochi watched as he typed and deleted, deleted and typed again, and found the man a bit amusing.

Finally, the result of his half hour sent over, “Don’t you be afraid.”

Chi Xiaochi thought this man was quirky, and that there must be another Wen.

Sure enough, after this, he would say something to Chi Xiaochi every day.

Unlike his fans, who were all about “typing in”, Chi Xiaochi thought this was the first time he’d ever been a fan, which was both adolescent and funny.

Then Chi Xiaochi couldn’t stand it any longer and asked him one day before he went to bed, “What the hell are you going to type?”

There was a quick reply, “Wanted to say good night.”

Chi Xiaochi : “Ah, that said, good night.”

The other side probably stopped typing for fear of annoying him, but Chi Xiaochi could not stop looking at his phone.

I don’t know why, but Chi Xiaochi always cared for him a little.

He even gave the other party a nickname, “typing in progress”.

During that time, he had just finished a film, and for his own safety, Lucas’ schedule for him was not too intensive, so he had a rare moment of free time, which he simply spent chatting with interested online friends.

The person on the other end seems to be busy too, but if Chi Xiaochi replies to him, he will always reply in seconds.

The relationship between the two did not develop very far, they only occasionally had a chat.

He didn’t look like a fan who was desperate to confess his love, nor did he look like an unorthodox wanderer, but rather like someone who had come to make friends with his idol.

Chi Xiaochi doesn’t hate him.

And so their casual acquaintance continued for two months.

Until that day, when the other person sent a sapphire ring, saying that he intended to give it to his beloved.

The ring is a first-class piece in terms of design and colour, and there is nothing bad about it, except that it is so expensive that it would be a pain in the neck to buy it from Chi Xiaochi.

To be honest, I really like this ring, Chi Xiaochi.

He said, “It’s expensive.”

The other person said, “It’s fairly affordable. Like it?”

Chi Xiaochi : “Ask me if I like to do something.”

The other person said, “I’ll buy it for you if you like.”

Chi Xiaochi is more than twice as sensitive to this sort of thing after his experience with the private student rice, and after catching a whiff of something wrong, he decided to stop talking to him.

The other party also quickly recognised that he had crossed the line and sent a hasty apology, “I’m sorry, it was abrupt.”

”I saw this ring today and liked it so much I thought I’d send it to you.”

”I shouldn’t say things like that.”

Looking at his words, Chi Xiaochi felt an indescribable distraction and picked up his phone, intending to black out the other party.

He is not capable of developing any kind of intimate relationship and he should not hold anyone back or give anyone that illusion.

It’s been a dizzying two months for him.

The other party seemed to have sensed something and hastily edited a message and sent it over.

As soon as Chi Xiaochi swept those four words out of the corner of her eye, her whole body was confused.

”…… I’m Lou Ying.”

Chi Xiaochi blew up on the spot.

He instantly typed down a large curse and was just about to send it when the next text message came from over there, “When I was a child, I told you that my mother left with my brother or sister in her womb. You managed to comfort me by borrowing the dance team girls’ clothes from school to wear.”

Chi Xiaochi is dumbfounded.

All his shrewdness evaporated out of thin air with his brain in that moment, and he typed dumbly, “…… How did you know?”

”I’m Lou Ying,” he said gently.

Chi Xiaochi said, “I don’t believe it.”

It was a phrase that was said over and over again by him countless times that night.

The man over there kindly said, piece by piece, what only he and Lou knew.

By the end of the day, Chi Xiaochi was shedding tears and saying, “I don’t believe it.”

The other party hesitated for a while before making up his mind and extending an invitation in a gentlemanly manner, “Do you have time this Sunday evening at 7:30. I’ll be waiting for you in the Western restaurant on the TV tower.”

From Tuesday to Sunday, Chi Xiaochi took a long time to digest the news.

The other man wouldn’t say what he’d been doing over the years, saying it was a work secret that couldn’t be revealed, but he said that over the years he’d often come back to see Xiaochi and that he knew everything that had happened to him and how hard he’d been working.

These simple words were so sweet that Chi Xiaochi rolled around in bed with her mobile phone.

As the day drew nearer, Chi Xiaochi went from being skeptical to being as happy as a child before a spring trip.

He had booked a table three days in advance, cancelled all his engagements and called Lucas early on Sunday morning to ask him to advise him on what to wear to his date.

Lucas doesn’t know why Chi Xiaochi is so happy, but he loves seeing Chi Xiaochi like this: “My baby looks good no matter what.”

Chi Xiaochi, however, was not satisfied and changed his altered school uniform for a sweatshirt, a white shirt and finally a slim-fitting mini-suit to show Brother Lou how good he would look when he grew up.

At six o’clock on Sunday evening he arrived at the restaurant and went to the table he had booked.

The colour of his suit matched perfectly with the tablecloth and cutlery.

The table was decorated with Chi Xiaochi’s pre-ordered oxalis garnished with frangipani flowers, fresh with dew dripping off, perfect.

But this is not enough to satisfy Chi Xiaochi.

He double-checks the position of his little bow tie, checks that the wine on the table is awake and that the glasses and bowls are set correctly.

He initially ordered napkins arranged in the shape of roses, but at seven fifteen called the waiter and replaced the roses with sailboats.

As he watched the minute hand slide a little closer to half past seven, Chi Xiaochi, his hands clenched and his fists in his lap like a student, sat upright and waited reverently for his hope to come.

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