Chapter 164

Ajax P.O.V.

I was fighting an internal battle with my own instinct that told me to just go try my luck at the Adventurer’s Guild ever since the two women burst into the headmaster’s office. The only reason I wasn’t was because the offer sounded like an ideal deal for me and that I knew the two of them helped me out less than a year ago.

I had technically been around them for a few months before, during the skirmish, but at that time I had been doing everything I could to distance myself from them. I found their demeanor odd, all my previous interactions with nobles had them either acting as absolute authority or entitled assholes. Here I could see that one of them was more withdrawn and calculating while the other was a happy go lucky bubbly person.

“So what was it that you came to see me about?” the headmaster finally asked after we exited the office and we were all making our way down the stairs.

“That can wait until I see what’s going on here.” his granddaughter responded with a giddy skip in her step. “This is much more interesting.”

“Interesting how?” he asked.

“Interesting because he somehow managed to get stronger than anyone I have heard of at that age.” She said, “Even the prince with his uncommon level fifty skill isn’t strong enough to fight a level thirty-two guild examiner and win.”

“That is an impressive claim, though far more believable than the one you are making now.” Professor Silvertongue spoke to me before swapping topics. “So it seems you two came to complain about the prince forcing his way into the class?”

“The class already had two direct descendants of two of the archdukes, that is alongside the twins and Lexi here.” the archduke’s daughter , Annabeth, I think her name was said. “Now the prince added on top. There is a reason that most high nobles have children together but space them out when sending them to the academy, there are only so many high spots in the class rankings and it will turn into a bloodbath for them towards the end of every year.”

That was news to me. Figures it was just my luck to get stuck with this kind of class. “I won’t be in the running for any of those spots will I?” I ask hoping I won’t be sticking a massive target on my back.

“No, those are only for students.” Professor Silvertongue answers.

“You could join in the yearly tournament however.” the headmaster adds. “The requirements are being part of the academy, not being enrolled in a higher year than the tournament you wish to join and being younger than the oldest member of said class. Or you could go for one of the public spots if you want to cut off any arguments about your placement.”

“Come to think of it, you could probably join the tournament for all six years if you went through the public spots.” he sounded happy as he pondered this.

“What tournament?” I ask.

“Every year the members of each class hold a combat tournament, we complete the bracket with open public spots that can be fought for by anyone that matches the same criteria.” Annabeth said. “ I doubt there is anyone in this year’s freshman class or last year’s that would be able to go up against someone at level thirty two.”

“Tempting as that sounds, the amount of scrutiny that winning both of those would bring is something I think I best avoid.” I answer.

“Are you sure about that?” the headmaster grins. “While the rewards vary from year to year, first place has always had the option of selecting stat potions.”

I almost tripped down the last few steps at that. Stat potions were the most expensive items I have ever seen, getting a few of them like that would probably save me thousands or tens of thousands of gold.

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Everyone stopped in place when I almost face planted. Both the headmaster and his granddaughter looked to be holding in their laughter while the other two pretended nothing happened.

“And would the academy be in a position to stop any interference that might come my way due to that?” I asked a little more pointedly than I meant to.

“While we won’t interfere with every petty payback that happens on the grounds,” the headmaster started. “I can assure you that we would intercept anything that crosses the line.”

Only question left would be what would be considered as ‘crossing the line’. Something told me I wouldn’t get a straight answer here even if I asked so I let it go. This would be something I have to worry about in almost a year's time when I have a lot more information.

With that we arrive at the large training courtyard, or more specifically a small arena with runes surrounding it, standing off to one side already saluting is a guard that I assume is to be my opponent. A quick [Judge Threat] places him at the same level as Commander Grievous, thankfully it doesn’t seem like he realized I used the skill.

“Dave, thank you for meeting us here.” The headmaster greets the guard.

“Of course sir.” he answers back, finally dropping the salute after being acknowledged. “ What can I help with?”

“We’ll be having you spar with young Ajax here.” the headmaster said. “He made some rather big claims.”

