Chapter 87

FEBRUARY 24, 2019 ~ LAMLAM1990

This person pays no heed to what’s right or wrong, and only does things according to his likes, as long as it is something that he wants he will do what ever it takes to get it. Towards the throne, he has a scary determination. Actually, Ye Zhen Zhen roughly understands his thinking, the throne was something that was snatched over from his dad. Therefore, it could be understood that Ji Li You’s chance to ascend the throne has been snatched away. He surely would not be able to accept this fact, and will make him want to take back what was originally his. If all he is thinking about is this matter, then most probably he is capable of doing all sorts of things to achieve it.

Not to mention, this person grew up in a broken family, and in hatred. One can only imagine how he has turned out to be.

Before the flood, Ye Zhen Zhen initially thought he was pitiful, after all he was just an innocent little kid when those things happen last time. But now, she only felt that he is a hateful person. No matter how much one is hurt previously, the anger should not be released onto the innocent. Not to mention, that many people….

Really despicable….unforgiveable..

After the arguement that day, Ye Zhen Zhen is no longer allowed to even take a walk in the gardens. Previously she was still allowed to linger in the gardens if someone was following her.

Tonight, after taking a bath Ye Zhen Zhen was day dreaming at the table. Counting the days, no matter what happened to Ji Wu Jiu, news should have been spread out by now. Just because Ji Li You did not kill her, doesn’t mean that Ji Wu Jiu is still alive. It seems that he has other plans for her…

Thinking about this made Ye Zhen Zhen feel disgusted.

A while after, Ji Li You arrived. Late at night, visiting a lady’s room, he really does not place importance into etiquette.. thought Ye Zhen Zhen.

This person seems to be in a good mood, Ye Zhen Zhen started to feel nervous.

“Tomorrow we will depart”. He said

“Depart? To where?” Ye Zhen Zhen asks.

“Naturally, we will be heading to the capital, to take back what originally belongs to me”. He smiles.

However, this sentence alone was not enough to determine whether Ji Wu Jiu is alive or dead. Ye Zhen Zhen consoles herself, deciding that no news is still the best news. Sighing she says, “You only seem to know the pro’s of being the emperor, and are not aware of the hardships of being one”. Ji Wu Jiu’s entertainment life in the palace was truly lacking. All he does everyday is to deal with his documents in Yang Xin Hall, thinking about the worldly matters, living a really dull life, even Ye Zhen Zhen has always sighed about how tough an emperor’s duties were.

Ji Li You though says, “If being the emperor was so tough, then why didn’t he pass it to me?”

Ye Zhen Zhen answers “To be honest, although you have royal blood in you, I don’t think you are suitable to be an emperor”

“Oh?, how so?” He asks, interested…

“You blasted the river without blinking an eye, causing so much harm and damage and yet you are not feeling guilty at all, this indicates that you are heartless. You have yet to be the emperor, but have already killed so many people. If one day you are to obtain the nation, who knows how many more innocent people would you harm. As an emperor, it is ok to be a bit harsher on the ministers, but towards the common citizens, one must be lenient and kind. This part alone, even a hundred you cannot be matched to one Ji Wu Jiu.” Ye Zhen Zhen said without mercy.

Originally, Ji Li You was laughing happily while listening to her speak, but that last sentence made his face changed. Touching his chin, staring straight at Ye Zhen Zhen, smiling coldly, “Even if I am lacking in 100 things in comparison to him, at least there is one thing I am better”

Ye Zhen Zhen looked down, ignoring him.

He suddenly reduce the distance, and lowering his voice, “I am better than him in bed, do you believe me?”

Ye Zhen Zhen looked at him with disgust.

However he laughed “You don’t have to look at me like that, most probably most men is better than him in this matter. Actually as a man, to be strong in this matter would be sufficient, don’t you think so?”

Suddenly, Ye Zhen Zhen stood up, looked at him coldly, and pointed towards the door, “Get lost”

He stood up, though not moving a step, “What’s wrong? Did I rub salt to the wound? Let me guess, since when did he become a disabled? You have never experienced the intimacy between man and woman right? Or have you tried it but after that you were not able to forget about it, and yet unable to use it?” Looking at how Ye Zhen Zhen’s face turned red from his words somehow made him feel very excited.

“No matter how good he is as a person, but he cannot even be considered as a man. Will you be satisfied?” Ye Zhen Zhen grabbed the cup on the table and threw it at him, shouting “Get Out!”

Moving his head slightly, Ji Li You avoided the cup, he suddenly grabbed on to Ye Zhen Zhen’s wrist and pulled her towards him, “Are you embarrassed already?”

Ye Zhen Zhen’s lips can’t help but quiver from anger. She was trying her best to free herself, but he suddenly grabbed her waist and forced a harsh kiss on her.

Ye Zhen Zhen gave him a big bite, in pain he retreated.

