Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 245 Florida Man Crossed a Desert to Find Desert Monster, Found Area 51 Instead.

Chapter 245 Florida Man Crossed a Desert to Find Desert Monster, Found Area 51 Instead.

Chapter 245 – Florida Man Crossed a Desert to Find Desert Monster, Found Area 51 Instead.

Leo selected the first name to satisfy his curiosity. The system prompted him with a new screen, showing the brief information of the deceased overlord.


Player Status

Player: Overlord Max Fenrir

Player Status: Deceased

Planets in Control: 35

Headquarter Level: 50

*WARNING! Attacking a deceased player's home bases will incur a penalty: Ally players of the deceased player will be informed of your invasion, and they can freely deploy reinforcement to protect and claim the home bases.


Except for the overlord's grey portrait and the useless information, only the warning part piqued Leo's interest.

"So, has this guy's home bases become ownerless? Can I claim them for myself?"


<Tips. If you manage to destroy the headquarters or a branch headquarters of the deceased player before the reinforcement can claim it, all system's buildings and automatons within in the domain will be converted into gacha tickets.>

<Please note. All system's perks of the deceased player cannot be transferred.>

"Ah, that's fair."

Leo didn't care about the dead guy's system perks. He was more interested in the free gacha tickets he could get from the raid.

As nothing else stopped Leo from proceeding further, Leo made his decision. He chose to invade the dead overlord's base.

The bottom of the status screen featured the invasion confirmation button. Leo pressed it without hesitation.


A small rainbow portal manifested and hovered over the platform. Leo closed the system screens and jumped inside.

As soon as Leo entered the portal, the exit was closed right away. He found himself on a stone cliff, looking down to a wasteland.

The air of this world was dusty and smelly like methane. The thick orange clouds blocked most of the sunlight from reaching the ground and made the ground temperature chilly. From a rough estimation, Leo believed the average temperature here was about 5 to 10 Celsius or 41 to 50 Fahrenheit. Strangely, no snow was presented here.

A windstorm hit Leo's face and dirtied his skin with sticky yellow dirt. The muddy dirt in the air annoyed Leo as it blocked his vision.

Leo snorted and exhaled all impurities and foul air from his lungs. He also released his Qi and created a wind element barrier around him.

The blue barrier repelled dust and particles in the air from getting inside. It also provided Leo with oxygen, nitrogen, and radiation that his body needed.

After creating an air-filtering barrier, Leo could see a bit further. He continued expanding the dome to expand his visual range.

When the dome reached 500 meters in diameter, Leo finally sensed movements and life signatures from the horizon. He closed his eyes and tried to feel them with his sixth sense instead.

About 1,000 kilometers in front of him, a colony was situated there. A glass dome protected their population inside while several towers stood outside the barrier, circling their spotlights around and scanning for unauthorized visitors.

Leo couldn't sense the interior of the mysterious city, but he could tell that it was bigger than the Australian continent for sure.

"Is that the place?"

Leo opened his eyes and took flight. He flew toward the dome colony while maintaining the air-filtering barrier around him.

Unfortunately, when Leo flew closer to the orange clouds, they reacted to Leo's presence. It immediately unleashed heavenly orange lightning bolts toward him.


The thunderbolts struck Leo, but they only gave him a mild tingling sensation similar to being stimulated by a vibrator. It was a nice electric massage.

Leo welcomed the free meal. He flew directly into the clouds and drained them into his dantian universe.

The clouds gradually moved toward Leo as if he were the center of a whirlpool. The thick massive tribulation clouds that were capable of blocking the sunlight vanished and left a large hole in the sky.

The orange gas entered Leo's dantian and gathered in one of his stars, which had been designated as a tribulation lightning star. It contained nothing but electric current and intense magnetic fields, which generated endless lightning storms.

The gas was devoured by the rainbow clouds of this star. The impurity of the gas was burnt away, leaving only a burnt smell of burning iron and ash.


<Your lifespan has increased by 712 years.>

<Your lifespan has increased by 645 years.>

<Your lifespan has increased by 730 years.>

<Your lifespan…>

Leo was glad that he came here as stealing the star's tribulation lightning clouds was profitable. He vowed to do this again.

However, his action also made his presence known to the population. When more clouds vanished, the two humongous Suns, which were 5,000 times larger than the Solar System's Sun, became visible. The biggest one was white while the smaller one, which was half the size of the white sun, radiated an orange flame.

The heat of the two suns instantly melted rocks, dirt, and humid sticky air they touched. Orange flames popped up one after another as the methane gas in the air caught fire.

Flame rapidly spread along the wind and turned into flame tornados. They reached the thick orange clouds that were out of Leo's absorption range and ignited them on fire.

Orange lightning bolts went berserk. They unleashed countless lightning bolts within the clouds. Some branches hit the ground while many traveled to the stratosphere.

