Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 247 Florida Man Advised Doomsday Preppers to Stock Booze, Beer, and Wine Instead of Food Before the Second COVID Spread.

Chapter 247 Florida Man Advised Doomsday Preppers to Stock Booze, Beer, and Wine Instead of Food Before the Second COVID Spread.

Chapter 247 – Florida Man Advised Doomsday Preppers to Stock Booze, Beer, and Wine Instead of Food Before the Second COVID Spread.

"I've come in peace. I came in peace. I cum in peace. Meh, whatever." Leo shrugged and gazed at the ruined town below.

The city consisted of tall buildings, concrete roads, and cars. If he didn't know that the city was a colony of an alien, he would have mistaken this place as a city in the modern world.

Although the landmarks and the high-rise buildings seemed interesting, Leo found it weird as none of the street lights shone. None of the operating cars and other vehicles were visible on the street. Instead, only wrecked cars and burning cars could be found.

Moreover, piles of corpses exuded a foul iron-like scent in the air. Their blood soaked the streets while their innards and militated flesh dirtied the sidewalks.

Leo glanced at a large square building with a large parking lot. He spotted several shopping mall carts there and figured that the building might be a supermarket. However, corpses of werewolves were scattered everywhere.

In the middle of the parking lot, Leo found an unsettling scene. A female werewolf corpse with a hole in her head still held three puppies in her arms. The babies barked at their mother in a hoarse voice. Next to the dead mother, a tattered bone plushy doll was left there on the ground along with the other grocery items in paper bags.

The massacre disgusted Leo. Even though he came here to destroy Overlord Max's headquarters, he never planned to harm innocent townsmen, especially kids.

Leo's expression softened. He descended and rushed to rescue the three puppies. When he reached out to them, they bored their little fangs and barked in unison.

Leo flinched and recalled that they would die if he touched them. Thus, Leo ejected the good old hazmat suit and put it on. Then, he tried again.

The puppies resisted. They kept barking and threatened to bite the suit. Fortunately, their fangs were too soft to cut through it.

Leo carried the puppies in his arms and weighed them. As they were werewolf babies, they were the size of a fat human infant. Leo felt like he was holding three chubby golden retriever puppies.

The dogs resisted and tried to flee from Leo's arms. The latter deeply sighed.

"Doge. Can you stop moving? I'll give you some meat if you cooperate."

The dogs still resisted as they couldn't understand Leo's words.

"Alright. Fine."

Leo put them down and ejected a dead cockatrice from his spatial ring. He removed the feathers and tore the carcass meat apart.

The puppies froze and raised their noses to sniff the sweet scent of a raw chicken. They turned to Leo and drooled. One of them tip-toed toward him and wagged his tail, smiling.

"You stupid dog. How old are you? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? Can you eat hard food yet?"

The dogs didn't reply. They only eyed the sweet chicken in Leo's hands.

Leo wryly smiled and wondered if their stomach could digest hard food yet. He thought of purchasing an overpriced milk replacer from the system store, but there was a supermarket in front of him. They might have something for the babies.

'Heh, I'm such as hypocrite. I killed so many people, but I become a softy when I see children. It doesn't matter. Saving lives come first. I can't get peace of mind if I let them die like this.'

Leo stopped overthinking. He snapped his fingers and activated Overlord Mao Miaomiao's time and space domain.


The entire star system stopped moving. All stars, asteroids, particles, and lifeforms were frozen in time.

Leo rushed into the supermarket while the time was frozen.

Inside the supermarket, traces of combat and massacre were noticeable. Shelves and merchandise collapsed. Trails of blood and footprints soiled the clean marble floors. Canned products rolled on the bloody ground while the corpses of the shoppers still remained.

Leo ignored the half-wrecked supermarket and proceeded inside. He prayed that the supermarket layout was the same as the modern world.

He wasn't disappointed. The milk section was next to the alcohol section. Thus, Leo found countless packages of dog milk on the ground and under the collapsed shelves.

While Leo picked up the milk for the puppies, in the corner of his eyes noticed a group of werewolves around the alcohol section. He turned around to look at them.

The group of five werewolves huddled together. Two of them were in the middle of touching their spatial rings as if they were sorting their items. On the other hand, the remaining guys were busy shoving boxes of wine into their spatial rings in glee.

Leo raised his eyebrows as he found them smart.

"Yup. The first thing you rob from the supermarket during the apocalypse should be booze, beer, and wine! You can use them to dress wounds. You can drink it to relieve boredom. Or you can even turn them into Molotov cocktails! This is killing three birds with one stone!"

Because Leo approved of the action of these werewolves, he approached them and gently pulled their spatial rings. Afterward, he lightly punched their faces, causing their heads to distort.

After giving them a well-deserved punch to the face, Leo copied their action. He stored every intact merchandise in his system inventory and spatial rings. When the booze department was empty, Leo returned to the milk section and collected them as well.

