Chapter 176: Cover

The crowd parted as Leif delicately used his aura, his presence, to gently direct the milling students around him. His aura washed over those within the portal hub and its connecting hallways and chambers, suppressing those within slightly, nudging them towards calm. His honest disposition, and genuine intention to help where he could, prevented a panic or outbreak of violence as he worked his way towards the portal arches. As he passed, a golden arm would stretch out, healing the wounded he moved alongside. The crowd filtered away slowly, more willing to spread out into the further parts of the structure, but they were replaced almost immediately by a stream of newcomers pushing their way through the portals and into the newly opened space.

Leif’s clothing was in tatters, but either nobody noticed the oddities of his appearance, or they didn’t care enough to confront him while there was a war going on outside, and he was clearly there to help. Blood was splattered against the painted mask, with several cracks running through its surface. Amber had stopped flowing from his wounds, but it left his body streaked with golden lines. As he and Marcus finally stepped up before the portal arch leading to Lutum, shouts echoed through the building. The crowd murmured, shifting in anxiety, and their combined voices drowned out the words being yelled.

“Time to go.” Marcus hissed, his hands on Leif’s back. “Let’s get out of here, quickly.”

Leif sharpened his aura, and those nearby flinched back. With barely a sliver of space to walk he stepped forward, pushing through the last students and into the portal. The crowd on the other side was just as packed together, if not more so, and the world trembled with the distant rumbling of battle. Leif turned, and through the distortion of the portal he saw black clad guards shoving their way into the teleportation chamber back on Dimid.

“We’re trapped.” He said, his amber gaze drifting over the heads of the mass of humanity before him.

“Shit. If a fight breaks out in here it won’t go well.” Marcus muttered.

“A fight won’t break out. I’ll either surrender or use my escape skill.”

Marcus shot him a thoughtful look, then cupped his hands to his mouth. “Hey! Everyone! There’s more room through the portal to Dimid. It’s safer there, the fighting is less fierce!”

The hushed and panicked chatter ceased, everyone turning to look at Marcus with hope. The [Arcanist] gestured grandly to the portal, then panicked students started rushing for it. Leif stepped to the side, allowing them to pass. It was delaying the guards, but if anything, they were now more trapped by the newly created press of people. Leif fished through his system windows, briefly considering his unselected skills, but none of them could help. His mind plunged into his spatial ring, mentally sifting through his possessions. He had his compressed wooden weapons, spare clothing, his Twin Heart guild badge, some rope, money, Mana shards, and the one he had gotten from the undead dungeon.

And he also had a warp pendant.

It appeared in his hand, the chain dangling through his fingers. It was single use, and the location it would take him was random, but it would be somewhere reachable by walking, and would hopefully bring him somewhere away from the mass of humanity crowding around him. Leif had never used the item before, but he had seen it in use months ago.

“I can get us out. Hold onto me.” Leif said, but Marcus was on the other side of the room, smooshed up against the far wall to let the stream of students escape through the portal.

“Just go.” The portal hub shook. “I’ll be fine, get out of here. Do some good outside.”

Leif hesitated, then nodded. He activated the pendant, and vanished.


Zane fought three enemies at once. In a vacuum, he wouldn’t be struggling, but he had to keep them away from the portal hub, and by extension, the people hiding within. He spun, parrying an overhead strike from a fellow swordsman, then disengaged to prevent a wind and fire mage from running for the large structure he was defending. There was an eruption of superheated air, then a devastating gout of flames that blasted from the mage in every direction. Zane leaped, and while in mid air he sent a near invisible ripple of energy towards the third combatant.

His final opponent was surrounded in a bubble of water, and Zane couldn’t make out their appearance, but whoever they were, their presence in the battle was very irritating. Smaller bubbles drifted all around, bouncing against the road, trees and nearby buildings. He had already learnt that when they touched an ally of the water mage, they would confer a potent amount of healing. If he touched them, they would latch on and try to restrain him.

Before his attack could reach the bubble, the swordsman was there, he deflected the strike, then countered with a ranged slash of his own. Zane waved his sword and reappeared behind the fire mage, already spinning into a follow up attack. The mage screamed and blood flew, his arm fell to the side, but at the same time intense heat flared from the wound, cauterising it instantly and making Zane stumble away. The ends of his white hair were charred, and his uniform was singed. The mage retreated under the protection of a dozen bubbles, and the swordsman made a run for the portal hub.

Damnit. Zane thought, intercepting the man with a burst of speed, sparks flying as their blade’s clashed. The mist that covered the island was slowly dispersing, likely due to the intense light show taking place above their heads.

“You should surrender.” He casually told the swordsman as the byproduct of their duel tore into stone and cut down nearby trees. “If you don’t, I’ll be forced to reveal my… true power…”

“The Pillars will stand, you bastard.” The man spat, his brow knitted in concentration.

