Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 33 The Race Of New York City

Chapter 33 The Race Of New York City

The crowd gathered at Lisbon Hotel gradually dispersed, and as the influential figures left, the journalists who had been there for several hours also slowly left.

“David, didn’t you find Jackson?” Sitting in the extended luxury Rolls Royce, Harry asked his bodyguard David who had just opened the door. This person is usually responsible for picking up and transporting Harry to school and traveling and he also knows about his friends. Harry obviously let him go to find Lin Rui.

“Master Harry, I can’t find Mr. Jackson. He should have left.” David who got into the car answered truthfully.

“Then let’s go, I will look for Jackson tomorrow.” Since he didn’t find him, Harry didn’t push any longer.



On the broad street, a luxury car carrying Miss Pepper passed steadily, with two cars carrying Stark Industries personals and bodyguards. Tony has also done enough to protect his close secretary.


Behind the three cars, a figure ran wildly across the street, separated by almost a street. It’s Lin Rui who left the hotel to follow them. If it’s not the bustling streets in the center of New York, he wouldn’t be able to catch up to the car. But even so, he has been thrown out of a street distance.

“Eh? Which cars?!”

As he ran, Lin Rui looked around and soon found something strange. In the busy traffic in the downtown area, several black vehicles with unclear markings quickly penetrated the back of the Stark Group motorcade and cut them off from the traffic behind them. Moreover, the last car deliberately slowed down, separating them from normal traffic.

“It seems that some people are really going against Miss Pepper! I just don’t know who it is. Tony’s arrogant personality should offend a lot of people! ” Lin Rui’s pace has accelerated a lot once again when he decided that someone is going to harm Miss Pepper.

“Ah! ~ “

“Oh! Shit! “

The rapid passing of the figure caused a roadside pedestrian exclamation, but at this time Lin Rui did not care so much. If he doesn’t speed up, he’ll be thrown away.

Stark Industries’three cars are speeding through an intersection, and the area ahead is relatively less busy, with fewer pedestrians and cars.

“Miss Pepper, we are being followed!” Just as the motorcade was about to accelerate, the voice of bodyguards in the rear car suddenly came from a walkie-talkie in Miss Pepper’s car.

“Can you judge the purpose of the other party?” Pepper deserves to be Tony’s secretary, when she hears that she’s being targeted, she calmly asks the other person’s purpose.

“I don’t know for the moment, but I think their goal should be you! If there’s an exchange of fire later, I hope you will pay attention to my instructions and leave quickly” Robert, the bodyguard, saw the fast approaching black car behind him and told Pepper seriously.

“I know.” Understanding the emergency, Pepper promised that if there was an exchange of fire, she is the one that will need to be protected.

Just as the bodyguard had instructed the other security personnel in the convoy to pay attention to the rear through headphones, two cars suddenly rushed out from the front of the convoy and stopped them directly in the middle of the road. Stark Industries team had no choice but to stop about ten meters away from them.


“Watch out!” It happened so quickly that Captain Robert, the bodyguard only had time to shout and then lost consciousness in a series of upheavals.


Bang Bang

The car at the end of the Stark Industries convoy was hit in the air by a violent explosion and then rolled down to the side of the road. Look at the burning flames and the degree of fragmentation in the car, the people inside should be dead.



Just after the car in the back of was blown up, the car that was driving in front of it also suffered the same fate and flew out in a sudden explosion. Now, in the middle of the road, there is only the luxury car carrying Miss Pepper remained. The front was blocked by two cars and there were also three unknown vehicles at the end. Unless the car can fly, it will not really escape.

“Miss Pepper! I’ll rush straight to them, find a chance to throw them away, and then you get out of the car and leave in a hurry! ” In such a dilemma the driver of Miss Pepper stared at the front, then said in a low voice.

“Be careful!” Pepper was only so comforted at this time and her safety was completely placed on the driver’s hand and Tony’s own modified car.

“Well, let’s rush out!” The silver car, originally parked in the middle of the road, rushed out instantly after the driver stepped on the accelerator. The speed has accelerated to 100 kilometers in a few seconds, which is no less than the world’s top sports car.

Bang bang bang.

Like a silver lightning bolt, the specially modified car fiercely crashed into the black car in front of it and then sped away in the distance.

Da da da!

Bang bang bang!

After the silver car rushed past, dense bullets caught up and sparked innumerable sparks on the body of the car. If Tony’s specially modified car can’t even do basic bullet-proof, then Tony is not necessarily a genius.

