Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Nine

Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Nine

As Teemo exits the shortcut into Larxs kinda open-air temple thing, I see the ratkin easily chatting with Freddie, Rhonda, and Rezlar. Hes smiling as they recount the fight with the electric twinsnake, enjoying their youthful energy as well as Rezlars fidgeting as the other two talk him up.

Larx spots my Voice, and waits for a lull before saying something.

Is this an official visit, Teemo, or did you want to hear how they handled Lord Thedeims latest challenge? freeωebnovēl.c૦m

The kids and spiders all look to Teemo, happy to see him, and he takes a moment to bask in the attention before speaking.

Official kind of. Aranya and the Triumvirate are going to be visiting. She has something important to discuss.

What is it? asks Freddie with a tinge of concern, but Teemo waves him off.

Just some underground stuff, he deflects. Rhonda and Freddie seem to accept that, but Rezlar seems to have more experience being deflected. He doesnt ask anything right now, but I wouldnt be surprised if he asks about it later when hes here in a more official capacity.

We should probably get going anyway, says Rhonda, and Freddie nods as he stands.

Me and Rhonda have stuff we need to do, too. Tell them we said hi, Elder?

Larx nods. Of course. Theyll be sad to have missed you, but wouldnt want to keep you from your responsibilities. May Lord Thedeim bless you, he says with a wave of his hand, and a subtle breeze of orange drifts across them all.

Rezlars eyes widen at that, but Freddie and Rhonda get him moving before he can work himself up into the panic that it seems he wants to. Once theyre well out of the enclave, Larx breaks the silence.

So thats the young mayor.

Teemo bursts into laughter, and I still need to figure out a good way to give a flat look to my Voice. After a few moments to calm down, Teemo finds his ability to speak. So, whatd you think?

Hes not what I expected. The lad needs to learn some confidence to go with whatever schooling hes had and will have. I think Freddie and Rhonda will help him with that. Nothing builds confidence like successfully doing a challenging delve. He pauses to muse, before continuing.

So, what does Lady Aranya and the Triumvirate actually need?

To talk about underground stuff. Specifically: her past, and how the kobolds fare.

Larx leans back into his chair. Ah, that makes sense. Lord Thedeim acts above and below. He feels Hes ready to tackle the darkness of deeper down, which even the glowmoss cant dispel?

Teemo nods. Yeah, though I dont think hes going to actually tackle it. More like sneak in and take it apart, piece by piece.

Larx nods at that and takes his staff in hand to stand. Then Im going to need more tea, and some of the mushroomsnap cookies. We havent managed anything like actual bread just yet, but some of Honeys honey and some ginger makes a decent cookie to dip into some warm tea.

Teemo follows as he heads into his chambers. While Larx prefers to keep the little temple fully open to the public, he recognizes something like this might be the kind of thing Aranya would like to keep private. A subtle orange glow envelopes things as Larx works, his faith helping him prepare for guests. His timing is incredible, too, as hes pulling a second kettle from the fire as a knock sounds from his door.

Come in! he says as he places the last jar of tea leaves on the table, next to a large plate of cookies, and my Head Priestess and the Triumvirate enter his humble abode. Its a little cramped, thanks to Folarns size, but it feels more cozy than anything as they all settle around the table.

Would you like some tea and cookies before we begin? he asks.

Just some tea for me, please, says Aranya, and Folarn echoes her.

Those cookies smell good, speaks the eager Vernew as she grabs a couple, mostly ignoring the tea. Norloke is more patient, however.

Both for me, please, and thank you.

Larx smiles at them all, and soon everyone is enjoying his hospitality. Norloke even gets Vernew to have a cup of tea, and shows her to dip the cookies, much to her delight at the new flavor and texture.

Aranya lets everyone get settled before she begins. If you all dont mind, Id like to start. Nobody seems to mind, so she continues. Lord Thedeim has asked me to tell more of how I came here, and about where I came from, and I wanted you all to hear this. You are His dwellers and live below the surface. If He expands much further, I think the Deeps will start to truly notice us, and we all need to be prepared.

She pauses to let everyone take that in. Half-eaten cookies are quickly finished, and soon the red kobold has everyones undivided attention.

She takes a few more seconds to compose herself, then she begins. While Lord Thedeim is a Sanctuary in the truest sense, the ones deeper earn being called dungeons. There may be other Sanctuaries there, but Ive never heard of them, at least not in anything besides legends.

The Dungeons of the Deeps are Im not even sure where to start, she admits, and takes a few more moments. My enclave was in one of the dungeons. It had no spawners we could have developed from, which isnt a surprise. My people are treated as slaves there, and were probably taken instead of developed. Theyre forced to do the dungeons wishes, which mostly involve labor. There is a settlement not far from my home, mostly pale elves and pale dwarves. They worship it, and delve to make it stronger. They tithe much of their materials gained, and we kobolds must collect and process it.

Ores are smelted, metals forged, weapons, armor, and more are made, and the dungeon uses it as loot for the delvers. The town and dungeon grow together, almost a mockery of how Lord Thedeim nurtures us and Fourdock.

She closes her eyes, trying to resist tears as she continues. My people are sacrificed to the dungeon, murdered by the pale followers so the dungeon can grow. They sacrifice anything else they can get their hands on, too, but my people seem to be what the dungeon likes the most.

I was to be sacrificed, but I wasnt the only one, that day. They were also going to offer some monster they had found, some terrifying mass of tentacles and mouths. I dont know how they captured it, or even what it was, but it got loose and started wreaking havoc. It picked up my cage and threw it, and I fled in the confusion.

I ran until I collapsed, and only then did I realize I had no idea where I was. I slept in a crack in the wall, then began wandering. Eventually, I came to what Lord Thedeim calls the Underswamps, and I slowly made my way across. I was almost out when one of the tunnel horrors decided I looked delicious.

She stops there and slowly smiles at the memory. And I found Lord Thedeim, and he killed the monster, and took me in. He gave me clothes, He gave me a weapon, He gave me a true home He gave me purpose. I never brought up my people, because I didnt think there was anything to be done for them. I dont even know where they are, how can I help them? And He already gave me so much, I couldnt try to ask for more.

She stops there, unable to think of anything else to say. Everyone is clearly digesting her story. Larx looks sad to hear that a dungeon could do something like that. Norloke looks like she feels similarly, but is leaning more towards horror than sorrow. Folarn has all her arms crossed and is frowning. I can practically see battleplans forming in her head. Vernew looks like she wants to skewer something, but has to settle for snatching up and devouring a cookie. Teemo is looking almost shocked at how bad it is.

And Im trying to resist getting Poe to send as many bats on expedition past the underswamps as possible. Its certainly going to be the priority for underground expeditions going forward, but rushing will only make a mess. Being angry is one thing, but just letting it explode into a fiery rage doesnt help anyone. No, Im an engineer, and making heat do work is practically the profession in a nutshell.

So lets get down to business.

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