Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Fifty-Eight

Chapter One-Hundred Fifty-Eight


The goblin hums to herself as she carefully measures out doses of potions into bottles, Lucas dutifully following after to properly cork them. He likes to put a thin webbing over them as well, enough to ensure the corks stay put, yet not thick enough to interfere when someone actually needs to quickly drink one. This batch is healing potions, but the two will be working on aqua affinity potions next.

She might brew a few of Thedeims water breathing potions in the next few days, too. Something about them draws her class to it. She has a hunch Master Staiven is wrong about what they do, but she has no idea what else it could be. The idea of experimenting to find out tempts her to hurry, but she stomps that impulse down. Fast work with potions is sloppy work, and sloppy work with potions is dangerous work. Besides, if shes been taking stock properly, shes pretty sure there are a couple of those potions left unsold, yet not on the shelves. Her master might be ahead of her in wanting to experiment. She might get to help design one! That hope leads to a stronger urge to speed up, and a harder one to ignore, but she manages. Shes been having to learn patience with her studies after Thedeim vassalized Hullbreak. With the dungeon now open to delvers, the demand for water potions has skyrocketed! Once the first wave started bringing back kelps and other ingredients, Master Staiven was more than happy to blow the dust off the old aqua affinity recipe and teach it to her.

Its easily the most complex potion in her repertoire now. Its mostly water and life essences, expressed through a transmutation formulation. The gills and fins it gives are weird, but not uncomfortable. She and Master Staiven had tested the first batch out just past the docks to ensure they had it right. While the water is murkier than she would have preferred, there were no other problems. Shes even been toying with the formula to see if she can fix the murkiness issue. She can feel another essence will be needed, but shes not sure what. Her first instinct was light, but that doesnt feel quite right.

Maybe she can try to talk with the First Mate? All accounts of the Voice of Hullbreak say shes intimidating, but reasonable. Old sailors say sharks are supposed to have incredible senses, but whenever she tries to ask one in the shop about it, they start on a wild fish tale and never reach the point before they need to pay and leave.

Shes starting to suspect thats the point, and that most of the sailors dont actually know if sharks have good senses. It might be better to get it from the sharks own mouth. The more she thinks on it, pouring doses into bottles, the more she likes the idea. Another delve would be great!

Lucas, do I have any spell spore in my personal stocks? she asks her spider familiar. He was always better at keeping track of hard numbers than she is, and she pouts slightly when he shakes a negative.

Well need to delve Thedeim again, if were going to try to delve Hullbreak. Master Staiven would probably let me borrow some, but a proper adventuring alchemist keeps herself and her party stocked with potions from her own gathering. Or pays for the ingredients, like Master Staiven does.

Lucas chitters approvingly at that, and Rhonda can tell hes looking forward to some adventuring, too. Shes pretty sure hes somehow picked up meta affinity. She doesnt know how else he can use the odd bits and pieces hes gathered to help her spellcraft. Shes also not certain where hes gotten them all. She has no idea what creature could have created the small chip of bone that has earth affinity in it. If it was a whole piece, she might be able to puzzle it out, but a small piece could have come from anything!

She finishes pouring the potions and scrubs the cauldron, before heading up to the shop floor to check if her master needs anything. His grumpy look doesnt look like an act like it usually does.

Is something wrong? she asks, concerned, and his look softens slightly before he sighs.

No aqua affinity potions today. The delvers I sent to gather bubblekelp came back with bubbleweed instead! Sure, I can use it in something else, but not the affinity potion, he grouses from the stool behind the counter.

His sour mood pauses as he sees the considering look in his apprentices eyes. That look means mischief, or some other version of plotting. Hes always equally proud and concerned when his apprentice gets that look. freewebnoveâ„“.com

What if we get it? Me, Freddie, and Larrez? Wed need to delve Thedeim for some spellspore, but then I can make his version of the water breathing potion, and we can go gather stuff in Hullbreak, she suggests.

Staiven weighs that plan for a few seconds, looking for holes to poke in it. He has kept her brewing a lot recently. Stretching her legs would be good, especially with winter here. Its easy to forget Thedeim has plenty of space below ground to delve, not just the house and yard.

He nods. Gather enough for warming potions, too. The trip to and from Hullbreak will be cold. With that, he offers her the quest to gather the bubblekelp. You can prepare with Thedeim today, and get an early start on Hullbreak tomorrow. Go have fun, he says with a smile and shoos her up the stairs to gather her gear, and waves her farewell as she leaves with all her kit.

Getting Freddie is as easy as going to the church and asking. She finds him in prayer and quietly waits. He cracks open an eye and gives her half a smile before continuing, and soon finishes up. It only takes a few minutes to explain, and only a few minutes more for him and Fiona to prepare.

The hard part comes when both realize they dont actually know how to get in contact with Larrez. They know he was a caravan guard, so hes probably guarding something, but they dont actually know where he works.

Well, besides at the guild. With no other leads, the intrepid youngsters and their spiders head there. Inside, the first floor is more full than usual, the various adventurers taking a bit more time between quests and delves to warm up and unwind. A few groups notice them and nod in greeting, but most are too busy with what theyre doing to even notice.

One major exception is Karn the Slight. The guild leader smiles at the small group and waves them to the bar. Well! If it isn't two of my newest members! Howre you kids doing? His eyes shine with mirth as they drift to the spiders. You two keeping them from getting into too much trouble?

The spiders chitter in affirmation and the two youths smile at the friendly orc. Were doing well, answers Freddie. Were actually looking to do some delving. Old Staiven gave Rhonda a quest to get some bubblekelp from Hullbreak.

Karn nods at that. Sounds like a good way to expand your horizons, get a feel for a dungeon besides just Thedeim.

Yeah, but we dont know how to let Larrez know. If were a party, we should delve together, points out Rhonda.

Karn leans back and folds his arms, his gaze drifting over the tavern as he considers the problem. His drifting gaze freezes for a moment, before he nods to himself and leans forward again. I dont know his contact info off the top of my head. Let me check his paperwork to see what options we have. Ill be back in a sec.

They let him go to his office without any fuss, and take the chance to look around the first floor a bit more as they wait.


He probably should have expected a wrinkle like this in Rezlars plan to keep his identity secret. While he doesnt doubt the young lord has plenty of people to handle most of the work of being the mayor, its not like the kid can just hang out in the guild hall all day. He was trying to think of some way to deflect, when he noticed Miller standing outside a window.

Their eyes met and the definitely-just-a-butler pointed upward, then vanished. Karn might not have planned for something like this, but its looking like Miller had. The orc suppresses a sigh as he heads to his office, and isnt surprised to see Miller inside, waiting for him.

So, whats your solution? Karn asks as he takes a seat behind his desk.

Miller smiles like hed prefer to play this out a bit more, but is decent enough to get to the point. Not everyone enjoys the intricacies of a good cover story. Young Larrez has secured himself a job as a guard to the Young Masters estate. His party should be able to request his company with the gate guards, though he will not always be available.

Karn mulls that over for a few seconds and nods. Thatll do it, yeah. Ill let them know where they can gather up their friend.

Millers professional smile relaxes just a hair at that. Karn is perceptive enough to notice, and smart enough to pretend he doesnt. Theres not a lot he knows for sure about Millers motivations, but one thing has been pretty consistent. It might be yet another cover, a part of the act, but Karns gut tells him its genuine. The butler cares deeply for his charge, and about more than just his safety.

Its pretty plain Rezlar sees Miller as a father figure, possibly more than his actual father. Seeing that smile makes Karn think Miller sees the young noble as a son, too.

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