Damn it! Chase me!!! Watching the car flee away without fear of bullets, Rees, sitting in the back of the black car, slammed down the seat and shouted fiercely.


Then, five motors roared, chasing the silver car ahead and leaving in an instant. Although Tony has modified Pepper’s car, it has only increased defensively and not necessarily in terms of speed. After all, Pepper is not Tony. She doesn’t need a fast car.

Ten seconds later, a figure fell on the edge of the battlefield. It was Lin Rui who had been following. Because of the battle over there, Lin Rui, who had been chasing them all the time, finally approached them. However, he was a little late, and Miss Pepper and the attackers had left his sight again.

“This is troublesome!” Watching the people around him pulling out their mobile phones to call for help or take pictures, Lin Rui’s eyebrows wrinkled tightly and he could not catch up with them.

“Hey! Dude! Did you see that? Just behind me, there was a fierce gunfight! See, the car is still exploding!” Just as Lin Rui frowned and tried to find a way out, he was surrounded by an apparently wealthy second-generation man who was holding up his mobile phone to broadcast live with excitement. His sports car was parked next to him, and the door was still open. It should have just been stopped by the explosion in front of it.

Without any hesitation, Lin Rui got into the sports car! In the next second, the door was closed and the cool sports car engines roared out.

“I’ll tell you, I’ve just been here! Less than 30 meters from the gun battle position! Uh, what do you say? My car was driven away? What car? Let me talk about gun battles again. Huh? Car! My car!! Hey! ” The second generation of wealthy man, who was still broadcasting live, saw that the audience on the screen of their mobile phones were swiftly brushing various comments and some of them looked back at them incomprehensibly and then exclaimed. However, Lin Rui is clearly not going to drive back.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It has to be said that this second-generation man’s car is still very good. Apart from its cool appearance, the engine of the car has obviously undergone some modifications. Lin Rui, who drives this car for the first time, feels like he is about to fly. Fortunately, Even though Lin Rui didn’t get his driver’s license, he has been driving cars for a long time otherwise, he really couldn’t control the sports car.


A little familiar with the car’s performance, Lin Rui stepped on the throttle and rushed out!


On the broad street, a silver car seems to be speeding by without brakes. There are not many cars on the road and the pedestrians on the roadside are also watching. However, even more surprising to them were the five black cars without signs and license plate chasing the silver car at a high speed.

It’s possible for a car to speed up in the city. After all, people like Tony are still there, but it’s unusual for six cars to speed together, and obviously, the car behind is chasing the car in front. But just when everyone thought it was over, there was another roar of engines coming from behind the road. Then, a more dazzling orange sports car whipped past.

“What’s going on today?! Mass racing in New York?!” Seven cars rushed past in succession, and pedestrians on the roadside were dazed. Didn’t they all cross over the formula racing track without paying attention?


“Miss Pepper, they are going to catch up! There is a sharp turn in front, I will slow down when I get there, you will jump out of the car and leave quickly at the opportunity!” From the rearview mirror, the driver saw those people getting closer and closer and said quickly.

“What about you?!”

“Don’t worry, this car has been modified by Mr. Tony. The general weapon can’t break its outer shell. The key is that you can’t be caught by them, don’t worry about me!”

“Good!” Knowing that the situation was urgent, Pepper did not pretend and nodded and agreed.

“Head! The police are coming!” Just as the driver in front nervously arranged Pepper’s next escape plan, a man in the car behind him shouted at the bald head man with a telephone. It’s time for the police to respond slowly to such a big event in New York City.

“Don’t let them run away, use rockets!” Although he was about to catch up, the police had already arrived and Rees could not wait.

“Yes!” With a promise, the man said something on the walkie-talkie.

“Not good!” The driver, who had been paying attention to the cars behind them saw the rockets on the back of the car at a glance. After the exclamation, he almost broke the throttle as he slammed it to the car floor.


Again, the speed of the silver car soared, and it finally reached the corner before the rear rocket was launched.

Squeak ~

Pressing the clutch and tapping the brakes and shifting the gears instantly, the driver set a movement, the silver car directly came to a big drift and turned into another road.

“Get out of the car now!” The driver urged Miss Pepper to get out of the car as soon as he had just turned around.

Without hesitation, Miss Pepper, who had already taken off her high heels, suddenly jumped out of the car and rushed to the side of the alley.


After she got out, the silver car roared out again.

Soon after the driver rushed out, the black cars followed him. The next moment, a single-armed missile with a tail-fired flame flew after the silver car.



Miss Pepper, who had just hidden in the alley, only heard a loud noise behind her and then she was knocked down to the ground by a shock wave.

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