Empress with No Virtue – Chapter 53

OCTOBER 2, 2015 ~ LAMLAM1990

Till next week ~!

Ji Wu Jiu got a soldier that speaks Mongolian to act as a translator to interrogate the solider that they managed to capture. The captured soldier was quite determined to remain quiet and even stopped eating.

“Even if you don’t tell me, I know where you are from”

The soldier had no reaction still.

“You are from the Wu Lan tribe. The head of the Mongolian Wu Lan tribe, is Bo RI Tie Chi Na also known as the Cockroach from the Desert”

The soldier started to react, and he subconsciously shivered.

“Originally I thought when he surrendered to the Nu Zhen tribe, he was reluctant, but seems like he is very willing to join them now”

The soldier looked at JI Wu Jiu, and asked if he tells him, will he let him live

“It’s too late”, Ji Wu Jiu replied, with a calm face, “What you know, I also know now”

He left the room, and went to look for Xu Xi Ming and Ye Zhen Zhen.

Xu Xi Ming was standing in front of a map, discussing something with Ye Zhen Zhen in a low voice. Seeing Ji Wu Jiu walked in, he immediately kneeled down “Greetings to your majesty!”

Ji Wu Jiu immediately pulled him up, ‘General Xu, there is no need for such formalities”

Ye Zhen Zhen asks “Did you get anything from him?”

Ji Wu Jiu walked towards the map and answered “The group of soldiers we met were sent to gather information, and seems like the Mongols are planning to be involved this time”

Wu Lan Tribe is a Northern Mongolian tribe, few years ago they were seized by the Nu Zhen tribe, Bo Ri Tie Chi Na leaded his groups to surrender to the Nu Zhen tribe. This time, Ji Wu Jiu thought that Bo Ri Tie Chi Na was unhappy with Nu Zhen tribe so that was why there were no news regarding them earlier on, but it looks like the case isn’t so.

Ye Zhen Zhen suddenly understood “This person most probably has teamed up with Nu Zhen, when the war starts, he will bring a group of army to attack Ji Zhou, when that time comes even if he were to bring armies here, Liao Dong’s side will suffer, but if we don’t help Ji Zhou, the Capital will be placed in a very dangerous situation, is what I said correct?” She looked at Ji Wu Jiu with a face waiting for praising.

JI Wu Jiu flicked her forehead “Such a good student”

“Then should we play the entrapment game” She suggested

Ji Wu Jiu shook her head “Nope, we do not have the extra power to attack and defense at the same time. Ji Zhou is a fortress; they will only need to pay attention to defending. “

Xu Xi Ming said “Your Majesty, do not worry, as long as I am here, not even a Mongolian fly can come into this city!”

“If so, then I will have to ask General Xu to take care of Ji Zhou”

Xu Xi Ming kneeled on the floor again “I accept!”

After pulling him up, Ji Wu Jiu added “I have already commanded to transfer thirty thousand soldiers from Shan Dong to help Ji Zhou. Bo Ri Tie Chi Na’s army although is strong, but they are to help Nu Zhen, and not really clever, the moment we make Nu Zhen retreat, they will retreat as well. It is just that, General Xu have the responsibility of guarding this city, I am just afraid that some ill hearted people will harm you”

“Why would I be afraid of them!”

“General Xu, you are not afraid, but I am worried. How about this, I will leave 6 elite guards with you, you will not leave their sight, and to make sure you are well protected”

Xu Xi Ming was so touched that his eyes begins to turn red, and wanted to reject this offer, but Ye Zhen Zhen added “General Xu, your life now does not belong to you only, but to the whole nation, so there is no need for you to push it away”

Hearing her saying so, Xu Xi Ming kneeled again and thanks the emperor.

Going out from the army camp, Ye Zhen Zhen took the initiative to hold Ji Wu Jiu’s hand “I think that you are getting even more capable”.

JI Wu Jiu returned her hold and asked “If compared with your cousin brother?”

“Although your martial arts skill is not as skillful as him, but you are more intelligent” Ye Zhen Zhen gave a very honest critic.

“if so, do you like it?”

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded

Looking at her expression, JI Wu Jiu knew that she did not understand his question truly. He also did not explain further and gently played with her palm, smiling like a perv, “If so, give me a kiss, will that be alright?”

