Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3128 - Too Smooth a Mission

Chapter 3128: Too Smooth a Mission

Li Yao was immersed in the vast, ancient, and sacred picture. It was not until a long time later that he shivered and came back to himself.

If he wanted to sigh with emotion, he would have to wait until he returned home. He had to first confirm that his companions were safe and sound.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

After several fierce battles, the broken Giant God Soldier ‘Solar Catastrophe’ stood up from the ocean of foam. He was on one of his knees at first, before he stood up carefully and warmed up his wrists and ankles. He examined himself through the bouncing of his fingers.

“Are my left hand and my right hand alright?”

Li Yao extended the iron arms of the ‘sun catastrophe’ and opened his palms, shaking them slightly.

“... It’s nothing.”

The mental devil and Lu Qingchen seemed to dislike being addressed as ‘my left hand and my right hand’. It was not until a long time later that the two of them replied gloomily.

“That’s good.”

Li Yao took a long breath in relief and looked around. Soon, he discovered a lot of iron deities in the ocean of foam—they were the Giant God Soldiers that Ding Lingdang and the rest of them were riding.

Thankfully, although Ding Lingdang and the other Giant God Soldiers seemed to be riddled with holes and were missing arms and legs, the main structure of the breastplate and the spiritual residence were not damaged. The user inside should be safe and sound. Like Li Yao, he slowly woke up and got up.

The tactical network between Li Yao, Ding Lingdang, and the other Giant God Soldiers was also being automatically searched and built. More and more specifications and combat data of the Giant God Soldiers had been connected to the mainframe crystal processor of the ‘Solar Catastrophe’, allowing Li Yao to better understand the situation of his companions. After such an unbelievable adventure, most of the members of the human exploration squad were unharmed. It was indeed a miracle.

Other than that, what surprised Li Yao most was that a lot of Pangu Clan, Nuwa Clan, and other primeval species had survived.

They did not perish in the ocean of foam; they merely passed out. With the earsplitting noises of the human soldiers, they gradually woke up, too, with wariness, fear, and fury on their faces. However, their bodies were extremely weak, and most of the ‘people’ could not even stand up, let alone attack them.

Li Yao noticed that most of the crystal suits and uniforms of the Pangu Clan and the Nuwa Clan had a very special badge carved on them, which was similar to the badge on the seamless Heavenly Robe of the ‘Observers’. It was the emblem of the Heavenly Palace.

It appeared that the survivors were all from the Heavenly Palace, or rather, the guards who had been fighting against the Vicious Beast Tide around the tower.

Li Yao estimated that, with the success of the human testers, destructive rays of light had indeed been released from the depths of the Heaven’s Origin Sector and eliminated or ‘reduced’ the deformed monsters whose genes were highly mutated and whose gene strands were extremely unstable. Therefore, most of the ferocious beasts had turned into an ocean of foam.

However, the people of the Heavenly Palace had been isolated from the world and were not affected by the ‘monster virus’. The genes inside their bodies were still relatively stable. Right now, they were merely exhausted and could not fight anymore. Their lives were not in danger.

“Full Moon, Full Moon!”

Li Yao’s eyes were sharp. Very soon, he found the girl from the Nuwa Clan who had fallen into the same ice crevice as him, who was also the legendary ‘Supreme Emperor’.

The Moongazer Serpent was the only Nuwa that could communicate with Li Yao. It was also the bridge between the human civilization and the Pangu civilization.

After learning the truth about the destruction of the civilization on Earth and the causes and effects of the rise, rise, and fall of the Primeval Civilization, Li Yao had lost interest in the war between the human civilization and the Pangu Civilization.

They were father and son, but they were also blood brothers. A hundred generations of pioneers—the ancient civilization had perished in exchange for their breeding and growth. What was the reason for them to fight until the end?

“Li... Yao?”

With the help of her long tail, the Observer crawled over the debris and bypassed the hideous bones of the ferocious beast. She stopped in front of Li Yao and looked at him in surprise. The brainwaves that she transmitted over did not hide her shock and disbelief, either. She stammered, “You—you made it?”

“Sort of.”

Li Yao thought for a moment and opened his hands, indicating that he meant no harm. “Moonviewer, can you explain to your compatriots that there is really no need for us to fight and destroy each other? The ‘ultimate test’ has been cracked by us. We have received a lot of valuable legacies, legacies, and lessons. But we are not going to take everything inside the Heavenly Tower for ourselves. I believe that with the help of the experts and scholars of the primeval era, we will be able to digest the legacies faster and better.

“Times have changed. It’s been hundreds of thousands of years since the prosperous primeval era of the Pangu Civilization. Right now, the outside world is the world of human beings. There are only a few of your compatriots left, aren’t there? I can’t bear to see a civilization that used to be glorious and magnificent be obliterated and reduced to the 101st corpse in the primeval relics.

