Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 256 Florida Man Invented Mosquito Worm Wines as New Local Merchandise. TikTokers Rushed to Drink It as Mosquito Worm Consumption Became New Trending.

Chapter 256 Florida Man Invented Mosquito Worm Wines as New Local Merchandise. TikTokers Rushed to Drink It as Mosquito Worm Consumption Became New Trending.

Chapter 256 – Florida Man Invented Mosquito Worm Wines as New Local Merchandise. TikTokers Rushed to Drink It as Mosquito Worm Consumption Became New Trending.

While Leo rested in the library, several mannequins brought a few bottles of wine over.


Leo glanced at the group of mannequins with wine bottles. He frowned as he didn't remember asking them to make wines.

"Which department are you from? Now, I have too many mannequins that I don't know where you are working anymore."

The mannequins pulled out a brush and ink from their pockets. They wrote a few words and showed them to Leo.

The handwriting was similar to Leo's as the mannequins were a part of his shadows. The message was simple.

[Please accelerate the time of the wine.]


Leo figured out what they wanted. However, he disliked their approach. Instead of accelerating the wine age of these few bottles of wine, he would rather do it with 10,000 at once.

The mannequins picked up Leo's thoughts and rushed back to their stores. Leo got curious and followed them to the first floor.

It turned out that the group of mannequins were the chefs from the restaurant department. They mixed the cow monster's blood, the giant chicken's blood, and the giant pig's blood together and made a new blood wine.

Leo was confused about how they made those as mixing too many types of blood was a quick method to get AIDS. He wondered if the mannequins tried to honor a certain soldier who consummated with a monkey and brought this disease to the world.

For the sake of hygiene, Leo grabbed two of the wine bottles and brought them to an alchemy workshop. He researched it.


<You have discovered Fresh Yin-Yang Blood Wine.>


Raw Yin-Yang Blood Wine

This wine is brewed by an anonymous master chef by mixing a cow deity, a yang pig, and a yang chicken blood together. The cow deity's extreme yin and yang energy from the pig and chicken created harmony, killing pathogens, bacteria, and parasites in the liquid. The mixed blood has been diluted with contaminated water from the Florida Canyon River and undergoes a fermentation and mutation process.

Unfortunately, every good wine takes time to brew. This wine is only less than a day old. Thus, it cannot have any effect on the consumer.

Cannot be used in alchemy.


Leo let out a sigh of relief as the wine seemed harmless to cultivators and commoners. As long as the pathogens, viruses, and bacteria in the blood are killed, everybody shouldn't be infected with AIDS, EBOLA, or COVID-19 this way.

Still, Leo wasn't satisfied with just one result. He activated a time and space domain on the remaining wine bottle, accelerating the time of the wine by 100 years.

This was one of many applications of the space and time domain. The user could rewind, slow, accelerate, or stop the time flow within the domain. He could also teleport anywhere within the range as the power distorted space and dimension.

The red wine in the bottle turned black. Leo shook the bottle a little to check the quality.


There was a little worm in the liquid. It looked like a hatchling mosquito in a water bowl.


Leo smacked his lips in disgust. He believed that the wine had gone bad. Still, he tossed the entire bottle of content into an alchemy cauldron to research it.

The result was shocking.


100-Year-Old Yin-Yang Blood Wine of Time and Space

This wine has been brewed by Florida Man. It contains a tinge of his time and space dao and a mutated mosquito from the Florida Canyon River. Anyone who consumes this wine and eats the mosquito, their bone marrow and meridians will transform and evolve.

In addition, it has a strong flavor. It is the best liquor to go with a cow monster steak.


- Evolve the consumer's bone marrows and meridians.

- Increase the consumer's lifespan by 10 years.

- Increase the consumer's yin and yang Qi by 1,000 years' worth of cultivation.

- May intoxicate the consumer with low alcohol tolerance.

Cannot be used in alchemy.


Leo salivated. Unlike earlier, he wanted to drink the wine. However, he had already sacrificed the entire content for this research.

For the sake of a good drink, Leo rushed back to the restaurant's warehouse in the kitchen. He found the chef mannequin and ordered him.