There were many people on the streets, although Ye Zhen Zhen is thick skinned, but it was not till this level “We will talk about it when we go back”

When they returned to their residing place, Ye Zhen Zhen has long forgotten about that sentence, but Ji Wu Jiu remembered it well, he closed their room door and kissed her ferociously, and while kissing the both of them have already rolled on to the bed.

Ye Zhen Zhen was laying on his chest, breathing hard she asks “We are heading to Liao Dong right?”

Ji Wu Jiu was patting her head, he answered “I can go, but you cannot”

“I want to go, I want to follow you”

Ji Wu Jiu helped her sit up “Promise me one condition”

“What condition?”



Seeing that she is stunned, Ji Wu Jiu knew that she was think too much. He removed his own clothing, removed the Silk Shirt, and threw it on her head “Wear this, then you can follow me”

Ye Zhen Zhen knew what that was, and immediately threw it back to him “I will accept other conditions, this one, I cannot”

Ji Wu Jiu pulled her cloths “Do you want to wear it yourself, or do you want me to help you? Or do you want to obediently return to the capital?”

Ye Zhen Zhen suddenly looked at him questioningly “Why are you treating me so well?”

Why did I treat you so well? I treat you so well, but you still don’t know why I treat you so well? Ji Wu Jiu opened his mouth, wanting to speak thousands of words but somehow his throat did not even let one out. After a while he finally spoke “If you die, then I will be a widower”

“Makes sense” Ye Zhen Zhen nodded hearing him say that, “You also cannot die, if you die, I will become a widow”

Outside, Wang You Cai was preparing to knock on the door, so he accidently heard their conversation. Wang You Cai cannot help but to be amaze by this two person’s way of sweet talking. Other people’s sweet talk can melt bones, but theirs was like hitting someone on the back.

Ye Zhen Zhen in the end did not win over Ji Wu Jiu and wore the Silk Shirt. She found out towards a certain type of decisions Ji Wu Jiu will be very stubborn on them.

Before leaving Ji Zhou, Ye Zhen Zhen went to bid farewell to Li You. Towards Li You, Ji Wu Jiu’s attitude towards him is a little weird, not like how he would treat an enemy, but also not friendly, and his gaze towards him was like he was investigating something…

Ye Zhen Zhen somehow felt something is wrong, and when she and Ji Wu Jiu was on route to Liao Dong, she found something else was wrong too.

“You have 18 elite guards, you gave General Xu 8, so there should be 10 let, why is there only 6 now? Where did the other 4 went?” Ye Zhen Zhen asked.

“Threw them away” Ji Wu Jiu answered.

This type of answer made Ye Zhen Zhen rolled her eyes. But no matter what, if he does not want to tell her, she won’t ask further.

They continued on to Liao Dong with speed, and when they reach Liao Dong, Ye Lei Ting was there already. Because of various reasons, Ji Wu Jiu did not reveal his identity, and still used the name Wu Chu. Just that, even if he did not say it, a lot of people know that his background is not simple: At such young age, the moment he arrived he became the Deputy General, who knew which rich or noble family from the capital is he from, that was sent here to train. A young person like him, most probably he is here to deter others.

With this thought in mind, many people in the camp looks at Ji Wu Jiu with disdain, this type of look however, was in the end ended in a martial arts competition.

Ever since then, small general Wu Chu gained another nickname “Jade Faced Hades”

That day during the martial arts competition, Lu Li was there as well, but he did not compete. Lu Li is a sensible person, he saw whenever Ji Wu Jiu wins, his gaze will turn towards Ye Zhen Zhen, and when Ye Zhen Zhen praises him, his energy will be tenfolded…. Therefore, Lu Li made the decision to act sick, and would not go create problem.

Ji Wu Jiu knew how this group of people discusses about him, so he decided to punish them using this opportunity. Also he did something that was rather not courteous: In the army camp, everyone is brothers, not good if too much strength is used, and that is why…. He only hit their face.

Therefore, this competition was deemed to be very interesting because of the effects it produced.

Ye Zhen Zhen saw that he was sweating, so she took out a handkerchief and passed it to him.

But he did not take it, but pushed his face towards her to let her wipe them off.