“The pigeon roosts.”


“I thought we were making up sayings.”

“I’ll remove your head from your shoulders, Blade!”

Unfortunately for the swordsman, another one of his friends decided to try and steal his prize. A fourth invader charged down the street, hammer held high as loose stones drifted up around him. The stones spun, sharpening, then they blasted forward with a swing of a hammer. Zane danced back, his sword flashing to deflect the worst of it, then he rolled to the side as an arm thick stream of fire tried to punch through his chest.

He focused, the world around him slowing, sharpening. He cut, and all four invaders bled. The now one armed fire mage lost an eye, the swordsman fell back, blood gushing from his neck, the hammer wielder tipped, both his legs having been severed at just below the knees. The person within the bubble screamed, the sound distant, and the protective barrier of water sprayed as it was briefly parted, then its contents began to darken.

Zane ran a hand through his hair and beamed at his enemies. Then five more ran into sight, and the fight was on again. A minute later the swordsman was dead, the fire mage had retreated and two of the newcomers were out of the fight. But he wasn’t in great shape either. He would slowly heal from any wounds suffered from battle, but that would take time he didn’t have.

Suddenly the air to the side rippled, then popped as someone teleported right outside the portal hub. Zane fought back a sigh, skipping back to create space from the newcomer. They were tall, covered in tattered cloth and wore a blood smeared mask that looked like it was painted in the style of some sort of animal. A goat maybe? Zane raised his sword, pointing it at the man. “Hello there, would you mind waiting until I’ve dealt with these?”

The newcomer glanced around, then back at the portal hub. Zane’s heart sank, he didn’t know what powers this person might have, but judging by what looked like wooden armour, they were probably a nature magic user. Nature magic was the worst, its users were always annoyingly durable. He let out a breath and prepared to engage, but the newcomer turned from the hub, golden arms fanning out to either side of his body. His masked face glanced up, and then he spoke.

“Is Hera doing that?”

“Maybe.” Zane replied.

Two metallic constructs skittered out of a nearby crops of trees, their bodies an odd mix between insectile and humanoid.

“I have people I need to find, but I won’t leave the portal hub in danger to find them. Not that you need help, I’m sure you were handling things fine on your own, second Blade.”

“You’re not an enemy?” Zane asked, leaning to the side to dodge a glowing bolt aimed for his face.

“Not unless you attack me.”

“That’s wonderful news! Say, do you want to help me clean up this… rabble?”

The masked man nodded, then pulled a vibrating ball from thin air. He threw it at the approaching constructs, and it exploded into a writhing mass of wood that utterly obliterated the machines.

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“I like the mask, very mysterious. I used to wear one back in my adventuring days, but mine was black and white.” He said, deflecting another bolt with his sword. Golden motes of light drifted up around him, and the stranger's aura washed out over their surroundings. It felt like being hugged.


“Look, Roy. We’re finally moving forward.” Lucia said, grabbing her brother by the hand and leading him forward. Students trickled into the portals leading out of Pellus, and as they did so, more space opened up behind them.

They reached the main chamber a minute later, the three adjoining alcoves housing the teleportation arches leading to Braslim, Dimid and Lutum finally coming into view.

“We need to get to that one.” She whispered. “Come on, quickly.”

Roy nodded, stumbling after her. The stress of the past hour was weighing heavily on all of them, but her brother simply didn’t have the energy to keep going for much longer. There was only so much time one could spend scared, anxious and on alert before you crashed from exhaustion. Lucia clenched her jaw and followed the current of humanity, making careful and deliberate motions to get closer to the Lutum portal.

They slunk through the archway, and immediately the distant din of battle lessened. The world wasn’t shaking, and the students on this side seemed less scared.

“Oh! Roy, Lucia? Hello, over here! I’ve been looking for you, this way!”

Lucia’s head snapped around towards the voice, where she saw a sandy haired man leaning against a wall.

“Mr Marcus!” Roy said, his eyes wide and hopeful. “Where is Leif?”

“Hey kid. The big guy is outside, he’s probably fighting right now. I think he wants to leave, but he also wants to take you with him.” Marcus said, the third year glancing worriedly towards the Dimid portal. “We might be in trouble if those guys get through though…”

“He wants to leave? How?” Lucia asked, following Roy to where the third year was standing.

“Leif has a skill. I’m not sure on exact details or limitations, but he can teleport out of here at pretty much any time.”

She went to ask another question, but her words caught in her mouth as a shout came from behind her, then an Academy guard shoved his way through the portal. He had gaunt features, and one of his arms was covered in bloody bandages. In the other he held a sword, and an earring dangled down the side of his head. She thought it looked familiar, but it was hard to make out from such a distance.