“If we cooperate, the bloodline of the primeval era will continue. One day, maybe you will be able to find more hibernating compatriots and their life seeds in the relics of the primeval era. Your species will be revived and rise again.

“If we go against each other, it will be impossible for you to defeat the countless human beings in the hundreds of Sectors. Besides, the flood is coming soon. The intelligent creatures in the Pangu Universe will attack each other and suffer heavy losses. It will be meaningless!

“Please, I’m really tired of fighting and killing. I really don’t want to fight with you. Can you please tell everyone what I mean?”

Li Yao looked at the Observer in expectation.

There was no telling whether or not the Observer had heard Li Yao’s words.

She stared at the ‘blooming’ tower behind Li Yao in a daze for a long time before she closed her mouth with great difficulty. Then she looked at Li Yao one last time before she turned around and walked toward her compatriots.

The Observer and the survivors of the Heavenly Palace were communicating in their way.

Li Yao could sense that, at a level invisible to ordinary people, the members of the Heavenly Palace were releasing colorful streams of information that crashed into each other like surging flood, creating a bottomless swirl.

It was not an easy task to convince the people of the Heavenly Palace, who had been sealed for hundreds of thousands of years, that the primeval civilization had perished and that human beings were the dominators of the Pangu Universe.

However, the members of the Heavenly Palace were deeply shocked by the unusual appearance of the ‘heavenly tower’ and subconsciously believed that Li Yao had passed the ultimate test. Therefore, they looked at him with special respect.

On the other hand, the members of the Heavenly Palace had used up the last bit of their strength in the battle against the Vicious Beast Tide. Now that they were on the verge of death, there was no way that they could fight again.

Besides, they were not bloodthirsty warriors but experts who were exploring the unknown and seeking the truth. They had known for a long time that the so-called ‘human beings’ were the clones of 100% of the genes of the Yen Clan. They were not the claws and teeth of the puppets but their ancestors.

Therefore, Li Yao’s suggestions and requests were not rejected immediately.

Looking at the lively tower, the survivors of the Heavenly Palace were deep in thought.

Very soon, Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun, Li Jialing, Boss Bai, and the other human experts packed up their magical equipment and gathered around Li Yao.

Led by Li Linghai, many experts unsheathed their sabers from the waist of the giant soldier.

“Calm down. Everyone, please calm down.”

Li Yao begged in the communication channel, “For billions of years, enough blood has been shed in the Pangu Universe. I can’t bear to see another unnecessary drop of blood flowing out. Can’t we give peace a chance and live in harmony with the Pangu Civilization?”

“You’ve misunderstood.”

Li Linghai said, “We did not intend to exterminate the Pangu Civilization in the first place. After all, they have been working in the primeval relics for thousands of years. Who knows whether or not they will activate some deadly weapon when they are desperate and are about to be killed?

“That’s good.”

Li Yao asked curiously, “Then why did you draw your saber?”

“What do you think?”

Li Linghai replied, “To chop you, of course!”

“...Huh?” Li Yao was speechless.

The last survivors of the primeval civilization finally chose to lay down their weapons.

They might not be scared of death, but Li Yao’s declaration that they should find the seeds of their compatriots one day so that their civilization could continue on moved them deeply.

Besides, they and their ancestors had abandoned their home and lived in isolation for thousands of years in order to unravel the mysteries of the ‘Tower Tower’. Now that the tower had undergone shocking mutations, the secrets of the primeval era were about to be revealed to them. There was no reason for them to abandon themselves and seek their own death just for that.

Of course, the human civilization and the Pangu civilization did not accept each other easily. It was like the reconciliation and cooperation between human beings and the demon race in the Star Glory Federation. A contract was just an insignificant starting point. How they got along with each other, whether they encountered new problems, whether the Pangu civilization had fully surrendered or Li Yao was merely feeding a tiger... Everything was still unknown.

However, for the people who were dwelling in the ancient mysteries right now, they all shared the same feeling.

They had shed too much blood and created too much destruction and killing. Even the most aggressive Immortal Cultivators were somewhat tired of it.

Whatever the future held, at least for now, let them lay down their weapons and enjoy a moment of peace!


Seeing that both parties had regained their rationality and were no longer in a state of mutual hostility, Li Yao took a long breath in relief and smiled from the bottom of his heart. “Although it was full of soul-stirring twists and turns, it was still safe and sound, and we passed the test smoothly. We didn’t even experience an earthshaking battle with heavy casualties. Yet, we were acknowledged by the Primeval Civilization, unlocked the new form of the primeval relics, and received the enormous legacy of a hundred pioneer civilizations. This operation is indeed full of twists and turns!

“Shut up!”

Ding Lingdang, Lu Qingchen, the mental devil, Long Yangjun, Boss Bai, Li Jialing, Li Linghai, the boxing champion, and even Little Ming and Wen Wen all screamed at the same time, “Stop it!”

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