Chapter 16

For the last 2 years and 11 cycles I have been a blacksmith at first until my mother could arrange for me to get someone to take me on as an apprentice, 2 more cycles not much, I was then a leatherworker, an alchemist, a farmer and let me tell that was a surprise not in that there was profession for it but in the respect that I didn’t get any of the skills associated with farming. Before that I got everything, add to that my trait and I thought such a scenario was impossible just goes to show what I know.

Where was I, oh yeah my last job, as a butcher proved to be one of the most rewarding in terms of skills, not in so much of what we used since after all it was mostly knives for cutting and a hammer for some of the bone work. That’s not to say I didn’t keep practicing the skills my brother taught me or worked in secret with my magic, I just slowed down on both a bit due to lack of time.

Name : Ajax

Level :11

Experience : 2400/12100

Traits: Child Prodigy, Divine Witness

Health: 130/130

Mana: 260/260

Stamina :250/250

Vitality : 13.27

Strength :21.60

Endurance : 25.80

Dexterity :20.90

Intellect : 36.68

Wisdom :28.26

Mind : 26.87

Perception : 18.63

Stat Points : 242

Skills :

Upgrades :

Precise Blow 9 -> 10

Hammers 20 -> 21

As I started picking up all these skills in order for me not to miss something I added and Upgrades at the bottom of my Stat page, it wasn’t all that hard just took a bit of focus and it now tells me all that changed with my skills since the last time I looked.

I got up to go to breakfast, Judy was with Alana on a merchant route, both of them turned out to be very good at it and they were picked up by one of the merchants that had us on a regular route to learn the ropes, they were both planning on moving to the city to try make it big, to both the headman's and Jonny's dread.

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Jonny had a pretty big crush on Alana and when shut down would take a run at Judy, though neither would look at him twice. That added onto the things he and Derk said about my brother and Kate meant me and them got into scuffles pretty often. To the point where Jonny didn’t stay over any longer.

Yeah mostly it was me provoking them into giving me a beating so I could practice my healing and get my Vitality to rise. Self-harm was not only less efficient but also something I would have not felt comfortable doing, it led to a pretty robust unarmed combat skill.

The surprising part was despite me always picking the fights the village liked me more than Jonny as they took me for being young and dumb and protecting my sister’s honor. I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth and just went with it.

“How are you, Ajax ready to give hunting a go? Mom asked with faked enthusiasm. This was the one part that always left me feeling guilty for days. Seeing the look on my parents' faces when I kept switching what I was doing while telling them it wasn’t for me. Luckily that ended today as I decided hunting was going to be my best bet for training before going into the world at large.

The good experience fighting and low oversight of what I kill in the forest should be perfect for me to fuel my growth before I go. I was genuinely more excited to see my parents' reaction to learning I got the skills for hunting then I was for getting them in the first place. I wasn’t even worried I couldn’t get them like with farming since I already had stealth bows and running and they were all required skills.

“I have a feeling this will be the one, I know I was optimistic about the others too but this one really does feel like it would stick” I try to help them with the feeling of helplessness they have over my presumed situation but the pity in their eyes just deepens.

“I’m sure it will be son” dad tries to go along with it but he had the same opinion about everything else I tried, though he was right about all but the farming so I guess I shouldn’t call him out on it.

I put my dishes away and look out the window to see old man Hatchet walking towards the house. I quickly put my boots on, collect my knife, sword and bow and I’m running for the door.

“He’s here I’ll see you again tonight” I toss a quick goodbye to my parents as I excitedly head for the door.

“Have a good day out there” dad says back keeping against hope a positive outlook on my situation.

“Be careful out there” Mom calls out from the other side of the house. She always was worried for my safety, this combined with the fact that no hunter owed her a favor was the reason this was my last profession to go for. At least from her way of looking at it, I always thought this was the one to save for last since I would stick with this.

As I go out the door, not wanting my teacher to think me lazy and having to go drag me out the house, I catch a glimpse of Jonny talking with Derk by the smithy both giving him the stink-eye.

5 days ago

Hatchet P.O.V.:

The air was brisk as I walked out the butcher's shop having delivered the deer I caught, the light was almost gone when I heard a scuffle happening from the back of the next house over.

“And you thought you had what it takes to be a hunter, you’ll probably just run up to a bear and get killed, that is if you could even find one willing to take you with him.” The voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it, I had lived here for a long time but I mostly kept to myself.

Reaching the edge of the house someone bumps into me, it’s Derk the headman’s son next to him his loyal dog Jonny and on the floor a bit roughed up is Arax, I think his name is, hard working kid though a bit quick to let his mouth loose when it’s in his best interest to keep it shut.

Looks like he got himself another ass-kick, why someone like doesn’t learn I can’t fucking put my finger on, he has been doing so for the past 3 years, with his discipline and determination he should be able to get a handle on that temper of his.

“Better watch where you’re going old, or else” The clueless idiot tries cowing me, thinking just because his dad’s the headman I’ll kiss the ground he walks on. This attitude is going to get him killed in a year or two tops from the look of the arrow grouping I saw on the trees the kid on the ground is practicing on religiously.

“Or else what?” I look down on the short brat with a menacing glare, I didn’t let city guard captains intimidate me, I sure as hell wasn’t going to let some teen do it now that I retired.

“Do you not know who I am?” He throws me a sneer.

I let out a long breath to calm down and move to just walk away. I came to this out of the way place for a calm life. One idiot wasn’t worth making it harder for myself.

“You think you can just run away?” he says grabbing my shoulder, glee in his voice thinking I was afraid and not just too old to deal with shits like him.

Now I want to pay him back but it’s not worth the hassle I will get if I give him the beating he’s clearly asking for, the I catch sight of the kids face on the ground, he’s looking at Derk the same way I did before he started running his mouth at me and I get an idea.

“I’m the lead hunter for the village see what you dad does to me for just walking at night” I grunt out to him before going around closer to the boy on the ground. “Hey kid, you want to be a hunter? Go home see if you can keep your nose out of trouble for 4 days and I’ll take you out with me.”

The look of outrage on Derk’s face as I walk away is worth the trouble of putting the kid through his paces, after all I was beginning to think hunting was a bit dull of late. Maybe this will be a bit more exciting.

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