Chapter 95

Translator: Callis

Editor: Evan

Gu Bai wasn’t familiar with this white-bearded old fellow, even though he was very famous in the entire archaeological team because not only was he a knowledgeable researcher, but he was also known for another reason: he especially liked to eat. For a mouthful of delicious food, he could even set aside his dignity as an elder.

Because the mountain walls where they were currently resting were narrow, the distance between the mountain walls could only allow for one and a half people. When they all sat down, they automatically sat single-file. Nangong Xuan had also handed down the bean paste buns one by one from the start to the end.

Nangong Xuan had precisely worked it out so that each person would get one of her “precious” bean paste buns. There absolutely wouldn’t be a shortage of one, such that the white-bearded old fellow wouldn’t have one. It could only be that someone ahead had taken an extra one.

Currently, not only were the mountain walls close together, it was also very dark. Who would know which person had taken an extra? What was more, if they dared to do such a disgraceful thing in front of the entire Interstellar population, it meant that this “thief” had to be very clever.

At such a time, there was no need to entangle themselves in this kind of situation. Nangong Xuan very generously gave the old fellow another one, but he refused to take it. He very angrily demanded that the gluttonous fellow be brought to justice!

Everyone knew about the old fellow’s bad temper. The college head was speechless. In order to prevent a delay, he simply took out the communication device and prepared to contact people outside and ask them which fool had just done such a shameful thing.

After all, everyone had been equipped with their own exclusive filming camera. Aside from being a comprehensive filming camera, it was also for monitoring. This was an ancient tomb on Earth. Even the most mundane items inside were priceless treasures once brought outside. It would be difficult for people not to be enticed.

Even now, there were unexpectedly people who could do such a “gluttonous”, shameful thing under surveillance. Aside from the people present, everyone else also thought that this “thief” was truly foolish......

Very quickly, however, no one could laugh because the communication device couldn’t be used. It wasn’t only the college head’s, but everyone else’s communication devices were also out of order.

“What’s going on? Why can’t I open my personal terminal?!”

Someone shouted in a panic. When everyone heard this, they all went to check their personal terminals. Then they discovered that it wasn’t just their communication devices and personal terminals, none of the Interstellar high-tech products they had on them were working!

This was no small matter. As time passed, humans had become increasingly dependent on scientific and technological products. If these things failed, then they were like wolves whose sharp teeth and claws had been removed, ready to be slaughtered.

The reason why everybody could enter the depths of the ancient tomb so easily was due to relying on Interstellar technology to deal with those fierce traps. If they no longer had it, how could they return?

“Everybody, what are we going to do now......?”

They all looked towards Han Lijun and the soldiers. Without the help of developed weapons, there would be no difference between this group of scholars, who only possessed intelligence, and ordinary people from Earth. They could only place their hope for protection on the admiral and the soldiers.

“Everyone, calm down. Admiral Han has led us to survival countless times on the fierce battlefield against Zergs, and we definitely will safely protect everyone until we return!”

The deputy admiral opened his mouth to placate everyone.

“God bless them......

StarNet’s netizens all heaved a deep sigh and began to pray one after the other.

The Imperial army and the king who had received the message were helpless. The whole ancient tomb had been sealed by a mysterious force. Its door couldn’t be opened, and people outside couldn’t get in. They could only watch the people inside the tomb rescue themselves.

When he finished sending the distress signal, Han Lijun took charge of the situation. He led everyone to evacuate the narrow mountain pass immediately and returned to the relatively wide sacrificial pit they had been in before, since the narrow passageway wouldn’t be easy to flee through if an unexpected accident occurred.

And now that such an unexpected situation had happened, it was naturally impossible to continue moving forward. The best options were to stay in place or retreat.

This time when everyone returned to the wide area of the sacrificial pit, they lost the passion they just had for exploring the ancient tomb. They all had nervous and scared expressions, especially since they were faced with densely packed human bones. The fear simply numbed people’s scalps.

The ancient tomb was buried deep underground. Not only was the environment moist, but the atmosphere was extremely thick. Even if everyone’s Interstellar thermal suit was functioning properly, everyone still felt a chill from the bottom of their feet travelling up into their bodies. It made everyone tremble.

This was too strange. With the Interstellar suits, they wouldn’t be cold even if they were on the coldest planet in the galaxy.

“The ancient tomb is buried underground all year round. Poisonous miasma might have formed. Everyone, let’s take out our medicine and eat one......”

Nangong Xuan could no longer stand it and made this suggestion. If the Interstellar suits were functioning properly, then there had to be a problem with everyone’s bodies. Right now, this could be the only explanation.

“It’s not poisonous gas. We might have encountered...... impure things.”

Gu Bai, who hadn’t spoken in a long time, suddenly opened his mouth. With his words, the temperature around them seemed to drop several degrees.

Everyone shivered again, but Nangong Xuan couldn’t help but angrily respond.

“What impure things? Could it be ghosts? Student Qiao, it’s currently the Interstellar era. Could you not be an alarmist?!”

She had been looking at Gu Bai unfavorably for a long time, and when she heard Gu Bai’s voice, she could no longer hold back her temper.

“That’s right, Student Qiao. Please don’t stir things up......”

Everyone nodded to show their agreement, expressing their disapproval while looking at Gu Bai. The supernatural had already become rumors and complete nonsense in the Interstellar. There was no one that would be convinced.

