Dungeon Life

Chapter Two-Hundred Thirty-Two

Chapter Two-Hundred Thirty-Two

I let my attention wander as Lechula and Merrik are questioned. The two have really loosened up, though its a bit more difficult to tell with the elf than the dwarf. Lechula happily talks about life in Silvervein, though she gets significantly less happy whenever she notices another disturbing fact about life there. Merrik gives his own stories as well, and gives wry commentary on Lechulas accounts, too.

Honey takes diligent notes the whole time, gleaning tidbits from the innocuous talk. Silvervein seems to be pretty similar in size to Fourdock, for example, but they dont have anything like the adventurers guild. Most townspeople are craftspeople or other working classes, with only really the guard and the clergy having any appreciable levels, or at least any appreciable fighting ability.

Unsurprisingly, a lot of people have food-related professions. Food is pretty big for the Maw, which probably shouldnt be too surprising either. What is a bit surprising is that the Maw and its clergy seem to follow the rules for food. They dont just stuff their faces, though they definitely like to take their time with a good meal. The Maw also seems to take it as a personal affront if anyone starves, so I guess it gets a single mark in the positive column.

The clergy are fanatical to the Maw and seem eager to feed it anything they can, including townsfolk that dont pay their taxes. So yeah, the Maw isnt getting any more positive marks, I expect. Maybe if it has chocolate, but I seriously doubt that.

From Honeys notes, it sounds like were looking at a lot of cramped tunnels, rather than a few open caverns. Thats going to be a problem, if true. Itd make sense, too, considering the leech-headed things. In open ground, they werent too difficult to pick off at range. In a tunnel, though, theyd be a nightmare. With how they can dig, theyd even make decent sappers to collapse the tunnels enemies are in.

It also might make it more difficult to sneak in. My wyrms will have to weave around tunnels to get where they want to be, and any enemy earth mages will be able to spot them. Teemos shortcuts might be our best bet for getting inside their guard.

On the other hand, it could make it easier to attack. A couple basilisks would be real tough for even a swarm of those abominations to get past. They dont even have any metal in them, so the soldiers, guards, clergy, or whatever will have few options to deal with them. I might need to get a bigger group of tunnelbores up here so we can make our own tunnels.

The metal affinity is going to make things difficult for my dwellers. From how the two talk, nobody is going to be pulling a Magneto, but the metal gear my dwellers have will still be a lot less effective than I might have hoped. The Maw is apparently metal affinity, so all the denizens are going to have it. Itd probably be a very bad idea to send my dwellers to try to face them.

Unfortunately, that means my dwellers will probably have to fight the guards and such, who will only mostly be metal affinity. Im sure Teemo will explain the problem to my dwellers, and Im almost positive theyll still insist on fighting.

Im glad Leo will be figuring out where they should go, because I have no idea. I should probably have Teemo give him some ear scritches or something as thanks for shouldering that particular burden, too. I know hes the best for the job, but that still makes me feel like Im just dodging responsibility.


So, wha next? asks Ragnar as he relaxes against a tree. He looks pretty happy there, but Yvonne and Aelara both know hes a bit anxious to do more. Yvonne feels the same way, and shed wager Aelara does, too. The birdwoman glances over to Nova, who is still following them around, but she doesnt seem like she has any ideas, either.

I dont know, sighs Aelara once the silence stretches on too far for her liking. We should probably take some time to recover and resupply, but after that she trails off.

We could scout more? suggests Yvonne, but nobody really acknowledges the idea. By the time they get back to being near the Maw, the other adventurers should start returning. They could get more information, but the rockslides should soon be in position to relay reports much quicker.

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Ragnar grunts, expressing a bit of the frustration of everyone as he closes his eyes, looking like hes going to try to catch a nap. After a few moments, he gives a thoughtful hum and opens one eye. fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

We could organize th returnin adventurers.

Thats a good idea, compliments Aelara with a smile, and Yvonne nods in agreement.

