Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 243 Florida Man Who Recently Promoted as Drill Sergeant Added Alligator Wrestling to Regular Training Regime for New Recruits.

Chapter 243 Florida Man Who Recently Promoted as Drill Sergeant Added Alligator Wrestling to Regular Training Regime for New Recruits.

Chapter 243 – Florida Man Who Recently Promoted as Drill Sergeant Added Alligator Wrestling to Regular Training Regime for New Recruits.

Leo returned to his domain in the afternoon. He then surveyed and inspected his territory, checking if any building needed help.

Aside from the various iron pine logs in the junkyard that got burnt down, most of the buildings were fully repaired. The ones that Leo couldn't help were the academy of Wu Buyi and the new library of Hua Jiashan that they had built to support their disciples.

The buildings, furniture, and treasures in there were gone.

Leo approached the burnt library of Hua Jiashan. He swept his gaze over the ruin and sighed.

"I should probably write new cultivation manuals and sell these guys."

As Leo had defeated clones of top experts, he acquired their skills, daos, and knowledge through the system's assistance. Among them, Leo learned several cultivation techniques, which were superior to what Hua Jiashan and others were using.

If Leo wanted to, he could write books and publish them for his employees to learn. However, writing a book was an arduous and boring task. Leo was too lazy to sit still 12 hours a day for the entire month to write something from his memory.

"I wish I had a system library in my shopping mall… Wait. Do I have one? I don't remember."

Leo rechecked the current workshops and facilities in his shopping mall.



5th Floor

Alchemy Factories

Land Vehicle Factory

Alchemy Workshops

Gunsmith Workshops

Blacksmith Workshops

4th Floor

Tesseract Time Chamber

Military Boot Camp

Life Force Casino

Tavern of Heroes

3rd Floor


2nd Floor


1st Floor

Clothing Stores

Fast-Food Chain Restaurant

Food Court


Before the battle, Leo had added Tavern of Heroes, Military Boot Camp, and Life Force Casino to his shopping mall. All of them were upgraded to level 15.

The life force casino was as the name implied. It provided an entertainment service and allowed guests to gamble their lifespan in their games. Similar to modern casinos, the available games were blackjacks, roulettes, craps, baccarat, and poker.

However, the casino was a bit special. The facility sealed the Qi of their guests, disallowing them to use their power when they gambled.

So far, Leo hadn't checked if it was well-received among the locals yet. They just went through an ordeal, so he believed that nobody was in the mood for gambling.

The next facility was the boot camp. When Leo upgraded it, the system screen informed him that it could enhance the abilities and solidify the foundation of the participants.

He also had an inspiration.

'Can I use that facility to impart my knowledge to the visitors? Is there a way for me to make that place a sect or a training ground for those rookies?'

Leo was curious about what it could do. He went back to the shopping mall to inspect the boot camp.



Meanwhile, news spread that the battle was over. Thus, people stopped worrying about danger and resumed their daily life.

The shopping mall was busy and crowded. Even though the second and third floors were empty, many cultivators and commoners chose the place as their gathering spots to hang out with their friends and colleagues.

Commoners from the west slum either continued residing on the B5 floor or returned home. Those who remained chose to do so because they no longer had a home to return to. As for the rest, they returned to restore or rebuild their buildings.

Some commoners chose to bet their future on the pills in the supermarket. They purchased the cheapest grain pills and ate them, hoping to become a cultivator.

99% of the risk takers succeeded while the remaining 1% required more time to digest the pill.

In short, the number of cultivators increased, and they refused to leave the shopping mall.

Fortunately, some former disciples of the Life Sword Sect and Tang clan's members were smarter. They spent their free time cultivating at the foot of the pylon tower instead of wasting their time here. Thus, the domain's population wasn't congested in one building.

Leo returned to the shopping mall and discovered that the elevators were never empty. He flew into an open area and landed on the fourth floor's balcony.

On the fourth floor, a crowd of off-shift workers and visitors crowded in front of the facilities. Several cultivators queued in front of the casino, waiting for their turn to enter and enjoy the games.

As for the boot camp and the time chamber, several swordsmen and Tang clan members lingered there. They also secretly queued and waited for the people inside to come out.

On the other hand, the tavern was partially available. Only a handful of cultivators visited this facility to get some tea or wine to rest.

The business was booming. Leo couldn't help but smile at his employees and guests.

'It's good to have a popular business. I don't have to grasses like a cow anymore. Now, I can just relax and slap Esen's booty at home while my employees make money for me. What a paradise.'

Leo hummed and strolled into the boot camp facility.


Military Boot Camp Level 15

Drill Sergeant Automaton (3/25)

Camp Capacity (10/25)

Facilities (2/25)

Training Speed (0/25)


Inside the facility was a new world. In front of Leo was a military compound, roads, and a training ground.

Leo gazed at the training ground. He discovered a hundred male employees of his store, who wore nothing but military pants. They sat in a square formation, meditating.