"Gather all wines in your store. Go tell the other store's cooks to bring all their wines to the B3 floor. Remember this, whenever you brew fresh wine like this again, store them on the B3 floor. I'll check that place daily and accelerate the wine age for you lots, okay?"

The mannequin repeatedly nodded. The hive-mind automaton twitched as he shared the information with his thoughts. A minute later, every mannequin from the restaurants marched out of their stores with hundreds of wine boxes in tow.

Their march attracted the attention of the visitors on the first floor. They wondered if Leo was doing something weird again. However, most of them ignored him and moved on to the fourth floor.

30 minutes later, the same mannequins marched back to their shops and added the aged wine to their warehouses. They also listed the new liquor as their local specialty, which was shared in all stores. Some of them were also transferred to the supermarket to seduce drinkers.

The brief preparation of the restaurants was completed. A new trend in the Florida Domain slowly changed.


While Leo was busy with the restaurant's matters, the new bookstore became a new trend in the shopping mall. Young men and women gathered to purchase cultivation books and theory books.

Commoners also flocked to the store. As they had a limited lifespan, they came up with a brilliant idea – They formed a group of hundred people who desired the same book to share. When they got the book, they made copies for everybody while their leader kept the original.

Several cultivators also used the same method to get expensive cultivation manuals. Some youngsters with brilliant minds shocked others by investing in a cheap book and copying them to sell the copy version for essence stones.

Leo didn't mind the cultivator world's pirate bay. After all, the copy versions might skip some details. Some of the photos and images also couldn't be mimicked by any artists here. Thus, martial arts practitioners still required a clear photo to understand the manuals. Even better, the pirates ended up promoting his bookstore and the overall strength of everybody in this world.

In addition, the restaurants obtained a new source of food from Leo and the agriculture realm. With more beef, chicken, and pork in stock, the cook mannequins came up with several modern dishes and featured in their stores.

The pleasant scent of the food drew commoners and cultivators over, though some were reluctant due to the expensive price tags. The poor only observed and salivated in front of the restaurants while rich cultivators, such as Tang Tian, swagged into one of the stores and ordered the best meal.

Tang Tian entered a steak house. He made an order to the waiter mannequin.

"Give me the most expensive one! Oh, I want the best wine, too!"

The local workers didn't disappoint Tang Tian. 15 minutes later, he came back with plates of a medium-rare steak and side dishes. He also poured Tang Tian the new wine.

Tang Tian got used to the modern wine glass of these stores. He loved drinking alcohol from wine glasses as it tasted better than drinking from a porcelain cup.

But when the waiter poured black wine which contained a wiggling mosquito hatchling into the cup, Tang Tian was enraged.

"Hey! What happened to your wine?! Are you trying to raise some insects here? I don't drink this crap. Get a new bottle!"

The mannequin didn't flinch. He wrote a note and showed it to Tang Tian.

[The hatchling in the wine is the main attraction of the wine. You won't be disappointed if you eat it. Please be warned. The mosquito is a mutated insect from the Florida Canyon River. It carries a fragment of Lord Florida Man's aura.]


Tang Tian almost dropped his wine glass. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the swimming insect again.

Eating a mosquito was a repulsive thing to do even for a local cultivator. Tang Tian had goosebumps by thinking about chewing the live worm.

"DAMMIT!" Tang Tian smacked his lips and glared at the waiter. "If you lie, I'll turn you into firewood!"

The mannequin nodded with confidence. He waited for Tang Tian to drink it by radiating his red eyes.

Tang Tian held his breath and gulped the wine content in the glass in one gulp. The worm entered his stomach and touched the digestive fluid. Then, the creature emitted intense yin and yang Qi and struggled to survive.

Instantly, Tang Tian's eyes snapped open and reddened. Although he missed the savory of the blood wine, he didn't miss the extreme pressure that came from the living worm.

The dying worm released every bit of yin-yang Qi it had before it died. Tang Tian's digestive fluid dissolved the mutated worm and transferred the hidden essence of energy to his dantian.

