Chapter 337

While Ajax hadn’t quite yet made the correlation his training method was a lot more impactful for humans than it was for any of the other races. Unlike humans most other races all had regular access to mana. Since hybrid builds were extremely rare this meant that they all practiced Ajax technique on their non focused stats unintentionally. The extra points in their more valued Stats however were going to be much more valuable.

The sole Empire ambassador in the room looked like he wasn’t sure if he should be jumping for joy or trying to pull his hair out in rage. While on the one hand this technique would work wonders in bridging the small gap in power that existed between the average soldier it would no doubt also spread like wildfire.

The empire knew that a few of their nobles were sympathizers and all it would take was one of them to get a good rebelion launched. More than that it wasn’t like they could even say anything to Ajax about this since he did in theory keep this discovery for humans almost exclusively until it got too big to keep hidden.

One by one a multitude of nobles slowly shuffled by the youth gathering, all looking to meet Ajax and congratulate him on his discovery. Everything had been going according to plan until the elven ambassador made his way over. Unlike most of the elves here he wasn’t from Sylvanthal, he was the ambassador from Deepwood, the elven version of the Empire.

“Congratulations on such a big discovery young man.” the elf said as he offered his hand with a friendly smile. “What led you to make it?”

There had been plenty of people around Ajax that were looking for foul play at that time but the question had seemed innocent to all of them, after all Ajax had answered the exact question before and the answer had always been he had seen not doing it as a waste of stats. While this was true it wasn’t his driving motive.

“The increased effectiveness of my Prodigal Apprentice Trait.” Ajax answered casually under the effects of the elf’s social skills.

As soon as the words had left his mouth Ajax’s mind cleared of the influence and a deep frown took over his face. Everyone around him was shocked by the words only the elf sported a victorious smirk on his face.

The elf didn’t get to keep that smirk on his face for long as Ajax pushed [Mana Syphon] to its maximum as he squeezed his hand as hard as he could. The loud POP was enough to bring everyone else out of their surprise as the elf dropped to his as his other hand went to grab his wrist while Ajax tried his best to turn every bone in his grip to dust.

The exchange was over in a moment as Shadow himself separated the pair but the damage was done. Ajax’s social skills did nothing to hide the anger that was clear across his face, he had wanted to do much more than just crush the bastard’s hand. The elf on the other hand was finally getting himself under control as he adjusted to the influx of pain.

“He assaulted me!” the elf shrieked. “I demand justice.”

“The boy did nothing but defend himself.” king Gryndor himself said as he approached, his face a mirror of Ajax’s own rage.

“Defended himself from what social skills are perfectly allowed during social engagements.” the sneered back, the triumphant smile only held back by the pain he felt. “The treaties state that quite clearly.”

“The treaties also offer protection to children.” the king’s voice boomed in the silence that had gripped the ballroom. “As a boy who has not yet reached the age of twenty-five using any social skills to compel an answer is seen as a direct attack, he only defended himself.”

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That specific section of the Treaty was the exact reason why Archduke Goldenmouth was such a menace, his [Talker] skill didn’t actually compel an answer but seeing as it was such a high level Legendary skill the difference was only a technicality. This was also the reason Ajax only spent a little time with most older nobles as they also had skills that would slowly get answers out of him without compelling them.

The king’s accusation had an immediate effect as the elf’s slightly pale face and victorious demeanor quickly took a turn into a ghostly-white horrified one. With Ajax’s participation in the under fifty tournament he had overlooked Ajax’s actual age provided him the extreme safeguards.

“Do you fool even realize what you may have cost your nation?” Shadow asked as he tried his best not to let guilt grab a hold of him.

With Shadow as a deterrent for war every nation could collectively take this opportunity to start a war and gang up on Deepwood. Even Sylvanthal would join in if for the sole reason that they would be the ones who get to take control of their dungeons after the nation is destroyed. The beastkin knew that it wasn’t his fault that all those people would die but emotions weren’t always logical.

Watching the look of horror appear on the elf’s face did a lot to calm the inferno that was Ajax’s rage. As the rage withdrew however Ajax was finally able to take in the looks of everyone else in the room. Everybody seemed outraged but with the exception of a certain few they all also looked grim. The Empire’s envoy made no attempt to keep himself from looking like he just won his weight in gold ten times over.

“Ajax…” Lexi whispered as he turned and looked her in the eyes. Despite everyone having a much harsher outlook on the value of life on this world compared to Earth that didn’t mean everyone was ruthless. This war would cost countless innocents their lives.

“I demand that Deepwood grant me a free boosted delve in their dungeons.” Ajax’s words came out as an unsure whisper but they had everyone around him turn to him in confusion.

“I demand that Deepwood grant me a free boosted delve in their dungeons as reparation for this grievance.” Ajax’s words were not just louder but filled with a lot more confidence the second time. “I will take ten people of my choosing and my own booster.”

Everyone in attendance now bounced their eyes from looking at Ajax to looking at the elven emissary. For a moment there they were all shocked. Technically the treaty was broken but Ajax had just offered the elf a way to make amends for his transgression to the only aggrieved party.

“Deepwood accepts your generous offer.” The ambassador was the first of the stunned nobles to react as his mind had already been running through every scenario it could to stop the war from happening. What Ajax offered cost Deepwood almost nothing. “You have both my deepest apologies and most sincere thanks Baron Hearthbound.”

Despite the broken hand the elf quickly produces a parchment and printed out the terms of the deal before signing it. As an official ambassador he had the authority to make promises in the name of Deepwood’s royal family meaning that something like a delve in the dungeons couldn’t be contested later even if the royals wouldn’t want to agree.

While his actions may have been selfish from a certain point of view as Ajax both the people of the Republic and Sylvanthal just had most of their doubts regarding Ajax’s attitude towards non-humans laid to rest in the brief exchange.

The party wouldn’t recover from this and everyone in attendance recognised that. While the elven ambassador was the first to leave, all but scurrying out the door after he handed Ajax the signed document while making sure their hands made no contact.

The party had certainly been eventful, almost everyone leaving was both displeased by how it all ended yet very happy with the result of the evening as a whole. The Empire’s ambassador was one of the clear exceptions, even all of his social skills could do nothing to prevent his face from looking like it just bit into the world's most sour lemon.

“Thanks kid.” Shadow said to Ajax. “Your quick thinking is probably the only reason I’ll get a good night’s sleep tonight.”

The remaining elves quickly bid their own goodbyes from a distance, the princess not even taking a parting shot regarding their match tomorrow like she had planned. It took less than ten minutes before the only people remaining in the ballroom were members of the royal family, the royal families attendants or friends of Ajax.

“That was some great quick thinking there, Baron.” The crown prince praised Ajax. “This was a favorable outcome.In the future I do however recommend consulting with me before making a decision of such magnitude, you could have asked for a lot more before they might have even considered not immediately accepting.”

Out of the corner of his eye Ajax could see Anna nodding along with the prince’s words. “That was some quick thinking there.” the king’s oldest son said with his usual carefree smile. “I thought you might be walking in my footsteps but you already surpassed me by far, I hadn’t managed to be involved in an incident like this until I was a century old.”

The king’s oldest son soaked in the groans everyone else let out as they no doubt remembered the incident he was referring to. “I do have to say however I am quite curious about this Prodigal Apprentice trait.” the prince continues as he pointed out the big elephant in the room.

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