Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 295 Florida Man Funds Space Traveling Project, Aiming to be the First Space Gas Smoker

Chapter 295 Florida Man Funds Space Traveling Project, Aiming to be the First Space Gas Smoker

295 Florida Man Funds Space Traveling Project, Aiming to be the First Space Gas Smoker

Chapter 295 – Florida Man Funds Space Traveling Project, Aiming to be the First Space Gas Smoker

Arrived at the mystic realm platform, Leo searched for the two advisers' whereabouts. Unfortunately, Meowmeow and Aslan were nowhere to be seen.

Leo approached Lucky, who wagged his tail and expected a head pat. Satisfying the doggy, Leo stroked his chin and head.

"Hey, good boy. Where is that lewd devil and fisherman?"

"Them, woof? That birb usually hangs out in Agriculture World with his new concubines. If it's Kitten, he said something about a parked spaceship on the asteroid belt or something, woof."

"Asteroid Belt?" Leo was curious. He also recalled that Aslan once ditched them and disappeared along with Eleanor's dreadnaught battleship. "What is Kitten planning to do with that ship?"

"I don't know either, woof." Lucky pouted as he really didn't know.

Seeing the innocent look of Lucky, Leo left him be. He changed the subject, "Is Meowmeow in the AW (Agriculture World) right now?"

"Yes, woof! But be prepared for some disgusting scene, woof."

"Meh, what can go wrong."

Leo ignored Lucky's warning and proceeded to the Agriculture World Portal. He crossed to the other side and found a green world, filled with fresh oxygen… and a foul sultry liquid odor.

Turning his head toward the source of the strong scent, Leo found a hundred stone elves lying on the ground, soaked in white liquid. He deeply frowned and looked at the queue of elf golems who had been lining and waiting for their turns.

At the front of the queue was a handsome man whose face resembled Dr. Mao Miaomiao and Leo in his youthful appearance.

Seeing the angel with his face doing naughty things to other female golems made Leo nauseous. He stomped toward the golem and yelled.

"Meowmeow, stop banging other rocks! I have something to ask you!"

Meowmeow whose body part was connected to another elf golem turned his head and looked at his master, "Oh, master. You've come at a good time. Wait a second. You look younger again! I bet your vitality is restored too! Wanna join me? We have so many girls to play with!"

Leo covered his face with his right palm and groaned, "I said, stop banging your wives for a second and pay attention, okay? It will be quick. Once we're done, you can do whatever you want with them as long as they are happy with it. I won't interfere with your life!"

"Oh, sure. What do you need, master?"

Leo got to the point, "Do you know anything about Fate Stadium and their system manipulation abilities?"

Meowmeow flinched. His playful expression changed, "Fate Stadium, you say?"

"Yes. You know something, didn't you?"

Meowmeow paused for a long time. He slowly stood up and gazed at his wives, "Leave us alone. We'll continue this in the other days."

The girls seemed disappointed. They bowed at Leo and retreated to the mystic realm platform.

After both men were alone on the empty grassland, Meowmeow revealed a secret.

"Master, are you aware that we four guardian golems share our thoughts and memory, right?"

"Something like that, but you have your own personality and conscience, correct?"

"Yes. Everybody's conscience is unique because everyone inherits a different bloodline and abilities. Well, originally, all abilities are yours to begin with. We just inherit some that you haven't awakened yet."

Leo found the info interesting, but that was not his purpose for visiting Meowmeow.

"Back to the topic, what about the Fate Stadium? Does anybody know anything?"

Meowmeow closed his eyes and confessed, "I managed to peek into Kitten's unique memory. He seems to be an expert in this topic because he is more special than the rest of us."

"Ah, figured as much."

As Leo had predicted, the fisherman golem was the smartest guy among the four guardian golems. Moreover, something unique about Aslan gave an eerie feeling that Leo couldn't describe. It was neither dangerous nor pleasant, and that guy's tone and voice were always apologetic and happy at the same time.

"By the way, master. Do you know that Kitten has a soul?"

"…A soul, you say?"

Something clicked in Leo's mind. A puzzle piece filled the incomplete picture that Leo imagined Aslan.

"That makes a lot of sense. That guy is too weird to be someone who has been born from my shadow or thoughts. What kind of secrets he is hiding? Do you know anything else?"

Meowmeow nodded, "We know that Kitten has visited the stadium more than once, but we can't dig deeper into his memory. That's all we know."

"Hohoh… Good. Good. Anything else?"

"If it's related to the Fate Stadium, that's all we know."

"Alright. That's good enough."

Leo rubbed his chin. He planned to confront Aslan after this.

"Also, master," Meowmeow was concerned about Aslan.

"What is it?"

"I know that guy is sussy, but he means well. I can tell that he's trying his best to support you from the shadow. He gives off… an air of a dotting father."

"Pfft. Father my ass. If he has a soul, he must have harbored a hidden desire or a personal agenda. I'll go check him out."

"Please, master. Don't be too harsh on him. He's not your enemy."

"…I know."

Leo returned to the mystic realm platform. He widely grinned, eager to meet his suspicious helper.

