Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2014: Expansion, expansion, expansion

The night is quiet and quiet.

The hazy star and moon shines into the room, and a fuzzy outline is reflected on the ground. The scenery in the eyes is turned into a black silhouette, like a drowsy dream, waiting for the time to wake up from the dream.

In this quiet and elegant environment, Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan lay on one side of the big bed each, holding their magic phone and chatting.

…Well, this thing itself is full of slots.

"I said, don't you think it's weird that we are chatting on the magic phone?" Luochuan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and poked the demon purple smoke on his side, complaining about the current situation.

Yao Ziyan suddenly shrank back, turned his head and stared at Luo Chuan: "Didn't you say you don't cross the boundary."

"That counts?" Luo Chuan raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, forget it." Yao Ziyan nodded confidently, thought about putting away the magic phone, leaning over and closing his eyes and tapping on Luochuan's face. Most of his face was covered in the quilt, and his voice seemed dull. Muffled, "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep, good night."

The glaze-like purple eyes are clear and bright, like a lake bathed in moonlight.

"Good night." Luo Chuan looked at those pure eyes without any impurities, and said softly as if he couldn't bear to break the beauty in front of him.

The dark clouds covering the night sky seemed to have all disappeared, and the bright moonlight passing through the windows was much brighter, and the light and shadow intertwined, like a dream.

Luochuan slept soundly. It would be better if he didn't have a nightmare of sinking in the deep sea and unable to breathe.

According to his understanding, the "deep sea" has a special meaning in the Cthulhu system. It has sunk countless creatures beyond imagination, becoming more and more indescribable as it goes deeper. It is said that at the bottom of the deep sea, it is the place where the old **** is. The city of Rye, and the Beach of Fort Beach, where the blind and foolish **** sent the big star and his friends...

Luo Chuan woke up early, looking out the window with his wistful eyes, the soft and bright morning sun shed on the earth, marking the beginning of a new day.

There was only himself on the bed, Yao Ziyan did not know when he had gotten up, only the faint fragrance still remained between the quilts.

Luo Chuan closed his eyes again and stayed quietly in the bed for a while, then reluctantly sat up, stretched and yawned, and opened the window to breathe the fresh morning air.

Strolling out of the room, the smell of food has appeared in the corridor.

Luo Chuan came to the kitchen and took a look. The demon Ziyan was preparing breakfast around her apron, and she was still singing an unknown tune. The virtuous and gentle image was very healing.

"Get up?" Yao Ziyan noticed Luo Chuan at the door and pointed to the cutting board next to him, "Help me cut those things."

"Okay." Luo Chuan walked over without refusing.

"Wait, have you washed your hands? Go wash your hands first." Yao Ziyan seemed a little obsessive-compulsive.

"No, I'm the owner of Origin Mall." Luochuan was guilty of lazy cancer.

"Even if you are the boss, it's useless, go and wash your hands." Yao Ziyan was not moved at all, she had her own persistence.

"Well, just wash it." Luochuan doesn't argue with Yao Ziyan, maybe this is love.

The sound of cooking reverberated in the kitchen, filled with the tempting fragrance of food, Luochuan sent the semi-finished products to his mouth from time to time to taste the taste, and successfully received several complaints from the monster purple smoke.

"Eh, Luochuan." Yao Ziyan suddenly remembered something.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Luo Chuan was helping Yao Ziyan taste the saltiness of the dishes, although Yao Ziyan made it clear that it was not necessary.

"Didn't you say that you want to add a holographic device?" Yao Ziyan wiped his hands with a towel. "You won't forget about this, right?"

She stayed with Luochuan last night. Luochuan didn’t have time to go downstairs at all. Yao Ziyan was very curious about how Luochuan did it. Just like before, she always wakes up after sleeping. There will be a lot of changes in it, but she can't notice anything.

"Of course I didn't forget." Luo Chuan swallowed the food in his mouth and walked towards the door, "Let's go, I'll take you there first."

Yao Ziyan quickly followed in Luochuan's footsteps. The cooking in the kitchen still needs some time. It happened to be with Luochuan to see what the expansion of the store looks like. As for the ingredients, there is no need to worry about over-cooking. After all, wait for the order. It's placed here.

When he came downstairs, Yao Ziyan looked around, and the scene was still familiar.

"It seems...nothing has changed." Yao Ziyan whispered, then turned to look at Luochuan, "Luochuan, did you open another space?"

"No, just follow me." Luo Chuan beckoned at Yao Ziyan.

"It's mysterious and secret." Yao Ziyan wrinkled his nose and followed.

The two finally stopped at the entrance of the weapon sales space.

"Just put the additional holographic device here?" Yao Ziyan looked at the entrance of the light screen like a stream of water in front of him, and analyzed it carefully. , Luochuan, am I right?"

"It's not all right." Luo Chuan shook his head, "Let's go, come and see you will know."

Yao Ziyan raised his eyebrows: "What is incomplete, right? It's still on sale now..."

Passing through the white light curtain like a stream of water, the scene of the weapon sales space is then presented in front of the monster purple smoke. The huge sales light curtain that is almost connected to the world is like the sky of the bright galaxy, but the beauty is full of fatal dangers. Nether-energy potholes, and the "cinema" that stands tall like a giant.

Yao Ziyan looked around, his eyes finally falling on the cinema, the endlessly changing structure is still undergoing a "Lianliankan" demonstration.

"Luochuan, the holographic device you said won't be there, right?" Yao Ziyan opened his eyes slightly.

"Surprised?" Luo Chuan asked with a smile.

"Not surprised." Yao Ziyan shook his head, her long dark purple hair swaying like a waterfall. Will there be a waiting position?"

" is not necessary for the time being." Luochuan is actually longing for the idea of ??Yao Ziyan. If that is the case, there will be no need to expand the Origin Mall in the future, anyway, many customers can perfectly accept it.

Luo Chuan showed the prompt information given by the system.

"This expansion has been completed, the number of holographic equipment has been increased from one thousand to ten thousand, and the area is set as the inside of the "cinema" building according to the boss's request."

One thousand to ten thousand, a full nine thousand at one time, I think it shouldn’t be considered for a long time...provided that there is no longer a situation similar to the whole group of siren, nor Know when 1579 they can step out of the house.

Luochuan does not know how many shadow residents there are in the shadow world, but when they come to the Origin Mall, they will welcome the next expansion when they want to come to the store.

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