“Believe him! Believe this love-sick fool! His intuition is correct; you’ve really met a ghost!”

As the people in the tomb were full of complaints, the people on StarNet were clutching their chests and shouting.

God knew how anxious they were when they saw the excavation team’s ignorance, their worry when only they could see the female ghost’s sinister smile.

However, no matter how anxious the people outside were, those in the tomb were very dissatisfied with Gu Bai’s words.

If it hadn’t been for Admiral Han’s presence, they wouldn’t have been able to bear the urge to quickly kick this fellow out. They were already nervous, and they didn’t need a perfectly earnest person scaring them!

Everyone grumbled and complained, as if it could bring relief to the nervousness in their hearts. Towards Gu Bai, Han Lijun treated him with sweet trust and pampering.

“Everyone, calm down. As the old saying goes, three stinky cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang. So, we now need everyone to come together to decide on how we will deal with this situation...... Well then, Xiao Qi, tell us what your thoughts are.”

What “everyone needs to come together to decide on how they would deal with the situation”?! You only want to hear that one person’s words!

People who had already clearly seen the admiral’s true nature muttered in their hearts indignantly. Yet, they were glad that the admiral did not sappily call out “darling”. Only then did they quietly listen.

Gu Bai wasn’t inclined to pay attention to these people’s discontentment. He was vigilantly taking note of their surroundings.

He knew that there was something impure currently approaching them. Although the ancient tomb was full of Yin energy, it hadn’t been as thick as it was now. Aside from even the ordinary Interstellar people, even he, who had a bit of cultivation, could feel the chill in the air.

This wasn’t because it was the true temperature, but because a human’s Yang fire was made weak by the strong Yin energy.

What could be so powerful that even the soldiers, who all had S level or higher spiritual power, were affected? Furthermore, the other had even infiltrated the soldiers’ ranks......

“Whether you believe it or not, I can tell all of you that there’s clearly a ghost currently mixed into our ranks. It doesn’t dare to appear openly, which means that it has apprehensions about revealing itself. So now I need your cooperation to find it.”

EveryoneIt was silent for a moment. As Gu Bai spoke, he started to pull out a divining compass.

Although he didn’t know exactly what the ghost was, but judging from the age of the tomb, it must be an old ghost over thousands of years old.

For an old, cultivated ghost like this to kill them, it wouldn’t need to worry at all. Because it was taking such great lengths to infiltrate, then it must have some qualms.

Since it was like this, he was barefoot but not afraid to wear shoes; anyway, he would return to the starry space after he died. There was no need for fear.

In short, he wouldn’t easily return today. He had a very strange premonition. He felt that there was something in the tomb that was attracting him, making him feel that he must enter.

No one knew what he wanted to do, but under Han Lijun’s indication, they listened and cooperated. People on StarNet also watched him with their hearts in their throats, silently praying.

Under everyone’s attention, Gu Bai’s face was tight with concentration as he started to channel the spiritual power in his body to activate the divining compass.

Before he entered, he had expected that there would be things like ghosts in the tomb. He wasn’t an authentic ghost hunter, but he still knew a thing or two about it.

Driven by the spiritual power, the needle in the compass began to rotate quickly. After a few seconds, it stopped in a direction. The excavation team couldn’t help but look in the direction of where the needle pointed. They suddenly took a step back, a cool gust of wind on their backs.

“He, he died......”

Someone cried out with a sobbing tone.

It was the young man whose Interstellar suit had just been broken. He had just been alive, and they didn’t know when he had died. He was curled up in the corner, a layer of frost covering his entire body. He had obviously frozen to death!

Precisely at this time, the group suddenly felt that the temperature around them had lowered. A woman’s voice rang out, “Water birds in the river, sweet and fair maiden, a gentleman’s good match......”

The female voice was very soft and charming, but carried a slightly sinister tone. Especially in this environment, the group of Interstellar people didn’t understand what the poem was. They felt that the sinister tone made the soles of their feet freeze for no reason.

“This, what sound is this......”

This time, they still weren’t convinced, but they had no choice but to be afraid. Interstellar weapons couldn’t be used, and the communications devices and personal terminals that could be connected with the outside world had also failed. Now, there was even someone who had died.

There was no way forward and no way to retreat. They were next to a sacrificial pit where thousands of people had died, and there was a sinister poem being recited to them. Some people had already started to cry.

The sinister female voice was still reciting a poem.

“......Sweet and fair maiden, yearning day and night. You can’t get what you desire, wearing mourning clothes day and night...... Ladies and gentlemen, do I, your servant, recite well? The king once praised the sound of my voice as the song of heaven. He ordered this concubine to recite poems every day, but unfortunately, the king left early. This concubine recited every day, but there was no one to hear it. Only this concubine was left properly alone...... Now that you’ve graced me with your presence, why don’t you stay with this concubine......”

Her voice was sluggish and slow, and she then faintly gurgled a laugh after she finished speaking.

Without waiting for Gu Bai to react, the Yin energy in the air suddenly increased, and there came quivering voices from all around them. The bones that had been lying quietly in the sacrificial pit suddenly moved as if they were alive.

“Children, make them all stay and accompany me in being buried!”

The female ghost’s tender voice suddenly became sharp and cold, and with the order, the corpses in the pit suddenly rose up in rebellion.

And that’s a wrap on my chapters for now, see you at the very end! (๑◕︵◕๑)

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