Chapter 242

Ajax battered his way through to the semifinals with a quick application on overwhelming power. Much like his previous matches there simply wasn’t anything that his opponent was able to do against the monstrous stats Ajax was sporting. It also didn’t help that he had won his previous match with a quick arrow shot before switching to a close combat strategy for this one.

“You’re making quite the name for yourself, kid.” an old man said as he took a seat in the stands next to Ajax.

It took Ajax a moment to place the sigil on his extremely high quality, if not overly flash, clothing before Ajax put a name with the old man, Goldmancer.

“No need to tense up so much, I am just here to watch my daughter’s match.” the old man reassured once he saw the Ajax tense a little.

While those words were meant to be reassuring any ease of mind the lack of specific focus on him had been wiped away as Ajax confirmed the man's Identity as The Archduke Goldmancer.

“Making a name for myself?” Ajax asked with a little caution.

“Oh yes, your repeated nearly effortless victories are getting your name out there.” the archduke answered.

Ajax had already been informed by his brother that quite a few of his fellow guards whose contracts were close to finishing had asked about him. Apparently they were very interested if joining his house would get them some training time with the ‘Prodigy Child’. Most were left disappointed when they were informed that Ajax was focusing heavily on his own progression and that the only training from him they would get would come in the form of group delves in the delve slots granted to his family every other month. A few had taken the news in stride, praising Ajax for continuing his dedicated training despite his success and chose to put their name up for consideration as retainers.

“They weren't effortless.” Ajax mumbled, he hadn’t held back anything beside his void element and [Cursed Slash], every one of those battles had his full effort put into it.

“Yes… effortless might not be the best way to phrase it.” the archduke surprised Ajax having heard him. “Quick is much better.”

An awkward pause in the conversation had started to form for a moment there when archduke Goldmancer changed the subject. “I also have to say I am quite impressed with how quickly your noble house has gotten a foundation. It’s not solid by any stretch but even a shaky foundation is quite the achievement in a few weeks.”

“Most of that was thanks to the support of my family.” Ajax said with a bit of embarrassment at how little he had contributed to the day to day activities of his own noble house.

“Delegation is definitely important.” the archduke admitted, Ajax also thought he saw a deep frown cover his face but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. “But I heard that you started working with those bees almost from the moment you got to the capital.”

“Beekeeping is one of the least time intensive agricultural pursuits.” Ajax said, unaware that his words had already slipped up and revealed a very relevant piece of information.

‘Beekeeping’, the archduke thought, scouring the deep retches of his memory back to his lessons regarding any form of farming. Never heard of such a skill before, not only that but he gained Trailblazer title only after he arrived in the capital, most assumed that it came from his odd application of magic, but what if it was from simple bees?

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“Low time investment and a limited market.” the archduke nodded , not giving away any sign of his conjectures. “Though a profitable one due to the buyers. I would be very interested in offering your house a partnership for a share of the profits in exchange for the method of setting up the hives.”

The offer sounded extremely good to Ajax, a good upside of not having to look into expanding themselves and one that promised almost guaranteed and consistent income in a quick timeframe.

“This is no place for business.” a voice interrupted them before Ajax could respond. “Besides such techniques should first be studied before they are spread to ensure that the most efficient forms are spread.”

“Headmaster!.” Ajax bowed politely to the man who joined them at the front of the stands.

“Duke Manashaper.” the archduke greeted with a smile. “I wanted to congratulate you on your granddaughter’s dominating run through the tournament. Though you’ll have to excuse me if I hope that she loses this latest match.”

“Not at all archduke Goldmancer, in fact I could say the same thing about your daughter.” the headmaster replied.

Ajax had to admit that he was thankful for the headmaster’s timely appearance. It didn’t take long for him to realize that the open-ended deal the archduke had proposed was very much open to interpretation and not the promised jackpot he had initially thought. Ajax was also much more wary of the man’s skills as with the immensely favorable feeling he had gotten towards the deal Ajax knew he didn’t want to sit opposite the man at the negotiating table.

“My Lords and Ladies.” the conversation was cut short by the announcer as he used a skill to project his voice over the entire arena. “Thank you for coming to the Finals of the first year tournament.”

The crowd was suitably hyped up for the match, many of them could be seen wearing the the sigil of house Goldmancer and house Manashaper in support of their preferred contestant.

“I will have to ask you to pay very close attention to this year’s match. Both contestants are aggressively focused mages and as such the match could end at any moment.” the crowd roared its approval for an action-packed match.

“Despite needing no introduction it is my pleasure to announce this year's finalists : Alexis Manashaper and Annabeth Goldmancer.” The crowd reached a deafening level that made Ajax glad for his higher than average Perception allowing him to reduce his ear’s sensitivity to the noise.

Both Anna and Lexi had entered the arena in a very different set of armor compared to what they had worn in the semi-finals. Not only that but the gear heavily contrasted from one competitor to the other, with Lexi sporting the classical mage robes and Anna bedding encased in a solid plate suit or armor.

“ARE. YOU. READY?” The Announcer's voice could be heard through the weak sound enhancements placed around the arena despite only addressing the two people closest to him.

Both fighters simply nodded, neither taking their eyes off the other. “BEGIN!”

Both casters instantly brought their staves forward as they started chanting their opening spell. Despite both of the fighters aggressive nature Lexi had started the fight with a defensive water wall that sprung up to meet the blazing fireball that Anna had tossed out. The power advantage was clearly in Anna’s favor as even with an elemental counter a few embers from the fireball had made it to Lexi forcing her to sidestep out of the way.

From there on their styles started to diverge even further. Where Lexi had started throwing out one element after the other Anna had doubled down with one fiery attack after another. As the fight progressed Ajax found himself doubting Anna’s fire centered strategy. With elemental combinations such as earth and water Lexi was starting to take control of the match. Nevertheless Ajax got a feeling deep in his gut that he was missing something

It had taken Ajax almost two full minutes to realize what it was that felt odd about the battle. From the very start Anna had not used a single defensive spell, instead every time a spell got to her one of the indicated designs on her armor would light up slightly before disappearing along with a good chunk of the armor itself.

“She’s really going to be kicking herself over this one.” the headmaster said with a resigned sigh. “This was her match to lose and she knew, it’s why she was being more restrained than usual.”

Ajax did have to admit that Lexi wasn’t usually this defensive but he had thought that to be a reaction to the opponent and not a change in approach.

“A risky all or nothing approach.” the headmaster continued. “Though one that will pay off this time, I do believe congratulations are in order.”

“Much appreciated.” the archduke replied but the headmaster had already started to mutter a chant as Ajax felt Anna dumb a massive amount of mana all at once just as a lightning bolt caused the enchantment on her helmet to activate revealing her face as it disappeared.

As Anna slammed the butt of her staff into the ground Ajax could feel a pillar of fire mana fight to erupt from beneath Lexi, not only that but he also felt a quick release of mana from his right as a shield formed beneath Lexi’s feet nullifying the attack.

Despite the attack being fully blocked Lexi still lowered her head in defeat as Anna lifted her staff victoriously.

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