Three mannequins wearing green uniforms walked around with a wooden stick in their hands. They glared and monitored the trainees without hiding their killing intent.

The trainees sweated profusely, but they did their best to control their aura and leaking Qi.


One of the trainees lost concentration because of Leo's presence. He opened his eyes to look, but one of the mannequins bonked him with a wooden stick.

No word came out from the mannequin's non-existent mouth. However, Leo picked up the sound transmission of the drill sergeant.

"Ya think a sexy bitch shows up here to sniff your sorry ass 3-inch dick?! While you're here, Jody already cucked you and eloped with your girlfriend! You have nobody here but you, me, and the lord. The only girlfriend you can trust is your damn dirty cum-sticking right hand! Now, close your ugly eyes and get rid of your horny thought! Until you realize your damn perverted dao, none of your virgin asses are getting out of here!"

Leo broke a sweat. He pretended not to hear their private insult.

Still, it reminded Leo that the mannequins were capable of teaching the visitors. He thought of something and called one of the drill sergeants over.

One of the mannequins noticed Leo's gesture. He rushed toward his master and saluted.

Leo instinctively saluted back. Then, he got to the point.

"What kind of cultivation technique are you teaching them?"

The mannequin reported using his sound transmission.

"We use the default cultivation method – The Floridian's Mind Method, sir!"

"What the hell is that?!"

"We disable their Qi and dantian. Our daily routine is 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull-ups, a 10-kilometer run, and alligator wrestling, sir!"

Leo sweated profusely. He wondered if the mannequins copied Saitama's techniques and added a cherry on top to exaggerate the routine.

"What about the meditation? What are they doing?" Leo pointed at the crowd.

"Recovering, sir!"


"We diluted a hope-and-dream pill in a water tank and forced them to drink it to recover their stamina, sir. After a five-minute rest, there will be a sparring session. We will let them fight each other without using Qi until one of them remains standing, sir!"


Leo rubbed his forehead and waved his hand. "Do whatever you want."

"Yes, sir!"

"Also… about the length of the training. How long will it last for a batch of soldiers to complete the training course?"

"As long as it takes, sir!"


"Until they meet our standard, the training will never stop, sir!"


Leo closed his eyes and silently prayed for the 10 guinea pigs. He wished them luck.

Getting side-tracked enough, Leo got to the point. He asked the mannequin.

"Can we implement another cultivation method to train them? I have some ideas."

"Of course, sir!"


As soon as Leo mentioned the cultivation method, the system prompted him with a screen, revealing the options menu.

In the menu, labels and selectable options informed Leo of which training regime was being used. He could also adjust the intensity of the training by moving the slider bars. The default settings set everything to 100 or 10 kilometers, but Leo could make it 100 times harder.

Leo was not evil enough to torture these people with a Spartan training course. He left the slider bar options alone and moved on to the cultivation method options.

The options showed up as "None". However, Leo could change it.

When Leo selected the option, the menu revealed choices of what Leo could choose. Conveniently, all martial techniques and cultivation methods that Leo had learned were already there.

Leo was delighted. He scrolled through the list to find the best cultivation method of his choice.

The method came from Aslan, whom Leo always struggled to defeat.

The method was called "Ocean King Breathing". From the clone's memory, it originated from Overlord Xiaomao, and it enabled him to awaken the dao of Ocean King.

The cultivation method focused on the water, earth, holy, darkness, yin, and yang elements. Thus, it was well-balanced and friendly for untalented cultivators. By mastering this combination of elements, the practitioner's physique would be balanced and flexible. It also enabled them to reach the sage realm without encountering a bottleneck.


The method was assigned as the new default cultivation technique of this place.

As soon as Leo pressed the APPLY button, the mannequins flinched as they received the new order. They turned to the trainees and informed them of a piece of good news through their sound transmission.

"Rejoice, soldiers! The Lord has granted permission for you to access a rare cultivation method! We will teach you the method after you rest enough!"

All ten cultivators opened their eyes wide as they didn't expect to this regime. When they looked around, they found Leo, who waved his hand at them.

"Good luck, boys. Have fun." Leo snickered and left the boot camp.

The ten men stood up and saluted like a modern soldier. However, the mannequins yelled at them again and bonked everybody.



"Well, that's convenient."

Leo walked out of the boot camp and glanced at the signboard, which the cashier of the time chamber had made.

[10 Years of Lifespan per Person]

Leo pursed his lips. He discovered that the boot camp's service was a lot longer than the time chamber, which only took a day to complete. He took a mental note that he might need to upgrade the training time level next time.

Leo stopped paying attention to the boot camp and gazed at the tavern. He still remembered what this place offered.

It allowed Leo to invite his friends, aka PLAYER friends, to visit his domain!

Leo thought of Acku, the orc. It was the time to contact the orc and ask for his quest advice.


Tavern of Heroes Level 15

Hospitality Worker Automaton (3/25)

Tavern Size (5/25)

Max Visiting Friends (2/25)

Accommodations (5/25)

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