“By the order of the Spire Head of Dimid, Vevosis, get out of my way!” He roared, shoving students as he forced his way forward.

Marcus winced, looking away and licking his lips. “Oh boy. Here we go...”

“What happened?” Lucia asked.

Marcus clicked his tongue, lowering his voice to not be overheard. “These guys might be… Well, let’s just say I was trying to delay them as much as possible…” He trailed off as another four guards scrambled through the portal. He waited for them to shove their way out of the chamber. “They might be after Leif.”

“What? Why? Did he commit a crime or something?”

“No, nothing like that. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but I think his identity got revealed somehow?”

“His identity? What do you mean?”

“Oh, right. He hasn’t told you. There’s a reason he wears a mask, I can’t really say more than that though. It isn’t my place to tell you. But it doesn’t matter. He’s not an enemy of the Academy or whatever, but it looks like they’re tunnel visioning onto him. Idiots.”

Several more guards spilled into the chamber, followed by an elegant man in a red coat. Every student in the room froze, then were tugged to the side, clearing a path for the Spire Head and his people to pass through. Roy slammed up against the wall, letting out a cry of pain. Several other people tripped and fell, some activating skills in panic as they felt their bodies fall out of their control.

“Out of my way, children. I will… protect you.” Vevosis said, his tone light, almost casual. Then he strode out of the room, leaving behind the chaos he had created.

Lucia grabbed Roy, quickly checking him over for injuries. His arm had scraped against stone, and the skin was raw and red. She glared in the direction the man and his guards had gone. She felt heat rising to her head and her fists clenched. Surprisingly, the man wasn’t a complete stranger. She had seen him once before, though at the time she hadn’t known his name, only the organisation he represented.

“Fracture.” She whispered, her voice trembling. She took Roy by the hand.

“Hmm? What was that?” Marcus asked, turning to face her with a worried expression. “What’s a fracture? Is something broken?”

“He…” Lucia said. “He was there… He was… my family… Oh gods.”

“Sis, please let go.” Roy whimpered, and his voice broke her from her building anger and panic. She jerked her hand away from Roy’s arm, letting out a sharp exhale of breath as she saw tears in her brother’s eyes.

“I… I’m so sorry. Roy, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I… I just…”

“It’s okay.” He mumbled. “But we need to help Leif, he’s done so much for us.”

“Y-yes. Let’s go. Let’s go after them.”

“Hey, kids. Wait, don’t go outside, there’s a war going on… Ah damn. What the hells.” Marcus said, watching them as they ran out the room, making use of the same path Vevosis had created. He cursed, and went to follow, but the recovering students blocked his path. He cursed again, yelling for Lucia and Roy to stop.

They didn’t.


Leif flexed his will, and both javelin’s returned to him, sailing through the air as he pulled them with [Wood Manipulation]. With a mental command, both weapons vanished. Zane landed beside him, the second Blade wiping sweat from his brow.

“There sure were a lot of them.” He said, sheathing his sword and placing his hands on his hips. “Couldn’t have done it without you. Well, not while protecting the portal hub. What a pain. I’m really not looking forward to the endless meetings about what to do after this.”

“I’m surprised an invasion fleet even made it to the Academy undetected.” Leif said, placing a hand on the man’s shoulder, pushing healing energy into him. He was curious as to how the republic had managed the feat, but he spent too much time here. He needed to leave, find Hera and hope that he could avoid those chasing after him. Leif looked back towards the entrance he had been defending, and his heart sank.

Dark uniformed guards were streaming out of the portal hub, several spreading out to cover either side of the approach.

“Oh look, reinforcements. Glad they showed up after we did most of the work.” Zane commented. The man frowned, his brow creasing as he observed the new arrivals.

A figure in red marched out of the portal hub, his eyes sparkling with crimson light. The guards all raised their weapons, several kindling skills in preparation to attack. Leif let his remaining golden arms drop to his sides. He sighed in resignation.

“Zane Low, I must thank you for apprehending the… asset.” Vevosis said, his tone smooth and silky. He spoke to the Blade, but his gaze was locked onto Leif. It was predatory, hungry.

“Asset?” Zane asked, shooting Leif a look. “Vivy, what the hells are you on about? And don’t you have your own island to be protecting?”

“I assure you that things are under control on Dimid. I am simply here to perform my duties to humanity.

“Humanity? Is that so?”

Vevosis smiled, but didn’t look away from Leif. “It is.”

Leif rolled his neck, this was exactly the kind of situation he had hoped to avoid when coming to the Academy. Now he was trapped between a Blade and a Spire Head, and the only way out was to use [The Amber Path] to escape back to the anchor he had placed next to the domain tree. It had been going so well, but now everyone he had been involved with over the past few weeks would have to answer uncomfortable questions about his identity, and if they had known what he was, why they had helped him.

