Chapter 153 Infiltration

"I am late, but I am not that late…" Rudy muttered as he started running. "Only 10 minutes…"

'I can get to school if I teleport there, but I have to pick up Alice. But what if she has already left for school?' Rudy wondered.

"I don't have a phone, so even if she tried to contact me, her call wouldn't have gone through…" Rudy let out a weary sigh and muttered, "She might be thinking that I never returned after last night."

Rudy glanced around and jumped in the air at a high speed that cracked the street he jumped from. Of course, Rudy didn't see it as he was too focused on his thoughts.

"I should also visit Reina after school is over and tell her what happened last night. She is probably still oblivious about it, but she could have seen the CCTV camera footage in the morning."

Rudy landed near Alice's house and rushed towards the front door.


Rudy rang the doorbell, but no one answered. So he activated his see-through ability and looked inside the house, only to find it empty.

He looked at the garage and noticed there was no car parked inside.


Rudy should have left after that, but he wanted to confirm something.

He teleported inside the house and glanced around the corner to make sure George hadn't installed any camera's inside.

Rudy didn't spot any cameras, but he used his electrification ability to make sure there weren't any hidden cameras.

After making sure everything was clear, Rudy stealthily made his way to George's room, which was said to be vacant as he was living in the guest room.

Rudy's gaze fell on the air conditioner that Alice said was broken.

"This will confirm my suspicions…" Rudy turned on the air conditioner using electrification, and it turned on normally.

Just to make sure, Rudy waited for a minute to see if it still worked, and as he had expected, there was nothing wrong with the air conditioner.

"What could be the reason George was lying?" Rudy asked himself. "As far as I have known, George is a cool dude who is always joking around."

"But well… I haven't met or seen him in years, so I can't say for sure. Besides… he lost the love of his life, so of course, he will be a little bitter…" Rudy muttered in a disdainful tone.

Rudy knew better than anyone how it was like to lose not one, but multiple loved ones. Deep down, he could sympathize with George and admired how he managed to move on.

However, Rudy still wasn't convinced as he hadn't found the reason why George lied about his broken air conditioner. Sure, there was a possibility that George had it fixed a day before, but still slept in the guest room for some reason. But, last night, when Rudy checked the electric signals of the guest room, he found out that the air conditioner wasn't turned on in the first place.

"I feel like I am doing something illegal. Well, I technically am, but I am doing this for a reason…"

Rudy glanced around George's room to see if he could find something suspicious, but the room was neat and clean. His gaze then fell on the closet, which was the only furniture in the room aside from the bed.

He walked to the closet, only to find it was locked.


Rudy searched for the key, but it seemed as though George had taken them with him.

"Not suspicious at all…" Rudy muttered. "Maybe he has important documents stored inside."

Rudy wanted to break into the closet and look inside, but that was too evil for him. He could do something simply based on his suspicions alone.

"Let's check in the guest room then."

After saying that, Rudy left George's room and entered the guest room. But as he was about to inspect it, he heard the sound of the car engine. Seemingly, George had returned home.

"Well, I will keep my eyes on him until my suspicion is cleared."

Rudy teleported to his school cubicle and casually walked out. But he noticed another student was taking a leak in the corner. So he decided to act normal and washed his hands before walking out of the washroom.

Rudy looked at the clock in the hallway and sighed, "I am 25 minutes late. I wasted too much time in Alice's house, and didn't even find any clue."

Rudy hastily made his way to his classroom, only to see the new male teacher was distributing the test results.


"May I come in, Sir?" Rudy asked in a calm voice.

Everyone turned to Rudy with a shocked expression on their faces, but Alice didn't look shocked.

'What happened…?'

"Yes. Come in, Rudy…" the teacher nodded.

Rudy sat on his sea beside Alice and smiled at her, but Alice, of course, turned her face to the side in anger.


Rudy kept staring at her, knowing well that she would eventually look at him.

"Rudy," the male teacher called out to Rudy.

Rudy stood up and said, "Yes?"

"Take your results..."

'Well, I already know I have scored 100/100.' Rudy walked to the teacher's table and grabbed his answer sheet, but the result wasn't as he had expected.

"72!?" Rudy raised his brows in confusion and looked at the teacher, who was busy distributing the results to the other students.

"Sir, there has been a mistake. I have scored full marks," Rudy said to the teacher.

"Everyone says that when they don't perform as they had expected. But honestly, you have done better than I expected," the teacher responded.

"Who is the first in the class?" Rudy asked curiously.

"Alice with 92 points," the teacher responded.

"And who scored the top in this subject?" Rudy asked curiously.

"No. There is a girl in class B, and she has scored full points."

"..." Rudy went back to his seat and checked the answer sheet. He wanted to know why his one point was deducted.


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