Ji Li You’s gaze on her has changed, change to madness and scorching. He originally only wanted to tease her, but who knew it turned out like this. In his mind now, a crazy thought is overtaking his mind.

He must get her, definitely must get her…..

Ji Li You was not afraid that Ye Zhen Zhen will hate him, she already hates him, what is there to be afraid of?

Suddenly Ye Zhen Zhen was already being carried towards the bed.

Ye Zhen Zhen already know what he plans to do by now. Using all her strength to kick him, “Scoundrel, Animal!! Get Lost!”

Ji Li You places her on the bed, and moves towards her. Kissing her once again, holding on to her jaw to avoid her from biting him, while he does as he please with her mouth. Slowly his lips was moving downwards, while removing her clothes.

Although Ye Zhen Zhen’s hand was trying to struggle, she was actually moving towards a pill in the corner of the bed.

That’s right, it was the pill that she bought in Jinling. Because the northern part was very humid, the herbal shop owner purposely covered the pills with something to fight the humidity. That time, the boss gave a hundred percent guarantee that the pill will only be activated once it touches the human’s gastric juice. That day, although the bottle was filled with water. Ye Zhen Zhen has already dry them up and places them in multiple locations in her room, as well as on her body.

Now, the most convenient location to get the pill was on the bed.

Ye Zhen Zhen took two pills and places it in her mouth while he was not looking, and then suddenly pushed him down and kissed him like crazy.

Ji Li You was in a lust mode, so his hands were not as tight therefore she managed to do it. Being kissed by Ye Zhen Zhen made his brain malfunctioned abit and lust has taken over.

Holding onto her head, and accepting her kisses, opening his mouth to accept her tongue in. His eyes were closed, eye lashes fluttering non stop like a butterfly. Although he was in the midst of darkness, it was as though as there was a fire burning in his head. Kissing her, Ji Li You was not sure whether what he was feeling was sweetness or sourness.

Ye Zhen Zhen slowly transfer the pill into his mouth, while holding on to his jaw, to ensure the pill can slid down the throat easier. This action seems to be like she was in a hurry, making Ji Li You’s soul float around, holding tighter on to her waist, his hand caressing her body slowly.

Ignoring the discomfort throughout her body, Ye Zhen Zhen tried her best to move the pills towards his throat.

Ji Li You’s throat tightened suddenly, and the pill has successfully slid in. By the time he realises it, it was already too late. He pushes Ye Zhen Zhen away, trying to get the pill out, he shouted ” What did you feed me!!?”

“Poison”. Tidying up her clothes while harshly rubbing her lips.

Ji Li You quickly tried to puke manually, but because he did not eat much for dinner previously, there was nothing coming out. He finally gave up, and looked at her “If I were to die, you would definitely accompany me”

Ye Zhen Zhen laughed, “Don’t worry, you won’t die yet. But I will personally kill you in the future”

“What is it?!”

“Oh, it is a type of medicine that will help calm your body, I heard the effects of the medicine is quite fast, it should be functioning by now?” While saying, she gazes upon his lower half. The little tent from earlier, is shrinking..

“You!!!” Ji Li You looked at her with anger, and decided to attack her once again.

Ye Zhen Zhen raised her finger and waved it, “Don’t act abruptly, although you may still be able now, but in half an incense time you will be disabled. If you don’t believe me, then just wait.”

Ji Li You, couldn’t make up his mind. Men, are always concerned about their bed capabilities. It would definitely be a let down, if he let it out too soon earlier. However, it would be worst if he was not able to complete it after he started it….

There wasn’t much time for Ji Li You to ponder about this matter, because his little brother was not able to stand up already.

“…….” Such disgrace!!! Such disgrace!!!

Ye Zhen Zhen smiled “Looks like from this matter, he is stronger than you a hundred times as well”


Making Ji Li You angry has its downside. The next day, when Ye Zhen Zhen woke up, she realizes that she is already in the horse carriage.

Ji Li You was also in the carriage with his eyes closed, unsure whether he was awake or asleep.

The horse carriage was moving slowly, a little curious, Ye Zhen Zhen wanted to raise up the curtain to look outside, just as she was moving her hands, Ji Li You’s voice was heard “You better be prepared before you see”

Ye Zhen Zhen ignored him, and raised up the curtain.

What she saw was a flash of white, almost like it was covered in snow. Every house was wrapped in white clothes, there was even some on trees. At the corner of the street, there was a white flag flowing along with the wind.

“This is…..” Ye Zhen Zhen did not want to believe her eyes

“I told you earlier, this is the national mourn.” Ji Li You opened his eyes and answered, his tone carrying happiness.

“I don’t believe, it must have been you making them fake it to bluff me”

Ji Li You laughed coldly, “If you dont believe me, then stand on top of the mountain, and see if I have the ability to bribe so many people”

Upon hearing this, she got out from the carriage and climbed ontop of the carriage. Standing on top of the roof, the sight of endless white was shown. She felt her whole body’s energy was sucked out, her sight turning black, she fainted.

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