As if a dam transferred half of the water to a farmer's reservoir, Tang Tian's dantian almost burst. He gasped for air while he released the excess energy out of his body to stay alive.


The scream of Tang Tian erupted and interrupted the tranquil silence in the shopping mall. Everybody nearby sprinted toward the restaurant to see the commotion.

Tang Tian collapsed and squirmed on the ground. He hyperventilated and sweated profusely as if he had just survived an ordeal.



Several blocked meridians that Tang Tian had given up working on suddenly opened by themselves. Gushes of Qi flowed through the channels while his bone marrows produced thicker and healthier blood cells.

Tang Tian crawled on the ground and salivated like a rabid dog. He gradually rose up on two feet, dragging his exhausted body back to his seat. He was in a daze for 10 minutes.

When Tang Tian regained his senses, he stared at the remaining wine in the bottle.

There were three more mosquito worms in there.

Tang Tian widened his eyes and stared at the waiter in disbelief. "Waiter, will I die if I keep drinking this?!"

The waiter wrote him a response.

[The wine goes along well with the steak. Try drinking it together while you eat the steak.]


Tang Tian shifted his attention to the steak. Although 10 minutes had passed, it was still warm.

"Alright. Fine. I'll try it."

Tang Tian grabbed chopsticks and a fork. As he had never eaten a proper steak, he didn't know how to eat it.

After struggling for a while, Tang Tian learned how to use a fork and a knife. He cut the steak into a small piece and ate it, using chopsticks.

Tang Tian paused. His mind wandered through space, and he saw countless big bangs and supernova explosions.

It was delicious! The taste was otherworldly to the point that Tang Tian questioned why he had been eating only grain pills all these years when such good food existed.

Minutes later, Tang Tian stopped having a foodgasm. He slowly cut a piece of steak and ate it again.

The same reaction occurred. Tang Tian's mind entered a space program.

The spectators who had come to see a commotion found Tang Tian funny. They laughed and pointed at his face as the elder acted like an autistic commoner.

One of the crowd was curious why the current patriarch of the Tang Clan behaved that way. He ordered the waiter to get the same steak and wine.

15 minutes later, the curious cultivator got the same set of food and wine. He also questioned the waiter about the mosquito worm in the wine bottle and got the same answer. And when he ate the steak, he had the same reaction as Tang Tian's.

The Florida Domain's mad cow disease made its first appearance.

Meanwhile, Dongfang Mei and Hua Jiashan came to see the commotion while they were still carrying books from the bookstore. They had planned to come here to read books while waiting for the food.

Seeing their mentor and senior in such as state, the husband and wife were puzzled.

"Is he infected by Wu Buyi?" Hua Jiashan laughed.

Dongfang Mei shook her head. "Master Tang has always been stupid when nobody is around. He must be acting to get our attention or some sort. He's such as spoiled master."

"Let's go tease him."

"Yeah. That stupid master. He deserves some bullying."

The couple sneaked behind Tang Tian and planned to steal the latter's food. But as the two got closer, Tang Tian suddenly turned around and hugged his wine bottle and the plate of steak.


With a shout, Hua Jiashan and Dongfang Mei were sent flying outside the restaurant. The aura of Tang Tian belonged to a heaven celestial cultivator, aka the fourth stage immortal.

Hua Jiashan and Dongfang Mei safely landed on the plaza in front of the four-armed guardian statue. They got on their feet and gazed at Tang Tian in astonishment.



Hua Jiashan and Dongfang Mei had already entered the time chamber once, but they only reached the first stage immortal. They thought they managed to catch up to their mentor, but they were wrong.

"What have he been eating?" Hua Jiashan inquired.

Dongfang Mei glanced at the restaurant. She pointed at it. "Probably something he's protecting. Let's try that."

"…Okay. We need a place to rest and read our books anyway."

The duo entered the restaurant as customers. Tang Tian glared and barked at them, uncaring about his reputation and image.

Hua Jiashan and Dongfang Mei laughed at Tang Tian again. But 15 minutes later, the husband and wife could no longer bully their mentor – They fell into the same state. They also weren't aware that their cultivation base sharply rose.

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