“I’m more than happy to do that sir, but I should mention I am not all that great at accurately holding back my abilities.” Dave lightly objected, but still took his spot in the arena as instructed.

“That will be perfectly fine, his claim is that he is around level sixty in terms of ability.” Professor Silvertonuge said.

“““What!?””” Dave, Lexi and Annabeth all reacted with equal surprise, Annabeth’s cold expression finally cracking for once.

“If you would please use sparring weapons.” the headmaster pointed me towards the stacked racks.

“Is there a problem if I damage them?” I ask since I don’t have my gauntlet with me meaning infusing the weapons will result in some material decay.

“They should be able to hold up to a level sixty’s amount of power.” the professor says.

With an axe and a sword in hand I stand opposite Dave and wait for the start to be given. The weapons are a lot better quality than I am used to, they are similar to the ones I picked up from the five I killed in the forest.

It seems that Dave was still skeptical of my claims as he was slow to react once the starting was signaled. Something that cost him as I exploded with a decent level of [Mana Syphon] active.

His trained reflexes and reactions were good, much better than even Commander Grievous, but all that meant was that my blow landed heavily on his shoulder instead of his head. The ice mana infusion spread out from the point of impact. Since this was only a sparring session I wouldn’t be using void, that affinity could cause lethal damage even with sparring weapons all too easily.

I picked up on a few shocked gasps and heard the headmaster's voice getting excited on the sidelines but ignored all of it in favor of focusing on the fight. Dave was rubbing his shoulder with a pronounced wince on his face from the pain before he took up his stance again and with a nod we both moved into action.

If it was a matter of raw stats Dave actually surpassed the commander, not only that but all the time spent around mages here at the academy clearly made him a lot more sensitive when it came to the use of mana so my spell infused warrior style was much less effective against him. Where Dave fell short was in combat experience, his training was solid but he showed a lack of combat experience making a pattern rather easy to pin down. I most likely suffered from the same flaw but since my fighting style was so unique it would be a lot harder for anyone to pick up on it.

As we exchanged blows for the next two minutes none of us were able to land a clean hit but I was getting a better and better picture of Dave’s response to certain attacks, sadly it wasn’t fast enough. I felt my mana draining away so I decided I needed to end the bout quickly.

I upped the consumption of [Mana Syphon] at the same moment as I used two hundred mana to turn the ground in a large area around us into mud. Sure the mud would impede me as well but I was ready for it and knew it was coming. The burst in strength and speed combined with lack of footing allowed me to a few quick lightning infused blows against Dave’s joints that quickly debilitated him and ended the spar.

“What an interesting style!” the headmaster materialized before me the moment the fight had stopped. “You infused not only yourself with mana somehow but you also managed to send mana into your weapons. You also use varying elements, I picked up wind, earth, water, fire, metal, lightning and ice at the very least. I see, this is what you meant by damage to the weapons, the mana infusion decayed the metal quite a bit.”

“Uh… yes?” I vaguely agree with the barrage of questions or assumptions coming at me.

“Dave, are you okay?” Professor Silvertongue and the two women approach as well.

“My joints hurt a little, but it's the lack of control that is getting to me. I think I’ll be just fine in a few minutes with a quick once over from a healer.” Dave responded from his spot on the floor where he still battled to reagins control over his limbs.

“Oh right, sorry.” the headmaster said as he quickly muttered an incantation that sprung forth a massive amount of mana and instantly healed Dave.

“Thank you,” Dave nods. “Don’t suppose you have a spell for my pride?”

“I have been working on a short term memory wipe if you want to give it a try.” the headmaster jests, I hope.

“I’m good, thanks.” Dave quickly backs away a little at the offer.

“I take it this was good enough to prove my claim.” I ask professor Silvertongue.

“Oh, yes, yes it was.” The grin on his face makes me a little skeptical as to why he is so happy. “I’ll gladly take you in for the position of my teaching assistant.”

“His actual position is as teaching assistant for the freshman class.” the headmaster cuts in. “Now what is your question?”

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