Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 139 Florida Man Fingers Elementary School Girl in Public to Heal Her Eyes

Chapter 139 Florida Man Fingers Elementary School Girl in Public to Heal Her Eyes

Chapter 139 – Florida Man Fingers Elementary School Girl in Public to Heal Her Eyes

Tang Xuan mentioned that the event would take place at Cauliflower City in 2 weeks. Leo and his domain's representatives should be there one or two days before the date.

The meeting ended. The Life Sword Sect's elders got their new toys to play with while the chosen disciples had time to prepare for the upcoming tournament.

Leo dispersed everyone. Gao Yan and others returned to their job, and their daily life resumed as normal. However, Leo's job was far from over.

He leaped to the flying platform.

The mystic realm's main portal was already closed as Leo had returned from the quest. The previously blue portal disappeared, leaving only three metal gold rings at the center. As it was on cooldown, the rings stopped moving as if they were turned off.

The ring frames were the stabilizers of the portal while the platform under it served as the engine. It would take three months for them to be active again.

Fortunately, the new permanent portal to Orlando Planet was already active, and every employee could always visit that place.

Visiting Orlando Planet was not Leo's intention. Upon landing, Leo glanced at his three statue minions for a moment. He then touched the ring frames at the center.


A new system window appeared, showing the mystic realm platform's status.


Mystic Realm Portal – Level 9

Entry Limit (Person) – (4/10)

Portal Cooldown Reduction – (0/5)

Portal Duration – (5/5)

Next Destination: Unknown Low-Mid Plane

[Upgrade] – 10,000 Years of Lifespan

Status: On Cooldown

Number of Linked Planet(s): 1


Orlando Planet

Governor Name: Kitten

Governor's Domain Abilities: Improve the fertility rate of all freshwater creatures and sea creatures by 200%. Increase newborn water-based creature's rank by two. Increase the density of water element essences by 100%.

Planet Elements: Water, Lightning, Wind, Wood, and Earth

Production: Horned Caimans, Earth Cockatrices, Mangrove Spiders, Spear Hornets, Rock Palm Trees, and Rock Mangrove Trees.

Life Force Income: 80,000 Years / Month


Aside from the usual status menu, there was an additional window, informing Leo of Orlando Planet's perks.

After conquering a planet, Leo could assign one of his "immortal" subordinates to become a governor. Then, the new governor's dao would provide various effects on the planet.

In this case, the fisherman guardian statue "Kitten" was Leo's shadow, created by the system. He inherited some of Leo's power, and he was a lot stronger than everybody in this world. As his dao was related to water, sea, and sea creatures, Leo appointed him to be the governor of Orlando.

The result was satisfactory. The planet got several buffs, which improved the life quality of the local monster beasts.

That was not all, the governor could freely life force from the local monster beasts and transfer it to Leo directly, giving Leo a passive income. Moreover, the governor could mine natural resources and transfer them to this world.

So far, Kitten hadn't paid him the lifespan tax yet. However, he could see a pile of pine trees and mangrove trees in front of the permanent portal nearby.


While Leo gazed at the logs, five recycling center workers and a warehouse mannequin rode the elevator and arrived at the platform. They ignored Leo and walked toward the pile of logs.

Each mannequin lifted two logs each. Then, they jumped down from the platform.


Leo followed the mannequins and looked down from the platform, observing his automatons. Then, he saw how his people worked.

The warehouse mannequin and others safely landed even though their knee joints trembled. After adjusting their knees and legs, they carried the logs to the junkyard and put them together with the iron pine tree logs.

Seeing how these automatons work, Leo was happy. Still, he hadn't researched the new mutated resources from the Orlando Planet yet.

Although Leo was tempted to bring those resources to the alchemy workshops, he postponed the idea as the workshops were always crowded.

He needed to new alchemy workshop or a similar facility that could be dedicated to the research.

"Haiya. I guess I have to allocate specialized buildings to myself. I can't let the bots and my workers hog them all."

Leo opened the shop domain system to see the new building list. As he had upgraded the general store to level 9 recently, there were new structures that he could build.



Requirement – Humble General Store Level 9

Price – 1,000 Years of Lifespan

Expansion Range – 10 x 10


Warehouse (3)

Requirement – Humble General Store Level 9

Price – 500 Years of Lifespan

Space – 5 x 5


Granary (3)

Requirement – Humble General Store Level 8

Price – 500 Years of Lifespan

Space – 5 x 5


Unfortunately, Leo couldn't build another alchemy workshop. Aside from the second employee apartment that Leo had built for the Life Sword Sect's people, he hadn't built the level 9 structures.

Still, Leo stared at the new facility, aka the barrack. He had a bad premonition about it as it reminded him of many ancient city-building games in the past.

'Whenever a city-building game features a barrack, there will be combat or war. I don't like this.'

Leo shook his head in a bad mood. Even though he disliked the new building, he opened the domain map and purchased the building anyway. After all, he needed another place for his employees to live.


A small building appeared behind the men's apartment. It was a square structure with two stories high.

Leo jumped down from the portal platform to check the new building. He landed 10 meters away from the barrack. Then, he turned around to touch the barrack.

Because it came out as a level-1 structure, its walls and roofs were made from thin rusty roofing sheets. The entrance featured no door, and the windows were all broken.

Leo didn't bother checking the interior of the building. He inspected the building's status menu to see which parts he could upgrade.


