Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 254 Mad Cow Disease Discovered in Florida Man’s Butcher Shop. Store Owner Denied the Allegations and Ate Raw Beef in front of WHO Officials. He Was Later Found Humping a Cow That Day.

Chapter 254 Mad Cow Disease Discovered in Florida Man’s Butcher Shop. Store Owner Denied the Allegations and Ate Raw Beef in front of WHO Officials. He Was Later Found Humping a Cow That Day.

Chapter 254 – Mad Cow Disease Discovered in Florida Man's Butcher Shop. Store Owner Denied the Allegations and Ate Raw Beef in front of WHO Officials. He Was Later Found Humping a Cow That Day.

Leo appointed Sierra as the new agriculture realm's governor as planned. He also spent a million YOL to upgrade her to the same strength as Hua Taixu. Then, they entered the realm together to finalize the appointment and the new working place.

It had been two hours since the building had been activated. Leo wondered what the respawn feature was.

Upon arriving at the castle, Leo found his answer. All farms were covered in unknown green crops. The fish ponds bubbled and rippled as countless schools of fish danced like a Disney princess underwater. Every fish was as large as an adult tuna!

The farms and the ponds were nothing compared to the pig pens and the chicken barns. Leo and Sierra dropped their jaws, staring at the Jurassic Park.

There were Dinosaurs in the pig pens and chicken barns.

The chicks looked the same as modern chicken babies on a farm. Their yellowish fur and their round heads made them look cute, except for their humongous size of a T-Rex. Because their windpipe was wider than smaller chicks, their chirping voice sounded intimidating.


Every time they made a sound, the air trembled and rippled. Sierra frowned and picked her ears in frustration as their noise pricked her eardrums.

"Master, those chickens are not cute." Complained Sierra.

"I know."

Leo glanced at the pig pens. There were even more heinous monsters there.

Instead of regular chubby pigs, the pens were occupied by chonky four-legged pink orcs. They had the same face as piglets, but their staggering height of 100 meters and 300 meters long made Leo question where they came from.

Before Leo decided to make Sierra the governor, he stood on the castle wall and waited for another hour to observe the changes.


It didn't take long for the realm to create more creatures. Leo noticed how this planet condensed yang Qi in the air and manifested embryos of pig babies. As for the chickens and fish, the condensed Qi transformed into eggs.

While the pig embryos floated in the air, they rapidly grew and matured into baby piglets. The newborn creatures softly landed in the pig pens and were automatically grouped in one building. As for the eggs, they gradually hatched. The fish eggs poured tuna-like fish into an empty pond while the chicks marched toward their new barn after birth.

Leo witnessed how the pigs, chickens, and fish were born and grouped. He finally understood how the respawn feature worked.

"So, I'm getting all these livestock for free? Nice!"

The last remaining question was, how big they would grow when they were matured. He decided to remain here for the entire day to witness the changes.

While he was at it, Leo appointed Sierra as the new governor of this realm. He also allowed her to explore this planet to get familiarized with it.


A system screen appeared in front of Sierra. She was taken aback at first, but she quickly understood her assignment. She fiddled with it to learn new things.

A few minutes later, Sierra renamed the realm 'Tauron Farm'. Then, the status of the realm changed according to the governor's strengths and traits.


Agriculture Realm (Tauron Farm)

Governor: Sierra Tauron

Governor Effect: Increase the quality of livestock by 50%. Reduce the respawning speed of all livestock by 50%.

Primary Warehouse: B2, Shopping Mall Warehouse

Crop Respawning Time: One Hour

Crop Mature Time: 24 Hours

Fish Respawning Time: 30 Minutes

Fish Mature Time: 24 Hours

Pig Respawning Time: 30 Minutes

Pig Mature Time: 24 Hours

Chicken Respawning Time: 30 Minutes

Chicken Mature Time: 24 Hours


Leo could also see the changes, and he nodded in approval. Indeed, her abilities suited this place better than that fisherman statue.

"Now, we wait."



