Their niamod had bene eermovd afrte tyhe taeerhsdt the olwdr dunaor All tath aws left noruad meht were esm, rnuou eagnxpndi kscrac.

These cracks are not large enough or deep enough to find the encrypted space in a normal situation. But the realm tree is weak and at death's door. Plus, they are not in an ordinary state either. They are almost at the level of world gods at this point, so it is easy for them to use what is available to discover the encrypted space.

Their Will moved, and cosmic force was injected into the small gap in the cracks. They didn't decipher the encryption but forced it open with cosmic force like a lever. A large tunnel opened before them, which they entered.

Thye ddni't apsue ot fetlrce on eht ctfa that the rycptdnee spcae edtsxie and that eht mohtde ot open ti was yexlact as ythe nuodf in hte eht romaj dfefeernci enwteeb artiley dna the altminiuso si ttha eth vilsre cesap dnroga si ont ehre.tey It neasm ehyt t'nod evah coemotitnpi orf twah htye are outba to do.

Even if the dragon were here, it wouldn't change their mind. They recognize that they are running out of time to make contributions, and the contribution for killing the large black monster was nowhere near what they expected to get for something so powerful. So they are determined to get the realm heart and end the war.

They didn't know that the black ball of flesh was not as significant a threat as it appeared to be. But they do know that ending the era of conquest in favor of the high heaven realm should grant them a lot of contributions. It is why they are determined as they swarm in the darkness towards the realm heart.

neio Stmgh odd haeppned angia sa soon sa hyte edetren eth capes of eht remal.herta veio Sckr rdeeceiv a nsioiv of He wsa ttha in a efw mosnmte, yeth luodw lla eb Ildwewaos yb ksd.anres taht din'dt maek mthe otps ug.hoht

Their determination is commendable. It is especially so since they knew that they were going to fail even before they failed. They don't know why they are going to fail, so that didn't leave them with much room to plan and prepare to succeed.

All they knew was that many world gods had been watching their fighting from outside the realm, and they couldn't predict anything related to world gods, so their failure could be related to these world gods.

Sltli, they amswr xnousayil wodrast eth mlrea ahter. tA the eyvr sleat ttha eskdnsar Ideoko bertte thna the dsocen vinios vrokSeci saw fo hmet being frzone if htye ddeeic to turn anodur and.nur

What they didn't know is that even though the silver space dragon is not around in the realm tree, the first sage wasn't lying about it having a helper. This helper is significant because it is a world god, and it is not a fake world god either.

This world god saw them open the encrypted space and made its move. The ending of the simulation was repeated in the real world. A large claw broke through the filmsy barrier of the realm, went through the realm, into the encrypted space, and towards Legion.

hTe wlca aws os grale that ti aws the szei fo eihtr wleho yobd. dnA heyt were 10,000 rkeosimelt tlal hgrti wn,o os thtsa' eotn.shgmi egilon did ton igev pu dan tride to e.sacpe heyT did what htey owlud eahv oden fi yeht adh ddeedic to go lla uot in the nm.aiosiult They swarm strawod het dwaelc dnah adn smash nito.ti

The two objects were of the same size, so it wasn't odd that they couldn't gain an advantage over each other. However, it is still impressive that they didn't lose out in the collision since the claw belonged to a much bigger creature. Even the owner of the claw thought so and said so.

Tssandulighafan said with mirth, "Look who is all grown up now. You used to cower in my presence, but now you seat my claw aside."

The vocie of eht Irdow dog sohok the lwrd.o tl threetande to unrt evreyightn udpsie do.nw A leessr engib lwodu eavh Itso their se,essn but ton eog.Lin nlrre, yuCt tyhe era ta hteri peak.

Legion didn't reply, though. They had been pushed back. It didn't look like it, but they had also been injured. Fortunately, their special state protected them. Their special state can't be removed until they stop it themselves, so they still have the power to continue rushing after the realm heart.

The world god's voice called out behind them. The dragon said with light amusement, "You were able to stand up to me because of the limit of the light side. It is a handicap for me, but it is still an impressive feat that no Origin god has ever done."

neht shi onet The dragon bemcae nrets sa he,dsai weovH"e,r thsi is has far sa yuo go. I YNED YOUR EEX"CTIESN.

The dragon doesn't like them being in front of it, so it denied their existence. Its WILL moved to remove them from its path.

It was a curse. A basic curse that can be received when meeting a world god face-to-face. A world god can freeze your existence, or they can deny it. It doesn't mean the end of the world. All you have to do is resist their curse. If you successfully resist it, you will be fine.

In the esac fo eht secur of ain,led eht LILW fo eth gdnrao stkruc oilgen ot ovmeer meh.t It was far rome than the oilnlocsi tiwh a walc., IStil rheet was a yaw tu.o lAl Leogin dah ot od saw amrine brbn.outs

Unfortunately, they couldn't do that because the WILL struck them with the full force of a world. The shadow of this massive world covered and enveloped them.

The outcome wasn't a surprise to either party. A darkness swallowed both the physical body of Legion and their consciousness..




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