Ye Zhen Zhen couldn’t help it, but to use the handkerchief to help him wipe of the sweats on his face. The both of them did not think it was anything, but the people around them felt that something was amidst: To men, both also handsome and young, one was smiling with a gentle gaze, another was focusing on helping the other wipe the sweats off, no matter how you look at it, it should not be something that is normally done by men. And thinking back on the interaction between the two of them, it truly was a little intimate. Thinking even in more detail, the both of them is staying in the same tent. Not to mention, the way they call one another, Brother Zhen is still ok, he would normally call out the other person’s name, but what did Wu Chu call him? Zhen Zhen! Although towards brother Zhen, this type of pretty boy, it was hard to call him “Wei Meng”, but everyone else also calls him brother Zhen, only Wu Chu, he will call him Zhen Zhen… without any signs of shyness.

The army camp is only filled with men, it is not like they have not seen men that prefer men, but they both of them were very open, which was very rare.

Over here, the both of them after wiping the sweat of, has left the place without realizing what went through other people’s mind, and not too far after heading away, Ji Wu Jiu held Ye Zhen Zhen’s hand.

Leaving a group of people speechless, looking at their back figures, with a very complicated mood: To be honest, even if they are both males, but when they are together… they look quite matching….

The next day, Ji Wu Jiu followed Ye Lei Ting, and other high ranked generals to discuss about some things, and then after that he returned to their tent. Wang You Cai was standing outside guarding, and saw that it was Ji Wu Jiu, he did not stop him.

When Ji Wu Jiu entered the tent, he heard water sounds.

The whole tent was built very simple and open, nothing much inside. He stood at the tent’s entrance, and saw that person’s figure in the hot steam. Ye Zhen Zhen’s black hair after getting wet was even darker, and shining. On her back, it was like a pure black waterfall. Her shoulders were half shown, and looked very smooth, and despite it was her back that was facing him, it still made him think a lot of things…

Ji Wu Jiu’s gaze could not help but headed downwards along her shoulder.

Then he saw a black and big iron pot.

Ji Wu Jiu “…….”

This iron pot is used to cook rice for the army camp, bigger than the normal pots by a lot, and to be used as a bathtub now, the size was actually quite fitting. Ji Wu Jiu realized, under the pot there was a layer of ashes, most probably to keep the iron pot from being cooled fast, so those ashes was used to keep the warmth.

Looking at the iron pot, somehow the blood that was rushing to his head was calmed down a little. He walked towards the pot and bend down near it, not making a sound.

Ye Zhen Zhen knew someone was walking towards her, and knew it was Ji Wu Jiu. So she opened a towel and placed it on the water to cover her body.

Water steam was rising. Ji Wu Jiu’s gaze ended on Ye Zhen Zhen’s shoulder, and saw the water droplets on her collar bone, looking further down, although there was a towel covering, but the mount in front of her chest was still quite obvious.

Ji Wu Jiu’s throat was tightened, he gently carried up her black hair and was touching them, he added “Zhen Zhen, you are not willing to be with me, is it because i… touched too many women?”

Ye Zhen Zhen’s body stiffen, this type of thing, was private and also embarrassing, making her not sure how she should reply .

Ji Wu Jiu sighed, and said “Zhen Zhen, it’s been a long time since I touched a woman”

“No wonder they all say that you are a brokeback”

“…..” Ji Wu Jiu suddenly bend his head down, and bite her shoulder, and hearing Ye Zhen Zhen being pained, he reduces his strength, and was only using his teeth to lightly graze her wet skin, like a new born animal looking for milk, very carefully feeling the new things around him.

“Stop it, it’s very itchy” Ye Zhen Zhen laughed.

Ji Wu Jiu kept his teeth, and used his tongue to lick over the teeth marks, and at the same time he said “If I died, the reason would most probably be, me being angered by you”

“You cannot die, if you die, I will be a widow” Ye Zhen Zhen smiled, “Can you first go out now, I want to wear my clothes”

Ji Wu Jiu was standing outside being faced with the cold wind, then an idea came to him.

Since Zhen Zhen thinks that he is not clean, then if he were to be clean in front of her everyday, there should be some use right? The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks that this idea would work, looking down, he grinned, his expression however scared Wang You Cai who was standing nearby.

The next day, when Ye Zhen Zhen wants to bath, she found Ji Wu Jiu was sitting in her pot.

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