
My body melted into transparency as if it were blending with the scenery.

I raised my hand to check, but I couldn’t see anything. The same was true when I looked at the water pooled at my feet.

The invisibility seemed to be working properly.

Of course, this robe’s function wasn’t limited to just invisibility.

After all, Iris was a high-ranking magician, so it wouldn’t make sense if she only embedded invisibility in it.

The true value of this robe was its ability to block presence.

From the moment invisibility was cast, a certain level of mana was blocked, and it became undetectable by ordinary detection methods.

Of course, those who had transcended certain realms or had senses other than sight might detect me… but even that could be somewhat resolved.

“Oh, Curtain of Silence. Hide my footsteps. Silence.”

This amount of mana wouldn’t leak outside. That was probably why it was made in the first place.

Unless I use powerful offensive magic or strong auxiliary magic, mana shouldn’t leak outside.

…Though, I wondered how many Fishermen here could detect mana.

Anyway, it wasn’t until I had showered myself from head to toe with the odor removal potion I took out from my inventory that I finally peeked out.

Far away, I saw four blue figures.

Fish-like heads and human-like bodies, but their whole bodies were covered in scales, and they wore armor that seemed made of large seashells or crab shells.

Those were Fishermen.

The merfolk who ousted the mermaids and coveted the throne of the sea.

Well, now they were mostly confined in dungeons and treated like pirate-like monsters.

Despite their fish-like, dull expressions, their noses and eyes were quite sensitive.

Especially their eyes, they were not good at seeing far but excellent at catching slight movements, so I needed to be extra careful from here on.

I approached slowly, making sure not to step in the water on the ground.

One step, two steps… until I arrived right behind one Fisherman without them noticing anything.

They were all huddled together, weapons put down, engaged in chatter.

“Ningja ngjaa.”

“Kuwa mvumilivu.”

“Kuwa mvumilivu? For how much longer?”

“Until he calls. You won’t die anyway.”

Before the War of the Gods. When the entire Eurelia Continent was divided by race and country, each fighting among themselves.

Back then, most races and countries used their own languages.

But when the Evil God descended, threatening death for all, a common language was created to break down communication barriers.

That was why I had no problem conversing with Elisha and Iris, despite the existence of the Elvish language.

However, people who had lived alone for a long time, or monsters who did not feel the need for a common language, still used their unique languages.

“Nani zamu ya kuwa mwathirika wakati huu?”

Just like now.

Of course, some monsters used both their language and the common language, so there had been attempts to translate through conversations with them or documents found in dungeons.

In other games, people had even made approximate wordbooks or translation sheets, like with the Draconic language.

Thanks to my excellent memory trait, I remembered all of that, but…

“Sijui, ni mimi tu.”

Yep. I didn’t understand a thing.

In the game, it was all in text, so I could just read and translate, but listening to it, I couldn’t even grasp the gist of what they were saying.

Still, if I jot them down phonetically and compare them to similar words, maybe I could translate them slowly…

“Shock. Shock. Shock. Shock.”





However, there was no need to go to such lengths to converse with a Fisherman.

Basic magic “Shock” that required no special incantation.

Surprisingly, these creatures had resistance to fire magic, but they were weak to lightning, so even basic magic could cause significant stiffness.

I thrust the dagger, which I had drawn earlier, towards the neck of a Fisherman foaming at the mouth and shuddering.



The dagger did penetrate, but maybe due to their hard scales, I almost lost my grip on it due to the shock transmitted to my wrist.

Right. These guys had high physical resistance, didn’t they?

I’d been using the Shining Lion Dagger like a spear, so I swung it out of habit this time too.

The Shining Lion Dagger was powerful, but it was mainly a formidable weapon within a noble’s limit.

Against other opponents, it was just a useful dagger that occasionally delivered a powerful blow, so its efficiency drops in the latter half.

Fisherman were lower level monsters, and I could pierce through them with my strength, but… what if I injured my wrist in the process?

After kicking one trembling Fisherman to collide with another, I instantly raised my magic power.

“Shine bright. You are a pale current. Thunder Bolt.”



This time, two Fishermen collapsed, convulsing, then went limp without a word.

Maybe basic magic was okay, but not low-level magic.

My invisibility from the robe dissolved, revealing me to the last remaining Fisherman.


A voice filled with astonishment.

The Fisherman, slowly recovering from the stiffness caused by the shock, clumsily picked up his weapon and charged at me.

