Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 285 Florida Man Forces His Son To Marry Vaporeon To Breed The Ultimate Pokemon

Chapter 285 – Florida Man Forces His Son to Marry Vaporeon to Breed the Ultimate Pokemon

Simba witnessed the memory of Aslan. He saw himself from his father's point of view.

Aslan and his wife carried both Leo and Simba from the lab. He traveled everywhere, hiding them from the grasp of Mao Miaomiao and Eleanor. Countless pursuers died in the hands of Aslan. Even innocent police officers and soldiers who followed their superior's commands got entangled in the conflict and met their demise. The situation quickly escalated as the US military decisively deployed their superweapons.

The military followed Aslan to Alaska. A space warship, which the US government bought from Eleanor, unleashed its first nuclear missiles on the North Pole, hoping to kill Aslan and his family. Unfortunately for them, Aslan returned one of them to the sender, destroying the only space warship of mankind. 

A parent can sometimes do unexpected things for his children. After the incident, Aslan directly assassinated the president, wiped out half of the US military, and stole an entire nuclear submarine to threaten the states. He also massacred a million elves, who resided in the country to set an example. 

The power of a crazy entity terrified the Earthlings. Eventually, the local government yielded.

Aslan was not that merciless. He assumed the presidential title and commanded the US government to protect his family as well as hunt down Mao Miaomiao. He also exposed the inhumane experiment to the world.

The crazy father was soon idolized as the IRL superhero. However, many families of deceased soldiers held grudge against him. Half of the country's population rejected his sovereignty and established a new government. Ironically, their leader was Mao Miaomiao, who claimed to have a close tie to Eleanor and divine elves.

The remnant elves quickly sided with Mao Miaomiao. They shared their knowledge with the new force and bribed many officials in other countries. 

The rise of the US shadow government drew the attention of other nations. Many countries openly supported the new regime and denounced Aslan for being a terrorist.

The tension sparked a civil war. The glorious United States shattered in half as Aslan's supporters and Mao Miaomiao's supporters collided.

At first, Aslan overwhelmed Mao Miaomiao's force with his prowess alone. Elven sages and deities were no match against the genius divine elf in human disguise. Within three days, 90% of the elven forces under Mao Miaomiao perished.

Mao Miaomiao fled the states to the Middle East, where he had secretly formed an alliance with the local princes, promising technologies and immortality.

The princes sheltered Mao Miaomiao in exchange for a cultivation method. The mad scientist used these Arabians as a human shield and went into hiding.

The defeat of Mao Miaomiao's government solidified Aslan's status as the new dictator. European countries stopped sending support to Mao Miaomiao's forces and switched sides.

Peace was temporarily restored.

During the peaceful time, Aslan brought his family to Florida, which had become a sanctuary for his troops and his supporters. A naval base and a military base were all there, providing them options if another war might occur.

Leo and Simba grew up there. Aslan hired private tutors for his two children.

Unfortunately, there is always a bigger fish. 20 years later, another war broke out. 

Things changed when Eleanor's vanguard forces arrived. A hundred entities descended and wiped out Aslan's country. Only the eastern states, such as Indiana, Kentucky, Alabama, and every state beyond these territories survived the purge.

Aslan realized his looming demise as he wasn't strong enough to defeat multiple entities at that time. He secretly drugged his wife, Simba, and Leo before he transported them to Ohio. As for him, he fought to the bitter end.

The result was as Aslan had predicted - He was captured while all his soldiers were wiped out. Eleanor also returned and forced Aslan to find his family.

Another tragedy struck. Eleanor found Aslan's wife. She killed her and read her memory, which led her to Ohio where Simba was in hiding. As for Leo's location, the wife didn't know as the man already run away from home.

Eleanor cut off Aslan's legs and arms. She dragged him to the children to let them see their miserable father.

Simba, who had become an adult, revealed his exceptional aptitude for cultivation during the crisis. He defeated an immortal with brute force and caught Eleanor's eyes.

Unfortunately, a newbie fighter was no match against a veteran entity. Eleanor defeated Simba in one hit and was about to kill him. Before she could deliver the finishing blow, Leo suddenly showed up, holding the mad scientist Mao Miaomiao hostage.

Leo, at that time, offered a hostage exchange deal. He offered himself to go with Eleanor. In exchange, he wanted Eleanor to spare their lives.

Eleanor was amused. She agreed and let Simba live in exchange for Leo's cooperation. As for Aslan, she refused to release him due to her personal grudge.

Simba scraped for his life, but Leo and Aslan became Eleanor's prisoners from that day onward.

With Aslan and Leo as their captives, Eleanor and Mao Miaomiao celebrated their victory. They resumed the soul transmigration research, using Leo as their prime guinea pig. As for Aslan, he was forced to cooperate or Simba and Leo would be killed.