Barrack Level 1

Barrack Size – (1/5)

Barrack Quality – (0/10)

Training Speed – (0/5)

[Upgrade] – 1,000 Years of Lifespan


Leo leaned backward for a moment as he found the new structure different from a regular resident building, such as the employee apartments or the small houses.

It featured something else.

Curious, Leo pressed on the "Training Speed" label to see its explanation.


<Training Speed – Residents of the barrack can learn or master combat techniques faster. One assigned point increases the training speed by 20% (Max 100%).>

Leo raised his eyebrows. Although this was not what he needed the most, it might be useful for Hua Jiashan, Gao Yan, and other battle freaks.


Spending 8,000 years of lifespan, Leo upgraded it to level 9 and assigned some points.


Barrack Level 9

Barrack Size – (2/5)

Barrack Quality – (3/10)

Training Speed – (5/5)

[Upgrade] – 1,000 Years of Lifespan



The building transformed into a square wooden cabin. The roof and the entire structure were made of wood while the windows and doors were repaired.

Leo entered the building and found a large area inside. Measuring the interior with his eyes, Leo estimated that it was around 150 to 200 square meters, which was larger than its initial size. Moreover, it featured two floors.

In addition, 30 wooden bunk beds lined up nicely in three rows. Each bed came with a metal locker. The furniture took a lot of room at a glance, but there were spacious enough for residents to walk around.

Unfortunately, the facility offered no bathroom. The future residents here might have to use the general store's bathrooms for their daily necessities.

Leo shrugged and left the building. When he walked out of the barrack, a hundred people already surrounded the place to see the commotion. Among them, the lazy bum Wu Buyi was there.

"Ah, my lord! What did you build this time?"

Leo sighed and waved his hand, calling Wu Buyi over.

"This place is a barrack for aspiring trainees. Call the homeless youngsters over. Allocate 120 of them to stay in here. Oh, FYI, everybody that lives there can master their martial arts or techniques faster. You can try if you want to."


Wu Buyi heard something interesting. However, as he found the small house comfortable, he declined the opportunity.

On the other hand, many disciples from the sanctuary and the Life Sword Sect overheard the conversation. They were eager to try.

"Sir! Can we move in there?" One of the girls shouted from the crowd.

Another male teenager raised his hand, "Can we live in there, too?"

"But senior, can we live together with the boys? Isn't it too dangerous for the girls?"

Everybody murmured as many sanctuary girls and sword disciples were interested in the new facility. Because of the current segregation and their custom, living together under the same roof might ensue some complications.

Leo also found this situation complicated. Even in the military, they didn't let men and women stay in the same barracks for this reason.

For the sake of fairness, Leo made a new rule.

"There are two floors in this building. Women can live on the second floor. As for men, you stick to the first floor. If I find any man going up to the second floor for no reason, I'll cut off your sausage and make you a woman as you wish!"


The boys covered their crotch in fear while the girls were delighted.

Still, for the sake of security and protection, Leo needed a couple guards to watch these youngsters. He visited Esen, who had been lurking in her house.

Leo knocked on the door several times. A few minutes later, Esen slammed open the door in a bad mood.

"What do you want?!"

"…What were you doing?" Leo frowned.

"I was taking a nap! I hate sunlight!"

"You? Sleep?" Leo found Esen amusing. "A lich can sleep?"

"Shut it, you! Just say it. What do you want?!"

Leo sighed and told Esen about the new facility and its perks. At first, Esen yawned and scratched her eye sockets in boredom.

But when Leo mentioned that the barrack's residents could learn or train faster, Esen was interested. She stared at him with blank eye sockets.

"Hey, geezer. Can I stay in that building?"

"What about this house? Are you moving out?"

"Hell no! It's empty, so it's mine! I'll be staying in that barrack, too!"

"You're a greedy brat. Has anybody told you that?"

"Pfft. This empress already has everything! I'm a magmatic and virtuous lich! I don't greed for someone else's property!"


Leo wanted to retort that she stole one of his facilities, aka the third small house. Still, he chose to keep quiet as he respected this little undead loli.

As Esen always frightened others with her blank eye sockets, Leo remembered something. He rushed to his general store and picked up two eyeball parasites from a glass container. He then brought them back and shoved the eyes into the confused loli.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Esen panicked when Leo suddenly shoved his fingers into her eyes.

"Shut it and let me finger you! I need to shove these balls in!"



Because Leo picked the wrong words, a few bystanders blushed and grinned as they thought that Leo and Esen were couples. After all, only Esen had the guts to swear or curse Leo out loud.

Among the onlookers, Yao Qiqi was among them. She giggled.

"I knew it. Senior Angel and Sister Esen are couples!"

Xu Nuan blankly stared at the little girl. She corrected her, "I don't think senior Florida Man and Her Majesty Esen have that kind of relationship. Where did you hear that from?"

"Are you sure? I heard it from Cat!"


"She said that they have a similar air. They smell the same, she said."

"…But Esen is an undead."

"Senior Angel smells like a corpse sometimes, too. He smells like her!"

"…That's probably Cat's saliva. Didn't Cat lick Esen a lot when you guys were playing together?"


Yao Qiqi flinched as she also remembered Cat's bad breath. As Xu Nuan had said, Cat often licked Esen and praised her taste.

"So, Cat lied to me."

"More like a misunderstanding. Rather, Cat probably wants to eat her, but she couldn't."

"No way. Cat never eats her friends, but she loves to kiss and lick! One time, she kissed me, but she sucked me into her mouth by accident! She licked me a lot though. It was fun, but stinky."


Xu Nuan sighed. This place was so weird that she had a new headache every day.

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