Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2036: Early morning in the new tavern

"They are out, now you can call me the demon store manager, um, temporarily."

Yao Ziyue sat in Luochuan's position with one hand propped on her chin, and said in a casual tone, as if she was enjoying the fish in the pond in her courtyard.

Step Lige froze in a daze, digesting this almost huge amount of information.

After a long time, they came back to their senses. They looked at Qingyuan and the others. The three were talking and laughing. They didn't know where they drew out a deck of cards. They looked like they were preparing to fight the landlords, so it seems that they should also be aware of this matter. of.

"Where is the boss?" Bu Lige felt as though he was the only one being kept in the dark.

"I don't know." Yao Ziyue shook his head.

"I don't know, or can't I say it?" Bu Lige was very strict and continued to ask.

Yao Ziyue couldn't help rolling her eyes: "If I don't know, I don't know. Am I going to lie to you if I have nothing to do?"

"Then what did they do?" Bu Lige did not give up and asked a new question.

"I don't know." Yao Ziyue yawned, "Don't ask, I don't know anything. I was called by my sister to help see the store. She didn't tell me anything else. I paid it on my magic phone. Do you have a chat history, do you want to show it to you?"

Demon Ziyue talked about it here, and Bu Lige couldn't ask any more, so she could only sneered.

"By the way, now Elena is a new clerk. If you have any questions, you can go to her." Yao Ziyue added with a smile.

"Ilena is the new clerk?" Bu Lige's eyes widened suddenly, and he was even more surprised than before. "When has the boss recruited a new clerk again? Why is Elena?"

"I don't know, you ask me who should I ask?" Yao Ziyue spread his hands, and muttered softly, "Maybe it's just because the siren is so convenient to do housework and the boss's most familiar siren is Elena. …"

"What did you say?" Bu Lige didn't hear Yao Ziyue's words clearly.

"I didn't say anything." Yao Ziyue picked up the magic phone, "If you want to ask, just ask, don't bother me."

Bu Lige thought for a while, and it seemed that there was no place to complain about Yao Ziyue's service attitude.

Then he came to the sea-monster girl, if the question in his heart was not answered, he would feel uncomfortable.

"Ah, I don't know." Faced with Bu Lige's question, the Sea-Monster girl also looked dazed, "The boss didn't tell me anything, so let me come and see the store for help."

Step away from the song: "..."

Okay, after turning around, asking is asking, it seems there is not much difference between not asking.

"Forget it, I'm going to use the holographic device."

Bu Lige waved his hand and decided not to continue struggling with this issue.

The pale blue sky was inlaid with several residual stars, the bright white moon only left a vague pale shadow, the light on the street was dim, and the street lamps were still dimly lit.

Pedestrians have gradually appeared on the streets of the city, most of them are dwarves who have just finished working in the mines, shouting with their unique loud voices what good things they dug up last night.

There are very few human beings, and they are basically social animals who need to get up early to work and children who need to go to school.

Most of the alchemy workshops standing in the distance have been suspended. The towering chimneys are still emitting magical smoke and dust, and the air is full of the unique atmosphere of the city of steel.


Luo Chuan opened his eyes and yawned.

Thoughts are still groggy, in short, it is not turned on yet.

Lifting his eyes and looking out the window, the dark blue twilight has not yet completely dissipated, and the rising sun has dyed half of the sky into golden red. It should be a good weather.

Luo Chuan glanced twice, rolled over and covered his head with the quilt, and continued to sleep.

Happiness is actually very simple. It is nothing more than waking up early in the morning and finding that it is still too early, and being able to sleep beautifully in bed.

When Luo Chuan woke up from his sleep again, the bright and soft morning light had spilled into the room through the window, illuminating the furnishings in the room, and the potted plants placed on the windowsill were bathed in the pale golden light, like being covered by light. Plated with a faint golden halo.

The little pink flowers still hung with the morning dew, slowly swaying in the cool breeze.

Luo Chuan sat up and stretched deeply.

When I came to the window, I wanted to take a deep breath of the fresh air in the morning, but just took a breath, and the strong smell of magic smoke almost sent him away.

To be honest, even if this thing is not harmful to the body, Luo Chuan really doesn't like it.

It always reminds him of the smog on the earth.

I picked up the sprinkler next to it and sprinkled some water on the potted plant, and the soft leaves became greener when wetted by the water.

The main reason is that the World Tree is watered every day in Origin Mall. I feel uncomfortable if I don't water anything in the morning.

Pushing open the door, Luo Chuan sniffed, he could smell the food.

Annuo first ruled out that the elf girl doesn't seem to have much talent for cooking. According to the information revealed by Yao Ziyan and what he saw, these Tian Annuo foods are basically solved in restaurants outside.

Then there may be only one left.

Before Luo Chuan went to the kitchen, he heard Anoro's flustered words.

"Wait, wait, I'll find it right away, is this it?"

"Click... I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"Sizzle, hot..."

In the kitchen, the elf girl with long blonde hair was in a hurry. There was a lot of flour on her clothes and she didn’t know what juice she was. She surrounded her apron and stood in front of the stove and tasted the taste of the cooking. Some spices that Luochuan didn't recognize were thrown into it.

Overall, it was a beautiful and peaceful scene.

"Ah, boss, are you here?"

Anno was the first to discover Luo Chuan, wiped his face with his hands, and wiped off a lot of flour on his hands.

"You need to wait a while." Yao Ziyan also smiled and looked back.

Luo Chuan responded casually, and walked into the kitchen, curiously looking closer: "What I ate this morning, it looks quite plentiful."

But before Yao Ziyan could answer, he answered the question himself.

"Forget it, needless to say, even if you say it, I don't know."

After leaving this sentence, Luo Chuan left the kitchen, and he was going to take a look downstairs.

"What am I going to do next?"

"Help me peel off the skin of that fruit, and cut the fruit into small cubes."

"I will handle it…"

The confident words of the elf girl came out of the kitchen. Luo Chuan was looking forward to what the breakfast would be like, but there was such an over-standard cook, Yao Ziyan, and there was not much suspense.

Coming downstairs, those vacant areas were already occupied by tables loaded with hearthstones.

Luo Chuan looked around, feeling quite like going to the game hall when he was a child. He moved a chair and sat down and waited for breakfast. Everything that should be prepared was ready, and now he was waiting for customers to come.

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