But how strong could he be with such creaky movements?


My pre-activated shield easily deflected his spear without the need to dodge.

I then filled my mask with a surge of magical power.


The mask, infused with my magic, trembled and then began emitting a strange wave-like force.

Was this how it worked?

The Fisherman, momentarily paralyzed by the situation of his last-ditch effort being blocked by the shield and a strange pressure, hesitated like he did when he was hit by the shock.

Before he could recover, I prepared for the next spell.

“Oh, entwined rocks, burst open. Rock Blast.”

Dust-like particles clung to my staff in the air, quickly forming a boulder the size of a head. And then…


With an ominous sound of something breaking, the cracking boulder turned into several sharp fragments, raining down on the Fisherman.



With a death rattle-like cry, the Fisherman, now in tatters, collapsed.

Four Fishermen were annihilated in less than a minute, let alone 30 seconds.


The performance was solid.

But there was one thing that bothered me.

The last spell was actually a test to see how strong the Fisherman Walker’s defenses were.

Most earth element magic had physical properties.

But they were much tougher than I expected.

One of the fragments pierced the head, so it died, but otherwise, a single Rock Blast wouldn’t have been enough to bring it down.

Was it because these creatures with hard scales were also wearing shell-like armor?

At this rate, it might be better not to use physical attacks at my level.

The Knight Department could break through with aura-enhanced strength, but I wasn’t at that level.

Recently, my physical stats had grown significantly, and I’d skewered several nobles with the Shining Lion Dagger, leading me to sometimes mistake myself for being stronger.

I am a magician. Clearly, a rear-guard role.

As I nodded to myself, Iris, who had released her invisibility, approached the room with her companions.

She glanced at me, looking unscathed, and at the Fishermen sprawled on the floor, then smirked.

“How did it feel to use it in actual combat, Master?”

“It’s great. It might be a bit difficult to use against opponents stronger than me, but for weaker ones, there’s no more useful equipment than this.”

“Hmm. As expected. An artifact made by a top magician without budget constraints. Of course, it should be at least that effective.”

Iris nodded with a satisfied expression.

I was about to sneakily give her a ride on the airplane, but…

“No way!”

As if to say she wouldn’t be fooled by the same trick twice, Iris agilely dodged my hand and hid behind Elisha.

“Master! I’ve said it many times, but I’m not a child!”

“What does that matter? I find you cute and want to show it.”

“It matters! I feel embarrassed!”

“People either feel bashful or proud when they’re complimented. Iris, it seems you’re the bashful type.”

“You know that’s not what I mean! Compliment me with words! With words!”

“I don’t want to. Come here. I’ll toss you up high just 10 times.”

“Kyaaa! No! Don’t do it!”

After circling around Elisha, I finally managed to catch Iris and lift her up.

As promised, I shook her in the air only 10 times and put her down, but she seemed to have lost all her energy, clinging to Elisha weakly.


“Ha… Yandel. No matter how cute Teacher is, you shouldn’t tease her like that.”

“Tease? It’s an expression of affection.”

I shrugged, but all I got back was Elisha looking at me like I was a foolish younger brother.

That’s unfair.

“Besides, the invisibility and presence blocking were good, but the mask’s pressure was also great, right? It seemed to startle them more than expected.”

Iris, who had been rubbing her head against Elisha, peeked out.

“Hmm. I saw it from afar, but that part was a bit strange. It’s not a magical tool with such strong output, but…”

“Maybe it’s just because I poured a lot of magic into it?”

“Well, I did make it with a simple structure where its power increases in proportion to the magic consumed for durability.”

“It must be because Master poured a lot of magic into it, enhancing its power. Master has a habit of infusing even simple spells with a lot of magic, due to his abundant innate magical power.”

“Did I have that habit…?”

“Yep. But for someone with overflowing magic like Master, it’s actually more effective. I didn’t mention it specifically.”

Carla, who had become a mid-level magician with a significant increase in mana, added that she uses a similar approach.

Iris nodded, slightly puzzled but convinced.

“I get the general idea. But if you notice anything strange with the magical tool, whether the output is lower or higher than expected, let me know immediately.”

“Okay. I’ll keep that in mind… But what is Senior Faye doing right now?”

“Eh? What do you mean? You don’t know, Junior?”


Faye, who had been dismembering the Fisherman corpses, gave her signature sinister smile.

“Obviously collecting materials.”


Saying that with a blood-covered face made it seem like a horror movie.

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