Kyle left the area and the Uber driver was confused as to why he wanted him to wait outside for so long when he could have easily ordered another Uber without incurring additional charges.

There are some people that simply had too much money on them and this man in his backseat was an example of that.

He wasn’t going to let him go without trying to somehow get more money from him but the moment he dropped Kyle off.

He looked at his phone and saw that Kyle had left a huge tip with a five-star review.

The man couldn’t believe it, he didn’t even need to ask for anything.

Kyle had dropped in at his just-opened nightclub to see how it was doing.

He was surprised to see how clean it was considering that it was a mess just the night before.

“Welcome boss,” Nate greeted with a salute, he was energetic but Kyle knew why.

He got paid, there was no way anyone who got paid that amount wouldn’t be excited.

“I can see you’re taking care of things here,” Kyle praised him but he noticed that there was no one else around.

That meant that Nate had either cleaned this place up himself or hired external help to do the job.

But judging from his tattered appearance, it was clear that he had done this job himself.

He was going above and beyond but there was no need to do such a thing.

Nate had already interviewed a few people that started work right away.

He retained the people in the restaurant section but none of the people he worked with directly last night.

They assumed Nate was one of them and Kyle was the one with the power, a right assumption and thus displayed their true personalities around him.

Kyle knew that Nate had a good sense of people’s character and with the renovation of the apartment in progress, everything was going swimmingly.

It was now time for him to make his announcement into Hollywood, there was no doubt that his Nightclub would bring in multiple celebrities due to the amount he used in promoting it but Kyle added an additional rule.

A unique rule that made sure whatever happened in the club stayed in the club and that was submitting their smartphones at the entrance.

This made it impossible for anyone to record what was going on inside and allowed everyone to let loose without worrying about trending on social media.

Kyle knew this would provide a sense of security but it would also control what kind of deals could go on.

He knew that social media was a disease that celebrities couldn’t escape because there was always someone with a phone in hand ready to post them.

This was to appeal to the higher-ups and due to the expensive furniture and drinks, this was no poor man’s place even though the 50% off deal was still in place for a month.

“Nate, do you need help?” Kyle asked but Nate shook his head with such force that one would think it was about to fall off his neck.

Kyle got the message and walked into a different compartment, the drastic change in design would make anyone think they had walked into a different building altogether.

“Welcome sir, what can I get for you,” A young lady greeted him but Kyle chuckled at this.

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She was so full of energy, Kyle wanted to make this place like how Jones made that restaurant but didn’t want to mix friendship with work.

Even though Mr. Jones would have been the perfect candidate to fill this role.

“Don’t mind my daughter, sir. She isn’t good with faces,” An older man came out of the back.

This man was easily in his late fifties but he had an accent to go with it telling Kyle that this was a foreign chef.

Kyle looked around and saw the place was filled to the brim, people were eating and munching on food like this was their last meal but was this entire place handled by these two alone?

Kyle looked around and saw only two more workers here.

“Is this your team?” Kyle questioned with a raised brow and the man nodded right away to confirm this was the case.

“I expected something bigger, are you sure you won’t overwork yourself?” Kyle questioned, showing concern for their health as he understood that pushing yourself too hard when it came to this sort of work could potentially make their body give up on them.

“I like my team small, it allows me to control the flow,” The man assured Kyle.

Kyle looked down on his shirt and to his surprise, there was a nametag there already even though the rest didn’t have one.

“Antoine,” Kyle knew where he was from, he was French but he wondered if he had a secret rat in the kitchen giving him secret recipes.

Kyle wondered what kind of food was being served here but whatever it was, it was doing just fine.

But he knew tasting the food would help him understand why it was doing so well.

“What would you like to have sir?” Antoine asked him directly but Kyle had no idea what was even on the menu.

“You know what Antoine, give me a little of everything,” Kyle requested.

He wasn’t here to eat because he was hungry but rather to have an idea of what was being served.

Jane was hungover, she spent the rest of the night in bed, trying her best to sober up by drinking as much water as she could.

Ella had gone to work, she couldn’t babysit her all day and Jane was fine with this.

It was just a hangover so she could take care of herself, she hated that Kyle had to bring them home.

She hated being an inconvenience but was also glad that he cared enough to go out of his way to make sure they were alright.

She stumbled to her feet and just like she suspected, Ella had made food for her.

All she had to do was to warm the food to consume.

“Oh Ella, what would I do without you,” Jane praised her before warming the food to consume.

She didn’t know what to do with the rest of her day. No, that wasn’t right, she was going to text Kyle all day.

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