Without a choice, Aslan worked for Mao Miaomiao and Eleanor once more. However, he asked the two dictators for permission to visit Simba once in a while.

Mao Miaomiao and Eleanor allowed Aslan to leave as Leo was in his custody. The father quickly initiated his plan B by injecting Simba's soul with an entity fate crystal. Then, he implanted Simba with a new memory, teaching him a disguise technique so that he could appear as a person of another race. After another meeting, Aslan teleported Simba away to the most unexpected hiding place – an elven planet deep within Eleanor's territory.

After sending Simba away, Aslan cooked a new scheme. Using the entity fate crystal in his soul, he created a backup body for Leo and disguised it as a failed homunculus product. But by doing so, his soul would be trapped inside the entity fate crystal forever as a price. As for his real body, his will and a fragment of his soul would linger, allowing him to command his real body to work temporarily.

Aslan's soul merged with the entity fate crystal and transformed into a worthless rusty ring afterward. As for his fleshly body returned to work as if nothing had happened.

Years later, Leo's fleshly body reached its prime. His physique was on par with a karmic sovereign, which Mao Miaomiao desired the most. The mad scientist stopped experimenting on Leo.

The next phase began. Mao Miaomiao wanted to transfer his soul into Leo's body. However, there was a problem with karma strings and the laws of the universe. Possessing someone else's body was against the karma laws.

Mao Miaomiao came up with a plan. He asked Eleanor to only kill Leo's soul. Fortunately, Aslan was there and overheard their conversation. He volunteered to murder his son.

Amused by Aslan's offer, Eleanor and Mao Miaomiao gleefully permitted him.

Seizing this opportunity, the fleshly body of Aslan and his soul fragment performed a ritual. He sacrificed his life and body to become a karma string, which attached to Leo's soul to the entity fate crystal that he had disguised as a rusty ring. Then, he secretly moved the soul into a newly created body in one of the dead homunculus capsules.

After the ritual, Aslan's fleshly body dissipated into dust. Leo's soul migrated from his true body into a new physique. As for the empty shell, it ended up in the hands of Mao Miaomiao.

Afterward, everything was history.



Simba slowly opened his wet eyes while shedding tears. The memory of Aslan saddened him.

"F-Father. You have done a lot." Simba's voice trembled.

"Any father would have done the same." Aslan chuckled.

"…Yeah, I understand that feeling."

Simba was also a father. He also rushed here without planning to rescue his family. Being reminded of his actions, he deeply sighed.

"Say, father. By chance, do you know where my wife or my kid is? My system tells me that she was last seen here."

Aslan raised his eyebrows in confusion at first, "You have a wife and a kid?"

"…Yes. That's why I'm here in the first place."

"I guess Leo accidentally visited your planet and kidnapped your family, huh? Man, sometimes, karma is a bitch..."

"Do you know something, father?"

"Can you show me what they look like?"

"…The photo got burnt."

"Meh, forget it. I'll read your memory myself. Close your damn eyes!"

Aslan pointed his fingertip at Simba's forehead and sent a string of karma into his mind. He closed his eyes and slowly digested the information.

Several minutes later, Aslan retracted his karma string. On the other hand, Simba smacked his lips and gazed at Aslan in awe.

Simba was familiar with this technique. When he did this, the ones getting their memory read always screamed in pain. But in his case, he felt nothing.

"How did you do that? I didn't feel any pain at all?"

Aslan shook his head and sighed, "You must have been inconsiderate when you used this technique. Instead of trying to plug your karma string inside someone's brain, you should have slid it into a blood vessel. Blood vessels aren't responsive to the nervous system, and the victim cannot feel anything. You can infiltrate someone's brain like this without spooking them."


Simba was enlightened. Again, he shed a tear of joy that he had a smart and caring father.

"Anyway, I think I know where they are." Aslan changed the subject, "They're alive and well. But I think your wife has done something to your brother's wife. Man, who asked you two to marry the daughters of that bitch who killed me? You two have no taste at all!"

"…Um, what?"

"I said, you two suck! I wouldn't have complained if you married a Vaporean, a Gardevoir, a fleshlight… or a freaking alligator! Why do you two have to marry Eleanor's daughters!? DAMMIT!!"


Aslan bitterly laughed like a cramped-legged hyena having diarrhea.

Watching his father malding, Simba was speechless. The fatherly image of Aslan shattered, replaced with a toxic loud-mouth nerd of a father.

"…Father. You need help."

"Shut it, you little shit! We're going to see Leo! You can stay here for the time being. I'll bring your wife and kid over in a jiffy!"

"…Thanks, father."

Aslan turned around and gave Simba a meaningful look. "Call me 'Dad', not 'Father'. I cringe every time you call me that."

"Err. Okay… dad?"

"Yeah, that's better. No more cringe."


Simba gazed at his father while having a complex feeling. He wondered if he should be overjoyed or depressed because of this weird reunion. Somehow, his father was weird.

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