Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2001: The saying goes well: the saying goes well

"Different choices will lead to different plots..." Luo Chuan watched the customers leave noisily, then looked at Yao Ziyan, "Aren't you going with them?"

Yesterday the two stayed in the movie world for a while, and the specific progress was limited to talking with the two protagonists.

"It's the business hours of Origin Mall now. Let's talk about it in the evening." Yao Ziyan didn't want Luo Chuan to think that she was just fishing in the water.

"You are free." Luo Chuan took out the magic phone.

"Hey, Luochuan, I have a question." Yao Ziyan thought of something, "Are the customers entering the same movie world?"

"It's up to them." Luochuan ate the fruit, "You can experience it alone, or you can form a team by yourself, and you can choose freely."

Yao Ziyan gave a loud cry and nodded to express his understanding.

"Eat fruit?" Luo Chuan pushed the fruit plate in the direction of Yao Ziyan. "It is rich in vitamins and various trace elements, with balanced nutrition, and eating more is good for physical and mental health."

Yao Ziyan sighed helplessly. In fact, she could roughly understand Luo Chuan's meaning, after all, the two had lived together for so long.

"Open your mouth."

Before Yao Ziyan had spoken, Luo Chuan had already pierced a piece of fruit with a toothpick and handed it over, subconsciously opening his mouth, the sweet and crisp flesh of the fruit bloomed between the taste buds, and then the rich smell of grilled fish.

Yao Ziyan has a weird expression: "Why does it taste like this?"

"I don't know." Luo Chuan also ate a piece. "It may be that the fruit of the housekeeper has cultivated something wrong, or it may have been made deliberately. This is not important. Anyway, the taste is very novel and not unpalatable. That's it."

"Well...that's what I said." Yao Ziyan nodded lightly.

The impact of the new functions of the holographic device on customers is a bit beyond Luochuan's expectations. Originally, it seemed to him that Origin Mall suddenly issued a notice of normal business operations. There should not be many customers who can come in the first time.

However, only half an hour has passed since the opening of business, and the number of customers in the store is already comparable to the usual state.

Luo Chuan looked at the familiar shop, and suddenly remembered one thing.

It seems that Origin Mall hasn't been expanded for a long time.

The last expansion seems to be the time before and after the opening of Yuangui's shop. It has been a long time since then. When it is open on weekdays, there are basically many customers waiting for vacant holographic equipment.

At present, the holographic equipment of Origin Mall is mainly divided into two areas, a relatively noisy open area and a relatively quiet and elegant expansion space, each with 500 locations.

What Luochuan cares about is why no one talks to him about it?

"Eh, system, something is up."

Luo Chuan was lying on the counter with his chin supported, and knocking his head with his fingertips seemingly casually, but in fact he summoned the Department Butler in this way.

"My boss, please speak up."

The system's response is as fast as always, and there is no fluctuation in tone, without the slightest emotion, like a program that operates purely in accordance with logic.

"System, do you have feelings?" Luo Chuan asked a question on a whim.

The system was silent for a while, and then gave a reply: "The system has personality settings."

"Oh, why are you cold when you talk, just like a machine?" Luo Chuan was curious.


Luo Chuan didn't ask too much, because he thought of this thing inexplicably, so he mentioned it briefly, besides, he didn't look for the system just for chattering.

"System, do you think Origin Mall hasn't changed for a long time?"

"My boss, please speak up."

The system doesn't seem to like to go around corners. To put it simply, it's very straightforward. The excuses for facing Luochuan's problems are the ones that have been turned over and over again, and he is almost tired of listening.

"Then I will make it clear that Origins Mall hasn't been expanded for a long time. Don't look at the holographic devices that are still idle. They will definitely become full in the future. What should customers who do not have a location do? Waiting silently on the side."

Having said that, Luo Chuan sighed softly in his heart.

"What is the purpose of opening a store? Isn't it to provide customers with better service? If those customers come from far away and want to use holographic devices but can't even find the location, they can only watch others in the virtual world. Enjoy the game, what will they think?"

"Maybe I will be disappointed in Origin Mall. I came here full of expectations, but couldn't realize my wish. In the end, I regret to leave and return to my original life. As the owner of Origin Mall, I don't see this kind of thing the most."

Luo Chuan is righteous and stern, as if he is really a dedicated boss who does his best for the sake of customers.

"Then why did the boss mention this now?" The system asked calmly.

"Because I just thought of it." Luo Chuan was justified.

The saying goes well: the saying goes well: the saying goes well...

Well, it's the other people who say I'm not embarrassed, Luochuan has basically mastered this skill now.

The system is silent.

It may be that the boss's words are lost in speechlessness, or it may be that he can say such words without changing his face, and only the system knows how.

Luo Chuan was not in a hurry when he arrived, quietly waiting for the system's response.

"Does the boss remember the movie theater in the weapon sales space?" The system finally responded.

"Of course I remember." Luo Chuan subconsciously responded, and suddenly reacted, "Wait, you mean..."

Luo Chuan clearly remembers the internal structure of the movie theater. The property of the projection hall that can be received no matter how many customers is still fascinated by countless customers, as well as those room corridors that do not conform to the normal spatial structure.

"The relevant area has been unlocked and opened, and more holographic devices are being placed. Estimated time: 12 hours, please be patient."

Luo Chuan was a little surprised: "This is directly open? There is no need to complete tasks or something? The system has changed..."

"If the boss wants the mission system, I can publish it for you."

"Ah, forget it."

Luo Chuan just said casually, adhering to the principle that more is worse than less, and the tasks are still avoided, and recently he has to go to develop the Hearthstone Tavern without so much idle time.

Luo Chuan has already made the decision to change. This kind of boring and boring life is comfortable and comfortable, but he no longer wants to continue, and is actively pursuing change.

"Luochuan, what's the matter with you?" Yao Ziyan's voice rang in his ears.

The girl leaned over, seeming to have noticed the change in Luo Chuan's expression, with a curious expression on her face, her glazed eyes blinking lightly, indescribably pure and lovely.

"It's okay." Luo Chuan pressed her hair casually, "Do you think Origin Mall hasn't changed for a long time?"

"Isn't there always new products in the store?" Yao Ziyan was a little confused.

"I'm talking about the size of the store and the number of holographic devices." Luo Chuan explained.

"Huh, are you planning to expand again?" Yao Ziyan opened his eyes slightly.

"Almost, but it's business hours, and you will know how to do it in the evening." Luo Chuan felt that he had said similar words many times.

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