Meanwhile, Meowmeow was no longer in the mood to play. He restored his outfit and followed Leo to the other side as well.

Before Meowmeow left, he turned around and gazed toward the direction of the farms. Over a thousand kilometers away, Sierra and Mu-Nyang were busy managing the livestock and the child of Ester.

Meowmeow prayed for Mu-Nyang's sanity. After all, Sierra was even more perverted than him.

'Mu-Nyang, can you read my thoughts? I hope your tentacles are safe and pure. Don't let that cow abuse you.'

A minute later, Meowmeow heard the reply from the Cathulhu.

'My purity has been soiled, munya.'

Meowmeow burst into laughter and shook his head. He changed his mind, turning around and flying toward the cat.

'Did Sierra bully you?' Asked Meowmeow.

'She used my tentacles to squeeze her breasts, munya. This is sexual harassment! I want to report this to master, munya!'

Meowmeow almost died laughing. He accidentally fell from the sky as he lost focus.

'Maybe she's asking you to extract her breast milk for the baby?'

'No way, munya! You can't see her expression. She's a SICK COW, munya!'

'Okay. Okay. I'll be there to help you. I know how to handle ladies.'

'Don't cross the line, munya. Her karma is connected to the REAL Sierra. As soon as the original Sierra is reincarnated, she can extract OUR Sierra's memory and discover us, munya!'

'Oh, dear.'

Meowmeow started to have a headache. He wondered what he should do to this unruly system clone.



After returning to his domain, Leo flew to the void and scanned for the hidden dreadnaught.

It wasn't easy to locate a specific object several light-years away. Fortunately, the asteroid belt formed a dome curtain around the solar system, making it easy to spot.

Leo stopped searching for a spaceship within the void. Instead, he flew toward the asteroid belt to measure the denseness and distance.

As the name implies, the asteroid belt was full of floating rocks, random minerals, space junk, and colorful gas. Leo entered the fog in space and accidentally inhaled a wisp of yellowish gas.

He coughed and spat a mouthful of saliva. The gas earlier was so rotten that Surstromming smelled like flowers. Even the contaminated food back on Earth could not rival this scent.

Still, the foul gas contained a thick poisonous essence. Leo estimated that a deity could spend a day or two here to cultivate its Qi and condense a few poison stars.

Leo slapped his cheeks to focus. He covered his mouth and plucked his nostrils with his fingers. Then, he flew into the space fog to scan through the asteroid belt.

Traveling through the smelly fog full of floating asteroids was irritating and frustrating. Because of his traveling speed and poor vision, Leo bumped into giant rocks several times.

Annoyed by the asteroids, Leo waved his arms around. He stored anything he touched in his system inventory, exploiting his system features.

The trick worked perfectly in this situation. As the system inventory's collection range depended on the user's cultivation base, Leo accidentally turned himself into a black hole, sucking every hard object into his body.

Within a minute, a section of asteroids, minerals, junk, and a portion of smelly gas vanished. Everything within a 100,000km diameter disappeared.

The yellowish mist continued to follow the solar system's gravity as usual. Although they moved at the speed of 2,000km/s, they couldn't recover all the lost gas that Leo had consumed.

Leo blankly gazed at his system inventory. 5,000 different items occupied 5,000 item slots, including the gas. Every item of the same type was stacked in the same slot.

The storage limit of the inventory system seemed infinite. Leo tilted his head in confusion as he vaguely recalled that it was supposed to be limited before. He wondered how it got overpowered.

"This system is quite a cheat, isn't it? Was it the white tree's blessing? Or was it Eleanor's entity fate crystal? But didn't I use it?"

Leo was confused. The more Leo learned about the system's perks, the more he was wary of the player hunter squadron and the Fate Stadium.

Because of the looming threat, Leo stopped being sidetracked. He continued to search for Aslan's hidden ship.



Two days later, Leo's inventory slots kept expanding. 60,000 slots were filled. Some of the item slots contained over a million objects of the same type.

Although collecting resources was fun, Leo was not in the mood to enjoy being a loot goblin. He focused on clearing the path, searching for Aslan's ship.

Hard work paid off. Finally, Leo spotted a weird steel Shenlong dragon armed with giant cannons at a distance. It also moved like it was alive, swimming through the thick asteroid belt's gas.

Leo pursued, hoping to find Aslan in the battleship. But then, the dreadnaught suddenly picked up the speed and teleported away, vanishing like it never existed.


Leo looked around and tried to track the dreadnaught battleships. He closed his eyes and read the karma of this universe.

Karma in this universe came in various forms. For example, every living being was tied with at least one karma string and was bound with the local karma river. Cutting it would end the person's life and might erase the soul.

On the other hand, objects also contained karma in the form of object memory. Every solid material left behind traces of time, which any sage or stronger entity could read and follow.

Leo reopened his eyes and found a trail of rainbow road. It led toward the deep space.


Leo grumbled in frustration. He turned around and rushed home as he didn't want to leave his domain for too long.

Another major battle might ensue. He needed some preparations.

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