Dungeon Life

Chapter Two-Hundred Twenty-Five

Chapter Two-Hundred Twenty-Five


The wyrm scion does her best to stay calm as the two dwellers head deeper into the cave, unknowingly getting closer and closer to her party. She sighs in relief when they finally stop. Theyre close, but at least not directly outside the hidden camp of her friends.

She can actually join them while still listening in, which she happily does. She doesnt feel very qualified for this kind of thing, so hopefully the delvers will have some idea of what to do about the other dungeons dwellers. She tries to split her attention between listening to the two, even as she does her best to sculpt some magma to let the party know whats going on. Theres quiet sounds of surprise when she first makes a little magma puddle, but with the rough outline of the cave and little teardrops of magma marking the positions, the Guides chosen delvers mostly stay quiet.

Novas very glad for that, as the two hostile dwellers are speaking in hushed tones.

Should we just leave? asks the armored one, sounding very nervous. Nova can even hear her fidgeting and shifting her feet, clearly ill at ease. freёwebnovel.com

The other hums in thought for a few moments. Perhaps? Im not sure how much longer we can keep them in the dark.

Youre still sure they wont see our side of it?

Yes. Jayle is devout. Im actually surprised the clergy havent claimed him yet. Maybe they already have, and hes their eyes and ears into Master Harbingers training. Dergol is not exactly devoted to the great Maw, but he doesnt see. Hed try to convince us to just drop it. And hes known Jayle longer than hes known us. If it came to blows, hed side with Jayle just to keep him from being outnumbered.

Nova can hear more shifting from the armored dwarf before Merrik continues. I know, Lechula. I want to try to convince them, too, but I dont think this is the place for it. Even if we convinced Dergol, wed never convince Jayle. And if Jayle caught a whiff of what were trying to cook, hed rat us out if given the chance.

Lechula sighs. Yeah if he found out, we couldnt let him get back. I dont think I can do something like that.

The two stand in silence for a few more moments, before Lechula continues. Lets just finish securing the cave for now. I dont even know if leaving is a good idea. Silvervein doesnt feel like home anymore but I dont know where else to go.

Ive tried to subtly get a look at maps to try to go somewhere else, but either theyre all redacted, or there really arent any other settlements within a couple days. The great Maw has been eating well, I suppose.

With that, the two resume moving, and Nova surfaces in the hidden camp. While she moves the two drops to coincide with the dwellers position, she quickly notices her party has not been sitting idle. She tilts her head at a recreation of the cave shape, with lines drawn all around and in it. She tilts her head at the gathered delvers, and Aelara is eager to quietly explain.

We want to try to capture them. I know you were listening to them, so they must know something. Even if theyre just regular soldiers, theyd know more about whats happening than we do. We just need to keep them from alerting the others.

Were thinkin a luring them t a spot an caving it in behind em. Well need you fer that, Nova, Ragnar briefly summarizes, and Nova can start understanding the scribbles in the earthen floor. She nods over to her own little magma map and produces two extra drops before having them pop in a fake landslide, and rushes the two at the camp over.

Yvonne nods. Theyll know something happened, but cave-ins are a natural danger. If their friends never return from scouting the cave, theyll have to assume they were caught in it. An obvious answer helps keep questions at bay.

Nova supposes that makes sense. She still has another question, though, and tries to mime it with her little magma drops. She multiplies them, having them all wander around the cave and taking different routes back to the camp. Ragnar and Aelara look confused, but Yvonne seems to understand.

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How will we know where to ambush them? Well try to lure them. If the other dungeon really is sending out patrols this far, we can make a more permanent hidden camp for ourselves, so we dont even have to capture these two. As for how to lure them, thats where you come in.

Yvonne motions to Aelara, letting the elf explain. Ill be busy with setting our thin wall to crumble, as well as preparing a cave in. You can make a little magma flower to try to draw them in. The light should get their attention even without direct line of sight, and unless theyre trained and hardened scouts, a little solidified magma flower will make them curiously get closer. Once we drop the cave-in and reveal ourselves, we should have them at our mercy before they can do anything, and they should know it.