22 hours later, creatures of the first batch grew up and reached maturity by consuming the yang Qi in the air as if they were plants.

The chicks grew even taller than Godzillas, but their feathers and appearance looked the same as mature chickens. A total of 100 edible kaijus hovered over the clouds and flapped their giant wings.


The system was merciless. As soon as they reached maturity age, all adult male chickens lost all feathers and stopped breathing. They died without realizing what killed them. Afterward, their stomachs were sliced by an invisible knife, while their blood and innards were extracted and separated.

The hens were different. They died as well, however, their stomachs were cut open. Inside every hen's stomach, a golden egg radiated a brilliant light and a transparent aura of pure yang Qi. These eggs were also collected and placed on a grass patch next to the exit portal. As for the chicken meat, they were cleanly cut and arranged in parts.

The pigs and fish suffered the same fate. A hundred megalodon-sized tuna were pulled from the ponds and descaled before the system collected their meat and edible organs. The pigs were cut in half and turned into hung meat in butcher shops.

Meanwhile, the farms produced only wheat for Leo. However, the grains were as tough as steel and as big as an adult human's arm. When the system put a million grains together, they looked like giant pieces of white metal blocks.

Leo stood there, staring at the wheat grains. He rubbed his forehead and pondered, "How should I grind them? Can you even make flour out of these?!"

Sierra noticed Leo's trouble. She advised him. "You can just cook them or boil them directly."

"Oh, eat them the same way as rice?"


Leo nodded. He wondered what they tasted like.



The business with the agriculture realm was over. When Leo exited the portal, a dozen warehouse and granary workers already stood there, waiting to enter the realm to collect meat and other goodies.

Leo turned around and gazed at the barn portal. He doubted, "Can you even bring those giant meat through here?"

The mannequins ignored Leo's doubt and entered the portal. A few seconds later, one of them came out, pulling a piece of raw chicken drumstick out. The gate enlarged and expanded according to the size of the meat instead of squeezing it.

As the worker had no issue transporting his items, Leo entrusted the tasks to these guys. Still, he had some concerns as the transportation of giant meat was unhealthy. The mannequins carried them on their backs while some parts of the meat touched the ground.

Leo glanced at Aslan. The latter noticed Leo's gaze and understood his intention.

Aslan assured Leo, "I'll make containers for these. Actually, we can even use storage rings. I'll teach the automatons later."

"Please do. My kidneys are cringing. Imagine seeing a chuck of meat being dragged on the ground and finding the same meat on your table."

"I know. Give me some time." Aslan deeply sighed and vanished.

Leo sighed and finally turned his attention to the cow level. He wondered if they had respawned enough cows for him to play with yet.




Leo entered the portal to the cow level. Upon crossing to the other side, Leo found a world of frozen blood swamps. Opposite of the agriculture world, this place was full of yin Qi. Its absolute freezing temperature threatened to solidify Leo's bodily fluid and his blood while the extreme cold temperature pierced his bone marrow.


Leo silently exhaled a white fume. He thought of Earth when an ice Godzilla got into heat after seeing Mount Everest. That guy humped the mountain for a whole year until they merge into one mountain and froze everything in 10,000 km diameters. At that time, Leo was in seclusion under a thick layer of snow, causing him to be trapped there for 400 years.

The forgotten PTSD resurfaced. Leo sensed a shiver down his spine as he didn't want to be trapped in a cold place again.


While Leo was absentminded, the warcry of a cow vibrated the air, followed by loud footsteps and an earthquake. Leo turned around and found an army of 2,000 godzilla-sized humanoid cows wielding halberds approaching him.

"…Wow." Leo was astonished. He couldn't believe that the cow level was real.

The cow monsters raised their halberds and swung at Leo.

Ten minutes later, Leo sat on top of 2,000 monster cows' corpses. While resting, he gently sliced a piece of a monster's neck and pulled a meat slice. He then cooked it using the flame generated from his yang Qi.

The makeshift steak was rough, but it was savory and delicious. Their fat seeped into every piece of their meat, making their flesh ideal for steak and grill dishes. Moreover, their meat was as soft and tender as A5 wagyu.


