The day went according to the plan, Cassandra was a lot more loose than before and this place served alcohol so she had a few to drink even though Kyle decided to stay sober because he had to drive back.

He wasn’t the one that needed to unwind either so he allowed her to be in her element.

The more drink that went into her system, the freer she became because she was opening up slowly about what was going on in her marriage.

“Is that it?” Kyle questioned with a raised brow but he understood why she would be upset over something like that.

“It is stupid, I know,” Cassandra responded with an awkward smile.

“It isn’t, I believe anything that bothers you is worth considering,” Kyle reassured her. He reached for her hand on the table and to his surprise, she didn’t pull away.

The details about her fight with her husband were revealed, it wasn’t because he was cheating but rather, because he wasn’t making the necessary sacrifices to make her feel seen.

When she spoke to him about it, he made her into the bad guy. Kyle knew that she needed to be nurtured, considering the child that was with her. No one bothers about the mother after birth; all the attention is given to the child.

He was neglecting her in every aspect but Kyle wasn’t going to paint the husband as the villain because he knew that this was a common response for men in his situation.

She was older so Kyle was aware that she had more experience when it came to certain things, and this was one of them.

“It is okay to fight with your husband, Cassandra but that doesn’t mean you should give up. I want you to fight for your marriage until you no longer can so there will be no what ifs,” Kyle responded and this shocked Cassandra. Kyle could tell she didn’t expect that response but he knew he had to be careful or she might develop feelings for him. freёweɓ

Right now, he was still safe but Kyle didn’t know how he could fuck her without any emotional attachment on her part.

“Wow, you don’t act your age…” Cassandra said but she still hadn’t removed his hand from hers.

“Hahaha! I get that a lot but I know that there’s one thing I know, I want your piece to fit,” Kyle said in reference to their previous conversation.

Kyle adjusted his legs beneath the table and made physical contact with her beneath the table.

He didn’t know if it was the alcohol but either way, he wasn’t about to make his move when she had this inside her.

It wouldn’t look good and with the way women falsely accuse men of rape, Kyle knew this would be setting him up for disaster even though she was far from gone and could still make decisions.

“You know Kyle, this might be a forward but this new look is extremely attractive,” Cassandra muttered, staring right into his eyes.

Kyle leaned back in his chair with a smile on his face. No, a smirk.

“Is that so?” Kyle questioned, relishing at this development, sometimes a predator must exercise patience and its prey would come to him.

“I think I met you when I was younger, things would have been different,” Cassandra became loose-mouthed.

“Different? Are you saying you wish for your piece to match mine?” Kyle questioned but Cassandra was hesitant to answer this.

“Ah! I’m just kidding. I think the only reason we get along so well is because of who we are right now not who we were,” Kyle added quickly, he was a broke man that could barely afford rent.

There was no way that she would have looked his way. No one likes broke men regardless of what they say at the start, the tension begins to weigh because being broke means you can’t even treat your partner to the most basic of things.

Most women with options would never make that sacrifice, if not all but Kyle wasn’t going to dwell on this question.

“H-Hahaha! You’re right, I don’t know what has gotten into me,” Cassandra laughed awkwardly and she finally withdrew her hand from Kyle.

“It is okay to want what you can’t have…” Kyle suggestively reassured her and Cassandra could no longer hold his gaze.

“Our little sinful world, the thoughts we have when we close our eyes…” Kyle said, looking at her breasts.

He wanted to touch them, he could feel his trousers tighten and who could blame him, they were staring at him right in the face.

“I have to thank you for today but I think I have to get back,” Cassandra responded but Kyle shook his head.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that. You have not only had a bit too much to drink but do you want questions to arise as to where you want? This will only strain your marriage even more,” Kyle pointed out, this was a valid point.

“So how about I rent you a room and maybe you can sleep it off and then return home?” This was a sound proposal from Kyle and Cassandra nodded in agreement.

The check was paid but the system gave him back his money fifty-fold even though the money spent was only a couple of hundred so it was negligible.

“That is a brilliant idea, I would like that,” Cassandra responded but this was all part of Kyle’s plan.

He had no plans to let her go back home without getting something in return for this interaction. And everything was going according to plan.

They left the arena and Kyle knew he had to show her a glimpse of his wealth by getting a high-budget hotel room just for her.

This would give her the maximum comfort but also introduce her to a life that could be hers if she spread those legs for him.

There was something wrong with this, Kyle knew that very well but that was what made it exciting.

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