Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Fifty-Two

Chapter One-Hundred Fifty-Two

I mostly watch Nova wander around as night falls, letting Teemo make some shortcuts to help keep himself distracted from worrying. Id tell him to not worry, if it wouldnt make me a gigantic hypocrite. I know the group can handle themselves, but that doesnt stop my mind from spitting out horrifying what-ifs fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

Better to have something to do, especially if its something that will help them with their mission. Its a bit of a tangential help, but the ratlings have already started using the coke from the cinder ants to make the forges hotter, and so make steel easier.

Oh, which reminds me. Steel might be one of the biggest things back on Earth, but I bet theres fancy metals to play with around here, thanks to magic. Something like mythril, orichalcum, adamantine and so on would be great. If unobtainium actually exists, I will refuse to process it just on principle.

I can actually put in some gold nodes, but I hold off on that, at least for now. It probably has some good uses in enchanting, but I just dont want to deal with that metal. Its too soft, and too likely to get attention I might not want. Maybe a secret node down there, but not yet. My other options do actually include orichalcum and mythril, and I take some time to figure out what they actually do. Or at least try to.

The menus arent exactly forthcoming with information, but concentrating on them gets me at least some basics.

Mythril: Light and durable metal, often sought for enchanting.

Orichalcum: *Light and hard metal, highly resistant to magic.

I note that one says durable while the other says hard, and wonder if an alloy of them could manage anything special. I go ahead and put in a node of each for now, and can feel some of my slimes starting their slow way down to do their little slimy business of helping the nodes along. I also put in a few high-purity iron nodes and a smattering of other more ordinary metals. I even notice I can get a diamond node and put in one of those. It doesnt look like it will be especially good for jewelry, but Im more looking forward to trying some industrial applications.

Id love to get some titanium, too, but Im not exactly going to hold my breath on that. Im actually a bit relieved to see theres no option for a titanium node, at least not in the lava tubes. Titanium is actually incredibly common, but processing it is a massive pain, as the strong metal will actually burn before it melts. I wouldnt be surprised if Queen could manage some kind of alchemical processing method for it, but shes still pretty focused on the concrete with Coda.

As the night goes on, a few of my scions even go visit Nova. I can feel her curiosity about the rest of my territory, but shes taking the time to get more used to the tubes, first, and to hunt down more of the fire elementals. The other wyrms have been hunting them down, too, but Nova takes to it with gusto, and shes really good at it, too. Still, A little nudge is all it takes to get her to greet whatever scions come down to say hello.

Fluffles is the first to visit, and seeing my Conduit seems to both intimidate and motivate her. Fluffles is a good role model, and is more than happy to help give her some suggestions and encouragements. Hes curious about her magma affinity, and while shes happy to tell what she knows, I dont think she quite has the words to explain it to him. I dont know how many people here could explain the mechanics of breathing, despite doing it their entire lives, and it seems similar for her.

Next is Rocky, comfortably back in his boxing gear. He had kept the lich outfit for a little after dealing with Hullbreak, but now his arena is up and running, hes more than happy to put back on his familiar gear. Unsurprisingly, he seems to chat with Nova about fighting, and about affinities. I dont think hes tried to lay any of the actual concepts on her for expanding them yet, but he did watch her demonstrate some of her magma stuff with great interest.

Tiny pays her a visit, too, and Id wager he gave her some philosophical stuff about what names actually mean. Hes the opposite of tiny, after all, so Nova shouldnt feel too intimidated nor defined by her name. At least, thats the impression I get from the bonds.

Grim stops by next, though I dont think the stoic skeleton says much to her. Instead, he seems to have a bit of a housewarming gift for her in the form of a small plaque with a flower carved into it. Nova carefully accepts it, making sure to not melt it, and thanks him for the gift. She doesnt seem to know what to do with it, though, and eventually decides to set it near the wyrm spawner, where the denizens get to appreciate it before going about their duties.

Even Jello pays her a visit. Im pretty sure Jello was the first to want to come visit, but her speed puts her in last place to chat. And, like Teemo said, the two seem to hit it off. They talk and hang out for basically the rest of the night, and Jello even gets to eat one of the elementals. I dont think it quite agrees with her, but shes tough enough to not care too much about its opinion on her digestion methods.

Sunrise starts to threaten, so I ask Teemo to head up to the wolf spawner. Hes gotten a lot of shortcuts done in the tubes, but I can tell he considers the job hardly started. Still, its better than nothing, and we really do need to get the shortcuts to the outposts done.

You ready to go on an adventure?

Teemo smirks as he exits the shortcut near the wolf den. Last time I went on anything like an adventure, I got impaled by a sword.

Yeah, but you got better. Besides, youve been outside a bunch since then.

Yeah, but not for anything like an adventure. He glances at the wall and the little staircase over it. And never for as long as this is going to take. You gonna be alright with me out there?

I mentally smile and pat the bond. Yeah, I should be fine. I managed without a Voice for a while. Ill miss you while youre out there, but we should still be able to easily talk, even while youre outside.

And how about with the delvers, or with Hullbreak or Violet? You still need to take the Quartermaster on a tour, remember?

I know. Im sure Fluffles can handle that on his own. I might even try to get him to invite one of Violets scions to come along, too. Shell probably get a kick out of basically anything on the surface.

Teemo chuckles at that and nods. Yeah, she probably will. Want me to head down and ask her?

Im tempted to say yes, but instead reluctantly decline. Its a good idea, but I think well both keep finding little excuses and things to do that will keep you here, Teemo.

He deflates a bit at that and nods after a few moments. Yeah. You can handle it, it's just its a bit scary to head out there. Making the shortcuts has me excited, but trying to negotiate with a large dungeon like the Southwood

Yeah. We havent had great first impressions with most dungeons. Even Violet was terrified of us at first.

Weve had to work hard to change their opinions to consider us allies. With the Southwood it already wants to be an ally. I just dont want to mess it up.

I dont think youll mess it up, Teemo. Youve been great at making friends with people who didnt even know they wanted one. Now that we have someone who actively wants our help, Im sure youll do great.

Besides, who else am I going to send?

That earns a bark of a laugh from him, and my Voice shakes his head as a tundra wolf exits the den. Send your best instead of trying to wait for perfection, hmm?

Eh, I think youre at least 50% of the way towards perfection.

Such a vote of confidence.

It is. If I had half-perfect concrete, a lighthouse would be no challenge. I dont need perfect, or even half-perfect. Its the flaws that make things interesting, the problems that invite unique solutions. You are my unique solution to talking, and youve been, if not perfect, at least up to each and every challenge. I know you can do it, Teemo.

My Voice sits there for a few moments, before he clears his throat. Thanks, Boss.

With that, he hops onto the wolf, and they hop over the wall. I could still talk to him, but I can feel the roiling emotions of his through the bond, and I dont doubt it echoes my own. I trust him to do this. Im not just sending him because hes the best option I have right now. Im sending him because I cant conceptualize anyone being better suited for this.

If this somehow falls through, I very much doubt it will be because of him.

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