<Your lifespan has increased by 10 years.>

<Your lifespan has increased by 10 years.>

<Your lifespan has…>

Not only the meat was delicious, but Leo's lifespan kept increasing because of their rich life force. He couldn't stop eating them.

By the time Leo was full, one hour had passed.


A new wave of cow monsters screamed. An army of 10,000 cows charged from the north. At the same time, another army of 10,000 cow monsters launched a coordinated attack on Leo.

Leo silently stored the corpses in his system inventory. He licked his fingers and widely grinned.

"This takes me back. COME ON, FOOD! LET'S EAT EACH OTHER!"


A cow monster suddenly emerged from the underground and seized Leo. It stood tall and held Leo in his palm.

Leo didn't flinch. He waved his fingers and calmly sliced the human hands of the cow monster. He also unleashed the abilities of Mao Miaomiao and Meowmeow.

Blood Domain!



Instantly, the blood of these cow monsters left their bodies through their orifices. They gathered and hovered over Leo's head.

Leo collected them in his system inventory and watched the armies of cows collapse. He hummed and walked toward the endless supply of Wagyu steaks.

"Hoh, boy. Those cafeterias and restaurants are gonna get busy. Also…"

Leo picked up one of the giant halberds that the cow monsters had been carrying. Everything seemed to be made of a mysterious red metal, which emanated strong yin Qi.

After holding the halberd for a while, it shrank to fit Leo's hands.


Leo was pleasantly surprised. He wondered if the other halberds had this function as well.

He wasn't disappointed. Every halberd could shrink or expand to match the users. Leo wondered if he could sell them in his store.

"More merchandise! My store can now run a butcher shop! Right, I should add a meat section in the supermarket now. This is gonna be fun."

Leo laughed and continued exploring the cow level.



Every hour, the cow level respawned 1,000 monster cows and 1,000 halberds. These guys had the cultivation base of a 17-star deity, and they could use providence domain of power and warcry.

Normally, one of these cows could have stunned any intruder with their loud shout. Their absolute physical power also rivaled that of a sage, which made them a tough foe to fight in close combat. Thus, this realm was too dangerous for others to enter.

Leo made a huge signboard in front of the portal.

[DANGER! 17-Star Deities Inside! DO NOT ENTER!]

Although not many people visited this place or Orlando Planet, some workers used this place as a hangout spot because of the beautiful view and scenery. Some of them used this place to cultivate their mind.

With the signboard, Leo was confident that no stupid person would enter the portal. He turned around and was about to bring the new Wagyu meat to the supermarket.


As soon as Leo was about to leave, the platform's elevator brought a new group of passengers. Among them, Gao Yan and Jin Yong tagged along.

The duo became friends, and they had been using this place as a gathering spot. Sometimes, they even tried to initiate conversations with the guardian statues.

Gao Yan and Jin Yong had already reached the immortal realm after the invasion incident. They also planned to visit the time chamber together tomorrow.

"Oh, master?" Gao Yan was the first to notice Leo. He cupped his fist and saluted. "Greetings, Lord Florida Man!"

Jin Yong copied Gao Yan, "Greetings, sir! It's a nice day, isn't it?"

Leo nodded at them and pointed at the signboard.

"There's new portals to other realms. Don't go into that blue portal, okay? That place is too dangerous for you two. There are deities…"

Leo couldn't even finish his sentences. Jin Yong burst into laughter and pulled a new weapon he salvaged from Overlord Max's battleship.

"Nice! I'm gonna go in there and test my new weapons!"

"HEY!" Leo bellowed and tried to stop the idiot alchemist. However, Jin Yong leaped over the signboard like a parkour master and vanished into the blue portal.

Gao Yan dryly laughed. He also sprinted toward the portal and brought out the full-charged lightsaber and Leo's upgraded pistol.

"Sir, I'll go in there and bring him back shortly. It won't be long!"


The two youngsters entered the cow level despite Leo's warning. The latter facepalmed.

"Damn idiots."

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