An if they dont notice, well jus try again wi th next batch, finishes Ragnar. Nova isnt sure about this plan. On the one hand, the Guide would love to get more information. Thats what this entire scouting expedition is for, after all. Still, it seems dangerous. Although the delvers seem pretty confident. And it doesnt even need to happen right now. If they cant get ready, or if they cant lure the dwellers to the right spot, theyll try again later. She nods, and the party smiles wide.

Perfect! exclaims Aelara with a clap of her hands. If youd keep your magma map of their position up to date, Ill focus on preparing the ambush site. Just outside seems good, Ill need to make some subtle adjustments to help funnel them.

Nova does as asked, quietly moving the magma drops on her map as the others prepare. Yvonne and Ragnar both check their weapons and armor, making little adjustments as they prepare for the ambush. Aelara faces the wall, slowly moving her arms and waving her fingers as she shapes the stone as she pleases. Nova wishes she could actually watch her work. Once this is done, shes going to need to try to expand her affinities. Earth affinity would just be so useful to have!

Looks like theyre coming back this way to head back to camp. Is everything ready, or are we waiting for next time? asks Yvonne.

Im ready. It wont be quite as clean as I might like, but if we can get them into position, itll work.

Ragnar readies his weapon and nods at Nova, who understands it as her queue to try a lure. She slips under the surface and creates a pool of magma, which she then starts to sculpt. She goes a little off the script for the lure. Instead of making a flower, she decides to try something a little different. The dwellers mentioned kobolds as something important. Maybe she could make a sculpture of Aranya?

Shes glad the Guides High Priestess usually wears that robe, as its a lot easier to keep the form stable, and she can pretend the slightly-melted look is just the fabric flowing with her motions. Of course, shes not making the pose particularly dynamic. Instead, she has the kobold kneeling, hands clasped in prayer, like shes seen her do so many times before.

She almost drops her focus and lets the magma slump when Aelara sends her a pulse, and Nova realizes she stopped keeping the position of the dwellers up to date. She quickly puts them back to motion. They get close, and she wonders if theyll notice the soft glow of the molten rock. For a moment, it seems like they dont, but then they pause before slowly approaching.

She lets the magma start cooling, putting her attention more on keeping their positions accurate on the map than on her sculpture. She thinks it came out pretty good, but now is not the time for preening over her work. She can feel Aelara stiffen as the footsteps get close enough for the elven earth mage to detect, and soon the two dwellers get close enough to see Novas art.

Did you drop your cheese kobold? asks Merrik as he spots the small sculpture, sounding incredulous.

No I put it in my bag. How did this get here? The footsteps slow, and though Nova can tell theyre looking around with their heads, their feet are still slowly following where their curiosity demands.

In position, whispers Aelara. Three. Two. One. Now!

The ceiling rumbles and the fake wall crumbles to sand, revealing the two dwellers looking up like the impending cave-in is impossible. They dont see Ragnar and Yvonne rushing forward. The birdwoman grabs Merrik and hurls him behind her, while Ragnar does similar to Lechula, putting them both on the ground, dazed, as the view of the cave vanishes behind falling rubble.

Nova surfaces, adding her glow to the darkness, letting the two dwellers see they were not necessarily saved from danger. Yvonne has her mandible sword pointed at Merriks neck, while Ragnar has a foot on Lechulas armored chest, hammer raised incase she tries anything. fгeewebnovёl.com

Aelara takes a few moments to ensure the hidden campsite isnt going to collapse, before turning her attention to the two on the ground.

As long as you cooperate, you wont be harmed. We will be taking you with us, however, she informs the two. Merrik frowns with tight lips, but Lechula must have been more rattled from the ambush than him, as she cant keep her silence.

Well, at least now we dont have to try to run away.

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