Leo turned around and gazed at what he had done. He shrugged.

"That wasn't my fault! It's the planet that's at fault here. Who asked you to orbit in a solar system with two freaking suns!?"

Leo flew away from the spreading chaos, but he never stopped stealing the orange clouds.


By the time Leo arrived at the colony, the wasteland behind him turned into a sea of flame because of the endless methane gas in the air. His long black and white hair also emitted white smoke as the flame caught up to him while he was flying earlier. However, Leo was never harmed.

All the colony's tower spotlights shone upon Leo and fixated on him. Red siren flight flashed within the colony, but Leo couldn't hear anything from outside.


Suddenly, sentry machine guns emerged from the ground and pointed at Leo. Then, they started blasting.

Leo was curious about the guns as he just experienced an alien invasion. He stood there and tested their power.


Anti-tank shells, armor-piercing shells, explosive shells, and anti-domain shells were unleashed. Countless white and yellow needles flashed and hit Leo's face, chest, stomach, and legs without missing a shot.

A hundred thousand flat bullet heads were deflected from Leo's skin upon impact. Some of them hit his nose directly, but they were flattened upon impact because Leo's body was as firm as a steel mountain.

30 minutes passed by. The sentry guns finally ran out of bullets.

Burying under the mountain of large bullet heads was Leo. He hummed while he collected every piece of bullet head into his storage rings.

'Can my mannequins convert these metals into useful tools or guns for my future army? I hope they can make a better gun soon. Oh, wait. We might need some RPGs or anti-air missiles soon. Those drones and jets are nasty! Maybe something like the Israel's iron dome?'


In the blink of an eye, a million bullet heads vanished into Leo's storage rings. He patted the dirt on his clothes and proceeded toward the colony.

Leo looked up at the colony. Although the half-circle dome covered it, the foundation of the colony was no different than a complex spaceship with gigantic metal spider legs and continuous tracks.

"A mobile colony? A spider colony?"

Leo was impressed. He thought of an old anime, which told a story of a dystopian world where humans could only live in mobile colonies similar to this one. The local population fought for natural resources while they avoided hazardous monsters outside.

He wondered if this world had a dangerous monster in the wasteland. He wished that there was one so that he could farm them for alchemy materials and random resources.


While Leo silently approached the colony, he noticed some movements and life signatures of people getting closer. A shutter door of the colony gradually opened.

A 5-meter-tall wolf walked out of the giant door. Following after him were 50 werewolves in sci-fi battle suits and sophisticated giant swords.

Leo raised his eyebrows and stared at the blunt swords. Each of them was 10 meters long and 10 centimeters thick. From a glance, they didn't look like a good weapon for cutting.


The werewolves flipped the switches of their blades and revealed their functions. The blades revealed saw teeth and started vibrating.

They were not regular swords. They were saw machines!

"Hey! I want one of those!"

Leo drooled. He wished his domain could produce one of those saw swords.

"$%@ NU'EARTHE @&#$!!"

The werewolves yelled in an incomprehensible language and pointed their fingers at Leo's face. Although Leo couldn't hear most of the words, he could hear the N-word loud and clear.

"Goddamn. Are all werewolves in this universe racist? I wish the Earth's media could see this. They would have screamed "HUMANPHOBIC" and rallied a protest..."

While Leo imagined how the modern world would react to their racism, a dozen werewolves surrounded Leo and swung their sawswords at him.




All saw swords hit Leo, but they were instantly jammed upon impact. The saw teeth failed to slice through his skin.

Leo widely grinned and grabbed two saw swords. He stored them in his storage rings.


The swords vanished. The wielders looked at their empty hands in confusion and started barking.

"NU'EARTHE &*#@$!!"

"&$#@&%#&$#&@ NU'EARTHE &%$@#&#@&%&@&!!"

Leo rolled his eyes. He nonchalantly approached them and touched the nearest guy's battle suit.


The entire battle suit vanished and entered Leo's storage rings, leaving him butt-naked. Leo glanced at the guy and was about to kill him at first. But when he noticed how shiny the werewolf's golden fur was, he changed his mind.

"Thanks, puppy. Oh, hey. Your golden fur looks nice. Can I skin you and make your fur my doormat?"

For the sake of preserving the fur, Leo pulled out his pistol and shot the werewolf's head.


The direct hit blasted the head of the golden wolf and splatted his brain everywhere.

After the wolf died, Leo tried to store the corpse in his storage rings. However, he noticed that the rings were almost full to the brim.

Keeping meat in a dimensional pocket full of floating metals and steel bullet heads was unhealthy. Although Leo was reluctant, he started using the system's inventory menu. He stored the corpse in there.


<You have stored a carcass of Fenrir Werewolf.>

<Please note. All stored items can be directly transferred to your shopping mall's warehouse.>


Leo widened his eyes. He learned a new thing.

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