Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Forty-Four

Chapter One-Hundred Forty-Four

At least theres not much more inspection to do after that. The merfolk show Tarl to the kelp thicket and he simply notes that the thicket is to be avoided, and is happy to leave it at that. Teemo doesnt manage to get back by the time Tarl is ready to leave, so the First Mate sees him off instead. He gives Hullbreak a tentative reclassification as a cooperative dungeon, and assures the First Mate the info packet will be full of warnings and directions. I think most delvers will be swimming on eggshells for a while, but Im happy with the effort of my vassal.

Hullbreak might still be a bit of a work in progress, but who isnt, right? And speaking of works in progress, its probably a good thing Teemo didnt get back to help with the last of the inspection. With the sun starting to dip below the horizon, I should probably give Rezlar an update. If Im going to go picking a fight with one or more dungeons in the depths, I should probably give him a heads up.

Probably a good idea, Boss. I dont think youll be able to cause much actual trouble any time soon, but best to give him as much warning as possible. He might even have some advice for this. Should I ask Aranya if she wants to come, too?

If shes up for it, sure. She might have to act as a bit of an official liaison for my enclaves to him, Fourdock, and the kingdom, though. Larx and the Triumvirate probably wouldnt mind doing that themselves, but I dont want to overwhelm Rezlar.

My voice nods at that as he slips down a shortcut to the Sanctum, where Aranya looks to be simply relaxing and reading a book. Shes not as quick as Yvonne, but ever since my birb resident helped her learn, reading has been one of her favorite pastimes.

She looks up as Teemo enters, and marks her place with a finger for the moment. Ah, hello Teemo. You just missed Yvonne, I believe shes off to the guild to see if they have any maps of the local depths.

The rat shakes his head as he hops onto the small table. Actually, Im here to talk with you, if you dont mind?

She smiles and marks her place with a scrap of cloth, and sets the book aside. Of course not. What do you need? fɾeewebnoveℓ.co๓

Well, the Boss is going to let Rezlar know about his plans with the depths and stuff, and wanted to know if you wanted to come, too.

The kobold taps her fingers on the book as she thinks. Reluctantly, she answers. Not really, but it would probably be a good idea.

Teemo chuckles at that. Yeah. You could also bug him about an actual trade agreement between the dwellers and Fourdock, too. Larx and the Triumvirate could probably do that on their own, but the Boss doesnt want to overwhelm Rezlar.

Aranya sighs and nods as she stands to put on her scythemaw sword. From what I hear, hes high-strung? she settles on, uncertain of a more diplomatic way to put it.

Yeah, kinda. Hes a good kid, though, just needs the chance to actually do something so he can prove to himself that he actually can do something.

And what is Lord Thedeim actually planning to do about the depths? I could feel Him moving, but I dont know His plan.

Teemo smirks as he hops onto her shoulder, the two now ready to go. Ill save the details for once were at Rezlars, just so I dont have to repeat myself. For now, though: nothing too outlandish, even for the Boss. Just more expeditions and looking for a good way to expand deeper.

My High Priestess looks relieved at that, and takes the indicated shortcut as she talks. Ah, alright. I admit I thought he might send Rocky or Fluffles past the underswamps to tear a swath through the depths until they find something.

Oh, the Boss considered it, but hes smarter than that. Besides, if he let Rocky and Fluffles off the chain, they might collapse the depths and make a huge sinkhole!

Aranya giggles at that, not taking it too seriously. Not that they probably couldnt, but that they wouldnt. They both know how dangerous they could be if theyre not careful.

Teemo and Aranya chat until they arrive at my gate, and I ride along Teemos senses as they head for Rezlars manor. Huh I wonder who owned my manor before me? Maybe some early noble or even founder? Maybe just a rich merchant whose fortune waned? I let my mind wander, with Teemo occasionally snorting at my increasingly-wild imagination.

By the time they reach the manor, Im theorizing about a family of creepy-but-friendly kooks, and Teemo knocks me out of my thoughts.

Hey Boss, were here.

Aranya smiles as she greets the guard at the gate, who is eyeing her and Teemo with curiosity. Excuse us, but could you let Lord Mayor Rezlar know he has guests? Teemo and Aranya, of Thedeim.

The guard wordlessly nods and turns to someone behind the wall, though Teemo cant quite make out what theyre saying. He does notice when the guard stiffens and quickly nods, before turning his attention back to my rat and kobold.

Uh yes. Mister Miller will lead you in. The young lord will soon be having dinner, if youd like to join him?

Teemo looks suspicious, but if Aranya noticed, shes better at hiding it, as she answers for them. If it wouldnt impose on him.

The guard glances to the side before shaking his head. Uh no imposition, maam.

Then wed be delighted and honored.

Ah, excellent, comes the voice of Miller from behind the wall, and the guard does his best to not flinch when a hand rests on his shoulder for a moment. Ive informed the young master hell be receiving guests for dinner. If you would please follow me?

He offers Aranya his arm as a gentleman, and she accepts it with dignity and grace. Teemo continues to look suspicious, but also continues to remain silent for now. Miller leads the way, making conversation as he does so.

What brings the High Priestess and the Voice of Thedeim to call on my young master? he asks, and Aranya answers without missing a beat. freeweɓnovel.cøm

The promise of closer communication and cooperation. A matter has come to my Lord Thedeims attention, which may come to concern the lord mayor.

Miller tilts his head slightly, possibly in surprise? I still have such a hard time getting a read on him. Oh? Is it something pressing?

Aranya waves it off and smiles. No, but thats why were here: to inform him before it can become pressing, and possibly even keep it from ever becoming so.

He smiles at that and changes topic to the various bits of art along the walls as he leads them towards the dining hall, and soon he enters the room before them and speaks clearly. Lord Mayor Rezlar, I present Aranya, the High Priestess of Thedeim, and Teemo, the Voice of the same. With a flourish, he steps aside, letting Aranya enter and give a curtsy to the elf noble.

Said noble looks about as nervous as Ive seen him, but he manages to keep it out of his voice as he speaks. Welcome to my table, High Priestess and Voice. Please accept my hospitality and enjoy yourselves.

Teemo finally decides enough is enough and speaks up. Cut the formal crap, its just me and Aranya. I dont even have my hat and tie he grumbles as Aranya giggles. While Miller dons a sly smile, Rezlar still looks uncomfortable.

Apologies, Teemo, but my young master could use the practice, admits Miller. But please, take a seat. Tradition would dictate you sit at the opposite end, but I get the feeling there will be business discussed over the meal, so sitting closer will be fine, too.

Aranya takes the seat at Rezlars left, with Teemo hopping onto the table to sit at her own left. Miller, of course, pulls out her chair for her, and helps push it in for her to easily sit, and she thanks him for the assistance. My Voice takes a moment to get settled, before looking to Rezlar and speaking.

Why do you look so nervous? You look like youre about to go give another speech in front of the town or something.

The young elf looks to Miller for help, but his butler is the very image of stoicism as he simply stands with his arms at rest behind him, ready to help his master with anything except whatever has him so unsettled.

After a few moments, Rezlar deflates slightly, looking less like hes relaxed, and more like hes accepted his doom. Why didnt you tell me Thedeim was a god?

Ah. Thats complicated. So much for trying not to overwhelm him.

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