If we can organize their reports, we can tell Thedeim and either send a copy to the guild with whoever doesnt want to go back down there, or take it back ourselves, she reasons, then glances at Nova. Do you think Thedeim would give us whatever information his rockslides are gathering, too?

The wyrm rumbles in thought as she toys with a blob of magma, doodling with the molten rock as she considers. She gives an uncertain nod after a few seconds.

Well need t bug Teemo fer the details anyway. An fer paper.

Aelara takes a moment to dig through her pack before agreeing. Yeah. I have some soft leather for maps, but not nearly enough for all the adventurers reports.

Ill go ask after sunset. Id imagine theyll take a break with the questions for the day around then. In the meantime, we should see if any of the other adventurers have come back yet. We returned pretty quickly, but we also went pretty deep. There could be a couple groups around. Yvonne thinks back to the many adventurers that came along, and wonders which groups would probably return early. She remembers at least a few were planning to explore the more shallow caves, so they might be back already.

Ragnar gets to his feet and stretches. Then les go! With nothing else to do, they set out. It doesnt take long for Yvonne to smell the smoke of several camp fires, and soon the party exits into a large clearing. Yet, instead of adventurers, they find Thedeims dwellers.

Oh, theyre already here? slips from Aelara in surprise. They all knew the dwellers would be coming eventually, but its still a bit of a shock to see the spiderkin and ratkin milling about. Theyre all trying to put on a brave face, but the nerves are obvious to the experienced band of adventurers. The camp looks in good condition, at least, and even with nerves, morale seems high.

Lady Yvonne! Ragnar! Aelara! Three heads turn to see the familiar form of Vernew leaping through the air towards them, clearly happy to see them. I heard you were participating, but I didnt expect to see you all! Hows everything going?

Please, just Yvonne, starts the undead birdwoman, just as she does every time Vernew or the other denizens call her a Lady. And things seem to be going well. We just came back from scouting, and we found a couple sympathizers. The scions are talking with them right now.

Oohh, sympathizers? Do you think they know some secret entrance we can all slip through and take the dungeon without a fight?

Ragnar chuckles and shakes his head. Nay, lass. Theyre no elites, jus soldiers, really.

Though they still know a lot more than we did, admits Aelara. The dungeon is called the Maw, for example. Its also metal affinity, which will make things a bit difficult.

Vernew takes a moment to absorb that before quietly swearing. Tangled web Do you think Lord Thediem will tell us to go home? she nervously asks. Yvonne considers what she knows about him before responding.

Id imagine hell try to give you the option to, but he wont try to force you. Itll be more dangerous than expected, but I dont think anyone really came here expecting everything to be safe.

Vernew sighs and sags a bit in relief. Good. Good. So, anything I can help you with?

Have any other adventurers come by? Were going to try to organize their reports so they can get back out quicker, explains Aelara, and Yvonne follows up.

Theyll probably be attracted by the smoke from your campfires.

Vernew folds a set of arms as she taps her spear on the ground in thought. None that Im aware of. Are you three going to stick around here for a while, then?

If y don mind?

Vernew smiles wide. I dont mind at all! Youre Lord Thedeims chosen party! Wed all be happy to have you share our fires, especially if you share some stories in return!

Yvonne smiles at that, deciding to ignore being called Thedeims chosen party. Then wed be delighted. I know Ragnar is always looking for new vict- I mean a new audience for his stories and jokes.

Har har, the dwarf deadpans, but he can only keep the act up for a few seconds before the facade cracks.

Just dont accept any of his challenges, be they fighting or drinking, warns Aelara, earning an indignant Oi! from Ragnar.

Vernew just grins wide and lays an arm over his shoulder. I wont, but I know a few suckers whod leap at a challenge. Cut me in, and Ill encourage a few of them.

Ragnar grins wide as Yvonne and Aelara exchange a worried glance. Theres no hope of avoiding shenanigans now. All the two can try to do is minimize the impending disaster.

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