Robbing a supermarket while stopping time was a fun activity. Leo forgot about the time while he was shopping.

An hour passed by, but everything in the solar system was frozen. Leo finished looting and sorting his inventory screen.

He was grateful to the system that the inventory existed. It solved a lot of problems when he had so many items inside as the items stacked. Every item in the system inventory showed up as an icon inside a grid box, and identical items were stackable. For example, two bottles of wine of the same brand took one inventory slot, but they showed as two bottles. As a result, it was a lot easier to sort and find a certain item.

Although Leo hadn't checked the warehouse area yet, he stopped shopping for the moment. He returned to the puppies at the parking lot. When Leo reached them, he brought out cartons of dog milk and three dog bowls. He then poured some milk for them. While he was at it, he crushed the chicken's meat into tiny pieces and mixed them with the milk.

When the preparation was ready, Leo resumed the flow of time.


Time resumed in the solar system. The five werewolves in the shopping mall earlier let out a weird whine as their heads exploded into blood mist. As for the puppies, they were surprised to see bowls of milk coming out of nowhere.

"Eat up before I change my mind. I'll be taking you home, okay?"

The three puppies didn't pay attention to Leo. They rushed to the milk bowl and started drinking. Their tongues scooped some tiny chicken pieces into their throat.


As they had never eaten hard food before, the dogs coughed. Leo smirked and inspected them with his Qi to ensure that they weren't choked by the chicken meat.

The hungry dogs finished everything within 30 seconds. They licked the bowl clean and glanced at Leo's face in wary.

"Alright. I'll be back shortly. Stay here with your mom and dad."

Leo patted their heads and turned around. He planned to stop time again and finish this raid.

When Leo turned around, he sensed the aura of an entity like Aslan. However, his Qi volume and pressure were a lot weaker.

Overlord Milo in his true form hovered in the sky while he held his black long sword. He glanced at the puppies for a moment and shifted his attention to Leo.


Leo snorted in a bad mood. "None of your business. Get lost while I'm still feeling generous."


Overlord Milo didn't realize that Leo was the Florida Man he was looking for. He lowered his sword and turned around.

"Judging from how you treated the pups, I'll let you live for once. Go home while you still can. I'm taking over this domain!"

Leo rolled his eyes and complained. "Stop playing a cliché villain role. I've seen this type of trope multiple times."

"LISTEN HERE, NU'EARTHE!" Milo turned around and pointed the giant sword at Leo's face. "A weakling like you have no idea what the high-ups are doing. When the time comes, Queen Eleanor will purge the universe and unite all races as one! Your kind is fated to doom! Therefore, go home and treasure your life while you still can!"

Hearing a piece of information, Leo pursed his lips. At first, he planned to end this guy right here. But judging how considerate he was, Leo changed his mind.

"You're very kind for a racist werewolf. Thanks for the tips. I'll let you live for another day."


Leo snapped his fingers and stopped time again. This time, he activated a domain of death sword.

Two domains overlapped each other. The first was the time and space domain while the second one was the death sword domain. Everybody who was inside Leo's domain became a life target for him to cut down.

Leo closed his eyes as he could sense the presence of 300 werewolves in this colony. All of them carried bloody weapons as they were responsible for the town's massacre.

He took off the upper hazmat suit and brought out the pen sword. He injected his Qi into it and turned it into a lightsaber. Then, he swung it once.

The lightsaber didn't let out a sound. However, the 300 werewolves in the death sword domain received a cut to their soul.

Leo didn't stop there. He flew toward Overlord Max's manor as it emitted the strongest aura. When he got closer, his alien ring vibrated.

"Is it here?"

Leo followed his instinct and injected his Qi into the lightsaber. Instead of cutting the soul of a living being, the sword transformed into a large energy hammer. He swung down and hit the building.

The energy sword hit something hard and bouncy. However, the hammer crushed the barrier and destroyed the entire building in one hit.

After crushing the building, Leo resumed the flow of time to check the result. As soon as he did that, the system prompted him with a confirmation message.


<You have destroyed Overlord Max's headquarters!>

<Overlord Max's domain had 52 system buildings and 0 system personnel. You have received 52 gacha tickets (Building).>

<Overlord Max has zero treasure left in his warehouse. You have gained nothing.>

<Overlord Max has zero lifespans remaining. You have gained nothing.>

<You and your allies will be teleported home in 10 seconds. Please stand by.>


The entire colony shook and slowly dissipated into dust.

"WHAT?! HOW?!"

Overlord Milo witnessed the changes and was shocked. He looked around to find Leo, but the guy already disappeared from his sight.


Leo returned to the puppies. He collected them in his arms and smiled at Milo.

"See you around, racist bitch. I'll be taking a round at the Fate Stadium soon. If you want to see me again, make sure to book a match there and wait for me."



It was too late for Overlord Milo to capture Leo. He and the three puppies vanished.

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