As the guards surrounded him, keeping a safe distance, he looked up. Flashes of light still filled the misty sky, though they seemed further away than they had been when he first arrived on Lutum. Hera was out there, but she likely hadn’t noticed the situation, too busy engaged in her own battles. The corpses of those who had assaulted the portal hub littered the ground, the strange constructs, not unlike those that were in the depths of the temple, sparked and smouldered where they had been destroyed.

“Explain, Vivy. Because I’m not interested in helping you capture an ally.”

“Ally? My dear, that is no ally. The thing standing beside you is an enemy of humanity. An ancient and formidable foe that has done more damage to our species than you could imagine.”

Two small figures appeared in the entranceway. And Leif wondered how everything had gone so wrong.

“An enemy, huh? Doesn’t look like one to me. But there are lots of enemies still on the island, how about you do humanity a favour and help us clean up? As opposed to standing around here and doing nothing?”

Vevosis didn’t move, but his presence rose up, towering and sanguine. “Yes. An enemy. After all, the thing masquerading as a person is not human, am I correct, monster?”

“Could I say anything to convince you otherwise?” Leif said, locking gazes with the Spire Head. The vitality within his body churned, hot and energetic. But even so, he doubted the man would have much difficulty restraining him with his blood magic.

“You cannot. And don’t even think about taking a single step. You are in my custody now, creature. No longer will you threaten these islands, our precious students.”

Leif saw the confused expression on Lucia and Roy’s face, both children were staring at him unbelieving. He hesitated, then he reached up and removed his mask, tossing it to the ground with a clatter that echoed in the pervasive silence that followed. Would they capture him? Or would they kill him outright? A memory from the distant past, of an amber tree lashing out in fear and confusion as his world was torn apart. Leif’s ivory fists clenched, the wood creaking from the force.

“I am Leif Vin. I was human once.” He tensed for battle. “I am no threat to you, or the Academy. My time here has been peaceful, and I have nothing to do with the invasion that has taken place. Is taking place.”

“Lies.” Vevosis said. “How could something as filthy as you be innocent?”

“I will not yield my life to you.”

“Oh, you don’t have a choice. No choice at all.”

Shouts came from behind them, but Leif didn’t turn. A group of invaders charged into the square, and froze at the sight of the stand off. The guards surrounding Leif didn’t budge, their weapons still focused on him alone.

Zane drew his blade, and the air sharpened. “I don’t know what’s going on, but we have a war to fight. People to save. How about we delay this little argument until after the lives of those under our care are safe?”

“Seize it.” Vevosis said, ignoring the Blade and flicking his hand in Leif’s direction.

Icy cold raced through Leif’s body, and moving became a hundred times harder. The guards all moved as one, even as the republic soldiers prepared their skills from behind them. [Surge of Life and Growth] activated at full power, and he used [Wood Manipulation] to wrench back control over his own limbs.


Suddenly an invisible blade was at everyone’s throat. Every guard and every invader, and everyone froze. Vevosis’s eyes narrowed as blood trickled down his neck, and he finally looked away from Leif, his cool gaze locking onto Zane. “What are you doing?”

The second Blade grit his teeth, the strain of holding whatever skill he had used in place quickly taking its toll. “This is idiocy. Nobody is doing anything… until I say so. Not… a… single… one… of… you.”

“You would defend one of your enemies? An enemy of humanity?”

“You would prioritise this over your duty? If you and your little Fracture buddies cared half as much about humanity as you pretend to, you would be fighting to save lives. You… Leif, was it? You stay right here, this is not over. Try to run, and I’ll cut you down.”

“You don’t have the authority to threaten me, Low.” Vevosis growled.

“Do you want to get censured? You want to lose your cosy little position as Spire Head? Because I’ll remove you from your post myself, I’ll do it right here and now if I need to.”

“You do not understand. You do not comprehend the mistake-”

“I don’t give a shit about your schemes and your bullshit. You, monster. You’re in my custody now. Now nobody gets what they want. Are you happy now?”

Nobody said anything. Then two children sprinted into the ring of guards, a boy and a girl. They tackled Leif, and even with every ounce of their strength they couldn’t have moved him if they had wanted to. Zane blinked in surprise, glancing down at Lucia and Roy. The invisible sword threatening to remove Leif’s head from his shoulders shimmered, then broke.

Leif grabbed both children with an ivory hand each, and let them push him back.

A single step.

Two very different powers tried to stop him. One sharp, and one bloody.

Two aura’s crashed down onto him, attempting to stifle his skill activation.

Individually, Leif wasn’t a match for either man. At least not in a direct confrontation. But aura strength? He could manage, if only for just a second.

But a second was all he needed.

And then they were gone, in a streak of amber light.

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